Pitcher of Lemonade


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"Well, I never!" The woman sputtered as the old man just stared at them in shock.

Norman touched the button and they took off down the road, both of them laughing like maniacs.


Many times after that, whenever Norman went to town to get fuel, she rode along with him. She let old Sam get lots more good looks, then he had a hired kid that came out one day so she let him have a look, also. The kid got so flustered that he spilled fuel all over the place, apologizing and grabbing a rag to wipe it up.

That stuff was fun and she could pretend that she had no idea at all, the big plus was it got Norman so hot that most of the time they stopped at the wayside on the way back, nearly every time when it was nice and warm out. A few times they even stopped when it was cold.


One time when they were both barely 40 it was hot as blazes out again, Shannon went out to the sheds to get some eggs. She had on one of the sack dresses with huge oversize armholes that came almost to her waist. She liked those, they let the breeze in.

Norman looked up to see her leaning over picking up the eggs, Charley was just coming out of the barn with the fence stretching tool. He looked over and saw her, with the Sun behind her Shannon might as well have been stark naked.

Charley stopped and looked, her big long nipples were plain as day swinging naked, even the thick mass of pubic hair showed clearly when she stood back up. Then she gathered up the hem of her dress to hold the Eggs. The dark mass of her pubic hair came into view, that time was an accident.

There was no hiding those big pussy lips of hers, with the sunlight coming in between her legs Charley saw everything. She just grinned at him and headed back to the house.

Seeing Charley get a good look at his wife got Norman all fussed up, he got to the house at the same time Shannon did. She had never really let any of the crew ever see her before, she always worried about that since it might affect their work.

It was a wonder none of the eggs got broken considering the way Norman went after her.

After, Shannon was lying there naked, Norman was lightly stroking her large protruding lips.

Those had developed over many years of regular lovemaking, his very large erection was the cause, he knew.

That and two strapping sons. One of them had been almost ten full pounds, the second one topped eleven pounds by a couple of ounces.

Both of them slid right out without much of an effort.

"Easiest delivery I ever did in my life!" Doc Barker told them, looking at the heavy and fat baby he was holding by it's feet. By then it was yelling it's head off.

Then he handed the child to the nurse, looked at Shannon laying there with her legs spread out.

"That thing is sure designed to squirt out the young'uns!" He wisecracked.


Doc Barker was from the old school, after doing a delivery he always set up heat lamps, and had the mothers lie there naked with their legs splayed out, the light shining right on them.

"This is real good for healing." He told them. The truth is he liked to look at all the bare pussies, sometimes he had two or three of the women in there at once. He always had the nurses shave them bare, then he kept them separated with little curtains that drew out facing the center of the room.

Anyone who walked in could see right in there.

One of Doc Barker's little kicks was visiting hours, he would send in the husbands to see their wives while they were lying there like that.

After the first child, Shannon was in there all by herself, but the second time there was another woman directly across from her, also under one of the heat lamps.

Shannon found out from visiting with her that her name was Janice Carlton, they had just moved to town a few months back. They were chatting away when Norman came in, Janice's husband Larry was right behind him.

Both women lay there with their legs spread under the lamps. Norman looked over at Janice, realized and politely turned his back. She blushed furiously, just then Larry walked in, looked over at Shannon and turned his back, too.

Doc Barker came in a couple of minutes later, began asking the women how there were doing. He had one hell of a big grin on his face. Larry kept looking first at his wife and then over at Shannon, Norman was trying to be polite by keeping his back turned.

Larry was glancing over so much that Shannon saw his wife Janice getting a little bit pissed off.

"It sure does feel strange to be lying here like this with three men in here, doesn't it?" She called out to Shannon, who just giggled.

Larry looked over at Shannon again, his eyes locked between her legs. Doc Barker was pretending to be busy taking Shannon's blood pressure at the time, but he was really watching for the husband's reactions. She caught Larry's glance and grinned at him. Norman gave her a grin.

"Introduce me to your husband, Shannon, I want to shake his hand!" Janice called out, sounding mildly irritated.

Shannon did, Norman was forced to turn and walk over beside the bed.

"Glad to meet you, come on out to the farm and visit any time." He told Janice.

"Love to!" She told him, opening her legs even farther. Larry got a flushed look on his face at that, but he quit sneaking looks at Shannon.

When it came time to leave, Norman leaned down to give Shannon a kiss. When he turned around, Janice was still lying there wide open. She grinned at him.

"We will come visit, it sounds like fun!" She told him. Norman couldn't help himself either, he took another quick glance at her hairless pussy. It looked completely different than Shannon's, he noted she had a few stitches but Shannon had none at all.


Later, after Shannon was home, he asked her about Doc Barker. The guy seemed to have a very relaxed bedside manner.

"I think he enjoys his work very much!" She told him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when he does the exams, the pelvic? He really does take his time." She laughed.

"Really? Does he get out of line? Maybe you need a different Doctor?"

"No, not really. It's just that he looks a lot and touches a lot, but he really is a good Doctor."

Norman decided to let that slide, but that had been something different, two naked women right there and no one concerned at all about people running in and out.


Then there was that day when Charley saw her out gathering the eggs. That was the first time he had seen that part of her body.

Norman delighted himself in that part of her body, he could easily look at her and play with her for hours and would if he didn't have so much work to do.

"What got into you, honey?" She asked him, already knowing. Norman had just finished taking her in the middle of the afternoon, something that was rare for him.

So he told her, explaining that seeing Charley catch her looking like that turned him on.

Shannon laughed, thinking that was funny. But from then on she managed to have a few little accidents like that around the farm hands, although nothing really blatant like she did in town.

The look in his eyes when she did something was almost enough to make her climax, and many of those times Norman would get down and lick and nuzzle at her. By now she knew that situations like that got Norman up and roaring to go, he already was anyway but those times he got even harder.

Her own orgasms when they made love like that were the really intense ones. Even if Norman wasn't around to see anything, she would tell him later in complete detail, and his reaction was always the same.

In fact, telling him the stories seemed to fuss him up even more so she spent a lot of time telling them to him, even repeating the nastiest ones.

The only ones she never told him about were the brief experiences back in college. Norman was convinced that she had come to him pure, and he was so happy and proud of that, that she simply let that be.

She had come very close a couple of times to telling him, but just could not.


That was part of why she headed out to the fields wearing nothing but one of her sack dresses. It was one of those with the oversize armholes, so she wore it just to tease the crew a little bit.

Norman couldn't be there since he was hurt, but she planned on teasing a little bit, then going back to tell him all about it.

Doing that had become pretty much normal, even if Norman wasn't around all she had to do is tell him about it and she got the exact same reactions from him. But usually it was just leaning over with her bare titties moving around, things like that. This time she had carefully checked herself out in the mirror, since she had four strapping men out there to tease.

As she drove up in the little Ford tractor, Charley and Daryl were working on the noisy old New Holland baler. One of the slides had jumped the track, it had been doing that right along but now was getting to be a pain in the ass. The drag fingers on the slide of the old machine had broken off during the jam up, they would need to pull the arm off and weld on new ones.

The machine would drop around 30 to 40 of the big 70 pound hay bales, then jam up. Charley was down on his knees dragging hay out of the reels, she looked over and the two young men, Hank and Disco were stacking bales on the flat bed trailer.

"I made some sandwiches, and some drinks." She called out. All four of them gathered around, grabbing the Egg salad sandwiches as she poured tall ice cold glasses of lemonade for them. She also had a jug of ice water for Daryl, he didn't like Lemonade.

"Gonna have to pull off that knotter slide plate and go weld up some bracing for it, the thing is almost plumb wore out." Charley told her in his deep southern drawl.

"Norman won't be able to fix that, he is still real sore." She told him.

"I can weld." The young man that called himself Disco said.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Yep, I learned how in school, I can make that."

"OK. Let's give it a try, we can't keep jamming up all the time." Shannon was leaned back against the tractor wheel on the big John Deere, the engine idling with a steady throb.

She noticed the young man looked her up and down, she smiled to herself at that. It was nice to have a young fellow like that take notice.

Charley always did but he was five years older than she was, and Daryl always looked at her too. Usually his face flushed and he looked away.

She was used to them, the two new men she wasn't used to.

She decided to play a little bit, so she walked around to the front of the big baling machine, pretending to take a look at it. The chute was still jammed with hay.

This put the sunlight behind her, it was almost two in the afternoon. She knew this would outline her body perfectly for the men sitting there in the shadow of the tractor, she now had done that many times when Charley or Daryl were around.

The big engine in the tractor was sitting there idling, the power takeoff was pulled back out of gear. Shannon missed seeing the dirt clod torn up by the mower having hit a rough spot.

Her foot twisted on the clod, and she started to fall, instinctively she put out her hand to catch herself.

Her hand hit the hydraulic lever, the baler began to turn. The lower pickup tines caught the hem of her dress, jerked her off her feet. It was almost like in slow motion, she was being pulled into the machine and she tried to jerk herself back but the tough material of her dress held fast.

Shannon went over on her side, grasping for something, anything to stop herself. Her leg went up against the jam up of hay or she might have ended up with one leg inside a hay bale.

The machine suddenly stopped, Charley had exploded into motion, slamming the hydraulic arm out of gear. Then he spun to hit the kill switch on the tractor.

Shannon ended up down on her back, the hem of her dress wrapped tightly around the bottom rollers, pinning her left leg up in the machine.

"My God! Are you hurt?" Daryl was suddenly beside her.

"No, I don't think so. My dress is caught."

Daryl reached down, it was wrapped into the rollers, he tried to tear it loose but the tough material held fast.

Shannon's left leg was up on the reel, the spokes had caught the hemline right between her legs, wrapping her left ankle securely.

Her other leg was on the ground. Daryl was right between her legs, tugging at the cloth on her trapped leg.

"We are going to have to cut this loose." He said, standing up. Shannon realized suddenly that both Disco and Hank were looking at her with strange expressions on their faces.

With one leg trapped up on the baler reels and the other on the ground, both of them could see all the way up her dress.

She was naked underneath, and could not possibly be more exposed. She had given the crew men peeks at her lots of times, but never spread out and within a couple of feet.

Charley came around, she saw him glance down and his eyes widen, she felt herself blush.

Now Shannon was really embarrassed, and there wasn't a damned thing she could do about it, she was stuck.

"Get the knife out of the toolbox." Daryl said. He was trying to look away. Hank finally went around to the other side of the machine and got the box cutter knife they used to cut hay out when the machine jammed. He was back in seconds.

He knelt down and started trimming the hem loose.

Shannon couldn't help it, she was sitting there in the most unladylike position possible with Hank kneeling between her legs. The other three men were standing there looking at her, Disco was actually leaning over so he could see over Hank's shoulder.

Every one of them were staring at her wide open pussy, including Hank.

"Watch where you are cutting!" She told him. Then she couldn't help herself, she began to giggle.

"I will be careful." He told her with a grin, glancing down to take another good look at her.

Then he reached down and held the material up and began to cut it away. He turned the blade upwards, starting clear up at her crotch, and cut all the way down to the bottom.

In a few seconds, she was free, she stood up, still blushing. The remains of her dress now came barely past her crotch on the left side, she gathered the material and held it together. A long piece of the material hung out loose behind her, she took the knife and sawed that part off.

"You sure you are all right?" Charley asked her.

"Yes, I am fine." She looked at the back of her leg, there was a little scratch where the pickup fingers had slid across her calf but that was all.

She went back to the little tractor. Looking back, she saw all four of them were looking at her, big grins on their faces.

"Bring the part up to the shop, I will show Disco where the welder is." They nodded. Shannon started the machine, looked down at the clutch and her bare leg.

"The hell with it, give them another free peek." She thought to herself, putting the machine in gear.

Back at the house, she went inside and changed dresses, then went out to the shop. She was in the back looking for some pieces to make the part when she heard them drive up in the pickup.

"Man, did you see the snatch on that woman?" Disco was saying.

"I didn't even know women could have something like that, it hung down a dang inch or two!" Hank said.

"Prettiest pussy I ever saw in my whole life! Hell, we could see clear up inside her!" Disco added.

"Probably the only one you ever saw." Daryl teased him.

"You guys knock it off, Shannon is one hell of a hunk of woman but don't you go teasing her or anything. I am just glad she wasn't hurt, that was my fault for not shutting down the tractor." Charley told them.

"Yea, we gotta be more careful. Still, what I woudn't give to get me a piece of that! That was the best looking pussy I ever saw!" Disco kept on.

"How many have you even seen in your life, kid, maybe two?" Charley laughed at him.

"Yea, and both of them was on Cows up until now!" Hank said.

"I think she was liking it, did you see how wet she got?" Disco wouldn't let up.

"You even think of touching that one and Norman be having you with his Eggs for breakfast come morning!" Charley told him.

"She would kill him, no way can he handle anything like that." Hank said.

"Yea, but she sure is fun to look at." Daryl said, and they all muttered agreement.

Then they all laughed, she heard them moving equipment around.

Shannon grinned to herself. She got the metal, walked out into the shop. They all went quiet as they turned to look at her, she noticed Disco and Daryl both got very red faced.

"Here you go." She smiled, then she headed up to the house. She could feel their eyes on her as she walked away.

She had quite a story to tell her husband Norman. She was hoping he was feeling better, if not, maybe if she was careful? She desperately wanted her man inside her.

She felt her nipples harden, she let out a little involuntary shudder.

God! Four men had all looked right at her naked pussy! That time back in college when everyone had seen her like that flashed into her mind. That had excited her beyond belief. This time, overhearing them talk about her like that was amazing.

She had at first been frightened, then as they had worked to get her free, she had felt herself become excited. She knew they would have been able to tell, she knew because she was still wet.

Her first shallow orgasm hit her as she pushed open the door to the bedroom. Norman turned to look at her with a smile.

"Everything going all right, honey?" He asked her.

"Everything is just fine." She smiled.

"So what is going on?"

"I have a story to tell you." She said, sitting carefully on the bed beside him.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

A very enjoyable story even though it just drifted and lacked a climax. Hope Norman had a quick recovery.

jimjam69jimjam69over 3 years ago

Sound's like a wonderful wife to me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
just another putz with a whore

for a wife......men only ever think with their pricks and not their brains...she is just another cock teasing skank slut whore.....one day she will get raped and wonder why...women are such controlling sluts...don't you just hate them....

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 12 years ago
Nice one -

If you add chapters PLEASE let her maintain her self control - they are happy together the way it is and they both get some kicks and have some fun and everyone gets a peek - let it stay good -

Some stories with good people who know how to control themselves is good -

sexmatesexmatealmost 14 years ago
5'-10" 160 lbs big breasted full figured woman.............Shannon.....

Perfect! This story I thought was very original. I had a fun time reading it.

Being around country or farm people a lot of my life I could relate to this story and have seen some similar things from some of the women I have had the pleasure to meet around my country acreage and cabin.

You wrote some of the mannerisms and attitudes very well!

Thanks for writing!

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusalmost 14 years ago
Great little tale!

Very nice character development. These are likable and understandable people. Nice believable scenes. Well done.

size14shoesize14shoealmost 14 years ago
If they can't take a joke

fuck'em. Good story. Different with no revenge and no getting pissed at the wife for flashing her tits and ass.

m48gunnerm48gunneralmost 14 years ago

No cheating, just good fun and apparently she shared the story with her husband which made it even better- a shared time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Cute story

Being older and a former farm girl, I can relate. My Mommy used to make me dresses and blouses from old flour sacks, too.

We had an old John Deere tractor I used to ride on with Dad on the drawbar behind to the fields, but only when he wasn't towing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Liked it

Hey - I liked it a lot! Can we get a part 2?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
a fool

you have become a fool

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Just any old thing!

It seems that the author believes that you can take just any old thing and make a story out of it. I guess that sometimes it works. This time it did not.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Your stories of late have been good.

This one left me cold.

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