All Comments on 'Paying the Piper'

by ttt59

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  • 446 Comments (Page 3)
Texican1830Texican1830about 2 years ago

Dark, emotional, compelling, and powerful tale. I’ve lived through some tough times in my years, but I can’t envision taking my own life and abandoning my children to an unknown fate. Great story, though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A very great and intriguing read - with a very depressing ending!

We understand the timeline with the birthday, but why wait 12 years before the revenge payback?

Seemed like it should have happened after the 4-year suicide deadline? Why give the guilty slut cheater and the loose dick all those years to enjoy?

He also took a big chance that all the necessary players and those affected would still be around after 12 years????

Yes, we understand he may have waited until his children were old enough to cope with the true facts about their mother, but?????

Dry good and well written in-depth 1st story! Looking for more of the same hi-bar caliber!

Thank you.


LWLover60LWLover60about 2 years ago

One story and along with almost a hundred others at this point I'm following you - that's a stellar review in and of itself. The only criticism I can make are a few simple spelling errors like use of "accept" when you meant "except". No biggie, just something to keep an eye on.

FredHuckFredHuckabout 2 years ago

Wow ttt59, excellent story!!!

I enjoyed reading it very much...

I hope you have thick skin,because you will need it on here!!!

There are an Unending number of Rabid fool's who will say anything no matter how stupid, to get their 15 seconds of attention...

Just ignore these pitiful people, they have no life...

There are several authors you might want to get to know on here that seem to enjoy helping other authors...

Here are the names of some of that come to mind;

BLACKRANDL1958 with 85 Stories & 5692 Followers

Harddaysknight with 195 Stories & 5685 Followers,

StangStar06 With 175 Stories & 4879 Followers

Soul71 with 163 Stories & 4898 Followers

Any of the above would be good people to get to know...

Keep up the good work & keep posting...

Looking forward to reading your stories as you post them...

5 🌟s


Prince020402Prince020402about 2 years ago

Four and a half pages of a very well written story, complete with great character development and real emotions.

My take on the end:

If I'm Sara or Michael and I read his letter at age 20, here are my thoughts:

Mom fucked up bad, really bad, and note to self- don't have an affair when I'm married.

But Mom dealt with it and moved on and took responsibility because she had to raise us.

Mom was there to help with homework.

Mom was there to drive us to our activities and cheer us on in the stands and clap at our concerts and plays.

Mom was there to guide us through our first crushes and heartbreaks.

Mom was there to take the abuses that all teenagers bestow upon their parents at some time or another, and when Michael crashed the car and when I got caught smoking pot.

Mom was there to help pick out the prom dress and meet our dates.

Mom helped us in the college selection process....and she did a pretty damn good job since we are at a couple of the best universities in the country.

Mom was beaming at our graduation.

Mom worked full time while doing all this on her own.

Dad? This guy we've held in such high regard? Turns out he's a coward. Unlike most people in this world who are wronged one way or another, they mourn, pick themselves up and move on so they can meet their responsibilities. This fucker decided to abandon us. Not only that, he's proven to be petty and vindictive 11 years after his death in attempting to turn us against our one remaining parent who he left holding the bag. What mom did to him was bad, but he never thought of us. I'd take divorced parents with both contributing to our upbringing just like half of our friends that have divorced parents. Our dad is nothing more than a scumbag.

Ring, ring. "Hey Mom. All things considered this guy Bennett sounds like a fairly good dude. Why don't you give him a call. We'd like to meet him."

The point is, the Rick you wrote would have never done what you had him do.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This has got to be THE BEST story in LW, possibly on the entire Big L site. For those who haven't realized it, this is the ultimate BTB story. Just too bad the kids lost their father and, probably after receiving Rick's letters, their mother as well.

CDRLawCDRLawabout 2 years ago

too long but very compelling story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Extremely well written story. That being said, I could not take Rick's actions as believable. I speak from experience because I was Rick. 30 years ago I was married to the absolute love of my life. I could not imagine any future without her in it. We had a three year old son and were planning more. I found out about m wife's affair from a neighbor. I was crushed beyond all belief and my emotional state and thought process was very similar to Rick's up to but excluding option 3.

The whole basis of his suicide was that he heard some psychologist say that death of a parent is less harmful than abandonment. That may or may not be true but most divorces are not abandonment. In most divorces one parent will have custody and the other remains in the child's life. In our case I demanded no less than 50-50 custody and that worked just fine for our son throughout his childhood. Now 34, when asked about our divorce he quotes the immortal words of Walker and Texas Ranger, Ricky Bobby's sons when told of their parents impending divorce, "Yea!!! Two Christmases!!!"

It was not ideal and was not easy and I hated the bitch for quite a while. Life went on I remarried (a huge upgrade) and 22 years later we're happy as ever. The hate for my ex wife is a mere memory- I don't like her but I don't hate her anymore. We shared our sons accomplishments and his wedding day and now our grandchildren. Option 3 never occurred to me and quite frankly would have ended very badly for my son.

DFWBeastDFWBeastabout 2 years ago

Thank you for the excellent read. Well written and full of emotion. Very well done. Look forward to reading more of your works.

mattenwmattenwabout 2 years ago

The story you told is well written, but the content is not acceptable to me. Your statement "Children can deal with loss so much better than the choice of abandonment that comes with divorce." is inherently wrong. Children can live less well in a toxic environment than in a clear environment. Children sense immediately when something is wrong between their parents and usually feel guilty about this situation. Clear relationships, such as a separation, give the children more security than further living together, which actually isn't one! The death of a parent robs the children of any opportunity to grow up together. And suicide is the greatest defeat a man can inflict on himself. It's pure cowardice. Is it still understandable when a seriously ill person, who is in severe pain and whose quality of life is no longer available, commits suicide, then for the protagonist in your story it is an unprecedented act of self-humiliation. Others refer to this as the revenge of the little man. After 12 years of death, he, who, according to your words, pays so much attention to the well-being and woe of his children, explains to them that he committed suicide because his wife cheated on him. With the feelings that his children then triggered, he can be happy afterwards. I find it more than characterless of him to torment his children, parents and parents-in-law so much, even when he is dead. There can no longer be any question of an empathetic and loving father/son. 2* because you have done a lot of work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Thank you! Emotionally powerful and very well written. Please continue writing🕊

cyrus8cyrus8about 2 years ago

For a guy who implemented a convoluted plan under the guise of protecting the children, his final revenge is callous to their feelings

Good first effort!

BlackHeart93BlackHeart93about 2 years ago

This is a hard-hitting story of a man blindsided by his wife. There are never good answers—especially when young children are involved. However, suicide is not the way out. It is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. In this case, it was designed to hurt the wife, which it did. but, it affected so many more people for the rest of their lives. The obvious answer was divorce. Rick still could have been a major influence in his childrens' lives, even as much as Cindy assuming he had free access to his kids. His actions years after his death seemed out of character. While he got revenge on everybody that hurt him—his kids would suffer irrepairable damage as well. He took the cowards way out...

HargaHargaabout 2 years ago

For your first, wow. So well written and easy to read. Don't agree with Rick committing suicide and leaving his kids. Thats the cowards way out. Otherwise a great story.

textosteronetextosteroneabout 2 years ago

Absolutely loved what you did here. Excellent witting. Superb Narrative. I'll overlook the first conversation between Brad and Cindy where you referred to Brad as Rick a few times. Many may say it doesn't belong here in LW but I 100% disagree. It had everything the other LW stories have and more. A very impressive tale and a joy to read. Thank you for the submission.

TonyspencerTonyspencerabout 2 years ago

Well, that was dark and certainly an emphatic way to BTB. But love is strong, you can see that this was the only way out in his mind, like ripping off the plaster for his kids and then rip it off again, taking skin with it. Excellent.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarabout 2 years ago

Well written story with an unusual ending. I'll score(5*) based on how well the story is told not what I think of the character's actions. Rick was a coward. Bennett a cad in the original sense of the word, Cindy was a narcissist of the first order. Miserable group of people.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This was an incredibly sad story! Now we know why the Bible says revenge is for the Lord to take. No winners here. The victim in my opinion becomes the villian with his despicable actions. Forgiveness and healing are always better options.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

iameasel..."so drop your politics unless you can keep a factual even keel from letting your stupidity overwhelm you again,"


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Looks like the Piper got his due 10 times over. 5*

BabalooieBabalooieabout 2 years ago

Very well done but depressing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Wow is right. This is so well written even as it drags your heart over the broken glass. I kept waiting for her to realize the cost of her short term thrill and, of course, then there wouldn't be a story. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good writing but you had her fall for bennett based on looks and his charm and skills at charming women. Did you have to give him a bigger dick than rick? Why even write about size as you said rick was good size and she enjoyed him.

Once i would like a cheating wife that doesnt care about dick size.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Without any doubt this has been the best LW story I've read this year.


TexasBBTexasBBabout 2 years ago

Fantastic first effort! Definitely a little dark but very well done. Looking forward to more of your submissions

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Nope. Use your skills to actually write something erotic next time.

SwordWielderSwordWielderabout 2 years ago

Good story, but I think it went the wrong way. His decision to commit suicide and provide for his children's financial health was a poor one. Yes he destroyed his wife, and her lover, but he also caused years (decades worth) of pain to both his children. He's dead now, and chances are Cindy may very well take her own life soon considering the letters her sent. So now his kids are in their early 20's, finishing school and may get married in a few years, and have children. Where is he? Dead. Grandpa chose the cowards way out. He should have divorced Cindy, and if he wanted yes he could have ruined her relationship with the family. It wouldn't make sense to ruin her financially at this point because he would have to pay more in the divorce. He should have divorced her, get joint custody, and been the best father to the kids, and lived a good life. Cindy would live with regret for the rest of her life, and chances are that she wouldn't find as good a partner as he was. Let him find a beautiful single/divorced/widowed woman, maybe who is now a single mother, and build a new family with them. Cindy will live a life of jealousy and regret. Maybe Cindy's old colleague Lisa is interested in him, or Brad knows someone? I'm sure the word will spread between family and friends that Cindy had an affair, and any good guy (especially those that have money and are interested in a serious relationship) will avoid her like the plague. 15 - 25 years down the road, should be interesting when their kids get married. Their father is happy with his new wife and kid(s), and is also a great father to them; he just avoids Cindy and will have nothing to do with her.

King_MacAulayKing_MacAulayabout 2 years ago

Look, it is well written. But holy crap, this is probably one of the highest levels of BTB I've seen. It's just too damn sad for me man. Just too sad.

whiskeypapa22whiskeypapa22about 2 years ago

What a wuss, he should fired bennet off the balcony, So full of self-pity and vindictive and crying like a baby. he should have burned her right away why wait until years after his death, and suicide, he should have suicided his wife.

Bebop3Bebop3about 2 years ago

Congratulations on posting your first story. Quite the auspicious start. I look forward to reading your next.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story especially for a first time. I believe you used the "if only she would have know" thought too often. The ending was unnecessary and just silly. Otherwise a strong 4

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very good story, but killing yourself over a self centred whore is a waste. Also, to give her and him 12 years of respite is 11 years to long before taking revenge. Looking forward to more dark stories from you.

grogers7grogers7about 2 years ago

Enjoyed it.

Winfield Scott was a 19th Century General of the US Army

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Wow! Riveting! Tragic....Shakespearean Tragic in fact! Just the right amount of lurid sex. My heart was dragged through the coals with Rick. The Lori character was a FANTASTIC add to the unfolding plot!

I didn't think the final play on his 45th birthday was realistic nor was it in the character of Rick - he wouldn't have done so much to protect the kids only to shit over them later - I personally would have left that final plot pivot out, so I choose to end the story at the funeral. But for anyone thinking that Rick's suicide was unrealistic, I will share that I had a very close friend kill himself just to spite his wife - albeit a different circumstance - I imagine there was infidelity in the marriage somewhere, but in his case it was just a tragically bad marriage between two very damaged people - but alas, he did it.

One of the other commenters summed it up perfectly: Rick (like my friend) was a coward, Bennett was a worthless Cad, and Cindy was a classic entitled narcissist ....... those personalities were woven together so well, and it is a riveting read. I look forward to more from ttt59.

Some pointers (as a reader): tighter editing and more concise: scenes with wracking sobs can be powerfully emotional, but with repetition the reader starts to numb to it. You probably could have accomplished everything in this tale in 3 (maybe 4) pages.

Regguy69Regguy69about 2 years ago

Excellent first offering, but wow! Talk about reaching out from the grave to haunt someone.

His third option was not really an option. He claimed it would be easier on his kids than divorce. That assumes he’d never have anything of value to offer his kids including: love, devotion, support, encouragement, wisdom, instruction, advice, a role model, morals, and money. His option provides money and a lie for the kids to embrace for 13 years and then devastation when his letter exposes his fraud. Of course the wife, if her assertions of love are real, would be crushed by his suicide and then demolished by his revenge 13 years later, but at what cost? Is getting revenge on her worth the pain his actions inflicted on his children? It is certainly NOT worth the surrender of his own life. No amount of fraudulent insurance money can replace a loving father in the children’s lives. His third option is a complete failure.

KRD19254KRD19254about 2 years ago

I'm so glad that Rick had the means and these close friends to 'serve it cold'.


The short in the story would be; details of the Twins & Grandparents next meeting with Cindy after this final letter, especially Rick's parents, ouch. Yup, Rick could never trust her again and made sure interested parties knew the truth.... salute.


For those that have never been wronged in this way, you can never know the dark thoughts that go though your mind and how many times suicide becomes so very appealing. Or how many times you hold a pistol to your head but lack the guts to pull the trigger, eventually despair will displace guts.


Eventually, you go numb and just live for the kids. Rick was a failure in not living just for his kids, but I must salute him in masking his suicide so that burden was never put upon the kids until they became adults.


6*, Hooyah, Salutes...


22 Veterans daily commit suicide. Was it PTSD, or failed wife/marriage/relationship, or failed job? That secret goes to the grave.

Rainman80Rainman80about 2 years ago

A well written story. Do you have another tale you'll tell?

Thank you!

maxx308maxx308about 2 years ago

Great story very well written. Revenge from the grave, I like that!

Keep writing and posting.

PiperHamlinPiperHamlinabout 2 years ago

I just realize if "The Piper" was really paid, my Venmo account would be exploding.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Absolutely great story telling. While this is the first story you've posted to Literotica I very much doubt this is the first story you've written. Certainly hope you'll share more of your work. 5* doesn't do this one justice and just has me intrigued to read some more.

lukeey90lukeey90about 2 years ago

Bad decisions for the kid's and for himself...No way!!!

robinhodrobinhodabout 2 years ago

Powerful stuff.

Loads of glowing compliments.

However, If I'd been marking this as homework, it would have had a LOT of red pencil indicating typos, use of wrong words, and bad spelling.

Still an excellent contribution and I hope for more. (with a bit of editing?)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I suicide stories that are used to heighten emotional loss in a relationship and in this case he took the cowards way out leaving the children to suffer. As a up-and-coming executive he would have been able to provide for his children without the devastating loss to them. His delayed letter to them will continue the suffering and family disfunction. 2 stars for the cowards way out otherwise it was well written.

mitchawamitchawaabout 2 years ago

Incredibly well written story. The detailed dialogue and thoughts filled the story. The plot with the amazing ending was excellent, and in keeping with the greatest authors.

justwetwojustwetwoabout 2 years ago

Interesting premise. Thank you for writing this. I enjoyed it. It took me a while to get through because it didn't attract me. Instead it repelled me for some reason. But I came back and I am glad I did.

JacktacularJacktacularabout 2 years ago

Damn! Cold as the grave! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Rayjag1980Rayjag1980about 2 years ago

Very powerful story. Consequences... too many people live for the moment's pleasure and fail to grasp the wages of sin...

JacktacularJacktacularabout 2 years ago

Outstanding first story! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I am so glad that the cuck committed suicide. He was more of a selfish cunt than his slut of a wife at least she was there for her children.

Speaking of the children why are do so many of these stories have twins?

Not the worst story I've read this week but I can honestly say that there wasn't a single good character in this whole thing.

In your future stories please don't bother telling us who the designers of the clothes the lovers are wearing, it's a complete waste of time.

mitchawamitchawaabout 2 years ago

I forgot in my earlier, brief review. The stereotypical story between two loves is the obligatory fellatio and cunnilingus. This story is caught in the same trap. If two individuals are hot for each other there is no time for preliminaries. They get to the sex act sooner than later. Remember Michael Douglas, and Sharon Stone in the movie, whose title I do not remember, was pure passion from the first kiss until they engaged in hot, sweat sex. Everyone in the theater were mesmerized by that scene and the following story. I believe your story would have benefited from such a scene.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Wow great story. He sacrificed his life for the pain his kids would have went through and made sure when they were old enough to make sure they found out the truth. Well written and ooh forward to future stories. 5 🌟

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2about 2 years ago

Not a bad story but the basic premise is BS. Who ever said a child is better off with a dead parent rather than a divorced on is full of sh-t. But that would leave you without a good ending.

But the very ending with the world finding out was well done and well deserved.

InfosaugerInfosaugerabout 2 years ago

Who are these idiots that claim a dead parent is better than a divorced parent? This is only true if the paretn is a really bad parent (child molester). Otherwise a divorced parent is always better.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Bennett was a huge asshole from day one, considering his part in seducing a married woman.

The author tried way too hard to convince the reader otherwise.

MbgdallasMbgdallasabout 2 years ago

Oh boy. Rick was just a big selfish cunt. Made sure everyone paid a price even though they were innocent. The parents, the kids. Took the cowards way out.

She didn’t deserve what he heaped on her and ended up making her the sympathetic character in this story.

Bennett was just a piece of shit.

Lori turned out to be a self righteous bitch. What happened to her to want to help punish all the innocents. She should have made sure that Bennett didn’t get in Cindy’s pants if she felt that strongly about it.

The only real likable person in this story turned out to be Cindy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Whores destroy good men, then bitches complain about to if men. Raise the hand to them boys, they won’t respect you otherwise. A woman who knows the a k of your hand will stay true like a good dog.

WTFOWTFOabout 2 years ago

I can give this story five stars for it being well written and still strongly disagree with the premise kids deal with death better. My wife killed herself when our son was 8 and to quote the author, to say it destroyed our lives is like saying the Titanic had a small leak. The MC was a piece of garbage for depriving his kids of their father and then retraumatizing them later. If he loved them, as he said he did, he wouldn’t shit all over them 12 years later. The wife and Bennett are POS all around and Lori was complicit in Rick’s suicide. That being said this story works for me because living is hard and there are few happy endings with noble people. That does happen but in my experience those are like unicorns. Everyone deals with their demons in different ways and few of the ways are pretty. Hats off to the author for a good read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Boy, I’ll bet theBTBs loved this one, “revenge from beyond the grave” this was not an enjoyable story to read. Rick was as big a selfish prick as his wife, and lover were. Somewhere in a story it’s nice to have a character that is like able, all of your characters sucked.

I feel sorry for any reader that needs to read about a wife getting ruined 12 years after her affair. KS

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This was... Not good. He didn't want to hurt his kids with divorce so he.. killed himself?

He avoided a life time healing and spending times with his kids and inflicted a deep, deep trauma in them as children, then waited 12 years and dropped more trauma on them.

It's impossible to feel bad for him by the end, he might legitimately be the worst father outside of physically abusive ones. He just scarred his kids for their entire lives.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Congratulations is one of the best and strongest stories I have ever read, I hope other equally good ones follow thank you. 10 stars

RedHectorRedHectorabout 2 years ago

Not a RAAC, but a RAAD? Definitely didn't get his revenge by living a better life. It was well written but I found that revenge by suicide was a challenge to get behind. I cope with major depression, and lost my brother to suicide last spring. His last words were about seeking peace, and not about how the world around caused his pain. When I was in my darkest places, my thoughts were very selfish, and not about how my actions would affect my family. I understand that people have different motivations in ending their lives, but I found this one exceedingly petty. The loss of life should not be a petty thing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I like the idea that in some way he got revenge but I really don't see the point of him killing himself? Couldn't he somehow punish those needed and still remain alive and be with his children? Kids are not that stupid. Once the divorce happens and the truth comes out over time they will form their own opinion of right and wrong and make their decision. If he lives a solid life and shows them love and affection the kids will see what their mother did to break the family and he will have the love and support of the kids. Other family members will also be on his side. NO one may harm the slut wife but no one will trust her or respect her. She will be alone even when in a crowd.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJabout 2 years ago

Second read. Still don't like him killing himself. That only punished his kids. He should have stuck around to find a better woman and to ruin Bennet much sooner.

Sandman_truckSandman_truckabout 2 years ago

I was going to give this story a five but the end knocked it back to a four . These last letters to everyone was totally uncalled for and just revenge of the worst order . He just had to get in the last word and punish her even more . His actions at the end did not reflect how the author had built Rick up . The end ruined an otherwise excellent story .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The relative effect of death vs. divorce depends on how the divorce goes. A really bad divorce could be worse than a death, but that's a slender reed to build a story on, particularly when the MC is written as smart enough to understand that. You needed a far more convincing rationale for suicide than "death by social science".

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A psychotic, vindictive arsehole. The wife cheated and he couldn’t get past it. Not only put the wife and children through the trauma of his death, but then attempted to not only destroy their relationship, but that of the entire broader family, twelve years later. Hopefully the children would come to the realisation that while mum cheated, he committed suicide as an act of revenge, not some high minded way of saving them from a divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

As If, the newspaper would print that without being sued. As if the general populace would give a flying fuck about a twelve year old case of infidelity. Three venues and he goes broke! Please get a grip.

svtcouplesvtcoupleabout 2 years ago

To destroy the lives of your children to get revenge on your wife is beyond despicable

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Letters almost saved ite.


Suicide not happening revenge yes total destruction even

skruff101skruff101about 2 years ago

To all the anons posting comments about this and other stories on this site, if you are not capable of producing a comprehendible sentence, please stop until you have at least finished kindergarten.

Sometimes the comments are more enjoyable than the stories but sadly I am not fluent in gibberish, it is one of my many failings, I have inquired locally and online as to if there were a special language course available, but alas to no avail.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Many of the comments prove that more and more people lack both morality and conviction. "His death" put his cheating slut in trauma? He should have laid her in a grave with the wonderful sexy asshole Bennett. Some will question if I as an anonymous would in fact carry out premeditated justice. Let me set your minds to rest. My grandfather had a 2 foot shotgun which hung over the mantle. Being 13, I asked what did he hunt with that? He responded that that gun should be kept clean against the day he was made "cuckoo". I didn't understand until I was late twenties, but my grandparents stayed together for 52 years. Strong fences make good neighbors, and proof of a dire consequence forestalls selfish behaviors.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAabout 2 years ago

Second time through the story. I read it differently this time. I paid attention to the writer telling a story instead of my feeling about the coward who killed himself because he married a cheater. The story was well written, and the characters lived up to their billings. The husband was a partner in an industry that requires introspection, great analysis skills and "eyes wide open". he must have devoted all his efforts to business because he sure had no courage nor any confidence in his parenting. He treated his kids with distain and a lack of confidence in their ability to disconcert right from wrong. The statistics about kids and divorce are as individual relationship centric as people’s character. He was a coward and pathetic. Also, he could have accomplished many of the same results alive. Not a huge fan of burning everything down for revenge sake, also in what fantasy world would a full page add years after the fact destroy Bennet’s business? And in what real world wouldn’t Cindy crawl back in his bed? BTRH...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Way over the top

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I think most people missed the part where Rick quoted some facts about divorce, "...the psychologist's advice that death is easier for kids than divorce". Rick wasn't being selfish when he topped himself, he was trying to make it easier on his kids. I still think it was a stupid move, but not selfish.


He wouldn't divorce her because that would have caused the children trauma, he certainly couldn't live with her, and dealing with the loss of a parent is easier for the kids to adjust to than divorce. So he made it easy on the kids. Personally, I think most, if not all, psychologists are as dumb as a bag of rocks: I would never make a decision based on their advice.


I really hoped we'd eventually see a plan he'd followed for successfully faking his death. I thought the letters at the end went over-the-top, but he was pretty pissed off, for good reason, when he set all that up so I won't stand in judgement.


All blame and pain can be laid at the feet of the two cheaters. As such, they don't get to set the limits on reprisal from their wounded victim. That's just one of the risks you take on as a cheater. Good story, 5 stars. Thanks for posting.

vickitvohiovickitvohioabout 2 years ago

Normally I despise murder/suicide solutions in stories and rate them VERY poorly, but this was so well written that I gave it a 5*. Yes I still think Rick chose poorly but his ending plan was very succinct. While it gave a follow up to bennet's demise, it never really said HOW Cindi responded to others finally knowing.

donjuan1954donjuan1954about 2 years ago

Nice read thanks! Could use some editing.

LSantiagoLSantiagoabout 2 years ago

Your 3 stories on Literotica are amazing. I love the different treatment of well-worn tropes in Loving Wives. The insights into the way things happen in these relationships and the real feeling.

Thank You hope to hear from you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great Read, 5 * , really felt the the husband got the short end of this one. Not seeing your kids grow up ? that's cruel

Dry_opinionDry_opinionabout 2 years ago

Fresh take, but I did not like it for two reasons:

1. Cold and logical approach to a highly emotional situation. It prevented characters from having natural reactions to their feelings. Single emotion of sadness was described and released as tears. No fear, frustration, remorse, guilt, pride in forms of shouting, accusations, begging, hurting oneself or others, involving family and friends was described.

2. MC is a wimp, who leaves his problems to be dealt with by others.

BigfundrewBigfundrewabout 2 years ago

Im glad that in the end somebody put some of the blame on Bennet.

Even when consoling her, he said he knew she wouldn't back down from facing the consequences of her decisions.... as of he didn't play a big part on it.

Both Lori and him first explained that he'd gladly fuck her if she ok'd it... if absolving him of responsibility.... it was all on her.

Good story.

Oh.. the whole bit about children getting over death easier than getting over divorce... seems far fetched. I'm sure most kids rather have that parent alive

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartabout 2 years ago

Low score. Very well written, a very gripping story but the death of Rick just felt so terrible. Divorce might be hard but losing a parent is harder, his suicide meant to be easier on the children is bull. And even if it was not the fact he tells them the truth as adults would be hard, to them it might be their dad committed suicide for them possibly leading to their own falls. She didn't pay the piper, Rick, the kids, and even Bennett did, not her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

-1 for cuck shit.

cyendreycyendreyabout 2 years ago

Rick was an effing moron.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Killing yourself over some dumbass study done by a group of phycobabble soft science morons is the top of the stupid meter. Kids will handle a divorce a lot better than the death of parent. Especially when they are told the action was on purpose and why. What a weak man. No CUNT is worth killing yourself over. Be strong for your kids, be honest with them, but most importantly "BE THERE!" for them. Dump the whore and move on with your life.

This world was so much better before the idiocy of psychiatrists and psychologist became a go to for people to weak to handle their own business and issues. They are only needed maybe 10% of the time to help people that have no one else to talk to.

Before this world bought into their nonsense, The real and successful counseling that someone needed came from another source. i.e. family and friends. Their advice and support was always in your best interest 98% of the time and you didn't have to pay a stranger 300+ an hour to tell you that your not responsible for your issues but here is who or what to blame. All they have done is help make a generation of weak, whining people who have no idea how to take responsibility for their own short comings and or actions. I give the writting a 4.5 and the story a 2. What a punk for a MC.

Harvey8910Harvey8910about 2 years ago

I loved the story and give it 5 stars. I am a survivor of a divorced family and I can attest to the abandonment that children of a divorce feel. I still to do not agree with the solution of suicide. I loved how Rick handled the financial part of the ending and the kids were well provided for. It was a great story. Oh, by the way, the divorce in my case was because of a cheating wife and mother which my father tried to deal with and could not after another man fathered the seventh child she had. In fact, my father was only sure he was the father of his first two children. He was not sure that he was the father of the next five children born into our family. I guess I will be totally honest saying that I would never have put up with what my father put up with. But back to this story, I enjoyed the way Rick just called it an end to their relationship without going through counseling or trying to work things through for the sake of the children. He realized that he could never trust Cindy again. He was right! I wish Rick met Lori before he met Cindy and married her as she would have never done to him what Cindy did. Cindy and Bennett thought they were just too smart to get caught and they got caught. They were fools but the real fool in the story was Cindy who threw away a loving husband and family for a romp in the sack with a man with a bigger cock than her husband. Cindy acted selfishly and she truly paid the piper in the end. Great story!!!!!

mfbridgesmfbridgesabout 2 years ago

That was a tough one, I don't think anyone should kill themselves. It's one thing to give up your life saving another life, totally different to just end your for I guess insurance money.

dawg997dawg997about 2 years ago

Very emotional story, well written even if I disagree with Rick's choice. Too bad he couldn't pull himself out of his grief.

And what a bitch wife.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You know, most of these stories and the angst caused by them would go away if we just went back to the old testament and Leviticus 20:10. Sure as hell would have solved Rick's problem and he would have still be around.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Brilliant story.

He was a good man. He did the best could for his children and, in the end, collected the revenge he was justly due.

Cindy? Hopefully she burns in hell with all the other cheaters, of BOTH sexies.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

One additional point.

I can understand Ricks solution. His perception on childrens means of dealing with loss is far off the mark.

He should have divorced he and held revelation of the whole sick affair over her head to keep from being raped in the gynocentric court. Extortion? So what. She and Bennet deserved death f o r w gf at they did. Alive, he could have been there for his children. Later, with kids oover 21 he could have, IF they wished to know, given them whole sortid story. He effect on Cindy be damned.

He was not a cuck a coward. He was a man whose world and life were nuked

It's easy to be a Monday morning quarterback. With pain this great he could be forgiven for his choice.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I goes as a regular pontification type story which is a cliche for BTB but then in the end it becomes ridiculous absurdity. One thing I don't understand - who is giving this lemonade high marks?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Do not like the play by play sexcapade, thus a lot of skimming.

Do not like the suicide action.

Do not like the tale in general

2 star

rbloch66rbloch66almost 2 years ago

That was painful, brutal, and disturbingly satisfying. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

How does something so pathetic get such high marks? How does the writer seem to manipulate the marking systems


TajfaTajfaalmost 2 years ago

Sorry but how does his suicide get his revenge? He will never know how things worked out and it simply isn't justified. Yes he was treated badly but kids are resilient and a divorce that exposed her behaviour would have been far more satisfying. I am sure within a year he would have met someone to take her place. Really didn't like his solution.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Actually, the Rick character comes across as a passive -aggressive whack job.

We can all appreciate the desire for revenge but that's plain ridiculous.

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