Porn Star Family Pt. 18


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"Allah! If this is real, then whatever you want, I will do!" she shouted up at her ceiling.

"You think this is a servant of God? No. Nor am I a servant of the Devil. I serve Suriel Zol, Nagdaium' of Vengeance, Prince of Heaven and Hell, Ruler of the Fourth Heaven." She was about to toss it away, thinking this was some trick of the Devil. Only to find the paper sticking to her hand. "You called for my Father; I have answered your prayer. Do you not wish for this man to see the burning fires of the Pit? My Father can give this to you, for a price."

"I will not sell my soul to a demon!"

"Has God, or Allah as you call him, done anything? Have his angels rained down their holy fire on the man? Or is he still there misusing his power, his wealth, to do whatever he wants in the name of God? My Father will give you a far better deal than you will ever get from the Devil. The angels will not seek to alleviate your pain. My Father can, and he will if you wish it. Would you rather continue to live in your anger, your hate, and end up where the man belongs? I know your soul. You're a good, pious mortal. However, your anger, your hate will lead you to a place you care not to experience."

"What are you?!" she screamed at the paper.

"I've told you what I am. I'm a servant of my Father, Suriel Zol."

"He's a demon..."

"What my Father is, is not important. What's important is that he can give you the peace you seek. Is that not worth the price? Did you think taking the man's soul and sending him to Hell would be for free? Everything has a price, Anabia Afzal. The question that you must ask yourself is: are you willing to pay it?" Gasping in fright at the sight of her name on that very, very strange piece of paper. "What will it be, Anabia Afzal? Will you continue to wallow in your pain, or will you seek to bring that man the vengeance he so rightly deserves? You aren't the first, nor will you be the last woman he has preyed upon. Are you willing to allow others to suffer as you have at his hand?"

"What must I do?!" Anabia spoke, if this was real, not some trick. Then Allah help her, she would seek out this Suriel Zol so long as she doesn't find her immortal soul in the fires of eternal torment. "If I do this, I'm not going to Hell, right?" She found it very, very strange in speaking to a piece of paper yet, whoever was speaking to her was right. Allah has yet to hear her prayers. Little did she know it was Rikbiel who passed along her prayer to Cassiel and Lailah, who she was speaking to at that moment.

"In order to summon my Father, you must fetch some items." Her eyes ran down the list that appeared on that sheet of paper. What the strange entity had been speaking soon faded when it started anew. Quickly writing down the ingredients she had to buy before it faded. She didn't think whoever it was would repeat themselves on her account. "Also, you must draw his sigil." Ira's angelic name, which was in truth a complex symbol in an angelic script. "When you have drawn it and are ready to call upon my Father, a drop of your blood must be added to the sigil. Speak these words once you are ready." Her hand moved over her notebook as she quickly wrote the incantation down.

"You still haven't answered me?! Will I go to Hell if I do this?"

"No. You will serve my Father as I do and the others in his possession. That is if you wish for the man to pay for his crimes against you." With that, that very odd piece of paper fell from her hand, drifting to the floor and faded from existence, seeing how it wasn't real in the first place.

"What in..." Anabia muttered, shaking her head, thinking she must have been hallucinating. However, that wasn't the case, given what she had written was still on the pages of her notebook. Pacing around her room, contemplating on what she was going to do. Was this really worth it? Could she handle the price this Suriel Zol would ask of her? All these questions and many more plagued her mind as she ignored the disarray her room was still in. "Please, Allah, send me a sign that I shouldn't do this," Anabia prayed up towards her ceiling. Waiting and she waited some more, and nothing ever came. Was she to take it as Allah approved? At least that's what she was going with, and she hoped she was doing the right thing.

Recounting the looks she got when she was at the market buying the bloodroot, frankincense, and myrrh, along with an incense burner, so when she did perform this odd ritual, then she wouldn't be burning her apartment down. She also bought some water-based markers so it would be easy to wash the sigil off her floor when she was done. She had also bought the midnight blue candles that the strange entity had told her to get when she gave her a list of things she needed to summon this Suriel Zol. Anabia ignored the calls that came in over her landline as she worked to clean up the mess she made. She had nothing to say to her father. He wouldn't even listen to his own daughter when she told him how the man had defiled her. No. Her father wouldn't hear any of it. Her mother, while sympathetic to her plight, she was in the same boat she was in. Her mother could do nothing for her in their world. The police wouldn't aid her in bringing that man to justice, and Allah wasn't answering her prayers. Hoping whoever or whatever this Suriel Zol was could do what no one else would do.

Rubbing the soreness from her knees after taking an hour to ensure she drew the sigil as perfectly as she could. Placing the inch round cylindrical candles where that strange entity had told her to on the sigil. Chopping and grinding the bloodroot, frankincense, and myrrh into a fine powder, adding a few drops of lighter fluid to it so it would ignite when she was ready. Carefully pouring the powder into the incense burner. Wiping the sweat from her brow after working so hard to ensure this went off without a hitch. Looking down at her shirt, seeing the sweat stains marring it. If she was to do this, make this deal with this Suriel Zol, she didn't want to be smelling to the high heavens.

Steam filled that small area as she showered. Her bar of fragrant soap moved along her olive toned skin. Her ebony hair hung down along her back as she stared up at the shower head. Praying whoever this Suriel Zol was wouldn't be asking for her body. She didn't think she could stand it if she was to be used by some cosmic being. Running her hands along her breast, wondering since she's been defiled by that man. Would anyone want her still? Hanging her head, knowing how oppressive their faith was to women, at least the more fanatic ones took the Qur'an more seriously than most of the people that lived within her country of Iran. Wondering if she was going to have to move to be able to seek a husband if this Suriel Zol didn't take her life in exchange.

Running her towel down her body, trying not to look at herself in the bathroom mirror as she did. Ever since that man had forced himself on her, she just couldn't see herself in the same light. Hoping after this night that would change. Pondering on if what that entity had said about her anger would indeed lead her to that place she's tried very hard to stay out of. Feeling the softness of the towel as it ran through her damp untrimmed bush. She didn't care what it looked like; no one, at least not for a very long time, would be seeing her pussy. Anabia just couldn't bring herself to be with a man like that at the moment.

Sitting at her makeup desk, the lights that ringed the mirror warmed her skin as she took her time in brushing her long black hair as she sat on her stool wrapped in her damp towel. Applying a very light coat of makeup to her face, a neutral color lipstick to her lips, if this was to be her last night on Earth, she wanted to look good leaving it. Turning her head when her answering machine picked up, and her irate father's voice filled her home when she wasn't answering her phone. Snorting in disgust, they had nothing to say to one another. She still loved him, yet when he chose to side with the man that raped her, that closeness they once had died. Spraying herself in her favorite perfume, a scent that reminded her of her grandmother, along her body as she stood nude in her room. Her white cotton panties rose up her legs. Running her fingers along her backside, straightening out the material. Her hands moved along the front of her breasts, ensuring that they sat snugly against her bra. Feeling the softness and the scent of her laundry detergent as her Lazy-Daisy swirl embroidered espresso cotton Kurti as it slid down her chest before coming to rest atop her matching skirt.

Her hair bounced against her back as she walked barefoot through her home. Erasing the messages on her machine, she didn't want her last moments with her father's voice in her head. When she was out she bought the things she needed to make her favorite meal. After all, if tonight was her last night, why not? Anabia ate in silence. Her mind replayed her life as she savored every bite. Knowing she didn't deserve to be forced like she had been. That she's been a very good, pious Muslim. That she took her faith very seriously. Nevertheless, she couldn't fathom why such evil had befallen her. Her dishes clinked as she placed them in the dish rack after washing them. There was no sense in having one of her family members cleaning up after herself if she indeed met her end in a few moments.

Walking around the sigil one last time to ensure that she got everything right. She didn't want to make one mistake. There was no telling what that would entail for her, feeling her skirt moving along her ass as she bent over, lighting each and every candle once she was satisfied that everything was in order. Plucking the notebook from her nightstand she moved to stand at the head of the sigil.

Blowing out a breath to steady herself as she brought the notebook up. Hearing the increase in the wind outside her windows as she recited the first line of the incantation. Her heart raced frantically as thunder clapped overhead as the last vowel of the second line left her lips. Jumping in fright as the blue-white light of the bolt of lightning filled her home as she spoke the last word of the third line. The stagnate flames that flickered on the candle wicks roared to a height of four feet when she finished the incantation. Dread filled her mind as a darkness like no other flooded her home. The sigil she had painstakingly drew burned in a blue flame as it raced around the outer ring in a counterclockwise motion before the inner lines too ignited in that blue flame. Praying whatever it was didn't damage her floor.

"Speak mortal! Why have you summoned me?!" Anabia's knees felt weak as she stared into those red burgundy eyes that pierced the darkness. Stumbling back in horror as her eyes couldn't look away from his horns when a light above his head shone along them. Fearing that she had indeed made a very, very stupid mistake in summoning this thing into her home. "Y-y-you're a demon, right?"

"Partially." Anabia was confused by that. How could whatever was standing before her only be a partial demon. "Come, tell me what it is that you want with me, mortal," Ira spoke, wondering how cool that entrance was. He thought it looked cool in his head when he felt the summons. It was clear to him the woman before him was scared out of her wits, feeling his feathers rustling in frustration as the woman tried to find her voice once again. "I don't have all night to wait for you to learn how to speak," he stated, crossing his arms across his chest. Hoping his doppelganger he had created wasn't doing anything weird with Cybil in the movie theater they had gone to on their date. Unbeknownst to Ira at that moment, Cybil was indeed doing something weird with his doppelganger as she was riding his lap, keeping from moaning out as they sat at the back row.

"I want you to kill a man and take his soul to Hell," Anabia demanded.

"Come again?" Ira uttered, perplexed as he arched an eyebrow. "What makes you think I'm going to kill anyone for you?" Seeing how his question clearly took her aback.

"But you're a demon, don't you do that?!" Anabia exclaimed.

"I'm more than just a demon, mortal. I. Am. Suriel Zol!" His six wings unfurled and extended outward, their tips only millimeters from touching the walls of the room. "Nagdaium' of Vengeance, Prince of Heaven and Hell, Ruler of the Fourth Heaven. I simply don't go around killing people just because the summoner asks for it," Ira grumbled.

"But he deserves to die!" Anabia cried out.

"Why? What reason is there for me to do what you've asked of me?"

"He raped me! I want vengeance! That is what you do, isn't it?" Anabia pleaded with him. She had no idea why he would get offended by her asking her to kill the monster of her waking life. It seemed to her whatever he was, he acted like a human. Which just couldn't be, could it? "Please, that entity said you could help me?!" she begged, dropping to her knees before him with her hands folded in front of her. Her brown eyes peered up at that strange being, hoping he would do what she could not. Then something happened, something that she knew couldn't be as she watched that hideous demon disappear and the most beautiful creature she's ever seen taking its place. Her eyes moved about rapidly, taking in how his once bright halo grew dark and smoky. The way dark particles of light drifted off his wings. To how his horns shrunk, yet she could still feel the evilness of them pressing down on her. How his handsome face took on a caring look to it as he peered down at her. "What are you?!" The words left her lips before she could stop herself.

"In words you can understand, I'm a hybrid," Ira stated factually. "What are you offering to me if I do this act for you?"

"Anything! Just so long as that thing sees the fires of his ever-lasting torment," Anabia stated, reaching out and placing her hands on his legs.

"Anything, you say?"

"Yes, anything, I have money, take my worldly possessions, take my body if you must..."

"Your soul is the payment I seek," Ira spoke in a firm tone. "If I agree to deal with this man on your behalf, three years, for three years," holding up three fingers, "your soul will be mine, you will serve me in whatever I see fit," he said, stating his terms. Knowing if she agreed, this would put his angel half on par with Rikbiel or maybe a little under her power level.

"And afterwards?" Anabia asked; she was sure this being would take it for all eternity.

"It will be returned to you, and you may go about your merry way," Ira stated, sliding his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. Not that she could tell he was wearing normal earthly clothes, he made sure of that. What she made of the gesture, Ira had no clue.

"What if I wanted to make it longer?"

"Huh?" That took him by surprise; Ira was not expecting her to say that. What normal sane person would extend a deal that involved one's soul?

"How long would my servitude be if I asked you to spirit me somewhere far away from this place after you deal with that man?"

"Two years more," Ira spoke after a moment of thought.

"Then Suriel Zol, I will give you my soul for five years if you agree to what I have asked of you," Anabia spoke, praying that he did take her up on her offer.

"Very well." Reaching out and placing his right hand on her forehead. Combing through her mind for an image of the man she wanted dead. Ira fought down his revulsion as he witnessed the memory of her rape. He couldn't understand why Yahweh allowed such men to exist in his flock, whether it be a priest, a rabbi, or an imam. "Have no fear Anabia Afzal; before the sun rises, this man shall be dead, and his soul will reside in Hell. I shall return to collect my payment once the deed is done. If you think to run, think you can hide from me, know that I will find you and when I do, I will take your soul permanently for thinking you can break our deal," Ira warned before disappearing in a flash of light, blowing out the candles as he did.

Ira felt his demon writhing in pain being so close to a mosque as he stood on the roof of the building that sat across from the holy temple that the man preached at. He knew if his own demon was in pain, as weak as his demon half was, then he knew his children would be in twice as much pain if he had chosen to take the man to Hell within those walls. As much as he would find the man's screams of fright amusing to listen to, he wouldn't do that to his children. Just because they were mostly demon did not make his fatherly instinct any less than they were with his angelic-born children. As he watched how that man went about speaking to others of his flock like he wasn't the most foul man on the planet, at least that's what Ira thought, given how it brought back memories of Andrew trying to rape his own sister. Ira noted something strange (even for him), moving about within the shadows of the buildings.

Ira had to fight down his bile when he saw a creature with half a head, half a body, one arm, one leg hopped about down the alley. He knew it wasn't a demon, close to one but not one if that made any sense to him. His demon wasn't all that clear, nor could his angelic half clarify what it meant. Unfurling his wings and soaring into the air, his prey wasn't going anywhere. If he did, Ira had no trouble in finding his soul. He noted how the mortals below him paid no attention to it just like they did with him as he flew after it from high above.

"What the hell is this thing?" Ira asked aloud as he watched how it shot its tongue out and attached it to the back of a passing human's neck. Seeing how it quickly fed before moving on. Watching how the cars just passed through its body as it hopped across the street. Ira was very curious as to what he was seeing. Never before has he seen anything quite like it. Pondering if Samuel knew what he was looking at. Tucking his wings in and diving down into the alley that the thing had hopped into. He had to know what this thing was and why it was feeding on humans. Not that he didn't do the same, yet it was just so... monstrous in how it went about it. Arching an eyebrow when it released a screech when he touched down in that dirty alleyway.

Instantly Ira was surrounded by what he could only describe as the living dead. Their bodies were rotten, their innards showed through the holes in their skin. Their foul breath filled the air as they lunged at him.

"Back off!" Ira growled, slashing his sword sideways. Its blue angelic flame caused their forms to combust within seconds. He fought himself from gagging as the odor of their burning bodies filled his nose. However, as weak as they were, compared to him, they just kept coming with no end in sight. So consumed in defending himself against the horde of undead, or that's what he thought they were, Ira lost sight of the thing that drew him there in the first place.

Screaming out in pain as a magic-induced bolt of lightning struck him from out of nowhere. Not that it would kill him, it hurt, nonetheless. Ira huffed as something wrapped him in an embrace he just couldn't see, which to him was very odd. Wondering what he had just stumbled into as that unseen force bashed him against the wall.

Whatever it was, it was strong, yet he was stronger. Ira was just caught off-guard. Plus, that bolt of lightning had him fazed for a moment. Tapping into the power of Fourth Heaven, "Begone!" Ira shouted as his six wings broke the hold that it had on his body. His angelic light flooded that little enclosed space. While the lesser ones were disintegrated when his light engulfed them, he was not expecting a nine-foot-tall thing with blue skin with no legs; if it had legs, Ira couldn't tell as its lower half was made out of smoke and vapor.
