Pet Teachers Ch. 03: Submissive Simian


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I ate my prize peacefully till I had a quarter left. Then Mildred poked her head into the room. She saw me and I waved her away, but she crawled to me and sniffed my dirty toes. She lied on her tummy and licked them, and my clit tingled ...

Patting it rhythmically, I cummed on the floor. I pet Mildred's head, and I reached over to give her a big monkey-hug. She panted heavily and licked my face, forcing me onto my back. So good ...

Mildred backed off and stared at me. I sat up and smashed the last piece of banana with my bare feet. I rubbed my soles together and spread and un-spread my toes till my foot bottoms were caked with fruit. I thrusted one foot toward Mildred while I worshipped the other. The flavors of the fruit and grime and my foot were such a satisfying combination ...

The doggie loved it, too, sucking my toes and licking my sole as methodically as she did rhythmically. When we were finished, my feet and our faces were all wet and sticky. Mildred tackled me and licked my face clean, and I returned the favor with my tongue.

We ended up embracing and making out, one tongue massaging the other as we rolled around on the floor. This was how we spent the rest of the afternoon, up until Elaine called us for dinner.

Mildred got on all fours and barked at me, panting happily. I climbed onto her back and chattered happily. She reared back and I wrapped my arms and legs around her. I loved it when she gave me rides.

We entered the kitchen. Molly crouched and clucked in the corner, bobbing her head into her bowl of feed. Susan, our fat tabby cat, ate out of her bowl. Elaine sat Mistress down before sitting herself.

Vicky scampered into the room, froze, and gasped. She devolved into a giggling fit.

"Like! That's sooooooo funny, fer shur!" She pointed at us and hopped up and down. "Look, Mistress! Look, Elaine! The puppy-dog's giving the monk-monk a ride! That's, like, soooooooo cute! Way tre!"

"That it is." Mistress clapped her hands twice. "Mildred! Donna! Dinner, now! You, too, dumb-ass!"

We obeyed. It wasn't right for pets to get their owner angry.

I climbed off Mildred and pet her head. As she crawled to her bowl, I ambled onto my chair. Vicky sat next to me. The hairs on my legs bristled every time, but I always ignored the fucking cunt.

I stared at my plate. Elaine made meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and peas. I picked up my fork, but ever since I've been Transformed, I could never seem to hold it comfortably ... Oh, well ...

Raising my arm high, I scooped some potatoes and shoved them in my mouth, chewing loudly.

"Eww! Meatloaf's so, like, grody!" Vicky said, pushing her plate away. "I don' wan' it! I wan' candy! Loll'pops 'r', like, yuh know, so zlint! How come Dunna's not having meatloaf! So totally unfair! Un-trippendiculuuuuuur!"

"Vicky!" Mistress scolded the idiot. "Monkeys don't eat meat! But you're a person, so if you don't eat what's good for you, then you won't get dessert! ... Or my precious peds later tonight ..."

Vicky gasped. "O.M.G.!" She clicked her tongue. "Fiiiiiine!"

The fucking bimbo pinched her nose with her fingers and took a forkful of meatloaf. She chewed, swallowed, and stuck out her tongue. "Yucky to the max!"

"Vicky ..." Mistress said sternly.

The stupid slut hung her head. "Sorry, Mistress ... Sorry Elaine ..."

We continued eating our dinner in silence ...

The following day, all I wanted to do was worship my monkey-toes, but I couldn't. I was too busy helping Elaine cook Thanks-Mistress Day dinner. It was a moot point, though, because Mistress Melanie had decreed that, as a gift to me, I was allowed to eat my dinner with my toes!

I really didn't deserve it, but who was I to deny the will of Owner?

Elaine was dressed head to toe in a French-maid uniform. I wore one, too, but only an apron, a lace headpiece, a white lace garter, and a choker. I hated it because monkeys needed to be naked.

Anyway, Elaine was in charge of the turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy, while it was my job to prepare the cranberry sauce and Brussels sprouts. The smell of the meat, the sound of its juices bubbling and boiling—ugh, it made me want to puke! Why couldn't everyone eat vegetarian, like me?

After a few hours of cutting, peeling, mixing, mashing ... seating, panting, wiping ... Elaine squatted down to my level. I was in the middle of the kitchen, the heat in the room getting my forehead all sweaty. Elaine patted and stroked my head.

"Good girl, Donna," she said. "Everything's coming along fine. You can take a break, but come back if I call you."

I furiously nodded my head and smiled broadly. I grabbed her with my strong, long arms for a hug, and I sloppily kissed her wrinkled cheek.

We sucked face for a minute before she shooed me away. I ambled into the living room, where Susan and Mildred were each worshipping one of Mistress's feet, which are propped on the coffee table. Molly was drinking from one of Mistress's tits by pecking at it.

Mistress reclined on the sofa, watching a parade on TV. Vicky watched, too, but she was sitting cross-legged on the floor. Her wide, unblinking eyes were glued to the screen, as blank as her mind, her mouth agape.

I climbed onto the sofa and sat next to Owner, who wrapped an arm around me. I shuddered. I loved her so much ... I watched the TV, but I was so comfortable that I started nodding off—

"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!" Vicky shouted.

I snapped awake.

The stupid bitch pointed at the TV. "Mistress! Like, Mistress! Lookit the soooo totally tre 'n' zlint Hellakitty bawoon! So betchin' 'n' cute! Fer shur!"

"Yes, so it is, you dipshit," Mistress replied. She snapped her fingers. "Mildred! Susan! Come get your milk. Donna, Molly, take turns massaging my tender tootsies and pecking my toes. Chop-chop!" She clapped her hands twice.

The doggie and kitty each latched their mouths to one of Melanie's breasts. I had the pleasure of touching one of Mistress's soft pink, wet, smelly soles ... Mm ... My fingers got wet, but they didn't slip off. I wished my hands and feet were as soft and smooth and Mistress's, but they're rough ... Molly nibbled the toes of her other foot.

Even when Molly and me switched, I lost track of time, and before I knew it, Elaine called me. I quickly hobbled into the kitchen: She needed help setting the table. I carefully carried the dishes and glasses, and fixed the silverware and napkins. Next came the food, and we each handled what we cooked earlier.

Elaine called everyone in for dinner. I stood at attention next to the table.

They all entered, Susan and Mildred crawling to their bowls, which were filled with a putrid-looking mush of all the food we made.

"Heel!" Mistress told them.

They obeyed.

"Donna, would you please seat us?" Elaine asked.

I chattered happily. I pulled out Vicky's seat and pushed her in, and then did the same to Elaine and Mistress. Then I took my seat.

"This looks wonderful!" Mistress said. "You two did a good job! Good girl, Elaine! Good girl, Donna!"

Elaine nodded; I howled and beat my chest.

"Now, before we're served," Mistress continued, "what are all of you thankful for on this, our Thank-Mistress Day celebration?"

Susan and Mildred crawled to Mistress and nuzzled against her leg, purring and whining. Molly clucked and pecked Mistress's cheek. I climbed down from my seat and reached for Mistress with my arms. She picked me up and I gave her a wet monkey-kiss on her precious lips. She put me down, and I sat down. The others returned to their places.


"I am thankful for nothing but you, O Mistress Melanie," she said. "I am thankful for your breaking my spirit, body, and mind to accept you as my personal owner. Own me forever, and I shall always, truly serve you."


"I, like, yuh know, love you soooooooo much, Mistress! Yer so betchin' 'n' zlint to the max! I'm, what? Yuh know, free!" She giggled. "Imma slave! Fer shur!"

Melanie regarded all of us with a smile. "I accept all of your praises of my natural beauty and holy glory. You may now eat the meal that I have now made for you."

Susan and Mildred buried their faces in their bowls. Molly pecked at the food strewn on the floor. Elaine and I served first Mistress and Vicky, and then ourselves.

We ate in silence till Vicky started stuffing herself with cranberry sauce instead of meat.

"Vicky, eat your meat. Don't fill up on cranberry sauce—or there will be no desert for you later."

Shockingly, Vicky obeyed without complai—

"Ewwwwwwww! What're, yuh know, those?" she said, pointing at the Brussels sprouts. "They look like, like, ginormous booger balls! Grody to the max!"

Mistress yanked hard on Vicky's pigtail and slapped her cheek, which was deafening. "Eat and shut up, you stupid cunt!"

The slave obeyed.

I enjoyed the sprouts and cranberry sauce, sucking the oily veggies from in between my toes and licking the tart side dish from my rough, flat soles.

After we ate dinner, Elaine and I washed the dishes, and then we took the pumpkin pie and whipped cream out of the fridge. Everyone lied down on the kitchen floor and spent a half hour having desert.

I had the honor of squirting the cream all over everyone—Vicky opened her mouth and I filled it entirely. Susan and Mildred were having their own contest as to who could eat the pie the quickest. We rubbed pie and cream all over each other and had Molly peck at our bodies. We then filled her butthole with whipped cream, and she shat it out onto our faces. My desert consisted of grooming pie and cream from everyone's hair and toes. We each took a turn making out and feeding Mistress and Elaine.

And, of course, we cummed and squirted milk all over ourselves and in our mouths.

When it was all over, we slept in our filthy mess without a care ...

And so a month passed. Life went on as usual until it came: Mistress-mas Eve!

There was snow on the ground outside, and when I wasn't busy decorating the house, I stared at that white blanket with my wide monkey-eyes. The house was festive with myriad strands of tinsel hanging from the staircase banister, a Mistress-toe hanging in the middle of each room entrance, and paper snowflakes everywhere.

Me and Elaine slaved away in the kitchen baking cookies. We were tired, but pressed on for the glory of Melanie. We baked sugar, gingerbread, and chocolate cookies using erotic cutters in the shapes of vaginas, breasts, and feet. It took all day and afternoon. When we were finished, we let the cookies cool on the counter—

"Like, kin I, yuh know, have a cookay? Elaine?" Vicky asked as she entered the kitchen. She sniffed. "They smell, like, so betchin'! Fer shur!" She twirled a pigtail with a finger.

"No, Vicky, they're for after dinner," Elaine said. "Besides, they're still hot. Now go. I must get the Mistress Tree put up."


Once Elaine walked out of the room, Vicky moved to take a ginger-breast, but I tackled her to the floor and slapped her face, screeching up a storm.

"Owie, like, owie, Dunna!" Vicky cried, trying to cover her face. "Stop it! Yer bein' so un-trippendicular! Super-duper grody!"

"Donna! Off!" Elaine said, coming back into the room.

I obeyed, baring my teeth and sneering at the dumb bitch.

Vicky got up, and Elaine pulled her away by the ear. I followed. Elaine brought Vicky into the living room.

"Ow, Elaine! So grody! Imma good girl, yuh know!"

"Shut up!" She threw the stupid cunt into a corner. "For trying to spoil your dinner, face the wall! You won't help decorate the Mistress Tree."

"That's not, like, fair!"

"Yes, it is!" Mistress said, coming down the stairs. "You fucking cunt!"

Vicky clicked her tongue, sighed, and faced the wall.

Mistress petted and tongued me under the Mistress-toe. "Good girl."

Elaine and I fixed a quick dinner for Mistress and the family. We ate the cookies loudly, making sure that we pushed as many of Vicky's buttons as possible.

Once we were finished eating, we decorated the tree!

Mildred and Susan each took an end of the tree skirt and wrapped it around the base. When Mistress and Elaine weren't looking, Mildred took a drink of water from the pot. Then Elaine, Molly, and me hung the strands of white lights, garland, and ornaments—all the while Mistress looked on. The decorations consisted of naked Mrs. Clauses, tongues licking women's lips, white snowflakes, and red hearts.

When we finished, Mistress had the honor of putting the finishing touch on the tree: the topper. Us slaves, except for Vicky, picked up our owner. Melanie put on the star, and we put her down. I turned off the lights and plugged in the light strand.

With the tree and star blinking hypnotically, everyone except Vicky formed a circle around Mistress and sung a Mistress Carol. Then we went to bed, with Vicky strapped to hers.

"So grody! I, like, won't sneak outta bed 'n' open the pwesents! I, yuh know, promise! Fer shur!" she pleaded.

But no one believed her.

In the morning, we unstrapped Vicky, who raced downstairs into the living room. She stopped dead in her tracks to find presents under the tree!

"Like, so totally—what? Trippen-betchin'-dicular!"

She plopped herself down before the tree and shook each present, listening to what was inside.

We all came downstairs, followed by Mistress, who sat on the couch.

"Vicky, you stupid bitch!" Mistress yelled. "This is Mistress-mas! The day where we celebrate the glory that is me!"

"But we do that, like, every day!"

"But it's not every day that I get presents."

Vicky stared at Mistress ... and then her eyes watered ... "Yuh ... yuh mean ... all the zlint 'n' pretty-ful gifts are only fer, like, you?"

"Of course."

And Vicky cried. "That's not—what? Fair! I wan' pwesents!"

"You'll get thrown outside if you don't shut up!"

Vicky tried calming down, but it took a while.

Elaine handed each present one by one to Melanie, who opened them and thanked herself for getting them ... We watched her admire the sex toys—gags, collars, cuffs, whips—hoping to be on the receiving end one day ...

When the presents were opened, Mistress ordered Elaine and we pets to look in our stockings.

Elaine received two toe rings, which she put on her index toes. Susan and Mildred each got a tail and ears, which Elaine placed in their buttholes and on their heads. Molly got a red hen's comb and red caruncles made of felt. Elaine placed the comb-hat on Molly's head, and attached the caruncles on her collar.

Elaine showed her gratitude by kissing the tops of Melanie's feet while on her knees. The pets were so happy: Mildred licked Mistress's face, Susan rubbed up against Mistress and purred, and Molly pecked Mistress's lips.

As for me, I got a banana and a red fez with a chinstrap! Mistress not only wanted me to comply, but also look good when I danced to her organ-grinder tune! I screeched and beat my chest, then ran up to Mistress and into her arms. I gave her a big hug and a big, wet kiss.

Vicky got four pieces of coal in the shape of letters: O B E Y. She held them in her hands and stared at them ...

Then Mistress ordered me and Elaine to cook breakfast. We did so, making pancakes and bacon, but not before I took a discarded bow and stuck it onto Vicky's mouth. Vicky was ordered to throw out all the wrapping paper before being able to eat.

A week later, it was New Mistress Eve, and we were all huddled around our holy owner. Elaine forced us to stay up and wait for the ball to drop on TV.

"Elaine, what are your resolutions?"

"To serve and love you better, my owner."

"Good. Vicky, what are your resolutions?"

"To, like ... be so totally zlint to you 'n' not make you hate me ..."

"Good. Pets, do you have any resolutions?"

I joined Susan, Mildred, and Molly in a cacophony of happy animal noises.

"Excellent, my Pet Teachers!"

And so the ball dropped and noise—from noise-makers and an impromptu orgy—was made.

And a new year began ...

The next month or so passed rather uneventfully ... I think—I mean, I can't recall doing anything important. The next important thing that I recall doing was running around the kitchen helping Elaine bake strawberry cupcakes for dessert for Mistress-tine's Day dinner. I worried that we did't have all the ingredients, but we did ...

For about a month now, the house was decorated in beautiful red, white, and pink hearts and red arrows. I mixed the batter till it was thick, and then poured it into a pan. As I did this, Elaine made the coconut icing.

I stood on a chair as I worked, and Elaine was next to me. I chattered happily, and Elaine smiled.

"Good job, Donna. I'll take it from here. You can lick the spoon."

Elaine put the pan in the oven, and I shoved the wooden spoon in my mouth, slowly running my tongue all over it. I closed my eyes as I savored the batter's sweetn—

"O! M! G! I wanna lick the spoon!"

We turned around. Vicky came in and stood, petrified and wide-eyed.

"Dunna! So grody! I wanna lick the spoon!"

I turned around, screeched at the fucking bimbo, and threw the spoon at her bare feet.

"Ewwwww! Super grody 'n' un-zlint! Fer shur! Dunna?"

"Vicky!" Elaine said. "Get out! Haven't you learned your lesson from Mistress-mas?"

Vicky stamped her foot, spun around, and stomped off.

I beat my chest and blew a raspberry. Then I helped Elaine make dinner. After the cupcakes were done, Elaine called out, "Vicky, do you want to lick the frosting?"

"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!" she cried.

She came in again, stretching out her arms. She grabbed the spoon and licked it slowly. I watched her and ... I licked my lips, cocked my head ... and stroked my clit ...

When the dumb bitch was almost finished, she noticed me ... Vicky stared at me blankly ... and then she ... handed the spoon to me ...

I frowned ... but I took it and licked what was left. I hated her, but she was nice to me? I scratched my head ...

After dinner, the cupcakes were served. Everyone in the family had one, though Vicky made more of a mess than the cat and dog.

We then carried Mistress to the sofa and presented her with boxes of chocolate. We fed her piece by piece by sticking them in between our toes and putting them in her mouth. We then took turns painting her toenails red.

To finish celebrating the holiday, we had yet another orgy. I fell asleep in Vicky's arms in a chair ...

I then got really excited for some reason—oh, right! It was finally spring outside!

Holding on to the windowsill, I bounced up and down. Mistress walked into the room. I ambled up to her, took her hand, and brought her to the window.

"What? What is it, Donna?"

I pointed outside, chattering up a storm.

"Oh, you want your swing time, don't you?" Melanie said petting my head. "Well, you've had your breakfast and done your chores, so ... okay!"

I beat my chest and hugged her legs. I scampered to the door, swung it open, and ran outside.

Oh, my Mistress—I loved my life! The yellow sun was warm against my back, the green grass and brown dirt stained my paws. I made a beeline toward a tree with a low-hanging branch.

Putting all my weight into my legs, I jumped up and reached out, grabbing hold of it and swinging myself like a pendulum ...

I stayed that way for a bit, giving in to the hypnotic rhythm of my movements, feeling my eyes glaze over ... I am a monkey, and I am in my natural element. This is where I belong, now and forever ...

I slave for my mistress every d—

"O.M.G.! It's, like, springtime! Fer shur! Like, how tre of, yuh know, Mudder Naychur!"

The voice of the bimbo snapped me out of my reverie.

"Dunna! Like, Dunna! I kin see yur so-trippendicular naked bum! Sooooooo yummay!"

I reached for the branch with my toes, grabbing onto it and pulling myself up. Vicky ran up to me and stood under the branch. She smiled and waved at me.