Pretend Girlfriend


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Kurt did behave, at least nominally for the rest of our time there. We flew back home Monday, and before we left, Rebecca gave me a passionate kiss, and told me she expected to see me in the near future. Apparently, Rebecca had applied for a job in the city where Kurt and I lived and expected to come for interviews shortly. Obviously this week would not be a problem, but after that would be.

Once we got back I returned to my place. I might have to stay female for a few more days, but I still had work to do. I mostly worked remotely, but had zoom meetings every few days. Sure we handled a lot through email, but meetings seem to be a necessary evil. I did not turn live video on for me, but used a still photo, and talked no more than I had to, and tried to keep my voice as low as possible. I talked with Terri and she said I should call her after I was a guy again

A few people made stray comments, but my work was up to my usual standards, and maybe even a little better. I wanted as little attention drawn to me as I could. Te rest of the work week went well, and as Friday arrived, I wondered if I'd change back Friday night, or Saturday morning, or if maybe the overlap in pills would add a few more hours to it.

I didn't change Friday night, which was a disappointment. Neither did I change Saturday morning, which left me slightly more concerned. When I had not changed back by Sunday night, I was getting seriously concerned. I hit a walk in clinic early Monday morning and met with a doctor, though it was slightly dicey since my insurance showed me as male.

"Doctor, I have a problem. I took a 7 day sex change pill and have not changed back."

"Was it only one pill?"

"No, I took a second one."

"Did you wait a full 24 hours after the first one wore off before taking the second one?"

"No, I didn't know I needed to."

"How long after the first one wore off did you take the second?"

"I took the second before the first one wore off."

The doctor, who was female, shook her head, then looked at me with pity.

"In the vast majority of instances, when you take a second before the first wears off, you will not ever change back."

"I'm stuck as a woman?"

"When would you have expected it to reverse?"

"I took the second one a week ago Friday, and the first two weeks ago Saturday."

"So you're somewhere between 48 and 72 hours overdue?"

"That's correct."

"Apart from rare instances, people who do change back after the overlap, do so pretty close to when they expected to."

"So I'm screwed."

"That I don't know, but you're female and very likely to stay that way."

I left the doctor's office in shock and went back to my place. I was able to log in and begin work pretty close to my usual time. My head was swimming, but I still managed to work and get as much done as usual. Late in the day, my project manager called me on the phone. He said my work was fine, but he was concerned.

"Did you catch some strange virus during your vacation, Kelly?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"Your voice is funny, you aren't contributing as much in meetings as normal, and you have no live video feed."

"I took some pills."

"Not illegal drugs, I hope."

"They changed me to a female, and because of circumstances, I'm not going to change back."

"Is that what you wanted?"

"Hell, no. I was trying to help a friend and it blew up on me."

"Well, the company is good with LGBT, including trans, so I don't have a problem with it."

"I guess that's reassuring."

"I'll discretely let people know, but turn on your video and speak up like you used to."

"I will."

I called up Kurt and called him a stupid, self-centered son of a bitch.

"What the hell is the problem?"

"You made me take that second damned pill before the first one wore off."

"What about it?"

"Because of that, I'm stuck as a woman now, you bastard."

"I don't suppose you'd go on a date with me?"

"Kurt, it I see you, I'll kick you in the nuts so hard you'll sing soprano for the rest of your unnatural life."

I hung up on him and blocked his number, then went out and blocked his email as well. We were friends on social media and I unfriended him and blocked him there too. I was so pissed I could hardly see straight. As I fumed, there was a knock on my door. I thought it might be Kurt and I went to the door ready to kill. I opened the door to see Rebecca there. I was shocked and just stood there, until she spoke.

"May I come in?"

I opened the door wider and let her in, though I was still in shock. She walked over and sat on my sofa. I followed and sat beside her. As we sat there, she leaned toward me and kissed me. I was surprised, but quickly began to kiss her back. She broke the kiss sooner than I'd have liked, then sat back and looked me over from head to toe.

"Rebecca, there's something you should know about me."

"You mean that you were a guy before my stupid brother fucked you up with pills?"

"You knew?"

"I checked his social media account. He showed no relationship and only one friend named Kelly -- a guy."

"He had lied to his mother about dating a girl, and when Emily wanted to meet her, he asked me to pretend to be his girlfriend for a week."

"By the way, the walls in that house are thin. I heard almost every word of your arguments all week."

"I wondered about that."

"After I heard that he had you take that pill early, I checked on the effects of that."

"Then you knew I was going to stay a woman?"

Rebecca stroked my head, before kissing me again.

"If I had known before you took it, I'd have warned you."

"I appreciate that."

"I liked Kelly the girl, so I wasn't unhappy about that -- unless of course, you don't like me."

"At the time, I was wishing you liked guys, because I expected to change back and felt like you were someone I could really fall for."

"I only like women, but you're woman enough for me, even if you used to be a guy."

"Not much chance of me ever being a guy again."

"I'll try to help you enjoy being a woman,"

"So you're looking for a job here."

"I've done some phone and zoom interviews, and it's looking pretty good."

"Did you have a place to stay?"

"I guess that depends."

"I'd love to have you stay with me."

"Then I guess I have a place to stay."

"No luggage?"

"It's in my car. You want to help me bring it in?"

She had driven here, and her car was packed with everything she owned. It took a while for us to get it in and somewhat settled in the bedroom. Funny, here I was inviting Rebecca to move in with me and we had yet to even make love. Once we had everything in and at least in some semblance of order, She grabbed a small bag, headed for the bathroom and told me to wait there. She came out of the bathroom wearing the negligee that Kurt had given me.

"Now you have to take this off me, Kelly."

She had a sexy smile and an even sexier walk as she came over to me.

"Should I take it off with my hands, or my teeth?"

"If you think you can do it with your teeth, let's try."

We walked together into the bedroom, though her hand was down on my ass. I quickly reciprocated and got a nice feel of Rebecca's ass, though I'd gotten somewhat familiar with it, back when I was rubbing sunscreen on it. Once we got in the bedroom, she gave me a kiss that rattled my teeth. She stood there, so I bent down and took the hem of the top in my teeth and began to lift.

She sat down on the bed and raised her arms. It took a little maneuvering, but I got the negligee top off her, though I had to shift back and forth to get it off without ripping. She smiled and told me that was a good start. I pushed her so she was lying on the bed, then lifted her legs so she was wholly on the bed. I crawled on her and began to kiss her. I couldn't tell you how long we kissed -- time seemed to stand still.

I always tried to give as much pleasure as possible to women I was with. Under the circumstances, that was even more important now than it had been before. When she paused the kissing, I began to kiss my way down to her boobs. I had a look at them back when we were trying on clothes in the store, and had touched parts of them when I put sunscreen on her.

Now was my chance to really enjoy them, and hopefully make her feel good as well. Her nipples were already hard and I could tell that mine were also. I wrapped my lips around her right nipple, while bringing my right hand up to fondle her left one. She moaned as I sucked on her boob. I had sucked on more than a few titties in my time, but hers felt special.

I didn't think about tomorrow, next week, or next year. All that mattered was this moment and suckling at Rebecca's bosoms. She stroked my head and pulled me tight to her mammaries. There was only this moment and Rebecca in my bed with me enjoying giving her pleasure. Her breath was ragged as I continued to pleasure her breasts.

Soon, I moved to the other one which was sorely lacking attention. I bit it lightly and she arched her back, pushing her love mound ever closer to me. Well, I was already there, but I now had that tit pushed deep in my mouth. Pretty soon, she shrieked as she reached orgasm. I kept at it a bit longer, then kissed my way further south.

Her labia were red and open and almost dripping with her juices. I took a big whiff, getting the full effect of her aroma, then plastered my mouth to her quim. Okay, when I was a guy, I'd gone down on more than a few women, though that was to get them hot enough and eager to have me fuck them. I couldn't do that now so I focused on loving her nether parts as best I could.

She began to pump her hips and I followed every move to keep licking her pussy ever more passionately. She quickly wrapped her legs around my shoulders, pulling me tight to her and making my mouth one with her snatch. She was going crazy beneath me and I licked her through at least two orgasms, before she slumped on the bed and begged me to stop.

I moved back up and resumed kissing her, and I knew she had to taste herself on my lips. We kissed until she threw me off her onto the bed beside her and climbed on top of me. I was a little leery, though clearly Rebecca was female, because I had no real experience having someone make love to me as a woman -- Kurt's brief fuck didn't count.

There was absolutely nothing tender or loving in anything Kurt did. In contrast, I truly enjoyed making love to Rebecca, and had a suspicion I'd enjoy whatever she did to me. It didn't take long before she did a lot more than just kiss me. She shifted slightly and began to stroke my pussy as we kissed. It was quite pleasant, though I was not used to having a vagina or having it touched.

I had not even touched myself after my change to become a woman. Okay, as a guy, I jerked off when I was not seeing any women. I just felt weird touching my own quim. I know I was tense as she began to insinuate her hand into my cunt. She knew what she was doing though and in spite of myself, I began to enjoy it.

She got one finger in me plunging it deeply in and nearly out several times before adding a second finger. Soon, she began to stroke my clit with her thumb as she finger fucked me. I was still slightly uneasy, but it felt so damned good, there was no way I was going to stop her. I got so into it that I didn't realize she'd stopped kissing me until I felt her begin to suck one of my boobs.

Sure, I'd enjoyed many a woman's titties in my brief life, but never truly understood how it felt. I might not have wanted to be or remain a woman, but with what Rebecca was doing, I could hardly regret it. I could feel heat rising through my body and my thoughts were that I never wanted this to end. I felt like my entire being was engulfed in what she was doing.

It felt like a tidal wave was about to break when she pulled her fingers out of me and stopped sucking on my tits. I couldn't believe she had taken me to the verge, then quit. I was almost ready to cry when her tongue entered me. I think I spread my legs farther than I even knew they would spread, as she licked and tongue fucked me.

I think I lifted my ass off the bed, because her hands began to knead my butt cheeks as she plunged her tongue ever deeper. It broke, and I lost all control over my body and just writhed in pleasure. I may have passed out, I'm not sure. The next thing I was aware of was Rebecca lying on me and kissing me some more. I recovered enough to kiss her back, and we lay there kissing.

After a spell of particularly passionate kissing, she rolled off and lay beside me on the bed. I still felt tingles throughout my body for several minutes thereafter. As I returned to this world, I knew I wanted Rebecca to stay with me for as long as she was willing. We were both rather a mess, and went hand in hand to the bathroom where we got in the shower together.

My shower is not especially large, but that didn't matter, since it was great having her naked body pressed up against mine. We washed each other, though there was more fondling than washing at times. Obviously, I had no problem with that, and had a small orgasm just from our caresses. We kept going till the hot water began to run out, then got out and dried each other off.

We decided to dress and go out to dinner, and went to a small neighborhood Italian place owned and run by an Italian family. We drank wine and ate and just enjoyed each other's company. After eating, we went back to my place and as we got there, Kurt was standing outside, waiting for me. I neither wanted nor needed anything from him, but he still was there.

"Kelly? Rebecca? What the hell is going on?"

I glared at him as Rebecca replied. "My new girlfriend and I went to dinner."

"Becca, Kelly isn't a real woman. She's a guy who took a sex change pill."

"I know that, you stupid shit. Do you think I couldn't hear the two of you when you were at our folks' place?"

"But what happens when she changes back?"

"She's not going to, you dumb asshole. She's stuck this way, thanks to you."

"I thought you liked women, and Kelly is a guy, even if he's in a woman's body."

"Kelly is woman enough for me. Besides, brother, we don't need your shit, so go away and leave us alone."

Kurt turned red, and looked like he was going to explode, but then left. I had remained quiet during that exchange, but as soon as my former friend was gone, turned and kissed Rebecca. We stood outside the door kissing for a few minutes before we went in the apartment. We sat and cuddled for a while, watching some nonsense on television while our dinner settled.

I went in the bathroom, and came out to find Terri walking into the apartment. Rebecca had just opened the door when she heard a knock. Terri looked furious and seemed to be shocked while Rebecca was less than pleased. Terri looked at Rebecca and spoke sharply.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Rebecca almost snarled at Terri. "I'm Kelly's girlfriend. Who are you?"

Terri saw me out of the corner of her eye and turned to me. "You're still female?"

"Yeah, and not going to change back."

"You wanted to stay a woman?"

"It wasn't my choice -- it just happened."

"Well, Kelly, I don't do women." Terri turned to Rebecca. "I guess she's all yours."

Terri stormed out of the place, slamming the door behind her. I should have called Terri and told her that I was stuck this way. Having Rebecca there and declaring herself to be my girlfriend added to the shock of it all. I certainly had no regrets about having Rebecca as my girlfriend. I was just sorry to have upset Terri, because I did like her.

Rebecca and I adjourned to the bedroom shortly after that and made love until we fell asleep from exhaustion. I might prefer to still be a guy, but she was making me feel as though there were compensations. Rebecca spooned me as we fell asleep. It felt odd to be the small spoon, but it felt good having her hold me.


The next day, I worked remotely. Rebecca went to a job interview with the company she had been talking to. She called me during the day to say that the interviews were going well. After the blowup with Terri, I decided I should call my parents and tell them what happened, or at least a cleaned up version of it. No need to tell them that Kurt effectively raped me.

"Mom, I don't know if you're aware, but there are pills to change a person's gender."

"Oh my God, Kelly. Tell me you didn't."

"It was purely accidental."

"Can't they do anything?"

"Mom, I wish they could."

"I never thought you wanted to have sex with men."

"I don't want to and don't intend to."

"What the hell are you going to do?"

"Believe it or not, I met a woman who likes women."

"So now you're a dyke?"

"What are my choices? Do I want to be alone forever? Do I want men? No on both counts."

"How am I supposed to tell your father?"

"I don't know, but I wanted you to know, so it wouldn't be such a shock."

"Are you kidding? I had to sit down when you started to tell me."

"How could you mistakenly take a pill that permanently changed you to a woman?"

"It's a long and painful story -- for another time."

I managed to get off the phone with her before she could drag the details out of me. I finished my work day and was closing down when Rebecca returned. She had gotten a job offer from the company and they wanted her to start as soon as possible. We went out to dinner to celebrate. Now, there was no reason for not to stay with me.


Six months later, we seem to be a serious couple. I liked her from the time I met her, back in college. Of course she wasn't interested in me when I was a guy. She has mentioned marriage, and I think that's a great idea. I made it clear that I'm not wearing a dress, so she suggested we both wear tuxes. We will go looking at rings in a few days.

Rebecca asked about having a family. I have no intention of becoming pregnant, so we'll either have to adopt, or she'll have to have them. We'll still have to work out that and some other things. Rebecca's parents accused her of stealing her brother's girlfriend. We are on speaking terms with Kurt, though we will never be close to him.

When we talked with her parents, I told them that Kurt and I were on the verge of breaking up when they met me, but that we'd pretended to still be close for their benefit. Emily made it clear that even if Rebecca married me, that I'd never get the grandmother's ring. That certainly is no issue for me. Michael, Rebecca's brother stares hungrily at me, but when Rebecca saw him, she told him 'hands off'.

My parents came to visit. My mother still is upset over what happened. My father seemed better about it than I'd have ever expected. When he and I were alone he told me that after meeting Rebecca he could understand why a guy might become a woman to get a chance to be with her. I told him that it wasn't what happened or what I wanted, but that Rebecca was compensation.

I still occasionally have wistful feelings about losing my manhood. When Rebecca and I are in each other's arms, it's hard to be very sorry about what happened. I've gone from being Kurt's pretend girlfriend to being his sister's real girlfriend, not that I ever wanted to be anyone's girlfriend. Life can deal us some funny hands. I'll live with what has happened.

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DeLord12804DeLord128048 months ago

Luke was cursed ever since a classmate wrote "Most likely to never get laid." in his yearbook.

The other less obvious take away from this story, would be to avoid cheap generic substitutes for gender swapping pills, knock offs can be bad news.

All things considered, I still enjoyed reading this strange tale, nicely done.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

A wild story that was very strange for the facts that Kurt was a grade A tool and a huge pain I the ass which brings me to point #2 which is how could Kelly possibly do this favor for that walking douchebag? He knew what kind of a jerkoff he is and he saw how every woman basically ran away screaming so why trust him with the favor when he proved right at the start that he didn’t give a crap about you aside from having one of your holes to put his cock in. He even broke the rules and raped you and yet you stuck around instead of doing the smart thing and bailing. Sorry to say this but Kelly got what she deserved by sticking by this piece of shit rapist. He even didn’t care what he did to Kelly since his first question was if they could date. If that doesn’t scream total waste of a life then I will never know what does. He even had the balls to try and break up Kelly and Rebecca by stating that Kelly is a guy although if that was such a big deal and was true then Kurt wanted to date a guy, kissed and raped a guy and wanted to probably marry a guy.

jackie_emjackie_em8 months agoAuthor

I love that the most critical comments are done anonymously - as though the insulation of a screen name were not enough. As to the criticisms, first, there have been a number of stories about pills to change gender, a lot of them under X-change. I have not used X-change since I didn't want to take someone else's intellectual property, and because I wanted to do things that might not fit with the existing X-change world. Second, if you find the premise absurd, why the hell don't you stop reading and go to another story? Finally, not everyone finds their gender as being central to their identity. Some folks, it is true find their gender assigned at birth to be central to their identity. Those are the true cis-gender folks. Others find the gender not assigned at birth to be central to their identity. Those are the transgender folks. Still others are non-binary. The non-binary may identify with both genders or with neither gender. For myself, what is between my legs is not part of my identity. It affects how I urinate or how I have sex, but otherwise is quite oblivious to me. I could comfortably be either gender. In several of my stories, the characters are more non-binary than either cis or trans. That is irrelevant to sexual attraction and I am and would be attracted t women as either gender with little or no attraction to men. Why in hell are you reading a transgender/cross dresser story if you are bothered by someone who is not distraught by gender change?

SabrinaGLangtonSabrinaGLangton8 months ago

Love this.. was quite surprised about the pill, but I warmed up to the plot pretty quickly. I didn't find it depressing at all, maybe melancholy is the right word.. ha, but what do I know, I only know what I like... Thank you, Jackie...

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The moment the beyond silly magic pill was introduced, the sound in the background was due to all doors to credulity and plausible suspension of disbelief closing. The lack of respect for the depth of emotion that losing basically the biological essence of a person's body-and unwillingly , no less, did not cross the mind of the author, apparently. However, I jumped to the last part , just to see if the pretense of a happy ending was still there. It was.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I thought it was depressing too. It made you feel sorry for Kelly.

day_rideday_ride8 months ago

Wow, great twist! Have to admit, I was pretty invested in Rebecca and Kelly's relationship by the end. I realise there's not much of a need for a follow-up story (everything seems nicely wrapped up in this one with the plot arc), but definitely found myself wanting more by the end ;)

XamdXamd8 months ago

Well that was just depressing

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