Porn Star Family Pt. 19


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"Protecting mother," Oroan answered, seeing through the veil he kept around himself to conceal the ugliness he was born with. He didn't think his father needed to peer at the disgrace that was his face. "Except for me and Aswang, we were trying to contain the two of them, but they were too strong for us," he said in shame. "I accept your punishment; take my head, father; I failed you." Looking up when he felt Ira's hand on his left shoulder.

"Get up, Oroan, and tell me what the hell is going on here," Ira said in a fatherly tone, flashing Azza a warm smile when she came to his side.

"I was out getting mother some souls for her to feed her growing children, then when I returned, I found Aswang keeping them away from mother as the rest were guarding her, keeping them from getting to her. I don't know what is wrong with mother, nor do I know these demons that have attacked us. I've never felt something like them before. They attack like no other demon I know of; I'm sorry I fail..."

"It's okay, Oroan," Ira said reassuringly. "Glad you called for me; I wouldn't have known about this otherwise. See to your sister, if you two are still able to fight, then join my side, and we'll see if we can properly deal with these interlopers."

"Yes, Father, I will see to it," Oroan nodded firmly. A strange sensation formed in his body that was so very odd, given his makeup. It made him feel dirty yet also pleased at the same time; it was rather confusing for the demon as he went to see to his sister.

"Azza, I don't know why you're in Mor's domain, but might I ask for your assistance in this matter?"

"Of course, Father, you know I'm always willing to help you," Azza spoke; her body was on fire at the simple touch of his hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks, let's go see what we can find out. Mor! If you're still awake, shield your eyes; if not, Ardat Lili, Avalon, Bolvaril, protect your mother from my light. Rogthakel, O'Yama, Batibat, protect your siblings while they're indisposed," Ira shouted as he morphed into his twelve-foot-tall form, hearing their answer as he raised his sword to the ceiling. Noting how Azza shyly inched away from him when his angelic power and light swirled around the blade of his sword as he concentrated his might into a bright beacon illuminating that cave for the first time in all of creation. Not that he needed the light to tell where they were; he already knew; this was to show whatever demon it was that he was not to be trifled with as his Nagdaium' power reached its zenith. Arching an eyebrow when Ira noted a ruby-red glowing eye peering at him and what appeared to be blood running down her chin beneath her equally ruby-stained lips before that face disappeared into the darkness of the crevice she was hiding within. Nodding to Azza, while he wasn't concerned that Azza wouldn't be able to handle whatever they were, she was a Seraphim, after all, and the daughter of the very first angel. What he was concerned with was how some unknown demon could have easily overpowered Mor and his children. His and Azza's feet touched lightly on the stone ledge; his blue angelic flames flickered along the blade of his sword as it dipped towards the stone. Noting how Azza was readying herself should it come to blows. "Come out before I destroy you," Ira commanded forcibly, switching his sword to his left hand, lightly holding Azza's left arm to steady her as the cavern began to shake as. Mor's influence raced throughout the cavern as she came to. Peering over her right shoulder as, Mor's massive hand crashed into the side of the cavern as she steadied her body after giving birth to such a massive power.

"Mor's mate?! Mor is pleased to see you here. Mor has something to tell you," Mor said as her strides caused the ground to shake as she took one step after another.

"And what would that be?" Ira asked, turning his massive body to her and holding his hand to her. Ignoring how his angelic side wasn't pleased to feel the demonic corruption on his skin as Mor's hand filled his, watching how her body shrunk down to her humanoid size in his hand. His eyes ran down her naked body, trying not to get hard as she rubbed her body against his thumb.

"Mor was good; Mor gave you powerful children," Mor said greedily, smiling evilly at him.

"Huh?" His attention turned towards the crevice as the sound of two demonic growls echoed off the stone walls. Their burning red eyes glowed in the darkness, and the angelic light of his halo and crown washed over their deep red skin as a row of horns sprouted along the top of their wolf-like heads as they breached the hole. Their claws cut through the stone as the right one's right hand and the left one's left hand held onto the lip of the opening. Their eyes gazed up at him as they stood at eight feet tall each. Yet something was wrong; he could sense something was not right with them as they were showing off their power when he could tell they had been weakened. "Mor?" Ira's voice floated on the hellish air in confusion, seeing how he didn't know she was pregnant again or that she had already given birth.

"Are you not pleased?"

"Didn't say that, Mor, but I didn't know you were expecting?"

"Mor's mate will forgive Mor, yes? For keeping you in the dark around them, Mor wasn't expecting them to be born for a few more days, but they got impatient and wanted out. They hurt Mor coming out; they were a little rambunctious when they were born. Playing with their siblings a little too roughly, but no harm was done to Mor's children," Mor stated, keeping her body on display as she spoke. "Daughters, greet your father; don't make Mor tell you twice," she warned, peering down at her twins. Her soulless black eyes glanced at Ira when she suspected he had felt the weakness in them. Wondering if Ira was going to dispose of them and start anew. Not that she was against the idea of being with her mate again; it was always a delight of pain when they were together. Stepping off his hand when Ira lowered it to the ledge. Her sex grew hot as she watched his power washing over him as he shrunk down to his human size, leaping at him, wrapping her naked body around his left arm. "Mor as missed Mor's mate; Mor's mate must see more of Mor," Mor nodded as if that was common sense.

"Hey, maybe once this crisis is over, I might actually have time to just hang out," Ira stated with a shrug of his shoulders. "So, who are they?" he asked, pointing at his children.

"Well? Introduce yourself to your father, and stop being rude to Mor's mate. Just because you were just born doesn't mean you can disrespect your father and Prince," Mor growled. Smiling up at Ira as their image shimmered and condensed down to human-looking females if you discount the glowing ruby eyes, their dark blood hair, the blood red markings beneath the one on the right's mouth, while the left had what Ira could only describe markings similar to what he had seen in 'The Crow' that Viki and his sister made him watch, yet instead of straight lines above and below their eyes the lines had a flame-like feel to them as they zig-zagged an inch or two along her skin. Ira kept his eyes from dipping lower as their bodies were on display for him. It wasn't lost on him that the two of them were holding each other's hand as the light of his halo bathed their pale skin like their mother had. Still, he couldn't help it; his eyes did note their very perky 36C breasts and their equally pale nipples.

"I am Aamon, this is my sister Angra Mainyu."

"And what happened to the two of you?" Ira asked, feeling their power weakening as they spoke.

"He shot me with something," Aamon hissed at Oroan, who was smirking beneath the shroud that kept him hidden.

"She cut me with that blade of hers," Angra Mainyu spat at her older sister.

"And why were you attacking your siblings?" Ira asked; he wasn't expecting to receive the most creepiest of grins out of them when he asked that.

"Why not eat them? We ate our other brethren; you don't need these weak demons to serve you, Father; we are stronger than all of them," they stated proudly. Their eyes went cross-eyed when the pad of Ira's index fingers pressed against the center of their foreheads. Their cries of pain rang out as Ira assaulted their essence with his own, forcing them to submit to him, hearing the others laughing at them as they were forced to their knees.

"You will not consume any more of my children, understand me?" Ira spoke forcibly, turning up the pain as their wails chilled his blood. "Do you understand?!" he growled, his power lacing his words.

"Yes, father!" They cried out as one as they felt their father's power nearly shuddering their forms to the ether.

"You will obey your mother when she commands you, you will not attack your siblings, torment the souls of Hell, have fun with that, but you are not to assault my children. Am I clear?" Ira barked.

"Yes, father, please, father, no more?!" They pleaded, knowing if he pushed any harder, they would cease to exist. Once they had submitted to Ira's will, their bodies were flooded with his power, healing their bodies of the wounds.

"Now, if I hear you've disregarded my words, I will end you," Ira said, seeing Aamon and Angra Mainyu cowering beneath his gaze. "If you obey, you will be rewarded," he said sweetly, brushing his thumb along their cheeks. However, that was short-lived as Mor leapt onto him, wrapping her arms and legs around him, shoving her fork tongue into his mouth. The smack on her ass rang loudly within her domain, followed by her demonic wail of bliss. "Come, Azza, I'll escort you home," Ira said, holding out his hand to her after spending a few moments with all his other children.

"Yes, father," Azza whispered, slipping her hand into his. Feeling her heart flutter, her body heating and began tingling at her father's touch. Wondering if Anael felt like this before she gave herself to him. As they soared high above the Eighth Circle, unaware a pair of golden eyes were watching them from afar on her throne.

Belial, the ruler of the Eight Circle, watched high above to simulate what she had when she and her sisters lost in their fall. Her delicate fingers interweaved with one another. Her chin slid along her thumbs as they came to rest in the nocks of her thumbs as she watched the elation on Zophiel's daughter's face. While Ira, or as she has come to know him as Suriel Zol, didn't seem to notice how his touch affected the Seraphim, or maybe he did and didn't wish to show it. Whatever the case was, that wasn't why she was watching the man. Even now, her sisters were gloating; they might not say the words, yet she knew they were so did the others who had yet felt his touch. Allocen was practically flaunting her swollen belly in their faces, whom she knew was due any time now. Even the demon Asmodan, who slew her sister to take her throne, had felt the man's touch and even carries his child. Her golden eyes stared intently at the crystal ball the imps serving her held high, watching how his wings moved, how his muscles looked as they grew taut and relaxed as he flew across her domain. She knew she had to make her move while he was still within her domain. However, she wasn't foolish enough to make a move while he was with his daughter. Her head rose, her eyes held confusion as Azza abruptly hugged him and rapidly flew off. Her heart leapt to her throat when Ira just turned around and peered up. No one could see her citadel; she used her vast powers to conceal it in the haze that obscured the sky of her domain. Yet she just couldn't fathom how he could see it or sense her gazing at him. Her eyes glanced to and fro as the items she's collected throughout the ages trembled as Ira's vast powers announced his approach.

Her white-layered, blue-trimmed armored skirt trailed along the seat of her throne as her gold-plated armored boots lightly stepped onto her dais. The light blue of her greaves, inlaid with gold, glinted in the light of her throne room, feeling her minions taking up arms as Ira easily breached her gates. Her left hand shot up, and her blue angelic power shimmered around her body, rippling as she escaped the shockwave Ira had set loose throughout her home. Her short sword instantly appeared in her hand as she felt every step he took towards her. Puffing out her chest, her layered pauldron shone as she readied herself for battle. Her four wings flexed to keep her agile so she could keep distance between her and Ira. She knew in a head-to-head fight, she wouldn't win; however, she specialized in fighting from afar, something she knew Ira wasn't experienced in. If it came to blows, she would use that to her advantage until her other sisters arrived to provide assistance if the need arose.

Her giant double doors groaned as his meaty hands thumped hard against them; the hinges moaned as his might alone pushed those heavy doors opened. Ira's demonic oppression flooded the room as the doors inched open; Belial swallowed hard as she caught hints of his shadow cloaked horns; it was only due to the light of his halo and crown that she could even see their faint outline due to the unnatural darkness that coated them. His demonic taint drifted off his red burgundy eyes as his face came into view. His midnight blue skin shone in the light of her throne room as he pushed the doors open the rest of the way as he stared her down. His tail thumped lightly on the floor.

"Why?" The question rightly confused her as he just stood there.

"I don't..."

"Why are you spying on me? I don't appreciate that, not when I was trying to spend time with my daughter," Ira said; his annoyance was clear as day.

"Forgive me, Suriel Zol; it was not my intention for you to leave Azza's side. She's a very beautiful child, by the way; you and Zophiel must be proud of what she has achieved," Belial said, trying to butter him up and to ease his discomfort at being pulled away from his child. She noticed he wasn't buying her platitude as he rolled his thick tree trunk finger as his tail swayed behind him, waiting for her to get to her real reason. "I won't deny I was peering at you through that," waving to the crystal ball, ignoring how her imps just stood frozen in place when she knew, given what Ira was, they would have fled the moment he stepped foot on her citadel, "yet I wasn't spying on you. I have no nefarious plans against you. You just vex me," Belial said truthfully, seeing how that arched one of his eyebrows.

"How so?"

"You visit my sister, Lucifer, all the time and leave just as quickly without visiting one of us," Belial spoke, gesturing to herself. "Even Allocen has felt your touch, as well as Zophiel and that demon Mor. Don't get me started on Asmodan," her hand shook side to side as she began her rant, "Look at me, Suriel Zol, am I not ten times more attractive than all of them?!" she asked, running her hands down her body.

"How would I know? Do you think I have x-ray vision?" Ira retorted, pointing at her armor. He saw her looking down, noting her embarrassment before her angelic robe flowed down her body as her armor was sent to the ether.

"Now, tell me, Suriel Zol, am I not far more attractive than the Lord of Hell?" Belial boasted, watching how his eyes ran down her body.

"I'm not answering that; I know she'll hear of it," Ira stated, knowing a trap when he saw one, and he wasn't about to have his grandmother on his ass when in truth, she was indeed prettier than his grandmother was. He honestly didn't know how that could be given all the other angels he's seen and met. To him, they were all like super models with supernatural powers. His eyes looked around the room as Belial's throne room dissolved around him, only to appear in her bedroom.

"Come, Suriel Zol, and claim me as your wife and give me the child I'm destined to bear," Belial said, her angelic robe slide down her body and pooling in a heap twenty feet below at her feet. "I know how you like breasts, Suriel Zol; I guarantee you that mine are the most exquisite you'll ever feel," she proclaimed as she cradled her 30NN breasts in her hands. "Let me once again feel what my sisters have felt since our fall from grace," Belial uttered in longing.

Chapter Two

Garrett Lutz had been walking home from his job one evening when, out of the blue, hands not of his own or that he knew of reached out and pulled him into the alleyway he was walking by. The same alley he always did; their hands muffled his cries of pain as they began to pummel his body with their fists as one always held him bound. He had no idea why they were doing this to him; he only wished for it to end. His left hand reached out to the light of the alleyway, silently calling for help to those who passed by without a care that he was getting the tar beaten out of him. The question remained - Why?!

"Stacy says you're never going to fuck her again," hissed the man with tufts of his hair in his hand, forcing his battered face to peer at him. "She's our slut now; that little dick wouldn't be able to get her off now, not after what we've been doing to that tasty bitch." Garrett flinched as the man spat on him. He thought that was it, how wrong he was, as their feet began to stomp him into the pavement. It was only because of his screams of pain when they shattered his right knee cap that the six of them fled into the darkness, sure that their assault wouldn't be reported and that they would be free to continue to make Stacy air tight. Garrett's wails and pleas for help were weak as he pulled his broken body through the piss and bile that lined the pavement. His hands were broken, his fingers were bent at odd angles, and his ribs were broken; wondering why his wife would do this to him. What had he done to deserve this from her other than filing for divorce when he learned she wasn't as faithful to him as he was to her. He just didn't know it was that many men. If she didn't want to be with him any longer, why would she do this to him? He knew it would take a lot of time for him to heal, yet when he did, he knew there would be a reckoning!

Cassiel stood off in the crowd as she watched how the human mortals loaded up the injured man, who's only sin she could sense was loving the wrong woman. Moving through the mass of bodies unseen and, climbed into the rear of the ambulance with the man, sensing he wouldn't make it to the hospital if she didn't. A light touch on the man's foot kept him alive when the machines that went beep and whatnot filled the air. She learned when it had a long tone, it was when the man's body had expired. She knew it wasn't his time to cross over. While she didn't serve Heaven, she knew his soul was destined to reside there once his time actually came. Her gold-ruby eyes studied the man's soul, learning everything she could about the man to see if he would be a worthy candidate for her father to gain the power she knew he would need to take on the last three sisters.

Cassiel stood out of the way, leaning around the nurses and doctors as they worked on the man just to see what they were doing. She found the human's way of healing the body very strange when all she had to do was will herself to be whole again or ask her more powerful sisters to do it or her father. Cassiel felt her body heating at the thought of her father. Recounting how her body felt pressed against his as they sat on top of his temple, the way his lips felt against hers, to how she thought she had wetted herself only to have Anael tell her that was a normal reaction to their father's touch. How she wanted to experience it once again. She knew she could take her father's mind off of the troubles he was facing; she just knew she could. The question was, was she ready for that? Chewing on her lip, ignoring how the humans were speaking to one another as she remembered her conversation with Cora, her grandmother. Wondering if she should talk to her about what she was feeling. Once they had left the room, her eyes moved over the man, noting the tube that was coming out of his mouth to the way the man appeared to be sleeping. Yet she could feel his mind; she knew it was in turmoil as the questions he had asked himself were constantly repeating in his head. She knew the man made an excellent candidate for the Nagdaium' of Vengeance. She just hoped her father saw it the same way she did.
