Pleasing His New Bride Ch. 03

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Mia is pleased by two hung studs while David watches.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/13/2023
Created 07/16/2022
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Living in the semi-country, Mia knew most everyone in the surrounding shopping centers. She was one customer that the shopkeepers, both men and women, just loved to see come around. In some of the businesses both men and women frequented the establishment. Normally a hot woman getting attention from the men shoppers would disagree with the women workers. Not with Mia. The female friends marveled at her beauty and often told her which males were eyeing her up. She would normally dismiss such suggestions and ask about the woman's family or boyfriend or her parents. Mia retained all this information which surprised almost everyone when they saw her the second time. She had the gift and the conversational skills to relate to even the most obscure person in the business. Some of the smaller shops were owned by women. It was not infrequent that these ladies asked for accounting advice.

Mia usually ate a light lunch when she worked from home but occasionally would go out just to escape the small space of her home office. One of the businesses she liked to frequent was a sandwich shop owned by four firemen. Three guys and one woman who were firefighters decided to open the shop since they were good cooks when on duty at the firehouse. With rotating shifts, there were usually one or more in the establishment at any given time. They did hire a full-time manager but helped out themselves when they were off duty at the firehouse. Mia liked to frequent locally owned businesses.

One of the owners was Albert, an outrageously handsome bachelor who also looked forward to seeing Mia when he was at the sandwich shop. Albert was of mixed heritage with his mother being Hispanic and his father Caucasian. He seemed to have captured the best of the gene pool from each parent. While he never had to worry about a girlfriend, he was not one to settle down. He was twenty-five, 6'-1", 180# solid with washboard abs. Mia talked to all the owners when she was in for lunch and Albert seemed to be especially enamored with her. She always wore her wedding rings, so she wondered why he was so infatuated with her. It was not like he was inept at meeting women.

In addition to the locally owned sandwich shop there was a locally owned mechanic shop that was quite popular with not only the neighborhood clientele, but also people who were referred to them by satisfied customers. Lawrence, the owner, was a forty-year-old black guy who was not only a factory trained craftsman, but an adept businessman and quite popular in the community. He had a large staff of mechanics and service people but was hands on mostly with the customers. He had an easy way of explaining automotive problems to customers and was widely recognized as being straightforward and honest. He never upsold to customers just to run the bill up. If Lawrence told you that you needed brakes, then you could believe him.

David knew Lawrence for a long time and when he and Mia got married, he always referred her to Lawrence for car servicing, inspections and repairs. Also, Lawrence had a certain connection with the ladies. Many of their husbands didn't mind sending them to Lawrence knowing that he would not treat them as dummies but also suggest needed repairs. He would explain the problem and give them time to consult with their husbands if they wished. The husbands who already knew him would tell the wife that if Lawrence suggested it, then they should have the repairs done. No wonder his business was thriving.

When Mia was working from home, she usually started her day with a brisk run. She either wore a crop top with a sports bra in the summer or yoga pants and a compression top in the cooler weather. Her run happened to take her by the fire station. No matter what the firemen were doing when she passed, they would all stop and watch her run past on her way out and manage to be outside when she returned. They learned her routine and could just about set their watches when they first saw her until she returned. She greeted everyone with an innocent smile and wave while still paying attention to her pace. Even the women firefighters took notice making some of the men wonder it the girls might be gay or at least bi.

It was totally accidental when the incident happened. Mia was on her run one morning. She had on her headphones listening to lively music to pace her run. She turned her head away to look at a man in his backyard with his dog. She smiled and waved as was her custom. The brief glance away caused her to miss a small piece of a limb which had apparently fallen from a tree since her first pass. Her right foot hit the piece of timber at an angle and she rolled her ankle. She hopped and caught herself while going to the ground to assess the damage. As luck would have it, Fireman Albert was on duty and happened to see her awkward step. Of course, he was admiring her ass as she ran away from him. Waiting to see if she was severely injured, he decided to go to see if he could help. Mia was rubbing her ankle when Albert appeared to offer his assistance. He helped her up and aided her to walk back to the fire station where he iced her ankle and elevated it.

After ten minutes of conversation, he offered to take her back to her house in his car. She shouldn't walk or run on the ankle; they both knew. It had given her time to visit with Albert while they checked for swelling. Satisfied that it was a minor injury, she accepted his offer and he helped her to his car. Upon arriving at her house, Albert walked around the front of his car and opened her door. He helped her out and placed her arm around his shoulder so she wouldn't put any weight on her ankle. His hand slightly grazed the side of her full breasts as he held her. She was close to him on the near side and he could feel the bulge of her left breasts against his side.

He guided her to the living room and placed her ankle on the arm of the couch. He asked her where the towels were kept. He fetched one and lay a piece of plastic across the arm of the couch followed by the towel. He wrapped an ice bag around her ankle and wrapped it with a loosely fit ace bandage to hold it in place. He instructed her to ice the ankle ten minutes off and ten off for the next few hours. She was to do this for the next thirty-six hours. After that she was to soak it in hot water or Epsom salt solution for the next few days until the swelling went down. She assured him that she was ok. She thanked him but was embarrassed that she had been so clumsy. Handling her legs and ankle had given Albert a semi-hard on, a fact that Mia didn't miss as he worked on her ankle. She told him that David would be home that evening to help her with the icing.

After he left, Mia smiled to herself about her impact on him as he helped her settle in. She was aware that the mild misstep had not really done any long-term damage. She hobbled to her desk and resumed her work schedule while at least trying to keep her foot elevated. It was not particularly painful the rest of the day and she tried to keep weight off it as she went about the rest of the day. She was just finishing her work when David got home. Instead of finding her near nude and waiting for him as she did sometimes, he found her with her foot in a straight chair and an ice pack on it.

She filled him in on her accident and told him how Fireman Albert had helped her back home. She asked David to help her shower just in case she stepped wrong on the slippery tile. The ankle was stiff but not too swollen. He helped her up the stairs and into the bathroom. They both got naked and he helped her into the shower. He supported her as she washed and even did her back. Naturally, he had a severe erection even though she was slightly injured. She delighted to see his condition knowing that her nakedness was affecting his penis like that. She balanced on one foot while he dried her off, paying particular attention to her butt and breasts. She asked him to apply skin lotion all over. He spent more time that was absolutely necessary as he performed that task. After fixing a light dinner, David served her while she sat in a recliner.

David, of course knew Albert. He teased Mia about maybe faking the ankle sprain to get Albert to take her home. Rather than blush at his suggestion, she picked up the thread.

"Hey, that is a good idea. Wish I had thought of that one before I actually did turn my ankle. If it wasn't for the swelling, you might have caught me in my charade. I guess if someone had to render first aid, a good-looking guy like Albert was the best alternative. Handling my body and all, he seemed to have a little bulge in his uniform. You think I am imagining that?"

"No." He responded. "I am sure he did. After all, your skimpy running attire would inspire any man to make wood. Maybe when you heal up, you can ditch the bra and panties. I think that would be appropriate to thank him for his help."

"Nasty boy. You really want me to show my tits to the fire house?"

"Damn. That is sexy. I bet the firemen would watch you to make sure you don't have another fall. If I was a fireman, I would give you a physical when you resume your running."

"Let me get this straight, Husband, you wouldn't have any problem if the fireman felt every inch of my body to make sure I was healthy?"

"Hell, everyone can see you are healthy. Letting him feel you up would be ample pay for his help."

"Good idea. I will consider that when my ankle feels like it. I guess it is cheaper than a monetary reward. You want me to tell you how I checked out to the handsome fireman?"

"I wouldn't mind seeing it but I guess hearing about it is the next best thing."

"Oh, Baby, you couldn't handle seeing me turned on by Albert, could you?"

"Oh, I don't know about that. You were hot to trot at the lake with Trey and Julian. I know it turns you on and I get all the benefits of it, so, knock your socks off."

It sounded to Mia like David was indeed serious about her fucking another man. She was outward and friendly to everyone and there was no shortage of possible candidates but she didn't want to do anything that would hurt her husband or even hurt his standing in the community. Even though the family business that he ran was spread out and very successful, it would not be a good idea to risk having something becoming public. It did help that they lived far enough away from the various outlets that his customers usually didn't live near them. Encouraging her to pursue Albert, she assumed was just a fantasy. However, David did mention they guys from the lake and expressed an interest in seeing her show herself off to them. Maybe he had hoped that the guys would come over to their campsite while she was naked around the fire.

Could she risk it? Or should she wait to see if David made a definite move to share her with another man. The handsome, sexy, Albert was the perfect candidate. In a way she hoped the sprained ankle would keep her away from the fire station until she cooled down from being in close contact with him. In a way she thought that maybe the event would lead to something else. She had already seen that she excited him by the semi-erection he was sporting while he was tending to her injury. She wondered if that half-hard grew to something more substantial. And how much more substantial?

If it was going to fade into a memory, the chances became less the following day. Her doorbell rang around lunchtime. She gingerly walked to the door and found Albert with a sack from the sandwich shop.

"Thought you could use some nourishment for your injury. How are you feeling?"

"Oh, gosh, Albert, you didn't need to bring me food. Although, I do love the food at your restaurant. I am not an invalid. It is a little stiff, but not that painful. I guess you did a good job of first aid. Well, come in."

Albert had two sandwiches in the bag and a cup of chicken soup. Along with pickles and chips, it was quite a spread. She got them something to drink and they spread the sandwiches on the kitchen table.

"I really love your chicken soup. How did you know?"

"I see you in the shop occasionally and figured you liked it because you order it sometimes."

"How sweet."

After they ate and cleaned up, Albert suggested that he look at her ankle. She was wearing a tee shirt and running shorts with a thong underneath. She lay back against the arm of her couch and placed her foot on the cushion. Albert felt her ankle and ran his hands up her calf to see if she had any muscle tension. With her other leg cocked up, he could almost see her thong as the running shorts have a split at the lower hem. He looked up her legs to her breasts. Her nipples and areolas were making a perfect outline. As he looked past her full breasts, his eyes met hers. He quickly diverted to her ankle again but looked back up and she was looking longingly into his eyes again. This caused a significant amount of tightness in his shorts. His cock was straining against the material. She looked at his crotch and this time he looked into her eyes. She was caught. He showed a slight smile but straightened quickly not wanting to embarrass her. Inwardly he saw that she was indeed interested in his package. Or maybe it was just incidental. He lingered over her ankle and legs way longer than necessary and she knew it.

The tension between the two of them was palpable. Each wanted to consummate the relationship but neither was comfortable making the first move. Finally, Albert got up and mentioned that he should get back to the sandwich shop. Mia hopped up to show him to the door. This moment could be the preamble to a sexual relationship or it could fade into history. Again, thanking him for the food and thinking of her, she opened the door and kissed him on the cheek. Their eyes met again. Albert turned and kissed her gently on the lips. It was out there now. Couldn't be incidental at all. She smiled. He smiled.

"Can I bring you another sandwich tomorrow?"

"I would love it. Why don't you come by about three o'clock?"

With the die now cast, Mia needed some signal from her husband. She hoped for a green light but was willing to accept a strong yellow. How would she bring the topic up? If she was careful, they might pick up the sexy banter from the night before. If David showed any reluctance to engage the topic, she would just call the whole thing off. She loved David too much to risk starting something that would drive them apart. Sitting at her desk, she kept thinking of the pros and cons. The pro was that Albert was gorgeous and wanted her. She had trouble concentrating on her work the rest of the afternoon. By five o'clock, she was too horny to work. She took a shower. She looked in her closet for something sexy to wear. First thing she noticed was a pair of platform stilettos with an ankle strap. These were her best CMFM shoes. (Catch Me Fuck Me). She put them on and looked for some sexy lingerie to attract her husband's attention. As she considered the items, she decided that she was already wearing the ultimate wardrobe to catch her man. Just the stilettos. She went back down to her office and waited.

David came home and was checking to see where his hot wife was. He looked in the kitchen first. He went to the fridge to get a beer and noticed a soup container from the sandwich shop. He knew that Mia sometimes went out for lunch to escape her office. With his beer in his hand, he drifted toward her office.

"Hun, you there?"

She was indeed there. She was sitting in her office chair with her legs spread and nothing on but a pair of sexy stilettos. Knowing his place, he set his beer down and dropped to his knees in front of her. He began to lick her pussy. She was hot and juicy. He wondered what had gotten her so excited as evidence of her position and amount of dew dripping from her sex. He didn't need to excite her. She was already excited. He loved her like this. He continued to drink of her nectar. He probed her hot sex as deeply as he could. Mia put her heeled feet over his shoulders and scrunched down allowing him full access to her pussy and nether regions. He licked her female features up and down. Moving all the way from the top to the bottom of her slit, his tongue moved to her taint and further down until it contacted her pink rosebud. That slight anal sensation sent her into convulsions. She bucked her hips higher allowing him better access as he continued to slater her anus. She was cumming uncontrollably. Her heels were digging into his back as she roiled in pleasure/pain. It couldn't get any better than this. She whimpered and screamed as she remained frozen in position.

David knew that he was doing his job superbly. His wife was in the throes of one of the best orgasms he remembered her having. As she stopped thrusting her body to his tongue, she settled back into the seat of her chair. He continued to lick up her slit until he contacted her hard clitoris. She screamed and had another orgasm. She was almost crying then.

"Stop, stop, oh god, you are killing me."

She said that while still in the throes of yet another orgasm. Finally, she pushed his face away. She held her pussy and clamped her pretty thighs together. Finding her senses again, she looked into David's eyes.

"Oh, my, god, Honey. You make me feel so sexy."

"I guess so. What got you so charged up?"

"It was you, my Darling."

"As much as I would like to believe that, you were hot and ready when I walked in. Totally naked except for those fabulous heels. Hell, whoever showed up was going to get a treat today. Glad it was me."

"Oh, Baby. I'm sorry. Here, let me suck you off."

She dropped to her knees and pulled his pants and underwear down. His cock was throbbing. It didn't take long. As she sucked him, she pushed down until his cock was all the way into her mouth. He tensed and began shooting his cum into her. She held his balls and coaxed every drop from his penis. As he started to soften, she pulled off, stood up and gave him a sloppy French kiss.

Later, they fixed a light dinner and talked about their days and such. While David was getting some fixins out of the fridge, he asked her about the soup from the sandwich shop.

"I guess your ankle felt well enough to go out to lunch?"

"Uh, no. Albert brought by some sandwiches and the soup. I eat in there occasionally and love the chicken soup. Wasn't that nice?"

"Well, well. Yes, that was nice of the local fireman to make house calls. Now I understand why you were ready for action when I got home. Turned you on, did he."

"He was just being neighborly. But he is easy on the eyes."

"I guess you are right. Did you wear your heels to greet him?"

"No, actually I was surprised when he dropped by. He just wanted to check on me and see if my ankle was better."

"No doubt it is better. Those heels are hard to walk in. Did he check out anything else? Not that I am complaining, mind you. You can tell him to come by more often if that turns you on anything like today."

"Oh, wow, Honey. You are also a good neighbor to share me with the nice fireman."

"Damn, Mia. That is hot. I thought what I gave you would cool you down. You must be smokin' still talking about getting some from the fire department. But I guess the slogan is a good one. 'Support Your Local Fire Department'.

"You are funny, Mister. So, you don't mind Albert checking on me."

"Not if today is any indication of what melts your butter. Speaking of butter. I didn't notice any butter in your roll."

"Well, I showered before you got home. Maybe he did leave some butter. Ever thought about that?"

"You keep talking like that and I will leave some butter in your roll."

"Promises, promises."

Having already cum, David let the suggestion go by. He was almost as turned on as his hot wife thinking about Albert buttering her roll. Mia was certain now. David all but asked her to fuck Albert. The date was already set. If Albert did show up the next day, it was almost a cinch that she would see and feel what was bulging his trousers that day. She was nervous but excited. David wondered if he had just given her permission to fuck Albert. Only time would tell. He didn't know how far it would go. Mia did. Unless something happened to stop it, the locomotive was barreling down the tracks. She was already planning what to wear the next day. It was certain it would not be much. Maybe the stilettos. She could say that she was trying them out to see if they hurt her ankle. What else could she entice him with. Not naked like she did her husband that day but something sexy. She would shower before he came over and decide what to wear then. She didn't want to make it too obvious. Just obvious enough so that they didn't have to waste time feeling each other out.