Pink Sugar Confidential


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Murphy must have liked what he saw, because that slow lazy fuck he'd been enjoying, well yeah, forget about it. And, I'm sure he thought he was being helpful too. Right, as if I needed help to bounce my mouth up and down bob's iron hard cock. Turned out that Bob was pretty nasty too; anyway, the fucker never gave me any warning at all. One minute I'm sucking hard on the head of his Cock, the next, yikes my mouth's full of thick hot cum. What was I supposed to do? Well, I swallowed, let Murphy continue to add his enthusiastic assist, and kept right on bobbing my head, while franticly working to drain Bob dry. Uh-huh, and Murphy must have seen Bob's eye's cross or something. Whatever, he pushed my head down just in time for Bob to bellow a ringing "Yes, yes," and unload another massive load of the creamy stuff. Bob was so deep in my throat that I didn't even have to swallow his spewing finale. Pretty neat huh. Yeah, well then Murphy released my head, allowing my lips to slide slowly upward, cleaning that still throbbing shaft of cum along the way. Yup, and then a flick of my practiced tongue, and pow, the head of bob's cock was cleared of cum too.

Murphy, wow, he's the best. I mean, no sooner had my mouth released its hold on Bob's fast shrinking cock then Murphy was grabbing a handful of hair, using it to yank my head around. Lovely, so there I was chuck-full of his eight thick inches of hot hard cock, another man's cum still trickling down my throat, and he's kissing me with an absolutely wild ferocity. Seriously, what's not to love? Oh boy, and when Murphy's hands reached down to close around my hips, I wrapped my arms around bob's waist. I just knew I was going to get fucked, and I do mean royally fucked.

I figured I was going to be real glad of bob's cushioning body; seriously, it sure was going to beat getting slammed against that nasty old hard counter top. And for damn sure, muscular thighs slapped rhythmically against my ass, as Murphy pounded hard fast pelvic jabs in to me. So, with Bob providing the cushioning, Murphy took me, and for a change without that wondrous way he has of letting his fat cock rip clear out, before he lovingly hammers it right back in. So, with all those sharp twisting thrusts delightfully tantalizing my G-spot, well, guess who was thinking of taking another ride on the orgasm express? Instead, I did something I'd sure never done before. Yup, I clung to one man, while another had his way with me. Oh yes, and I absolutely loved the feeling of being held by one man, while another took his pleasure in my body. Well, that let me focus on Murphy, and that way he has of fucking you full out. Yeah, and then, he really gets down, and seriously gives it to you. For damn sure, he knows how to pound out one furiously frantic fuck. Finally, buried deep inside you, he pushes hard, like maybe he thinks that maybe he can grind in another inch or two. Wham, and then you feel his big fat cock jump, and jerk as it spurts gush after gush of thick hot cum deep in to you. Damn it though, yeah it's Delicious; but honestly, it's enough to have a poor girl almost, and I said almost, wishing she was a man. Only my god, I'd never make those horrid grunting noises guys make. Ok, so maybe if I did have a big fat cock like Murphy's, and maybe if I had the distinct pleasure of fucking a fiery hot blonde, yeah like moi, and if my cock was franticly jumping, jerking, and trying to explode gushers of cum deep inside that beautiful young blonde, well then, maybe I'd reconsider. Whatever, growling and grunting like a rampaging beast, Murphy sent a hot geyser of cum splashing deep in to my vagina. Gee, and the nasty fucker could barely have finished, before he slid out of me. Oh fine, so then he, OK playfully, slaps my ass with his very wet cock, actually chortling as he says "Oh yeah baby, that was a good one."

Oh sure, I could have taken offense at the tone of what Murphy said to Bob; but, I chose not to. After all, "Hey, what do you say bob; she sucks a mean cock doesn't she," was a compliment...right? Whatever, the sharp taste of cum in my mouth, the delightful feel of warm wet cum deep in my vagina, and compliments too, oh boy.

Making major points, bob said "Damn straight, she's really something."

Bob told me, "Ann darling, you're beautiful, funny, and for sure you know what to do with a man's cock too." Pardon me while I blush. Anyway, he went on to say "And, I'm sure not likely to ever forget that sweet birthday present."

Gosh, I didn't think I'd be forgetting it either. After all, it's not often a girl gets to do two men in a public restroom, now is it?

Well, Bob got his shorts pulled up; and then, he gave me an almost chaste kiss. It sure was, I mean considering. Anyway, then I'd say he got out of there in a pretty damn big hurry. Whatever, I went ahead and used one of the stalls to pee. And then, with a smirking Murphy looking on, I used some paper towels to clean myself up some. Gads, and hadn't I done the same thing just last night? Remember, I'd sweated through that stupid wedding rehearsal, and done it wearing panties soaked with Murphy's cum no less. Ah well, like Judi's so fond of saying, c'est la vie.

I guess it really was sweet of Murphy to wait for me, anyway we left together. Deciding to stop at Bob and Carla's table, I watched Murphy wave a greeting, as he headed towards the bar. Carla looked amused; but then, she looked up at me with this quizzical expression. Hey, I couldn't think of anything witty to say, so I bent over, honestly only intending to give her a quick little kiss. Gosh, but you know me. Yup, I just went for it. So, hoping my mouth still tasted like her hubby's cum, I slipped my tongue in past her lips and right in to her surprised mouth. Fuck me, not only did she instantly, and damn eagerly too, return my kiss; but, she was real quick to start a hand sliding up my leg. That hand kept going too, right up under my skirt, and right on to my bare ass. Carla was squeezing my bare ass when she said "Well, I don't need to ask, do I? Not after that Kiss, I sure don't."

OK, I hadn't figured she was mad or anything; still, it was a relief to see her smiling, and hearing her say "You're sweet, thanks for giving Bob such a terrific surprise."

Flustered, yeah me, I just stood there open mouthed while she went right on caressing my ass. Beginning to feel like a real dunce, I stammered out "It was fun, anyway Bob's pretty cool."

Wow, oh wow, Carla's hand was sliding between my legs, fingers gently exploring as she murmured "Bare, wonderfully bare, now why am I not surprised?" Well, Carla paused there, but I was struck dumb, well shit, if we're not counting oohs I mean. Maybe Carla didn't notice; anyway, she said, "Oops, don't look now, but I do believe your friend's waving at you."

I couldn't believe it, me, I was blushing, and stammering as I told her "Ah yeah, well yeah, see you." Right, as if I had actually decided to move on. But of course I didn't, which left me murmuring, "Oh God, ooh yeah, that's nice." Well I couldn't help it; I mean hey, by then she was running a fingertip in tight circles around my clit. Whatever, I did manage to stammer "Well yeah, maybe I should join my friends, but..."

Who knows where that "But" might have led if Carla hadn't stopped, patted my ass and whispered a challenging "See you around?"

Almost sorry her hand wasn't still playing under my skirt; risking it, I bent and kissed her again. Yeah it was a risk; I could have ended up naked, and stretched out on their table. Instead, sighing breathlessly, I managed to step back, waved, and headed off in search of Judi and Murphy.

Searching was right; because at first I couldn't see Judi. But, Carla was right; and there was Murphy, grinning and beckoning for me to hurry. Half turned; he was standing next to Mel, at the end of a row of four geezers, all perched on barstools. Hey, none of them was paying me any attention, and I sure wanted to know why. Whatever it was, something sure had them thoroughly entranced. So I stopped, hands on my hips, and craned my neck to peer over Murphy's shoulder. And OK, I could see Triann standing behind the bar. It looked like she was leaning against the back counter with her arms crossed under those terrific tits of hers; so, I wondered, what's the big deal? But then, wow, I noticed her big shit eating grin. And, with Judi nowhere to be seen, you bet, I began thinking I knew just what, make that who, was responsible for that grin.

Sort of needlessly and probably sounding a little peeved, I asked "OK, so where's Judi?" Nobody seemed interested in answering; so, I squeezed my way between Murphy and Mel. Fine, so right away, I spotted Judi; and yeah, I'd been right too.

As expected, there was my irresistible playmate squatting, hunkered down between Triann's wide spread legs. Judi held Triann's skirt pushed up above her hips, and, big surprise, her face was out of sight, sweetly nestled between Triann's thighs. Sure, when she'd been bringing us drinks, I'd noticed the pair of long tan legs running up in to a super short skirt. But oh wow, with them bare to the waist, right away I noticed there wasn't a tan line anywhere to be seen. Nope, and oh damn, but those legs were long, real, real long, and absolutely gorgeous too. Luckily I was in time to see triann's lovely knees buckle, forcing her to brace herself on the counter. Her eyes closed, she threw her head back; and pow, a long shuddering "yes...yes...oh yes" escaped her lips.

Remember, only a few short hours ago, I'd been with Judi, and in almost exactly that same position too. So, yeah I had a pretty good idea of just what our pretty redheaded bar tender was going through. I couldn't actually see it mind; but for sure I knew, absolutely knew that Judi's amazingly talented tongue would be dancing, licking, flicking, and working true magic on Triann's very happy clit. Oh the lucky girl. Believe me, and I should know, but Triann's throaty yeses were only serving to drive Judi's wicked tongue in to a hyper drive state. Gasping and pleading, Triann demanded "More please more...yes, yes...oh yes like that."

Now gosh, like I've heard all that before, and so what if I was the one doing all the screaming? Right then, I was curious, and wanting Murphy's attention, I elbowed him in the ribs. Pointing, I demanded "Hey, how did that get started?"

Of course, now that the bastard couldn't very well ignore my presence, he snaked an arm around me, under my tank top, and began toying with my already very pointy nipples. Oh great; so, he finally gets around to answering, and he tells me "Ask Mel, hey, I missed the beginning anyway."

Naturally, I knocked Murphy's roaming hand away, and turned to Mel.

With my arm snug around his waist, Mel told me "Well gosh let's see. Jack was bullshitting your friend down there about never having seen two girls kissing. Anyway, so Moe pipes up, and starts rubbing Jack's nose in the fact that we sure had...and, sure as Hell, we had. So Jack dared Judi...and the next thing I knew she was around the bar asking Triann if she was up for it? Jesus girl, Triann tells her "Bring it on girl." That's all it took; wham-o, and it was on."

Hey now, I don't know why I shook my head, it's not as if I was having any trouble picturing it. Whatever, I was nodding when Mel said, "And, oh Hell, I don't know, maybe Judi kissed her twice. And then, she just caught a handful of that redhead's hair and yanked her head back. Man oh man, so let me tell you, and then she really plants one on that poor girl. Hell girl, that one looked so damn hot...I expected to see smoke. So then, she leaves Triann standing there, looking absolutely dazed... anyway, she comes over, and gives Jack this total, told you so look. And, he's just standing there, staring at, she picks up his beer and drains it. Jesus, I swear poor Manny was laughing so hard, I thought the silly son of a bitch was going to piss himself. OK, then, she's back in front of Triann, asking "What's it going to be; yes or no?" And the weird thing, I never actually heard her asked the poor girl anything. Go figure."

Right, as if Judi would have needed to ask, never mind actually spelling it out for Triann. But, I kept my mouth shut, listening hard as Mel explained, "Well, I figure your friend and Triann were on the same page of somebody's fucking playbook. Anyway, Triann's wearing this big grin, and out pops this damn emphatic sounding "yes." Well girlie, the next thing I know, Judi's squatting down, and holding that redhead's skirt pushed up, way the fuck up. And, tell the truth, neither of them said a word. OK, and so what was there to say with that girlfriend of yours pulling that redhead's panties down one-handed."

Honest, I started to interrupt, intending to ask what color those panties were. I didn't though; but hey, I'll still bet none of those geezers would have known anyway. Yeah, and Murphy's softly snickered "Black of course," earned him an elbow jab to the ribs.

Muttering that he still didn't believe it, poor Mel drained his beer. And then, well after he blew out a whooshing breath, he said, "Those panties hit the floor...oh Hell, you know the rest."

"Sure do," I said. And then, thinking, done that, been there, I wondered just how a girl was supposed to get a drink?

I might have been standing belly-up to a bar alright; but, there sure wasn't any point in asking the bartender to get me a drink. Nope, just then, and courtesy of Judi, that sexy redheaded bartender was busy getting herself launched into one delightful looking orgasm. From experience, and such wondrous experience it had been too, I was pretty certain I knew just when Judi started sucking on triann's clit. Of course, Triann's throatily squealed "Do that, oh dear God, yes, yes" made that a dead bang certainty anyway. Legs shaking, body trembling, Triann tossed her head from side to side. Her trembling exploded in to full on body racking shudders, about the time she cried out "Yes, yes...more, more, more...oh my God don't stop...I'm cumming, yes more...oh God I'm cumming."

Gosh, and do you suppose Triann really thought, right, like as if she was capable of thinking, that her "No, no more, enough," was going to do her any good? Poor girl, I could have told her that if she was lucky Judi might just slow down; but, it would only mean, catch your breath, and damn quickly too. I mean, seriously, I knew, and Triann was about to discover, that Judi was only getting warmed up. Yup, and with a glance over her shoulder, Judi quickly surveyed her awestruck, and OK, dumbstruck audience. Her eyes caught mine, and she stopped, looking up at me with that devilishly wicked grin of hers. Oh my God, believe it; it was all I could do not to launch myself right over that bar, drop to my knees, and lick every sweet glistening drop of triann's pussy juices off Judi's pretty face. But gosh, that would have ruined her dazzling little performance wouldn't it? So, I settled for soft applause, and a few quietly whooped woowoos.

Judi looked back up at Triann, snickered, added a "Tsk-tsk darling, you asked for it," before gracefully getting to her feet. Poor Triann was still panting, terrific tits still heaving, when Judi stepped in closer, using one sandal clad foot to nudge her plaything's legs wider apart. Damn her though. The kiss she gave Triann was so fucking hot and steamy, that it was my knees it had wobbling. And when Triann tried to wrap her arms around Judi, she found her hands being pinned back on the lip of that counter top. Purring softly, Judi ordered "Stay right there darling, I'll be right back."

Turning to me, hands on her hips, Judi snapped "Well, it's about time you showed up," before asking, "And, just who's lipstick is that smeared on your cheek?"

I didn't say anything; oh Hell no, because the guilty party was squeezing herself between Murphy and me even as Judi had been talking. Bob joined the party too, sidling up on the other side of Murphy. "Oh my, and what's going on here," asked an obviously very amused Carla? "Hi there, and that's my lipstick." And then, she was pointing and asking "My God, what did you do to that poor girl?"

Oops, I was going to introduce Carla, but before I could the hand she had been pointing with was snaking its way up under my skirt. Judi gave me a knowing grin, cocked her head at Carla, winked, and coyly suggested "Enjoy my little blond toy darling? Good for you, but now I have some unfinished business to attend too."

Having dismissed the whole bunch of us with a casual shrug of her shoulders, Judi turned her attention back to Triann. "Ready baby," she asked. "You did say you wanted me to show you a couple of tricks, right? OK then, here comes lesson number two."

Triann's eyes glinted, and her lips parted, like maybe she'd come up with some catty reply. Only, before she could get so much as a word out, Judi slid a hand between her thighs, and drove two fingers in to her pussy. Well that rather neatly reduced any comment to a startled gasp. I whooped "You go girl," while poor Triann's hands scrambled for a hold on that counter top.

Gee, I was trying to watch Judi, and keep an eye on Carla in the bar's mirror too. So yeah, when I felt Carla's hand stop fondling my ass, suspicion flared, and I turned a questioning glare on her. And from the wicked gleam in the dark eyes Carla leveled at me, I figured I knew what was coming next. Well yeah, but then that look had been zeroed-in right on my tits. So, with a giggle, and a move any frat boy would have envied, she yanked my tank top up, and exposed my tits. Would you believe her stupid, "Gentleman, I really do believe tits this pretty should be seen, don't you," actually made me giggle? It's not like I exactly expected those horn dogs to stop drooling over Judi's moves; but still, their damn lucky I caught them at least checking out my tits in the bar mirror. Ah well, anyway I was watching Judi work Triann too, and doing it while Carla worked a hand back up under my skirt. Honestly, if I hadn't been so distracted I'd have smacked her for ignoring my tits. I mean really, the silly bitch hadn't even touched them.

Murphy took me by surprise when he wandered off. OK, so he only moved down to stand beside Jack at the far end of the bar. Yeah, but before he left, At least he had treated my poor neglected tits to a bit of sweet attention. And, while he had been pinching and rolling my nipples, he had whispered "Have fun baby," before giving my ass a vicious smack. Well OK, to be fair he smacked Carla's ass too, reminding her "Enjoy."

Now, I was keeping an eagle eye on Judi's sexy antics too. She had started out pushing two fingers in to Triann, fucking her with slow twisting strokes. But then, she began kissing her with a wild ferocity that almost had me jealous. But then, what would the point have been in that? I mean, after all I was standing there with another beautiful woman's fingers working magic between your thighs. Anyway, Judi wasn't kissing her when she slipped a third finger in and out of sight. And she was grinning mischievously when she added a fourth finger to the mix. That move of course left her thumb perfectly positioned for clit diddling duty. Then, while staring straight in to Triann's wide eyes, she fucked her, fucked her hard. Actually she fucked her just as hard, fast, and deep as her thumb would allow. Damn but that Judi looks absolutely sensational, hot and sexy, when she's doing that dominant thing. Sure, and I figured the only reason Triann wasn't standing there naked, was because Judi was making a point. It's a control thing; something like, look mom, no hands. Gads, but it was getting just a wee bit hard to concentrate though.

You know who had squirmed herself around sideways, got herself comfortably positioned, and then pushed a pair of fingers deep in to my already dripping wet vagina. Wanting to be helpful, I sat a foot up on the rail of Mel's barstool, making myself a whole lot more accessible. Well he must have noticed, because he looked around, eyes going wide when he spotted Carla's arm disappearing up under my skirt. Or maybe, it was the sight of that arm pumping away; because, it sure was doing that. Anyway, he reached down and hiked up the front of my skirt, voila, leaving me more or less, mostly more, naked. By then, who cared anyway?