Pixie Magic Ch. 01


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Randy wore a camo raincoat with matching baseball cap and heavy boots that were covered in mud. He had a hunting rifle cradled in the crook of his arm.

"You have something that belongs to me," he said gruffly.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, although judging from the way his dogs were behaving, I could easily guess what he wanted.

"Did you bring a deer in here this morning?" he asked, "my dogs have tracked one here."

"There was a doe brought in earlier this morning," I answered, omitting the fact that Fern and I were the ones who brought her in, "she had a fractured leg and I repaired it."

"I want that deer," he said in a loud voice.

The dogs bared their teeth and growled at me after hearing the tone of his voice.

"Would you please restrain your dogs?" I asked calmly, not wanting to show any sign of fear.

Randy ignored my request and walked towards the back door to the infirmary area. He peered through the small window overlooking the infirmary back there. While he was looking, I slipped a few dog treats onto the floor. The dogs stopped growling and lunged for the treats, giving me time to move past them and approach Randy.

"She's in the back recovering," I said, blocking the door with my shoulder, "and can't be moved. Her injury looked like it came from a foothold trap. They're illegal, you know."

"That's none of your business!" Randy snapped.

Immediately, the dogs surrounded me, growling viciously.

"Heel!" a female voice behind me said sharply.

There was Fern standing at the counter. She had a stern look on her face.

The dogs immediately stopped growling and a few whines could be heard instead.

"Sit!" Fern commanded.

All the dogs immediately sat, their tongues out and panting.

"Well, if it isn't the tree hugger," Randy turned and sneered at Fern, "I suppose you were the one who brought that deer in here."

"Randy, what do you want with that doe, anyway?" I asked, "It was trapped illegally and out of season. I'm required to report her injury to the authorities and if you just let this go, I won't have to include your name in my report."

"The authorities don't scare me," he spat, "my family is the authority around here."

"Once she's recovered, I'm required by law to turn her over to Vermont Fish and Game," I said.

"We'll see about that," he smiled, looking back at Fern, "Dogs!"

The six large beasts stood at attention. They eyed Fern intently, although they made no sound.

"Notify me when she's ready to be moved," Randy said, "I want that doe."

With that, he and the dogs went back out into the rain.

The waiting room was a mess, there were muddy paw prints everywhere along with Randy's muddy boot prints. I got out a mop and a bucket to clean up.

"Let me do that, doctor," Fern said reaching for the mop.

Because of my guilt from my actions upstairs, I couldn't look Fern in the eye. I didn't say anything to her as I mopped the floor. Fern took out a spray bottle and some rags and wiped the mud off the chairs and benches.

We were still cleaning when Mrs. Tuttle came in with her cat.

The rest of the morning was quiet and uneventful. I said nothing to Fern other than the minimal conversation needed to run the clinic. Fern made several attempts to apologize to me, but we were too busy, and I wasn't ready to have that conversation with her. I was already too ashamed of myself to even look her in the eyes.

Normally I ate lunch upstairs in my apartment, often sharing lunch with Fern. But because of my guilt, I decided to brave the rain and eat at the Greenwood Diner instead, mostly to avoid a conversation with Fern.

The Greenwood Diner was a small greasy spoon eatery whose existence is somewhat of an anomaly. It hadn't changed from the early 60's and the three tables with chairs were well worn and need of replacement. Greenwood was a small village, and the villagers usually didn't eat out very often, which explained why the décor hadn't changed in nearly 60 years. The diner owed its existence to the small convenience store and gas station attached to it.

The place was empty when I sat down at the table near the back window. Gail, the waitress/line cook/cashier came over to take my order. She was a late middle-aged woman who lived alone with her cats. She was a bit overweight but always very friendly, kind, and a bit motherly.

"What do we owe the pleasure, hon?" Gail asked, pulling out her note pad.

"I'd rather not talk about it," I replied, regretting the words after I said them, remembering too late that Gail was a bit motherly.

"Uh oh," she said, putting down her note pad, "Bad day at the clinic. It is personal or professional?"

"It's both," I replied, "But I said I didn't want to talk about it."

"It's about Fern, isn't it, hon?" she guessed, "I've seen that look before."

She sat down in the chair at the opposite side of the table.

"Look, Gail," I began, "I appreciate your concern, but I just need some time to myself and a quick lunch before I have to get back to the clinic."

"Okay," she said, standing up, "I understand. But if you need someone to talk to, you know where I am."

"Thank you," I said, looking at the menu, "I guess I'll have the BLT."

"We're out of tomatoes," she replied, "What's your second choice?"

"I'll take the chef's salad instead, then," I said after taking another look at the menu.

"The hard-boiled eggs went bad," she replied, "and I'm going to need some time to make more dressing."

I put down the menu and looked at her.

"Okay," I said, "what do you have?"

"I can make you a grilled cheese sandwich," she said smiling.

"Fine," I said, "can I have a side of cole slaw with that?"

Sue looked at me.

"Okay," I sighed, "how about a side of chips and a cup of coffee?"

"Good choice!" she said, smiling, "give me a couple of minutes."

For the most part, Gail left me alone during lunch, thanks to the customers who came into the convenience store. By this time the rain had stopped, and I left a generous tip when I paid the bill and walked back to the clinic.

When I returned, I checked up on the doe. That's how I found Fern inside the pen with her arms around the doe's neck. The doe was awake and up on her feet standing gingerly on its injured leg.

Fern looked up at me, smiling, her arms still around the doe's neck.

"She's bearing weight on it already, and it doesn't hurt her - I mean it doesn't appear to hurt her very much," Fern remarked.

"It's probably still numb from the anesthesia," I mumbled, looking away to avoid eye contact, "She'll need to stay calm for the next couple of days."

Fern left the doe and approached me.

"You're not going to release her to Randy, are you?" she asked anxiously.

I turned and walked back to the waiting area without answering her.

The afternoon turned into quite a zoo, both literally and figuratively. Aside from a high volume of rabies and distemper shots, I neutered a litter of 2-month-old rabbits, treated a sick guinea pig and two gerbils. Then, just as we were about to lock up, Hollis, the owner of the gas station/convenience store/greasy spoon came in with Charly, his chocolate lab with a broken foot.

"One of the customers accidently ran over his foot," Hollis exclaimed.

We took Charly back to the surgery to mend his foot.

It was well over an hour past our usual closing time when we finally closed up. Fern was there waiting for me.

"Can we talk?" she asked.

"There's nothing to talk about," I replied, "I crossed a line I should never have crossed, Fern. You deserve better from me."

"Doctor," she began, then started over, "Sky, I just wanted to thank you for all you did this morning. I think you're very professional and you have nothing to feel guilty about. What happened this morning was entirely my fault. I just wanted to reward you for all that you did. That's all."

"Fern," I said, looking down, "you don't understand. I'm not supposed to do that."

"Do what?" she asked, "You're not supposed to be human? That you didn't enjoy it? I know I did. I have feelings for you, and I enjoyed what we did."

"That's not the point," I said, "We work together. My feelings shouldn't interfere with our professional relationship. You're the best TA I've ever worked with, but if I can't control myself around you, I'm going to have to find a new TA."

"Are you serious?" Fern asked.

I couldn't answer her, I was so upset with myself.

"Good night, Fern," I said as I climbed the stairs to my apartment.



My alarm went off, but I was still exhausted. I had an uneasy sleep thinking about how unprofessional it was to have sex with my TA. It didn't help knowing that I was sleeping in the same bed we made love in.

Everything reminded me of her. I could smell her hair on my pillow, a pleasant combination of clover blossoms and a hemlock forest. Memories of caressing her soft skin and tender breasts. My morning erection reminded me of how good it felt to be inside her velvety, tight ...

I had to stop thinking about that. It only made me feel more guilty. I tossed and turned all night wondering what I should do. I was so attracted to Fern, but she was forbidden fruit and vulnerable as my only employee. I couldn't take advantage of her like I did.

Last night I told her I might have to find another TA. But I didn't want to lose her, she was the best TA I had ever seen. We worked well together and her ability to calm animals was unparalleled, almost magical. I would be out of my mind to lose somebody like that.

But I was out of my mind as it was. I realized I've harbored a desire for Fern for a while now. I just had no idea what to do about it.

During my shower, I kept secretly hoping she would surprise me again. But I was also dreading it, realizing I wouldn't be able to resist repeating the same mistake I had made yesterday. I was erect just thinking about it. I turned the water temperature to cold to shake off those thoughts.

Not having much of an appetite, I had a bite of toast for breakfast and went down to check up on the doe. That's where I found Fern inside the pen with her, the doe's head resting on Fern's lap. Fern's face looked like she had been crying.

"Everything alright?" I asked.

"Fine," she sniffed.

"Okay," I said skeptically, "I'll be doing my rounds at the farms today. Call me if anything comes up."

Fern turned and kissed the doe on the head as I left.

Farm rounds were generally fun. It was almost always large animal veterinary medicine, although there was the occasional dog or cat injury that I was asked to see "while I'm there." Then there was always the occasional breech calf to be delivered, or infected udder to be treated. After being in Greenwood for almost two and a half years, I'd gotten to know the local farmers pretty well. There were a couple of sheep farms in the area as well as an alpaca farm.

Farm rounds usually pay very well for the amount of work required, but in the past 6 months, these small family farms had been struggling. As a result, I'd agreed to take deferred payments or payment in eggs, beef, lamb, or chicken.

It was late when I got back to the clinic, a little past my usual closing time. The big black Ford F-150 truck in the parking lot told me that Randy was back again.

I went inside and found the waiting area empty, but I heard shouting inside the infirmary area.

When I opened the door, I saw Fern in front of the gate to the doe's pen blocking Randy.

"For the last time, get out of the way, tree hugger!" Randy shouted.

"Never!" Fern shouted back.

"What's going on here?" I yelled.

Randy turned and looked at me.

"Will you tell this cunt to get out of my way," Randy demanded, "That's my doe."

"Watch your mouth!" I reprimanded, "She's doing her job and you have no right to walk in here demanding to take an animal under my care. Now get out of here!"

"Alright, I'll leave," he said, pushing past me, "But if you want to keep your lease, you'd better turn over that doe to me."

After he left, I turned to Fern.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

She nodded. "Just a little shaken up, that's all," she replied.

"Go home and get some rest," I said, "I'll take care of things here."

After seeing Fern safely to the door, I went upstairs and had a can of soup for dinner and checked up on the doe before doing some reading and going to bed. With almost no sleep the night before, I was exhausted.



I woke up early the next morning and after a shave and a quick shower, I went downstairs an hour before the clinic opened to check up on the doe. But I found the gate to the pen was open and the doe was nowhere to be seen.

"Shit!" I said to no one out loud.

I checked the surveillance camera to the infirmary area and discovered 15 minutes of static on the recording just past 11 PM. After the static cleared, the doe was gone.


My first thought was Fern. She was worried that Randy would take her. But the doe was still recovering. Surely Fern would never risk the animal's life by taking her out of the pen before she could walk safely.

Then I realized that as my landlord, Randy had a key to the clinic. Maybe he took the doe. But I didn't hear any dogs barking or gunshots during the night. Plus, Randy was hardly the most subtle man on the planet, I was sure I would have heard something if he took the doe.

I went back and checked on the two other animals in the recovery area, the chocolate lab and the rabbit, both of whom were recovering from yesterday's surgery. They looked fine and were ready to go home today when their owners came by. After feeding them, I went back into my office to fill out paperwork on the doe and two cows with their calves from yesterday.

It was almost time to open the clinic when Fern came in.

"The doe is gone," I said, "Do you know anything about that?"

"She is?" Fern responded without answering the question.

"Yes," I said, "I came down to check on her and found the pen gate was open and the deer missing."

"Did you check the surveillance camera?" she asked.

"Yes, and the doe was there until 11 PM, then there was 15 minutes of some sort of static interference. When that cleared, the doe was gone," I said.

"Do you think Randy took her?" Fern asked, with only a hint of concern in her voice.

"That's a possibility," I said, "But you still haven't answered my question. Do you know anything about that?"

"Let me get things set up for our first patient," she said, avoiding eye contact.

"Fern, stop," I said, "Ever since that deer showed up, you've been acting strangely. What's going on? How did you even know that doe was injured deep in the woods at 4 in the morning?"

"Well, I -" she began to say.

Just then the door opened, and Randy walked in. He was carrying a rope and had a pistol holstered to his belt.

"I've come to fetch my deer," he said, walking towards the door to the infirmary pens.

"You can't go back there," I said, moving to block him from opening the door, "There are animals recovering in there. They need to say calm."

"Fuck that," Randy replied. He was already ahead of me and opened the door.

I followed him into the infirmary. He stopped when we reached the empty horse pen.

"Where is she?" he asked.

"She's not here."

That came from Fern, who had followed up into the infirmary.

"What have you done with her?" Randy said, angrily moving slowly towards Fern.

I blocked his path.

"Don't blame her," I said, "I released her last night. She's probably far away by now."

Randy was livid. He looked like he was about to strike me with his fist until he paused and put his arm down.

"She couldn't have gotten very far on that bum leg," he said, sneering, "Me and the dogs should be able to track her down and catch up with her pretty quickly. You may have just done me a favor, Doctor."

He taunted me with that last word.

Randy pushed past me and Fern. We followed him into the waiting room and watch him leave. After the door closed, I turned to Fern.

"There's a good possibility I might just lose my lease over this," I said to Fern, "Now will you tell me what's going on?"

"Skyler, I -" she began again.

The door opened again and our first patient of the day, a border collie named Sally, limped in on a leash with its owner, Webster Judd, one of the local dairy farmers.

"Porcupine again," Webster said, "This time it was only her paw."

Sally had been in last year with porcupine quills around her mouth. I removed them at the time.

"Border collies are smart animals," I said, "I'm surprised she'd go anywhere near them again."

"The porcupine got too close to one of the calves," Webster explained, "she was trying to chase him off."

Fern brought Sally back to the surgery and prepped her. She assisted me as I removed the quill and sutured the small incision I made to remove the barb. Fern dressed the wound while I talked with Webster.

"I can keep her here overnight if you like," I said, "Or you can take her home if you think you can keep her calm over the next couple of days."

"She'll be fine at home," Webster said, smiling, "Thank you, doctor."

The rest of the day was just as busy. We worked through lunch, and I never got a chance to get back to Fern about the doe until just before closing time. The last patient of the day closed the door, and I turned back to Fern.

"Okay," I said, "they're gone. Now tell me, what's going on?"

"I'm sorry, Sky," she said, "I can't tell you—"

The clinic door opened again. It seemed like I was never going to get to the bottom of this.


Next Chapter: The Pixie Queen.

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ClearmuseClearmuseabout 2 months ago

Tantalizing opening!

OpenWordsOpenWords3 months ago

I don't like when writers use poor plot tools to justify a protagonist whimpy decision making process. Why would any writer think it's a good thing to write a main make character so week that he makes a woman cry for no good reason?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Thank you, I have enjoyed this chapter and I will run to read next one. I liked the mysteries in it and the ragging hot scene.

caveman21936caveman21936about 1 year ago

Randy confessed to a crime. Why not just report him? That should protect the doe from him.

LeakyFaucitLeakyFaucitabout 1 year ago

Dig it, good read.

EverydayMagicEverydayMagicabout 1 year agoAuthor

My stories are written for the "average" reader. You don't need to have a medical degree or be an expert in firearms or hunting techniques to read (and hopefully enjoy) the stories I've written or plan to write. I may or may not have more knowledge about firearms than a commentator has made, but I also didn't want the way I presented Randy to take away from his enjoyment of the story. There will be more details about Randy and his use (misuse, actually) of firearms and foothold traps in later chapters, which I hope will bring back some of his enjoyment of the story.

For everyone else, I don't worry about the negative comments and I would invite you not to worry about them either. Some, like the comments about the porcupine quill(s) are quite accurate and was a definite flaw in the story. I should have made that a more serious injury.

The bottom line, I don't want to discourage anyone from speaking their mind on the story. I appreciate the time and thought, whether or not I agree with it.

PurplefizzPurplefizzabout 1 year ago

Good story, I’m enjoying it! I’m sure Authors find it hard to create something new and put it out there for anon morons without attracting some supercilious nonsense. Nobody out here in Lit-land cares if firearms regs or medical minutiae are correct or not, we care about scene setting, pacing, vocabulary, characterisation etc, not petty details. Any commenter - please be constructive, if you can’t then stfu. Best wishes, Ppfzz

JSA69JSA69about 1 year ago

So far, I love it. I hope Randy gets his due.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Maybe stop being "amazed" by what distracts people from the story and think about _why_ it distracts them. Me, i don't hunt so wouldn't have a clue how you had got firearms laws wrong, and i don't know much about anatomy to know how good his doctoring is, but... I've had 6 dogs with attraction to porcupines. I thought you were right on when he said border collies were too smart to be caught twice, and even more so when the farmer said he was protecting the sheep, but them... It was ONE quill! After the first dog, I've never taken my dog to the vet for fewer than a hundred. Hell, my WIFE has taken ONE quill out of me (and she made it seem far more serious than 50 from the dogs). Porcupine quills are just not that big a deal.

EverydayMagicEverydayMagicabout 1 year agoAuthor

You guys amaze me with your attention to some of the details and "discrepancies" I've placed in this chapter, especially the comment about firearms laws and use of force. This is just the first chapter and I hope I haven't distracted you too much to have you keep reading because perhaps some (all?) of your concerns will be addressed in upcoming chapters. Sometimes it's the exceptions that define the rule.

pk2curiouspk2curiousabout 1 year ago

Lol " Medical niggle: From Wikipedia " . This is fiction . Nobody cares about the exact details . Not in fiction .

Well done .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Why is there always someone who goes out of their way to be an ass after they search to try and find something incorrect about a story. It’s like their only joy in life just like some little brat snitching on anyone about anything. Totally disgusting that they have nothing better to do l though this is just hypothetical of course.

Excellent story. It’s one of those stories I find myself so deeply into it that I was actually angry at a fictional character and was hoping Skyler decked him. I love your characters and storyline. I can’t wait for more.

EverydayMagicEverydayMagicabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you for your comments. FYI Anonymous niggler: Skyler saw the bone was fractured before removing the leg from the foothold trap, well before the doe was rescued. The x-ray was to confirm the extent of the fracture. (Was there a single break, or were their multiple bone fragments under the skin?). An x-ray would be required before selecting the plate to be inserted and determining the best placement of the plate. Remember, Skyler had never operated on a doe before.

I'm glad you're getting into the story! Read on, McDuff!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Not a bad concept but I can tell the author has exactly zero clues about actual firearms laws, or legal use of force.

Really takes away from the story.

MaonaighMaonaighabout 1 year ago

I don't know much about bones and fractures but I do know about writing and this is a very creditable start to what promises to be an enjoyable and worthwhile story. So it's a well-deserved five stars to start you off. (As a tongue-in-cheek aside, why are unpleasant characters in US-based stories always called Randy?)

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