Park Service

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Ranger goes naked for a day in the mountains with her boss.
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Good luck today babe!

Thank you! I'm feeling good.

How are you texting me back? I thought you'd already be on the mountain.

Park service has a private tower on the mountain for sending data from our monitoring stations. I'm connected into it because we're sending images back to the office once we get to the sites.

Ahhhh, that makes sense.

I'm pissed though. They split up our group and I'm stuck with Chris. Lauren went with Sarah because we had to visit sites on two different slopes of the mountain and we have run out of time before we need to complete our project.

Why are you pissed? I thought you liked working with him.

Well, Lauren and I had a plan to ditch Chris for a little bit and get Sarah to take our picture doing one of those standing naked in nature pics with one of the beautiful panoramas. This is the last fieldwork trip and we ran out of time. Never got a good chance.

Just ask Chris to take the picture for you.

Har har har. Yeah, I'm asking my boss to take a naked picture of me.

No, I'm serious. It's not *that* random. It is a whole "thing" right now. Tell him it is an internship right of passage for your program. You said he's cool. I'm sure he'd understand and not be a dick about it.

You really are serious.

You'd be cool with that? Honestly?

Yes. It doesn't have to be a big deal. Just go for it.

I'll think about it.


Jason and I had been dating for a little over two years, having met senior year at college. We'd been lucky enough to be together for my first year in grad school since he got a job locally. A better job eventually came up that took him to San Francisco so we had done the long distance thing for the past year. It was in no way easy, but we had made it work. Neither of us really knew what was going to happen when I finished grad school. I think we were both too scared to even bring up the question.

I got a great internship with the National Park Service that was going to fulfill my last requirement for graduation, but more importantly give me the field work experience I needed to really compete for a job. That put some additional strain on our relationship, but Jason was more supportive than I could have ever imagined. Two months into my internship I got called into my boss's boss's office which was completely out of the ordinary. Not knowing what to expect, I was practically sick from nervousness as I stood outside the door trying to compose myself before going in.

Sarah immediately caught on to my anxiety, laughed, and said, "Ok, first you need to relax. I have good news."

Easier said than done, but at least now I knew I hadn't screwed something up.

"A few weeks back a full-time position opened up that made me think of you. I called the regional lead and recommended you. He just called me back this morning. The job is yours if you want it. Your boyfriend is in SF, isn't he?"


"The Northern California team needs a field worker that can flex around through the various sites across their territory. It requires travel, so they weren't able to fill it from any of the local rangers. You'd be based in SF and on the road roughly three to four weeks per quarter. They loved your resume and think that you'd make a great addition to the team."

Of course I said yes.

Jason was even more excited than I was, if that's even possible. Relieved that we'd obviously dodged a bullet on the long distance thing he immediately asked me to move in with him.

Of course I said yes.

So, our world had just gotten simpler and our relationship a notch more serious before I had to buckle down and focus on completing my final research project. So my soon-to-be live-in boyfriend basically suggesting that I flash my boss was a) unexpected, b) deeply confusing, and c) completely insane.


Of course I said yes.



Ummmm, wow!

I... thought.... well, he's so *close*! I thought you'd be off in the distance or something like this.


I am! Or I was. He zoomed in to take the picture.

Sneaky bastard. 😎

Are you mad?

No. Just surprised.

So, he saw everything, didn't he?


Are you still naked?


And he walked right up to you and handed you your phone, didn't he?


I didn't know he was going to do that, I swear! I said to him what you said, "it doesn't have to be a big deal."

He was so casual about walking up to me. Like I wasn't totally naked. Told me to check the pic to make sure I got the shot I wanted.

Are you turned on?


My pussy is weeping.

Are you mad?

No, I'm really not. I know you didn't plan it this way.

And I'm not the least bit surprised you're so turned on. We've talked about your fantasy before. You just stumbled right into it. Enjoy it!

Where are your clothes?

Over behind a rock out of the shot.

Where is he now?

Back up on the trail.

I want you to take your clothes, fold them up, and go give them to Chris. Tell him that he decides when you get to get dressed again.


I know this is a bucket list fantasy opportunity for you. Give him your clothes.

Babe! That's not a good idea.

In fact it is a HORRIBLE idea.

Why? You went into conservancy because you love nature. And this is your big nature au naturelle fantasy come to life. (With a little bit of submission thrown in on the side.) This is the perfect chance. I don't want you to miss it. You don't know when you'll have an opportunity like this again.

Babe! I still think it is a bad idea.



Because I don't think I can be trusted.

I'm sorry.

I know 100% what is going to happen.


I'm ok with it. I think it's super sexy. And kinky. I'm turned on by it. Now go do it.

No regrets. I'm done chatting.

I love you!


I took one last look at the poorly photoshopped "hall pass" in my texts and shook my head. One or both of us must be insane, probably both. Still, I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt so turned on. So alive. Before I could think more clearly about the stupid thing I was about to do, I gathered up my clothes, took a few deep breaths, and climbed back up onto the path. Chris had his back turned to me and was busying himself on his phone.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.


He stared at his phone for another half second. "Ready to go?" He slowly turned around and began to reach down for his pack. His eyes registered his surprise to see me standing there still naked, but only for an instant. His poker face was perfect--total eye contact.

"Chris, I.... I have a favor to ask. I didn't plan this, but I suddenly can't stop thinking about this."

I was still holding the pile of my clothes in front of me. I pushed them into his chest but all he did was stare me in the eye.

"I... I... I want you to take these and you get to decide when I can get dressed again."

A pause seemed to stretch out forever before I found my voice to continue.

"I know this is really weird and against a billionty rules, but I swear to keep it a secret. I want to do the trip like this for a while. Naked. Until you say otherwise."

I made another attempt to push the stack of clothing into his chest again. This time he slowly brought his arms up and accepted them.

There was another awkward silence. I wasn't quite sure what to do with my hands. At first I made a weak attempt at covering myself--one arm pressed into my breasts and the other hand cupped over my pussy. I'd literally just asked him if I could go naked for the day with him, so that made me feel stupid. If anything, that made it more awkward. I steeled myself with an audible deep breath and slowly let them drop to my sides. I shifted my weight back and forth, suddenly aware of my own slick wetness.

"We've got work to do. You're the boss. So I go naked until you tell me to get dressed. Yes?" Despite my attempts to be cool I heard a bit of pleading in my voice and winced at my own desperation.

His poker face ever so slowly shifted into a very subtle smirk, then a smile.

"Ok, Chloe. You're right. We have work to do."

Holy shit with the eye contact. This man could stare down a fucking tiger. Finally he turned, stuffed the pile of clothes into his pack, and gestured toward the trail.

"You lead the way."

Aha! Apparently he is human. I slung my light pack (just a day trip) onto my back and started off up the trail in nothing more than a small backpack, a pair of wool socks, and my boots. Part of me wanted to put a little sway in my step, but instead I tried to pretend nothing was out of the ordinary.

It was a fairly easy hike so we made small talk as we climbed, mostly catching up on my plans after graduation. This internship and my research paper were the last requirements for my degree, so I was pretty excited. He was really amused that I'm specializing in forestry and animal management, but the full-time job I got with the park service is in San Francisco.

"It's just the home base for work I'll be doing over big parts of Northern California!"

I looked over my shoulder at him laughing as I said this and was reminded that he's fully clothed. The reminder sent a shiver down my spine straight to my pussy. I'd never really fully forgotten that I was naked with the way my tits were gently bouncing with every step. But I was suddenly conscious of the fact that my thighs were a bit slick with my wetness.

The doubts started to creep in: Oh god, he can see that can't he? Dumbass, of course he can! He's staring at your naked ass that's also doing a bouncing routine with every step.

Hmmpf, I had to take a big step to move from a rock to a large log across the trail. As I lengthened my stride I felt cool air on my pussy lips and remembered that he can see a lot more than my ass as I covered the terrain.


I suddenly snapped out of my trance and realized that he's been talking to me while I'd been inner monologuing. Shit!

"Sorry, just trying to focus on not falling on my ass up here."

"No... No, we wouldn't want that now would we?"

It didn't take long before we reached the first of our two sites. Chris sent me to check the rain collectors and the sample sites while he checked out the huge lock box with the power units and the data relays. We got busy and down to work. I had tons to do and not a ton of time. I was so focused I think I actually forgot that I was naked for a while. I had the logs and all my notes spread out on a slab of rock on the ground as I checked the figures and entered them on the tablet. It wasn't until I heard Chris's voice behind me that I realized I was on my elbows and knees with my legs spread and ass in the air!

"You about done? I need to check out your work before we move on."

My work? Instantly I felt a flush of excitement and shame as I realized the up close and personal view I'd just given him. God, my pussy was probably totally open to him. I was trying to pretend it was no big deal, so I just looked over my shoulder and called out the peaks and averages from the data. Internally, my brain was screaming, "Don't move... don't cover up. Don't even close your legs. You'll just call more attention to how lewd this is." I'm not sure who I was kidding. My pussy was wet. Really wet. But was that a hint of a tent in his shorts? How long had he been standing there?

Oh, god... I need him to fuck me.

As slowly and nonchalantly as I could manage, I got up and handed him the tablet to check I'd entered the data correctly. It was all I could do to stop from shaking as I stepped past him to pack up.

It was hot. Really hot. Another reason to be happy I was naked. Thankfully we'd had tree cover for most of the hike so far. Around the bend, though, it opened up into a large prairie with rustling grasses flanking the trail. I had to pause in awe at just how beautiful it is up there. This side of the mountain isn't where the famous photos are taken, but it is breathtaking nonetheless.

I could really feel the sun almost instantly. It was a good feeling, but the rays were strong as we approached midday. Chris shimmied out of his backpack and started rummaging through it.

"You're going to need sunscreen or you're going to hate life later."

He was totally right, especially with all the bits on display that don't normally see the sun. As I stared off into the hillside, from behind me he said, "Arms up!" and started to rub the cream into my shoulders and back. I shivered involuntarily and not 'cause I was cold! His hands felt so fucking good on me that I kept biting my lip to keep from moaning. As he worked further down my back, I wondered when he would stop... and hoped that he wouldn't. Just shy of my ass he began working back upwards and I realized I was disappointed. But as he worked more lotion in around my sides his finger tips lightly grazed the sides of my breasts and I let out an audible sigh.

Without ceremony he cupped my ass and worked the sunscreen in, all business. It was only for a moment and then he skipped to my ankles. His hands felt heavenly on my calves, especially after our hike so far. I felt like I was on fire. When he reached my knee he nudged my legs apart slightly and sunk his fingers into my thighs, going all the way up!

I still had no idea what he was thinking or where this was all headed. I was mortified but flushed as his fingers grazed my pussy lips when he reached the top. I knew he now knew how wet I was. And he knew I knew. Yet, he still said nothing. As quickly as he arrived, he switched to the other leg and started all over. Working up over my ass, he worked his hands around my hips. I love how strong his hands were. I momentarily lost my balance as his hands were pulling me towards him then away, working the cream back and forth. An image flashed through my mind--I'm on my hands and knees again back at the site, only this time he's fucking me hard from behind and his hands are pulling me up and down on his cock.

The anticipation was killing me as I wondered if he was going to finish the job. Playing a little grab ass might be a funny prank to him. I reminded myself that I still had no idea where he would draw the line. Nope... shouldn't have worried; he spun me around and started in on the fronts of my legs. His poker face was unbelievable. Completely expressionless. And only inches away from my pussy. Shins. Thighs. Check. Then on to my arms. I tried to match his calm as we were face to face, just looking at the protected woods from where we'd come.

I was sure I was completely failing to look like it wasn't driving me insane as he squirted a big glob of sunscreen right between my tits, streaking them with unmistakeable double entendre. I gave up all pretense that I was above this as he worked my tits roughly with his palms. Low moans escaped my lips as he squatted down and worked my stomach, covering the last few remaining inches of exposed skin. The sunscreen caught in my thin landing strip so he had to work it in a little harder, lingering til it was gone.

This is it. The moment. He's going to touch me. Please! Please do it. I thought I might just come as soon as he touched my clit.

But wasn't to be. He took one soft swipe over my pussy lips, just enough so that I spread my legs a bit more instinctively.

And then he was gone.

I was literally panting. I was right on the edge and he knew it. My hips thrust forward to try to maintain the contact. Instead he stood up and turned back to his pack, closing it up and slinging it over his shoulder. Reaching down, he pushed my pack toward me. I was still standing arms extended, slightly spread eagle, chest rising and falling rapidly, wondering what just happened.

With barely a smirk, he just said, "Time to go." How could he ignore my disappointment--that I was obviously on the edge of an orgasm?!? I'll never know. And just like that, he was off up the trail. It was a few moments before I could collect myself enough to shoulder my pack and follow.

I walked on in a fog, unaware how much further we'd come when Chris stopped at a crest. Once I caught up I was surprised by the most beautiful scene I'd ever experienced. The prairie gave way to a rocky outcrop where I could see the rest of the range for the first time. Below, a lake I didn't know existed was the most amazing shade of blue. I couldn't even speak. The ache in my pussy was momentarily forgotten. It was a moment I'll remember forever.

"Go on... let's get your picture." He nudged me forward gently. I turned to him with tears of gratitude, unable to say anything. He just squeezed my hand and said, "This was a detour, but I knew that this was the photo you wanted."

I threw my arms around him and squeezed him tightly, barely able to say, "Thank you!" as my heart caught in my throat. Pressing against him felt more intimate than when he was working me into a sunscreen-coated frenzy, so I just held him for a moment. I could feel the obvious bulge of a hardening cock pressed against my stomach but there was something beyond sex about the moment.


I walked out to the edge of the outcropping and spread my arms wide. I felt like I was floating, wind flowing through my hair, naked as I'd ever been. This scene belongs to me. For an instant, all of this is mine--the wind, the rocks, the lake, distant peaks. Mine--one with nature. There is nowhere else in the world that matters. I don't know how long I stood there, but finally, reluctantly, I turned and joined him back near the trail.

"Is it all you dreamed it would be?"

"Better. Unbelievable. This is just amazing."

The photo was incredible. I couldn't believe my eyes. I knew that this was going to get framed and hung on my wall. I'd never been so proud.

"Send it to him. He's probably dying to know what's going on." The smile was kind now, caring, and warm. There was no sarcasm or stoicism.


That's... that's just amazing! I've never seen anything like it. How did it feel?

Like I'm the only one here. Like it is all mine.

Thank you babe. I don't even know how to describe today, but just thank you. It's been a great day so far.

Excellent. Now get back to work! Love you. Call me when you get home.

Ok. Love you too.

When I was done putting my phone away in my pack, Chris was just starting to unbutton his service shirt.

"Turn around."

"Why? Watcha doin?"

"Changing into something lighter weight. But you don't get to watch."


"You're not allowed to see. You're the only one going naked today--not me."

Disappointed and a bit pouty, I did what I was told. When he was finished he added some sunscreen to his arms and away we went. I was on top of the world, totally satisfied with myself after the perfect photo. We were approaching the end of the clearing where the stones and grass met an even line of trees. I was looking forward to some shade and--hopefully--slightly cooler air.

And then I heard voices!

At least two men were talking to each other and they were obviously getting close. Sizing up the distance I realized I had no chance of making it to the tree line as they were clearly coming right toward us. Nowhere to hide! No cover of any kind. My heart started pounding. My stomach sunk.

I turned to Chris in a panic. "Quick!!! Get out my clothes. Someone's coming!"