Peer Pressure - Melissa


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"Come on in, Rich! Rescue me from these miserable physicists!"

After pulling off her glasses and tossing them aside, the coed looked up and realized her suitemate looked about as tense as she'd ever seen him. Something was definitely up. She gestured for Rich to take a seat and hunched herself into a sitting position as she asked, "so, what's new?"

"Do you, ah, have any, ah, plans for next week?"

A very interesting question, Melissa reflected. Rhetorical too, as she'd made no secret of them. Or lack thereof; she'd expected a quiet spring break on a nearly deserted campus. Could it be that one of her miserable lame hints had actually reached its target?

"No, not really," she admitted. "Lie around, practice being shiftless, maybe work on my tan." She had to ask: "You have any better suggestions?"

Melissa could see him swallowing, then Rich made eye contact with her and held it. "Well, my family has a cabin up in the mountains; we're going up for at least part of the week. We've got plenty of room, as long as you don't mind using a sleeping bag, and it's okay with my folks, they won't mind, and--" He seemed to realize he was running on, and took a quick breath. "Would you like to come, Lissa?"

Wow. She'd been hoping Rich would stick around for a day or two so they could get some time together; this was far better than Melissa had hoped for. On the other hand, a family outing might not have much privacy... What the heck; at least they'd be together. Oops! It looked like Rich was holding his breath.

"I'd love to, Rich; thank you." Melissa smiled as she replied, knowing she was going to see that stupid-looking grin again.

"Really? Perfect! It's gonna be a great week, I know it!" For a few moments he wore a full-fledged smile, then it faded to the expression she knew so well. But she could still see the smile in his eyes.

Maybe it wasn't such a silly expression after all. Melissa laughed, surprising him. "I don't suppose you could take me now, before the physics test?"

Chapter 20

Melissa gazed out at the pine forest. Towering behind the trees, mountains stretched like a giant wall running as far as she could see to the east and west. Then it was hidden from view again as the dirt road cut around the side of another hill. It was all very different from Sullivan College's desert environs or Minnesota. She glanced speculatively at Rich, who was preoccupied with keeping the pickup away from the worst of the numerous potholes in the road.

His parents had picked them up from Sullivan on Friday night and they'd all returned to the Nelson's home on the east side of the metropolitan area. She'd hit it off well with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and had felt quite comfortable by the time she was shown into the spare bedroom.

That morning they'd gathered around the kitchen table to discuss "the change in plans" over a late breakfast. Apparently something had come up and Rich's parents couldn't get free until the middle of the week. Mrs. Nelson had then suggested that instead of losing a few days in the valley, Rich and Melissa could go up immediately with the truck and supplies, and the others would follow on Thursday. The brunette tried to avoid appearing too eager when Rich looked to her for approval before agreeing.

Now, several hours later, she and Rich were almost there. They turned off the main road to follow an even narrower track over a small bridge and through a few more twists. The A-frame was nestled between some pines and a huge sycamore; when they got out of the truck, Melissa could see some apple trees behind the house and heard a small creek somewhere nearby.

"It's beautiful, Rich! Did you really build it yourselves?" she asked. She shrugged into a light sweater as she listened to the reply; they'd warned her it was about 20 degrees cooler than in the city.

"Yup. With a little extra slave labor. In fact," Rich warned, "you're probably gonna get drafted this week. Judging by the cement in the truck, Dad's gonna put in the footings for the porch extension."

"I think I could survive that," the coed admitted. "So, show me around! I want to see everything!" And that especially includes you, Mr. Richard Nelson, she added mentally. Porches could wait for later.


It started after dinner. They'd grilled steaks and baked potatoes, and argued good-naturedly about how to cook the meat. There had been a box of cookies among the groceries for dessert. After they'd cleaned up the few utensils involved, Rich had insisted they go for a walk.

"It's a tradition. We always go on walks after dinner. Besides, if 'Minuet' can't go adventuring tonight, you'll have to fill in for her."

The walk had taken them perhaps a mile around the small cluster of cabins, with Rich pointing out landmarks or other oddities along the way. Melissa enjoyed the smell of the clean, crisp air and watched the sky turn rose and then a deepening blue behind the silhouettes of the trees.

When they reached the small bridge they'd crossed on the way in, she leaned on the railing, looking downstream, and let the music of the water relax her. She was surprised to feel Rich's breath on the back of her neck; she hadn't heard him approach. The skin on her arms prickled.

"Do you like it here?" he asked softly, almost whispering.

"It's beautiful." More words would have spoiled it.

Rich surprised her again. "*You're* beautiful, Melissa."

She reached behind her, finding his hands with her own, and pulled them around her until she was enfolded in his embrace. The initial resistance left his arms after a brief hesitation, and Rich tightened his grip on her. Now Melissa could feel his excitement through the two layers of denim separating them; her own body was responding as well.

A moment later she was turning to face him and they kissed. It was a chaste kiss, a bare touching of their lips, such as she'd been accustomed to bestowing on relatives. But it left her as breathless as a hard sprint, and the liplock that followed gave her no chance to gasp for air. Certainly it was different than anything she'd shared before, except perhaps with Jacqui.

The pair broke away from each other, trying to regain their balance, after they reeled into the bridge railing. Rich was staring at her, wide-eyed; Melissa was sure her expression was much the same. She debated taking him here, now... but she wanted something more than just raw sex this time.

"Let's go home, Rich. I want to go to bed."

His mouth opened, and it seemed she could see his face lose much of its color. "Melissa! I-I didn't--"

That idiot, she thought. Is he blind? "I am *not* planning to sleep in it alone." Suddenly, the coed giggled. "Actually, I'm not sure I'm planning to sleep at all!"

He moved forward and before she realized what Rich intended, he had scooped her up and twirled in a dizzying circle. Several times. Melissa wasn't sure if her exclamation was surprise, fright, exhilaration, or a little of all three, but Rich silenced it with another kiss. Luckily he continued to support her, because she wasn't sure she could support her own weight.


An indeterminate time later, Melissa found herself facing Rich across the bed in the master bedroom. She'd visualized herself gracefully shedding her clothing while locking a sultry gaze on him, but her jeans had other plans. After teetering off-balance, snared by one ankle, the brunette fell face-down on the bed.

She should have stuck with a skirt, Melissa berated herself. She heard Rich choke back a laugh, then he pulled the offending garment clear and bounced onto the bed beside her.

"I love it when you act sexy," he teased.

She sniggered. Helplessly, they both began laughing. A moment later, breathless again, Melissa rolled sideways to find Rich studying her intently. "Rich? Is anything wrong? You aren't a...?" Her voice trailed off uncertainly.

He managed a sheepish grin, just the barest quirk of his lips. "No... It's just that I'm sure you have a lot more, ah, practical experience than I do." More nervously, he continued, "I guess I'm afraid I might not measure up."

"You *already* measure up, Rich! You're probably the only person on campus besides Pam who has any appreciation for me as anything more than a super-deluxe sex doll. I'm tired of being the 'Sullivan Slut!'" She reached far enough to grip his forearm. "I heard you tell Ed and the others you weren't interested in The Slut" -- he twitched but remained silent -- "but I *know* you're interested in *me*, Lissa. We've shared so many other things, Rich, I want to share this with you too."

"And don't worry about experience." She smiled, trying to lighten the atmosphere. "I'm sure you're a good student. We can study together." Decisively, Melissa reached for his fly. "But these clothes have *got* to go!"

Soon they were both completely naked. As she'd expected, Rich's cock was quivering, as hard as her own aching nipples. He ran a hand softly up her thigh, just missing her drooling slit. "You really are bare! God, I thought I was hallucinating. Lissa, you're beautiful!"

She realized he was referring to the morning they'd first met in the bathroom. "You look quite delicious yourself, if you don't mind my saying so."

The brunette took him in her mouth, delighting in the taste of the pre-cum that coated the head of his organ. Within seconds Rich moaned and jetted copiously, clutching her to him. Melissa swallowed rapidly, just managing to keep up with him, and savored the salty treat as his orgasm ended.

She looked up at him, worried her lover might be upset at coming so quickly, but Rich appeared to be taking matters in stride. Her fears were unfounded. Rich caught his breath, and melted her insides with a new, heated version of his usual grin.

"Wow! Okay, Lissa, my turn. I've wanted to taste you for the longest time..."

It seemed to take him the longest time, too, she decided as she squirmed helplessly atop the bed. His kisses, licking and soft stroking meandered across her heated body for an eternity before, seemingly by chance, he drifted to her creaming hole. Melissa gasped sharply at the contact with her swollen clit but Rich's tongue had already moved on.

"Rich!" she panted between breaths, "I thought... you said... you didn't... have much... experience!... Oh God... don't stop!"

His head lifted, and she could see the usual impish smile had returned. "I said '*practical* experience.' I have conducted an extensive literature survey, however. I take it my efforts meet with your approval?" A probing finger took the air from her lungs before she reply, and he returned to his task.

When it felt like every muscle in her body was drawn taut, Melissa grabbed desperately and pulled Rich's face firmly into her crotch. His tongue began probing her vigorously, and she peaked in a prolonged climax that had her crying out and bucking wildly.

The initial frenzy was satisfied, but Melissa could feel the penetrating heat of deep arousal warming her entire body. She remembered to open her eyes, and found Rich had edged up beside her. She doubted the wetness glistening on his face came from the sweat covering her limbs.

Without speaking a word, his mouth covered hers and Melissa felt his again-rigid phallus pressing against her. There was a moment of uncertainty before she guided him into her slippery depths, and then they were pressed tightly together along the entire length of their bodies. Wanting more, she pressed her pubis upward, then relaxed. In response, Rich began a slow thrusting motion.

Melissa wallowed in the delightful ecstasy of their act, knowing they were building to another peak but wanting the moment to last. She ran her hands along Rich's back, feeling the play of his muscles under the skin as he pumped into her, and collected her scattered wits.

"'Literature survey,' my ass! I thought you boys never looked at anything besides the pictures!"

"Untrue! Why, some of my favorite books don't have any pictures in them at all. How would you know what boys look at, anyway?"

"Spying on my brothers. Ouch!" Rich had tweaked a nipple unexpectedly. "What was that for?"

He smirked. "Spying. It's a nasty habit. I also seem to recall you mentioning you'd been listening to me..."

Holding her close, Rich rolled until Melissa was atop him, then directed his attention to her breasts, working them in his hands and pinching the stiffened tips of her nipples. Reflexively Melissa started riding herself up and down his jutting cock, picking up the pace.

"Aaaah," she sighed, feeling her wetness soaking the junction between their bodies. "God, Rich, yes, don't quit now!" Melissa bore down hard upon the hardened flesh that impaled her, as if seeking to push all of him inside her glistening folds. Then, recollecting the previous semester's lessons, she began exerting her abdominal muscles and it was Rich's turn to gasp with unexpected pleasure.

"*Lissa!* Jeez... Oh..." He pulled her against him once again. "Uh... Yesssss... Oh!... Oh! Oh, God!"

Rich shuddered in her arms, mouthing unrecognizable exclamations. Melissa felt him spurting inside her, his trembling cock pumping jets of warm semen into her equally heated pussy. Hugely aroused, she loosed the reins of her self-control and slid into a climax no less powerful than her partner's.


Melissa hadn't realized she'd closed her eyes until he kissed her, some time later, and she opened them again. Rich twisted a hand in to brush a strand of her sweaty hair from his face, which creased into his usual grin. She felt an answering expression form on her own face.

"I feel like I've been mauled," he sighed. "It seems rumors of certain other of your nasty habits have some basis in truth."

Melissa stuck out her tongue and blew him a soft raspberry. "Don't believe everything you hear." Although, she mused, gossip was likely to run a poor second to reality in her case.

"Oh, I don't." Rich rolled her gently to one side, adding, "I expect a significant amount of 'research' will be required to confirm or deny them." His fingers teased her jawline, then traced softly to the locket and down nearly to her breast before she captured his hand in hers. "Will you assist me?" he queried earnestly.

She leaned closer for a soft kiss. "Just try and stop me, Rich!"

"Hmmm, I fight I'd love to lose..." His grin widened and Melissa mentally braced herself. "Speaking of bad habits, what do you think about using a hash table instead of a b-tree for next week's parsing problem?"

"Rich!" The coed thought briefly of bashing him with a pillow, but it seemed like too much work. In a sense, she was pleased; Melissa knew he meant the question seriously, despite the context, and this sort of intellectual banter was one of the things that had attracted her in the first place.

But still... "Screw programming! This is supposed to be something special. Don't you have any respect for this moment?" She tried a glare, but couldn't hold it in the face of his quirky grin and the tenderness in his eyes.

"I'd rather be screwing you, Lissa, but I'm afraid I'm pooped out at the moment. And I'll always remember you falling out of your jeans." Rich squeezed her hand to reinforce his next statement. "Seriously, I could never forget this evening, Lissa, and I'll *always* treasure *you*. But I prefer to look forward to the many experiences I know we'll have in the future rather than what lies in the past."

Touched, Melissa eagerly moved into his embrace for another lingering kiss. This one, fueled by emotion greater than affection but no longer lust, lasted for an eternity. Melissa broke it with an unvocalized sigh, lips still parted, when she realized Rich had drifted to sleep. Men! It was clear the future would not start until the next morning, she reflected.

She rolled away enough to kill the lamp beside the bed, then snuggled close against Rich's warmth. It seemed like a lifetime since she'd last been able to fall asleep in another's comforting presence. Melissa hugged Rich closer; she'd missed this so much!

Rich had been right, she realized. She was looking forward to nights spent spooned comfortably against him, and days when they could work and play together. Melissa's final decision crystallized just as she was drifting off. She *would* share a few of her "bad habits" -- this time on her own terms.

The smile was still on her face when Rich woke the following morning.

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dogged1dogged1about 6 years ago
Such a fine tale

I truly appreciate a story that is both erotically charged and emotionally exhausting. So much experience for Melissa in less than a year's time. I feel denied not knowing the fate of some of her acquaintances, but that is so much like life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

hi. just wanted to say i really enjoyed the story as a whole and liked how you ended it. but now that im at the end, i kinda feel unresolved on a couple things. its wendy and janet. they were both taken away so suddenly. i dont expect you to write more to the story. just sharing my final thoughts and maybe you'll consider them when writing your next story.

Hillbilly_oneHillbilly_oneover 11 years ago
Epic is the word.

Allright... wow... This has been a journey to say the least.. First I would like to say though, that the story MAYBE should have been devided into a couple of shorter ones. But, in spite the epic length, you actually managed to fill most of the pages with value, and that's no small feat!

I love the main character, Lissa. She's a sweet, lovable and easily related to girl. I would probably marry her if I ever met her. *S*

The story takes the reader on a wild ride, a really reallt wild ride. From the hrash initiations of the first chapters, to the heartbreaking ending of her relationship with Jaqui, to the heartwarming start of her new relationship with Rick at the end. Everything is well written and tied together beautifully. My heart did however sink a LOT when Jaqui got "killed off" from the story. I really liked her and she seemed to be truly in love woth out heroine.

All in all though, you have written an amazing story, and I thank you for sharing it with me (us). Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Just as good as I remember

Every bit as good as I remember from when I first read it back in the 90's. I've read a LOT of stories over the years, this is one of the few I recognized and remembered instantly. If you are the original author, you should take the fact that the story is that memorable as a high compliment.

wharfiewharfiealmost 13 years ago
Fairly awesome

Mixing standard over-the-top webfare fantasy with true characterization and a plot that used fucking as a device rather than as the focus. Actually erotic, a rare enough quality even in "professional" literature, beyond the simple sex, and coupled with a genuine and genuinely believable happy ending. I read the entire work start to finish, in one sitting. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

L'écriture de cette histoire est phénoménal, il est réel et d'un merveilleux morceau de littérature. L'intrigue crédible et des personnages réalistes ont été un délice. J'adore la fin heureuse et mieux pour Melissa.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Great, and refreshing

First of all, the writing here was phenomenal, and totally believable. Keep writing, I look forward to see more.

Secondly, the commentors here seem to forget that this site is for erotic LITERATURE. thank you for adding a plot instead of just mindless sex, and please ignore all the less intelligent or just overly perverted people who tell you otherwise.

littleoneO_OlittleoneO_Oabout 13 years ago
Dont Listen!!!

These guys dont know what they're talking about!!! There were some boring parts and I didn't like that u took Jaqui out but i enjoyed it quite a bit. Thanks for writing!!!! :D

justdoit4ujustdoit4uabout 13 years ago
Too long and boring...

Anonymous must be you because no one can believe this is awesome or excellent. Break it up into chapters so one has to read each chapter and see if each chapter is as boring as the next.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
very good!

I agree well done! Screw those that are bashing! I will be watching for more from you !

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