Porn Star Family Pt. 16


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"What's the meaning of this Zophiel?!" Michelle growled knowing they were sorely at a disadvantage when it came to facing the angel of fate. Trying to keep from showing how her arms were trembling at the sight of the very first angel of all creation as she readied her weapon.

"To help of course," Zophiel said, with a coy smile. "I shall not allow you to use Ira as a pawn," she stated pointing the blade of her right chakram at her very younger sister.

"We would never?!" Raphaela hissed extending her arm, pointing her spear at the fallen angel. Breathing out slowly, setting her resolve sending a prayer to her father to keep her daughter safe.

"Foolish sisters," Zophiel said in a tsk-tsk voice wagging her finger at them as the force of her right three wings sent her sisters skidding backwards. "Now do you wish for my help or should I just kill you now?" she asked, with a cruel smirk.

"If you're here to help then..." Glancing at her sisters who nodded in support, "we gladly accept your offer to bring down Araton. But you stay away from our Ira," Michelle said, sternly.

"Who me?!" Zophiel cooed. "Afraid that once he has a taste of these," lifting her right 32O breast, "that he will no longer want those small things?" Zophiel asked, cruelly. Her laughter filled the air as she went to face her sister in the place she's been hiding herself in given the destruction of her other sisters'.

"Ira loves my breasts!" Gabriella shouted no longer self-conscious about her small breast size. "You're just mad he won't give you a child!" Jumping back a few feet, her daggers at the ready as Zophiel appeared instantly before them.

"What did you say?!" Zophiel asked, sure that she had heard her sister wrong.

"Maybe you've gone deaf being in Hell for so long sister," Michelle taunted seeing the burning light in her elder sister's golden eyes. "Because her words were very clear."

"That's not possible," Zophiel muttered.

"Yet it is, you should have already sensed his children, or are you saying you've weakened so much in your slumber," Raphaela said, getting her licks in.

"Father knows of this?!" Zophiel asked, through clenched teeth.

"It was his order after all, as we speak Metatron readies to give birth to Ira's fourth angelic offspring," Michelle said, knowing teasing Zophiel wasn't a good idea yet she couldn't stop herself.

"M-Metatron... father's voice carries his child?" Zophiel queried as her mind raced knowing if that was the truth then it wouldn't be impossible for her either.

"As do I," Gabrielle stated proudly staring down her elder sister. However, before they could tease her sister any longer Zophiel disappeared. It wasn't until the blinding flash of Zophiel's arrows of light as they forced Araton from her hiding spot that they realized that the battle had begun. Throwing up their arms as their weapons clashed against one another's. Their golden eyes watched every lunge, every swing of Araton's mace, tears filled their eyes as they moved so fast they almost missed it as Zophiel took Araton's head.

"Be at peace sister," all three said in unison as the wind took Araton's essence to the far corners of the planet. Zophiel didn't stick around either, nor was she a part of their order any longer, so where she went was of no matter to them. Not that they could withstand the might of a Seraphim.

"Come, let us report back to father, and end this once and for all," Michelle stated taking charge seeing her sisters nod in agreement.


"You be safe you hear me," Kelly whispered as she pressed her forehead against his.

"Yes, sis," Samuel teased in a loving light.

"You better come back to us. Your children are going to need their father," Marie said, from the steps of her porch as her family and Lola's stood at her back to aid Samuel when the time came. Smiling warmly at him letting him know what she failed to do when she had agreed to the price of returning her own family back into the fold as her hands rested on her stomach. Watching how his eyes went from her stomach to her face then back down. Nodding that it was true when his eyes found her face again.

"Yes, they will need you, so you," peering at Ira from over Samuel's right shoulder, "better bring my husband back safe and sound," Charlotte said, in a stern voice. "If you keep my Sammy safe I'll give you a reward," she uttered poking her tongue against her left cheek.

"Deal?!" Ira spoke far too quickly. Only to earn himself a chorus of chuckles from Samuel's family members. He was after all eighteen, and what eighteen-year-old boy passes up the chance to get sucked off by the hot twenty-two-year-old? Not Ira that was for sure. "You ready?" he asked once Samuel turned to face him.

"As ever I'll be," Samuel said, with a nod. "Watch the ball, you'll know when to help," he whispered low to his sister and aunt who nodded in understanding. Raising his hand, his glowing cobalt blue eyes ran over his family and extended family. Hoping that this wouldn't be the last time he ever saw them.

"Come my Herald, you have far more work to do, do you think I would allow you to die on this night," Hekatê spoke into his mind as Ira's right wing wrapped around his body, teleporting them to the site where he had cursed Labo to inhabit for all time.


Swamp gas hung in the air. The humming sound of insect wings filled their ears. The animal life quickly fled the area once they sensed the unnatural beings that had come into their domain. Bending down, his hand ran over the stone, a magically constructed stone that could only be found in one place, or so he thought at one time.

"This the place?" Ira asked, his four wings sat tucked against his back. His gold-ruby eyes pierced the darkness that enveloped them.

"You!" Ira nearly jumped out of his skin as the ghost of Labo shrieked, her ghostly fingers clawed at the air as she was frozen in the air in her lunge at Samuel. Who had the creepiest smile on his lips he had ever seen, and that was saying something.


"Ira you remember when I told you about the voodoo cult I killed off?" Samuel spoke an evil light danced along his glowing eyes.


"Meet Labo their leader," Samuel said, gesturing to the ghost. "I tied her soul to this place as her punishment in thinking she could kill me," he stated waving his hand silencing Labo's tongue.

"How many are here?" Ira asked, wondering if he could borrow them. If he could he knew he would be of far more help in dealing with whatever awaited for them

"Six, why?"

"Mind if I borrow their souls, just for tonight. If what you said is true, and I have no reason to doubt you, then they deserve this fate," Ira said, trying not to be weirded out by how that azure aura surrounded Samuel's body.

"Sure, be my guest," Samuel nodded, gesturing to Labo who looked horrified as Ira called her soul to him along with the rest. "As long as you return them."

"Of course," Ira replied, "give me a few to get them under control."

"Sure, I need time to prepare to open the door anyway," Samuel muttered before cleaning off the stone of the moss, dirt, and other bits of debris that had come to call the magical stone home over the years.

"You ready?" Ira inquired after an hour of gaining control over the souls that dwelled within that site.

"Yeah, do that angel thing and tell them I'm ready to open the doorway," Samuel answered peering over his shoulder seeing Ira closing his eyes and his human disguise burning away. Listening to the electricity arcing along each and every one of his feathers, shielding his eyes from the burning light of Ira's halo resting between his reverse C-shaped horns.

"They're coming," Ira said, in deathly undertones. "Means I need to get ready too." His four wings unfurled, with a mighty flap sending Ira skyward as his body grew in size. The five souls he had permanently enslaved to him appeared at his command. Thrusting his hand down to the site, calling on the souls that were imprisoned there to heed his command. Tilting his head back, sensing the cosmic flow just like he had on that rainbow bridge. Feeling the six borrowed souls boosting his strength to heights he never thought he could achieve yet knew he had too in order to survive. Remembering Samuel's words, he wasn't doing this to save the world. He was doing this to save his family, as his mother's, sister's, Lucifer's, Vikki's, Rita's, Sue's, and Alyda's faces appeared in his mind steeling his resolve to see this through.
"I, Suriel Zol, command you." His sword materialized in his hand. Spinning it, the point of his sword pointing to the Earth below him as the palm of his left hand rested on the pommel of his sword. "Heed my call, give me your power! I command you!" His voice thundered in the sky as Ira stepped ever closer into crossing that threshold. Slowly opening his eyes the once swirling colors of the gold of his angelic and the red taint of his demonic side now burned in a bright bonfire color as he had managed to blend his three energies together. It wouldn't have been possible if he hadn't visited Samuel on that day. Is sword hummed as his might poured into his heavenly blade. The blue flames that flickered along the edges of his sword grew in intensity. However, closing his eyes once again, concentrating, he knew he couldn't keep this up if he didn't cross into the first tier. His wings fully extended his heavenly light sparkled along each feather, his angelic light shot forth from his eyes and mouth as he began his ascension. Hurricane force winds ripped at the tress; lighting crawled along the cloudless twilight sky. His third set of wings glowed in a bright white light as they formed into existence. Slashing his sword to the right, his lightning crawled down the edge of his sword. Peering along the palm of his left hand, feeling the power coursing through his veins. He knew he had reached the ranks of the Seraphim thanks to the six borrowed souls. Nevertheless he wasn't as powerful as Metatron or the others at least not yet. He needed another soul to match their strength, however, this would do for now. Closing his fist, feeling his muscles ripple with raw power. Scowling as he felt the bug infested, reptile haven, muddy murky water lapping at his shins as he landed behind Samuel.

"Ready when..."

"Come little children." The sweet melody that came from within the woods stilled Ira's words. "I'll take thee away." Ira tilted his head wondering where he heard the sound of that voice before. "Come little children. The time's come to play." His bonfire colored eyes watched a figure dancing along the surface of the water from tree to tree. "Here in my garden of shadows." Ira shivered knowing that song was never going to sound the same ever again.

"Follow sweet children. I'll show thee the way." Mor's voice drifted on wind as she called to her children along with the army of Hell. "Through all the pain. And the sorrows." Ira took a dry swallow as the orange-red light of the brimstone fires colored the horizon as he peered through the trees. "Weep not poor children. For life is this way. Murdering beauty and passions."

"Hush now dear children. It must be this way." Arching an eyebrow as Mor danced as she sang along. This was not what he was expecting from her, no matter how creepy cute it was. "Too weary of life. And deceptions." Red glowing eyes as far as his eyes could see filled the gloom of the darkness that separated the trees as his grandmother's army marched towards him. "Rest now my children. For soon we'll away." Looking down as Mor danced into the clearing. Feeling her fingertips trailing along his calf muscle as she danced between his legs. "Into the calm and the quiet," Mor sung coming to a stop before Ira and bowing to her Prince.

"My Prince, Mor's mate, Mor presents herself along with your children to aid you in this battle," Mor spoke, her black soulless eyes ran up his body. Her mouth watered as she tasted the power of her mate. "Fight well my Prince," she whispered before bounding off to join the ranks of demons standing at the ready behind none other than Lucifer herself.

"Impressive Ira," her golden eyes ran down his new form, "I knew you had it in you," Lucifer said into her grandson's mind, feeling Zophiel appear at her side and noticing how she blew Ira a kiss. She could feel her mound moisten underneath her armor as she felt the power coming off of Ira's body. While the power was borrowed, even she could tell that, the fact remained it showed her what to expect when Ira gained the souls he needed on his own. "Prepare yourself Ira, Herald, Heaven approaches," Lucifer said, tilting her head up. A yearning burned in her heart as the Gates of Saint Peter opened. The light of Heaven poured forth as God opened the Heavens to man's viewing for the first time since Jesus was crucified. Her grip tightened on the hilt of her sword as the armies -- her sisters -- of Heaven poured forth led by none other than her archenemies. She knew when the final days were upon them Michelle was destined to kill her. However, it was her hope that with Ira by her side she could forestall that prophecy.

"Hello daddy," Anael said, fluttering to her father's left shoulder.

"Yes, hello father," Lailah said, appearing on his right shoulder.

"Mmm. I think I have the best spot. Don't you think so father?" Cassiel asked, laying on top of Ira's head, rubbing her 38C beasts into his skin.

"So not answering that," Ira muttered glancing up.


"Why is this unclean thing..." Ira could feel the killing intent coming off the host of angels.

"Come near me or my family," pointing his sword at them, "I will destroy you," Ira stated with deathly undertones as his eyes glowed in his borrowed power, however, they didn't need to know that.

"Be at ease daughters... he's here to help," God spoke his sixty foot tall form shimmered into view. "We will speak of this when we return to Heaven."

Ira had a feeling he wasn't going to like what happens after that little chat of theirs. He could see how his grandmother and Zophiel wanted to speak out and say a word to God yet knew their words would go unheard; how it pained him to see the looks on their faces knowing that was the truth.

"Sorry Luci, I'll let you snuggle me later," Ira spoke to his grandmother with his mind. "Okay, never thought I be telling the Devil she can have snug fest later," he said to himself.

"D-do you promise Ira? That you'll hold me for as long as I want?!" Lucifer said, sadness filled her voice.

"Of course, have I ever lied to you?"

"N-no, you better bury your face in my bosom later," Lucifer said, in a pouting voice.

"Yes Luci, how can I say no to that," Ira chuckled.

"Herald, it's time," Lucifer said, keeping the loneliness from her voice as she looked at Samuel who nodded.

Ira took a step back as a pillar of light shot up from the stone beneath Samuel. Recounting back to the day when he saw that news report on TV that started all of this. To how his grandmother reacted when she saw that same pillar of light that he was craning his head skyward to see how far it went into the sky.

"By thaim tholach thechembaor theagon pentatheschi boti." Samuel's voice carried the command, the binding of wills as the magic of old came to his call. The primal essence that makes up all life began to bubble deep within the dark waters of the swamp. Golden flames ignited from the center of Samuel's pupils foretelling those that knew that he had succeed in tapping into the full power of the well of magic. It's light played along his glowing irises, slowly turning to a blue violet color as Samuel made the magic his own. "Sauamboch mera cheozaph ossala bymbel pouo toutho oirerei arnoch!" Samuel shouted as his magic reached its peak. Narrowing his eyes as a flash of light played along their surfaces. Dropping to a knee as his strength left him.

"Sam, are you alright?" Ira asked, once that pillar had evaporated to where he couldn't say.

"Don't worry about me, worry about them," Samuel panted as he pointed toward things so horrid he couldn't begin to describe.

"Sisters, to battle!" Michelle's voice thundered over head as she led the Heavenly host into the ranks that poured forth from the doorway that led to another realm of unknown origin.

Ira glanced over as his grandmother lifted her sword before bringing it down silently telling her hordes of demons to attack. Looking up, to his right and left as he felt his angelic daughters eager to join the battle. Squinting his eyes as God unleashed a blast on the exposed left flank of the creatures that were spilling forth from the doorway. However, he was not expecting the bolt of lightning to strike at the center of the mass from out of nowhere.


"Don't worry the gods have come," Samuel said weakly, getting to his feet. "After all this is their fight too," he stated pointing to the right as legions of the dead and soldiers of Ares rushed the right flank to pin the creatures in the opening and to keep them from escaping out into the world of man. "You should go, I need time to recover and prepare for the binding," Samuel said, turning to look at Ira.

"Anael, Lailah, protect Samuel with everything you've got," Ira commanded in a fatherly voice. Knowing if Samuel fell then all this was for naught.

"Yes father," Anael and Lailah uttered in unison.

"Cassiel how about we go lend a hand?" Ira asked, glancing up.

"I was waiting for you to say the words," Cassiel uttered gleefully. Her wings flapped as she danced in the air taunting her sisters that she would be by his side and they wouldn't.

"Hmpf?!" Anael huffed as she crossed her arms below her breasts glaring at her half-sister as Cassiel and her father waded into the throngs of battle. "I have more experience than she does," she complained.

"Maybe it's the stink of Hell that clings to you," Lailah taunted with a cruel smirk.

Samuel ignored their banter, closing his eyes as he felt his family pouring their energies into him. Refilling his vessel for the final task before him. For a moment he allowed his mind to wander. To ponder things that might come to be with a quiet life that he hoped would come to pass. Smirking in his mind when he pictured Kelly and Charlotte in their bathing suits on the beaches in Greece. Then a smile appeared on his lips as he felt Nimue in his mind.

"I've told you many a time husband, I would never leave you." Her words were like honey to him as she poured her own strength into his body. Exhaling the breath he was holding, his eyelids slowly opened, their shimmering glow fell upon the being they were all there to stop. Noting the giant links of the chains that held her bound. The strips of leather made from some legendary beast he'd rather not know the name of that covered her eyes and mouth. Yet he could sense the bindings were weakening. Whatever seals those rouge fallen angels and foolish mortals had broken before they were stopped showed as Onoskelis' power gave her minions strength to stand toe to toe with their combined forces.

"You two, go help the others, I'll be fine on my own," Samuel stated in an ominous tone.

"You sure... yeah, you're sure," Anael muttered as she peered back at Samuel. Noting how his eyes were set, the power she felt coming off his body, to the hum of the rings that encircled his fingers. "Come sister, let us join our father's side," she spoke as she unfurled her wings.

"That's the most sensible thing you've said all day," Lailah teased as she followed Anael's lead.

The rings that Nyx and Gaia had burned onto his flesh glowed in their primordial energies. Thrusting his hands out before him as Ira and his cohorts kept Onoskelis and her minions occupied while he brought this whole affair to a close. Knowing he was going to have to return the power that they allowed him to borrow. He knew if he kept it, it would only tempt him in ways that Samuel didn't want or need in his life. However, first he had to complete his task.
