Porn Star Family Pt. 19

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Seven Sisters of the Underworld.
30.1k words

Part 19 of the 20 part series

Updated 09/22/2023
Created 04/01/2019
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The Seven Sisters of the Underworld



Thanks to WA001 and Killerarmyguy for the edits.


Chapter One

"Ira?! What's the meaning of this?!" Lucifer asked heatedly, getting up from her throne.

"Wow, Mom, those things are huge?!" Cora exclaimed as she studied her mother's twenty-foot form.

"Cora?! You shouldn't talk about your mother's bust like that," Lucifer spoke in a disapproving tone.

"Oh? How should I talk to you? What is the truth, and what's the lie?" Cora huffed, placing her hands on her hips as she peered up at her mother. "Why didn't you tell me any of this?!" she stated, waving her arms about. Her eyes followed how her mother's body faded from view; she had no idea how, yet she could sense her mother's footsteps on the fabric of the realm she never thought she would see, much less be standing in. Feeling her loving touch, a touch she'd known all her life when her mother took her face into her hands.

"Oh, my sweet Cora, you have no idea how much I've wanted to tell you, to teach you everything you needed to know. To show you a world we could make together, yet," her eyes fell on her daughter's halo, knowing who she fell for, "as it is, you can no longer walk this realm like I had once hoped you would. Not since you sided with Ira," Lucifer said in a motherly tone as her golden eyes flickered over to Ira.

"Wait, does that mean I can't see you anymore?!" Cora cried out.

"What? Heavens no?! We'll see plenty of each other when we wish it, yet you have chosen a side. I just can't speak to you about some things, but just look at how beautiful you are?!" Lucifer sighed, running her hands down her daughter's arms. "I knew you would be," she said with motherly pride. Turning her head when Ira snapped his fingers, pondering what her grandson had in store for them. She and Cora turned, arching an eyebrow when Elvis Presley's '(You're The) Devil in disguise' began to play on the sulfur laced air. Feeling her cheeks heating when Ira began to dance to the music. Her hips began to sway, leaning forward, puckering her lips at him when it got to the line of 'fool me with your kisses.' Putting on a display for him, showing off her angelic womanly shape to his red burgundy eyes.

"Mom? Just what have you and my son been doing?" Cora asked, never once seeing this side of her mother before. It wasn't hard to notice the want in her mother's eyes.

"Oh, such delicious things we've done in this very place," Lucifer cooed; that was when she noticed that devilish grin on his lips before some unseen force took hold of her arms and legs, wrapping themselves around her breasts as she was lifted into the air. "Ira, what's the meaning of this!" she roared.

"Ira! What are you doing?!" Cora shouted when she also, was entrapped in those strange bindings that she couldn't break.

"What?" Ira mused as his Nagdaium' ReGenesis form came to the surface. "You did ask me to show you how an angel cums, did you not?" he asked with a coy grin on his lips.

"But I didn't say to tie me up!" Cora huffed, trying not to get wet at how sexy her son looked in that form.

"Don't you dare do it!" Lucifer warned as she watched Ira's top right wing folded around him as he plucked a feather from it.

"Oh? Don't you want to show Mom that face of yours when you feel this?" Ira asked in a sinful light as the edge of his feather brushed along the pad of his finger. His incubus energies arced off of it as he did.

"I'm warning you, Ira," Lucifer said in false bravado as Ira neared her suspended form. However, she couldn't stop her pussy from heating and growing moist, knowing full well what that did to her.

"Hmm... I think I'll risk it," Ira spoke with a wicked grin on his lips.

"No, no..." Tossing her head back, her angelic light shot forth from her eyes and mouth as Ira's essence titillated her own.

"Ira, what did you just do?" Cora asked in awe as she watched her mother's chest heaving rapidly.

"Ira!" Lucifer's voice thundered as he lightly ran his feather along her inner left thigh as he tormented her.

"Would you like to find out?" Ira asked, peering over at his mother.

"Ira... what are... Oh, fuck me!" Cora wailed as she spontaneously came as Ira's essence flooded her body in ways she's never experienced before.

"Mmm, I think we need to remove these clothes; I would hate for you to soak your panties in your bliss," Ira spoke, running his feather along his fork tongue, tasting his mother's and grandmother's sex upon it, with another snap of his fingers removing his mother's and his grandmother's clothing. "Yet, to leave you hanging while you watch is very poor of me as your son. So, do enjoy it," he said, listening to his mother's whimpers as the feather he had plucked from his wing moved teasingly along her body.

Cora peered through her weak eyes; she'd forgotten how many times she'd came. All she knew was her pussy was soaked, her body weak from the numerous orgasms that assaulted her form. Watching the red mist hover over his pupils as her son stood in front of her suspended mother. Looking worryingly around her as; what light there was in that hellish place darkened as her mother leaned forward. Swallowing hard when she noticed a red murderous light appear in her mother's pupils.

"You dare to humiliate the Lord of Hell in her own realm?!" Lucifer spoke; her voice shook the very foundations of Hell.

"I dare," Ira answered with a devilish grin on his lips. "Whatever will you do, oh Lord of Hell," he taunted, hiding the fear he felt as his grandmother leaned forward, feeling her power pushing the restraints he had conjured to their limit.

"Everything in my power..." Lucifer howled as she tossed her head back, her breasts justled, and her nectar dripped endlessly onto the floor of her cell when Ira added another feather to her torment. Her chest heaved, peering through her half-closed eyes, hating the taunting smirk on Ira's lips as she felt his tail slipping into her hot, wet cunt. "Don't tease me, Ira," Lucifer panted low.

"Whoever said I'm teasing you," Ira gloated, feeling her sex coating his tail as it surged through her folds.

"I do," Cora said, causing the two of them to look over at her.


"Mmmhmm, you can't do this to us if you don't plan on fucking us," Cora stated, trying to wiggle out of her bonds.

"See, even Cora knows you're just teasing us," Lucifer uttered, breathing heavily. Her immortal sweat beaded along her brow; her chest heaved as she noted the devilish look in her grandson's eyes as his feather moved along his fork tongue. Watching his incubus energy arcing off the feather as Ira dragged it along his tongue. "Come, Ira, you can't get me, us, this fucking wet and just leave us wanting," she stated, her glistening mound reflected the orange-red glow of the light of the lake of magma. "You can't torment me so... deliciously and make me plead to have you taking me in front of my own daughter. I know I didn't raise you to be so cruel to me," Lucifer said; her angelic light floated off her wings in particles as her body was so energized it wouldn't take much for Ira to send her over the edge, i.e., a solid good thrust would do it. However, she did not care for the look in his eye before he turned his attention to Cora.

"Ira..." Cora's voice carried concern as her son stared at her with those red burgundy eyes of his. She didn't know how to feel, scared or excited. It seemed to her wherever they were in Hell seemed to bend to Ira's demonic will as if the fabric of the place yearned for its lover.

"Damn it, Ira!" Lucifer cried out at his renewed assault on her body by three of his feathers. "I will get..." Her angelic light flared from her eyes and mouth as her vibration neared its peak. As Ira strolled towards his mother, as she just stared at him like she didn't know him at all. Nevertheless, when she felt the soft caress on her right cheek, she knew the touch of the man she loved. Ira said nothing as he stared into his mother's eyes; his right arm reached down and wrapped around her waist and lifted her up.

"Yes, baby, put it in me," Cora whispered, wishing she had her hands free all so she could hold onto her man. She groaned in want as she felt the crown of his rod pressing against her entrance, moaning as she felt something otherworldly as Ira inched deeper into her sex. While she has had a lot of sex throughout her career as a porn star, the moment she felt him inside of her was like nothing she's ever felt before. It felt to her that her very being was being touched by all of him at once, yet, not, it was so confusing to her. A predatory light appeared in her eyes as she stared at her son, silently telling him she wanted more. She jerked her chin at him as to say: 'That all you got?!' "Oh... fuck!" she gasped; she had no idea what he did, yet she knew her pussy was at his mercy, and Ira knew it. Wondering if this was what all the women he had sex with to feed on felt.

"Ira!" Lucifer screamed out. Growing jealous of watching her own daughter cumming, to how her four wings unfurled, her darkened heavenly light shot off her wings as she came hard on Ira's cock. "You're supposed to be fucking me!" she whined; she needed to feel him back inside her now more than ever. Ira might be the Prince of Hell, yet Hell heeded her call, her command, and she'd be damned if she was going to suffer this wanton lust any longer!

"Oh shit," Ira cursed beneath his breath as Lucifer's power filled the chamber; magma surged upwards, striking the roof as Lucifer grew to twenty feet tall, breaking the bindings he had used to keep them aloft. For the first time since he's come to learn who he was and who she was to him, Ira felt fear as the power of Hell swirled around her body. As it burned brightly in her pupils as she glared down at him. Swallowing hard as the chamber's light faded rapidly as it concentrated in a halo around her body. "Hmpf!" Ira huffed out as his grandmother's power took hold of his body and flung him across the chamber, reverting to his twelve-foot form as his back struck one of the pillars of stone that held the roof aloft. Looking left and right as the stone came alive and encased his wrist, he could feel his grandmother's power lacing the stone, keeping him bound to the pillar. While he was God's and Lucifer's equal in his realm of Fourth Heaven, outside of it, he was just a very powerful Nagdaium', where his angelic half was only on par with a Cherubim class of angel at the moment, and his demon was just as strong, he was still at the mercy of his grandmother. True, he could put up a fight, yet the look in Lucifer's eyes told him don't bother to try; he would fail spectacularly.

"You come to my realm, torment the Lord of Hell so... deliciously, and think you can disrespect me by not fucking me first!" Lucifer hissed, thrusting her giant face inches away from Ira's.

"Kind of," Ira said with a devilish smirk. Granted, not the wisest choice to make with a very horny angel looming over him. "What're ya gonna do, oh, Lord of Hell?" he taunted.

"Everything I want," Lucifer said, her fingers snapped, removing the remainder of Ira's clothing. "You started this, Suriel Zol; you knew this would be the outcome when you teased me so much," she spoke before passionately kissing her grandson. Her wings extended, slowly beginning to flap, lifting her off the floor of her cage. Her free hand reached down and took hold of the root of his cock while the other was like a vise on Ira's chin, making him stare into her eyes as her massive size began to sink down on Ira's fifteen-inch cock, the length needed to bridge the gap to allow an angel to experience their true orgasms.

Cora just watched in shock and awe as she watched her mother's ass cheeks clapping away, which she would admit sounded more like what one would think giant pieces of metal banging against one another sounded like. Her arms strained against whatever it was that her son had bound her in so she could get a better look at the two of them. True, she has seen and even participated in a few of them, the two of them fucking each other. Yet to her, this seemed different, more intimate to her than whenever her mother used the disguise she wore when she was on Earth. It seemed to her that her mother was freer with herself now that she didn't have to hide who she truly was. Huffing in annoyance that she couldn't free herself, she would have to punish her son for making her miss out on all the action as what seemed like an hour had passed as her mother fucked her son on that pillar. Tilting her head when a bed just materialized out of nowhere in front of her. Her nostrils flared as the two of them appeared upon its surface. She's been in a great many movies; nonetheless, the way the two of them were intertwined made her mad with jealousy.

Cora's cheeks heated as she watched her mother's light touch dance down Ira's right cheek as she straddled his lap. It didn't take a genius to know that her son's cock was lodged deep within her mother. A creepy feeling washed over her as her mother had this smile on her face as she peered over at her. "Ow," Cora hissed as her bare ass hit the stone. Reaching back, rubbing the soreness from her cheeks as she got to her feet; now that she was free, she wasn't about to be left out any longer. However, the moment she got within a foot of the bed, the strangest thing happened; as she just stood there in stunned shock as her mother just exploded into a periwinkle vapor. She had thought Ira was just messing with her, now as she watched on that gaseous form of her mother just swirled around the bed and how the jet of cum that shot out of her son's cock had just disappeared into it. Cora felt a light touch on the bottom of her chin as her mother picked it up off the ground and closed it.

"I know I'm beautiful, Cora. No need to be so awestruck," Lucifer teased as she stood in her spectral form. So very happy that she could experience it once again, thanks to her sweet, caring grandson. Turning her head to the right, her corporeal body solidified as she sat on the edge of the bed; her fingertips were light on his skin as they traced along Ira's right forearm as he relaxed. Wondering if the child she had just willed to be impregnated with would choose to serve her or Ira. Turning her gaze back to her daughter when Cora just took her by the shoulders, arching an eyebrow at the display. If Cora was anyone else, she would have blasted their essence to the far reaches of the cosmos.

"Can you do that again?!" Cora asked, wanting to experience it.

"Only if Ira wants to be deep within me again," Lucifer said with a coy smirk.

"You know I'm not..."

"This is your punishment!" Cora said, lunging at her son.


Mor's titan form loomed over her children as they went about tormenting the pet their father had given to them. Eight lights illuminated her taut belly. Feeling the immense power growing within her. A wicked toothy grin spread across her face at the fact that she would once again give her mate powerful children to serve him. Aswang and Avalon ferried souls to her to feed the children growing within her when they weren't enjoying their new toy. Her hand shot out in a thunderous crash as it struck the side of her cavern, shaking it to its core.

"No. No. Don't you..." Mor grunted as she felt one after another of her children's power disappearing as the two greater ones consumed their brethren. In doing so, they made their power their own, strengthening them to the point where they were ready to emerge into their realm. Mor's demonic wail escaped her domain and traveled throughout the eighth circle of Hell, causing those weaker than her to run for cover.

"Go, Azza, and see what troubles that demon your father keeps around," Zophiel ordered as she stood out on the balcony of her abode which she had built after the crisis with Onoskelis was over. Her platinum silver hair drifted on the sulfur-laced air as she peered in the direction where the wail had come from. Her three sets of amethyst-colored wings sat against her back as she turned to peer back at her daughter.

"Yes, Mother," Azza answered; her brownish-platinum hair was held back by the tiara her mother had made for her when she finally reached the point where she could use the full might of the powers she was born with. "If something has happened to her, what should I do?" she asked, her fine red bra with metal feathers strained to support her 32D breast as the light of Hell played along her bare midsection.

"Then kill whoever it was that destroyed your father's consort. I will not have Suriel Zol inconsolable that he neglects his duties to me," Zophiel stated, seeing her daughter nodding before her six dark purple wings unfurled and sent her racing towards the source of the wail.

Azza swooped down into a landing walk as she pulled her duel Vajra-mushtis from behind her back as she neared the entrance to Mor's domain. Her angelic fire flickered along the tri-blades that protruded a foot and a half on the left and right side of the handle; a half-moon blade was attached to the knuckle guard as her wings folded against her back. Her gold-ruby eyes looked around as her angelic sight peered through the unearthly darkness, looking for her siblings and Mor. Her head snapped up as a rain of angelic arrows was fired high above. Her eyes followed their flight, hearing the horrific wail as they impacted on the side of a demon she'd never seen before. However, she noted the angelic essence, as weak as it was; she knew she was her father's child; she just didn't know why it was attacking its siblings as it had held Aswang within its grip until the pain of the arrows caused her to release its hold on Aswang. Her body moved on its own, her wings acted as a shield as she felt the demon's claws raking them. Its unholy howl filled the cavern as her blades cut open its flesh before it sank back into the darkness. She didn't think the demon could recover that quickly; even if Oroan's angelic arrows were weak, they still carried Heaven's light, something very deadly to a demon no matter how week they were. Unaware that the demon that she had seen taking the brunt of Oroan's arrows was not the same demon that attacked her.

"Father!" Oroan called out from high above her.

Azza's heart raced as she felt his angelic essence approaching as his image appeared in her mind. Her mind flashed back to the time Anael had told her how it was for her when she gave herself to her father. She felt her body heating, wondering when it would be her time to be with her father like Anael had. Would it just be as good as what Anael had described to her? How she hoped that was the case. Her feathers rustled as she stared at her father's back as he had just appeared in a flash. Seeing the slight confusion in his eyes when Ira peered back at her, wondering why she was there in Mor's domain, seeing how the demons and the Fallen didn't interact unless they had to if they weren't the rulers of the Circles.

"Proud of you, Azza," Ira said offhandedly, noting how she had conquered her fear of handling her true power.

"Thank you, Father," Azza said weakly, dropping her head, her cheeks heated at his praise.

"And you didn't lose any of that hotness; well, I chalk that up to your mother," Ira said with a flirty smile as his eyes scanned the cavern for Mor. He knew it was very odd for her not to greet him the moment he appeared within her domain. "Oroan!" he shouted, calling out to his son. Arching an eyebrow as he turned around when he felt Oroan's presence at his back, wondering why Oroan knelt to him in such a manner yet kept his thoughts to himself.

"Forgive me, Father, for calling you..."

"It's cool, Oroan, but why? Where's Mor? And the others?"
