All Comments on 'Promotion Comes With Strings Attached'

by Cagivagurl

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DormayVooDormayVoo3 months ago

A 15-page story. From page 1 to page 13 the man has principals. She sold her body for a promotion and disrespected him. Then by page 14 he’s been hit by the Martian Cuck Ray and everything is OK. He magically admits to a moral equivalence between what she did to him and her grievances with him. And it happens so clumsily, which is to say it happens without any compelling event that adequately explains how it could occur. Otherwise a fascinating and riveting story.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This is the kind of story where Cagivagurl's talents are wasted, trying to manufacture a reconciliation ending where it wasn't realistic. Just a too complex fantasy. For one thing, the wife Coby just finally realizes WHAT she did after all that 'water under the bridge'? Doesn't fit the character history she demonstrated for most of the story. I regard this and the other stories she does in this model her failures. BUT then again, her successes are so good as to make up for them. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A reconciliation after she finishes engaging in her affair, succeeding in her objective- succeeding her lover- seems forced. The husband is supposed to forgive her when the objective of her affair - getting the promotion- becomes a success? So how is he supposed to feel going forward, defacto profiting from her planned infidelity and accepting it ? It's the same as saying it was 'okay' because the price of that infidelity was acceptable. Not in any sane man's universe! The false equivalence of guilt was also just manipulation. They were defacto 'broken up' when he engaged in his own affair. It wasn't revenge when they were defacto separated and the marriage had just become a sham fiction. She was a calculating prostitute more or less. And a real bitch to think he would accept it.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Great effort. Not sure the kumbayah ending was right.

Ocker53Ocker533 months ago

Typical Cagivagurl, pathetically husband, slut wife, no matter how much humiliation she puts her pathetic husband they he always takes her back, no originality, same storyline in each story just the names change. Instead of plagiarising your own story use the brain god gave you and come up with something new. I’m about to skip this authors stories as it’s the same plot everytime ⭐️

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

One of the problems with Cagivagurl's stories is that the characters in them so rarely evolve past the caricatures she makes them out to be. It doesn't happen at all for the female lead here, she seems locked into a forced mold, unable to comprehend her husband's viewpoint, and constantly and insidiously gaslighting him. The husband at least evolves a little bit, but at the end devolves a whole step backwards, which isn't unusual for Cagivagurl, as well. She seems incapable of having a husband stick to his principles. And god forgive that the AP actually get his comeuppance.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Why wait 4 years after you become the PRESIDENT. Why can't I travel now some of the time. He should've brought this up before she gave him the disastrous news. Only reason she picked was she was a female and could spread her legs. He wanted to SCREW her and her husband weather she cared about his concerns or not. Then later she kept pushing Wyatt in his face. When he rebelled she got angry with him. He should not have showed up on the announcement that she was being promoted. I'm glad Darren screwd Wyatt's girlfriend he didn't like one bit.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


WargamerWargamer3 months ago

Second time around, another fictional fantasy story, well told, but absolute rubbish.

Not even cartoon characters would take a self absorbed person like Coby back after all the shit she pulled. Outside of fantasy fiction that marriage was toast

And as to that old hoary chestnut that what Coby did took nothing away from Darren what a load of codswallop. That has disproved time and time again, lm so surprised the author used it.

One of Ragnaroks stories put paid to that BS.

Darren is made to share the guilt in the end, but that too is garbage all the actions and reactions are down to what Coby did with Wyatt. She caused it all and got away with it.

I gave you originally 3/5 but have rescored this tale to a more appropriate score of 2/5

It just fails in so many ways it isn’t funny.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Interesting story, I did enjoy it. In his shoes I would have drop kicked her out the door, no discussion, no anything.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Great story. I really enjoyed it. Truth is though, somewhere around page 4 the hubby became as big a prostitute as his wife.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Jesus, what a heap of crap, despite all the BS spouted by the wife and her boss, she is a prostitute by every definition of the word.. By taking her money, hubby is living off her immoral earnings and thus becomes a pimp, if you don't believe me look it up. This author makes a habit of unsuccessfully trying to write from a male point of view, this is yet another example of her failure to understand how men would react. No man would put up with that kind of disrespect, period, my advice is to stop pretending your a man and write from the female perspective, maybe then we can get something believable from you.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Again, it's a story of a whore and a cuckold.

An woman of sane mind would never let someone else to intrude in their marriage let alone sex.

The story is as stupid as the writer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Complete joke, this would never turn out like this in a quadzillion years. You could only make this up and that is what this crap is - made up. Too many drugs were used to embellish and consider this was even possible.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Still a whore. She knew the truth and deceived herself.

Flyer0124Flyer0124about 2 months ago

To anon. “All made up….” Isn’t that the definition of fiction. I don’t understand where the notion of reality is even mentioned..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Even in a fictional story, Coby is a whore and she broke all her promises and agreements. Putting moral equivalency between what she did and and the husband for his times with Kailami is laughable. She had already broken the marriage. There can be no trust. So yeah even in a fictional story, this is astromically unlikely and rings hollow.

StruckwrongStruckwrongabout 2 months ago

You should write a story where the martian slut ray girl doesn't get her cuckold back sometime .

Just to push some different neurons.

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyabout 2 months ago

I gave it five stars, but it’s a little too kumbaya at the end.

Torsini71Torsini71about 1 month ago

Love your stories, super provicative, but in this i would of walked she was putting herself and dezire for a job above her marriage vows and husband. Very selfish, would have earned her a divorce from me. Well written though, prob one of my favorite stories on this site.

Busman19639Busman19639about 1 month ago

It was a great story but I’m not so good with the reconciliation at the end, but it’s not my story. Maybe an alternative ending?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Liberal nonsense. The wife chose to become a whore. That decision was entirely hers. Reconciliation? The tranny author is a misandrist and lacks any true moral sense.

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

I really enjoyed the story. CAG is one of my favorite authors. If I’m Darren though, I take the schmuck’s money, get the recording studio set up, then divorce Coby! I’d love to see the boss try to enforce that contract! 5*

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

I can’t stop laughing at the commenters calling these characters caricatures! Coby and Darren are probably more like how real people would consider the proposal than the caricature super husband most often described in LW stories.

AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

This is the second Cagivagurl story I’ve read, and I’m only on page 3, but something struck me that I have to bring up. In both stories now, the wealthy guy has called the man he’s attempting to cuckold a “spoiled brat”, and no one ever reacts to the use of that line in the way they should. Someone trying to use wealth and power to get what they want, at the risk of hurting someone else, is the definition of a spoiled brat. I.E. they are quite literally spoiled, in being used to using money to get what they want, and not being used to there being someone willing to tell them ‘no’. Whereas someone willing to stand on principle even if it means refusing extravagant amounts of money is the definitional opposite of spoiled. A spoiled person does not turn down money, luxury, extravagance. A spoiled person does not stand on principle when doing so would actively harm them. In both these stories, the wealthy figures were spoiled brats, and in both cases they proceeded to call the men they wished to cuckold, who were the definitional opposites, ‘spoiled brats’ instead. And while certainly a spoiled brat will resort to such insulting and name calling to try to coerce what they want out of someone (as again they’re not used to being told no), and so it’s not out of character for them to do so… It would be nice simply to see any other character acknowledge just how ludicrous such an insult is given who it’s coming from. I.E. it’s *so* ludicrous an insult that not having someone call them out on it is jarring.

AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

"I can’t stop laughing at the commenters calling these characters caricatures! Coby and Darren are probably more like how real people would consider the proposal than the caricature super husband most often described in LW stories."

Don't assume that everyone around is a shitty person just because you are.

AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

Is there something like a sociopathic romance? If so, this is it. Only Cagivagurl could produce such a one. This woman was a sociopath totally lacking in the empathy a loving marriage requires. The guy did what he had to do. She spoke of 'mistakes' but the difference was hugely qualitatively different. The MC was a total nutcase to accept her back. The one Anon had it right: take the money, set up his dream studio, then divorce the sociopathic bitch as nastily as possible. Imagine getting paid to get payback. Like I said, a sociopathic romance.

AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

The wife quite deliberately made her husband a cuckold in a real in-your-face kind of way, and he was too weak to divorce her up front. But he instead got his revenge by taking her lover's $$ to fulfill his dreams and it came out as a tit for tat in-your-face for her. Recalls the old adage that the best revenge is living well. Then the author went and spoiled it by arranging an absolutely absurd reconciliation through a Deus Ex machina therapist. The weak premise in this is that a wife mercenarious enough to take this arrangement would really love her spouse. Such a twisted personality would show up poorly in other ways as well really. Cannot imagine a husband would ever come to trust such a person again, absence his own twisted personality too. He offered a cheque to pay her investment back and she tore it up. That she felt betrayed by his poetic justice is the height of irony. The story should have ended it there with a quiet divorce. The rest of the RAAC just makes no sense.

AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

Just more of the Big lie - "it's only sex." Stupid and insipid thinking produced from a bent and evil spirit.

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

The author trying yo make a moral equivalency between what Coby did, which was much worse than be paid a whore, ad it wasn't a one time thing, it was a full fledged paid affair with her boss, and what the MC did with Kailami, is just amazingly stupid. Still married? Only by title. While it might not be the best moral high ground to have a revenge affair, it is a fact that it occurs and their marriage was toast at that point anyways. Coby broke the marriage contract. Period. Seriously, the author is a talented and provocative writer, but please tone down the ridiculous gaslighting.

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Coby: "Oh fuck off. I never loved him. I liked him, and he offered me a shoulder to cry on that night. You and I seemed so far apart, we fought over everything. I felt guilty because I knew it was the affair with Wyatt that caused that pain. I've said sorry a million times, and frankly. I'm sick of talking about it."

I nodded. "Me too. We are different people now, Coby. You have the job you always wanted, the expensive apartment."

"But I don't have you. That's what's missing from my life, Darren. You..."

"Are you saying you want to try again?"

"No, not again. I never stopped trying. I just messed some things up. Got my priorities wrong. I lost sight of the most important bits. I'm not ashamed of what I did, but I am embarrassed about the way I treated you. I should have understood how much it would hurt you."

====> Coby is a terrible person. Period. "Not ashamed of what I did". Please. This must be troll bait. I have read many stories by CVG some quite infuriating, but Coby is just awful. Like most CVG LWs, she has zero empathy for her husband, uses deceit when it benefits her, throws the affair and the sex in his face (repeatedly), tries to get him to be friends with her lover, and massively disrespects her husband, but her hypocrisy t the end really takes the cake. Wyatt rapidly became not only her mentor, boss, and then sex partner, but her lover in a full blown intimate affair and she definitely was "in love" with Wyatt in a romantic fashion. Look how she went to Wyatt when she got upset they were fighting. And yet she denies all this, barely sees the MC for many months, is somehow way more upset about Kailani than about Shana or Sarah, and somehow thinks her marriage was still in place. Legally maybe. Morally it was on life support where the plugged needed to be pulled. She put their marriage into a brain dead coma. What a delusion bitch.

They ending was contrived and hinged on a deus ex machina of Sarah, the "therapist" who is obviously a stand in for the author. Her logic was terrible. His marriage was massively affected by what was going on. It was slowly dying from the "contract". He was dying inside every time. The sex turned from love making into f$cking. Somehow Sarah, acting on behalf of the author, tries out some meaningless crap about it didn't do him any harm. There is more to life than sex or orgasms. Just having a wife who fulfill her marital obligations in bed, doesn't mean crap. And the line about dying for someone. Lol. That is morality / ethics for a 12 year old. Ridiculous. You would die for someone because you love them. When they hurt you (continually) and betray everything you knew about them and your marriage, it is expected that you would rescind your "I would die for you card".

She is upset about the lying. Ok. But what was their marriage like? By the time it heated up on his converting the firehouse, their marriage was dying and his actions were keeping a secret, while yes lying, but he wasn't cheating on her. And she was too busy boffing Wyatt and worshipping his "business" advice, while also listening to his (even she admitted to it at the end), crappy "relationship" advice. This ending and its stupid psycho babble was just loathsome.

She chose to become a prostitute. He assented finally to the contract because he was weak man, who deluded himself that her doing it while away would nit affect them. He learned later she was in a romantic affair with Wyatt which bled over to their marriage (as it must) and she really came to gave romantic, intimate feelings with Wyatt. She cheated because she got emotionally involved with Wyatt, giving him the genuine girlfriend experience when they traveled, beyond being the prostitute that they both agreed her to be ... for 18 months. She cheated. Period. And she loved the sex with Wyatt. Even more than her husband. That became clear. In the end, she was killing him those format 8 pages, until he learned the truth, they fought and she chose Wyatt over him, while she was NOT on the road..she made her choice. It was hard red line for the MC (finally), and their was over in all but name. But the execrable, selfish bitch who earned her promotion on her back hundreds of times, and not only enjoyed it but is not ashamed of it, even at the end, she has the balls to be wildly upset that he slept with Kailani and wasn't upfront about the studio? Please. Ironically, Coby never tells us what she learned while in therapy with Sarah, why she debased herself, why she acto felt humiliated her husband, why she was so selfish, why she thought Wyatt was a "good" guy, and why she thought her husband would just accept it. Nome if that comes up because there is no answer thar allowed for reconciliation beyond she has a mental disorder.

While this author writes well and is provocative it is clear they have a gaslighting agenda about cuckolding and women cheating (not men cheating btw, then they are btb stories generally), or BDSM or polyamory, or sexual awakenings, etc. When the shoe is on the opposite foot, the author torches the cheating husband. The author also places way too much stock in women having fulfilling orgasms as an excuse to keep cheating (e.g. Shelby in a A Marriage and a Divorce, also by CVG), though that wasn't the crux in this story.

The problem is that the gaslighting has gotten way worse with time. Compare this "He Used to be My Idol". Kayla screwed the predator Rogan for one night and a day, while off in Mexico. Luke left her and divorced her cheating ass. Luke had more balls than the MC in February Sucks, though of course no kids. He goes his own way. Kayla tries to reconcile but he had none of it, and severs everything in that talk in his SF apartment. Years go by. He becomes successful. He and Kayla reconnect again eventually she was actually sorry about what she did. She wasn't just contrite, she atoned in her own way. She matured. Got her own business with seed money from Rogan, who actually felt bad he broke up their marriage, and she partnered with Rogan's bitch Candice. As an aside, yes she was a bitch to both Luke and Kayla because she never told Kayla rhe truth about the phone call where she warned Rogan that the marriage was dying and Luke was resolute, and he ignored it and didn't tell Kayla. And Candice thiugh becoming her best friend, never told Kayla the truth. Instead Candice constantly belittled Like about not forgiving Rogan and becoming friends. Wtf?

Anyways. Look at the crime in that story vs this one. Incomparable. Yeah technically the contract and the sex part was not a deceit, but the romantic affair for like six months, absolutely was. Coby cared more about keeping up appearances for her job with her housewarming party than what she was doing about getting back with her husband. She wasn't worried he had a two month relationship with the young, beautiful Shana? He would have run away with Shana in another parallel universe.

The gaslighting in "He Used to be My Idol" wad not about the cheating being ok. It was about him agreeing Rogan is a nice guy and Lke should do business with him or be friendly with him. Kayla poked at that buy was not the main proponent. That was the bitch Candice and the asshole Rogan. Rogan was your typical Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur/ predator. He is a jerk and a narcissist and he treats everyone like crap. He had a Marc Lavalierre (from February Sucks) kink, and he horribly miscalculated. Wyatt is way worse. What he did was beyond the pale, and he used the contract to hide behind to not get beaten up or killed. He is loathsome person, who obviously had no problems with destroying Coby and the MC's marriage. Coby like most CVG LWs was delusional. In comparison Kayla was much more likable. She mad a bad choice (not a mistake). She bought into some of Rogan's bullsh$t because of Candice and he helped her get through the divorce and support herself afterwards. He actually because a friend to her, as much as a guilty Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur/ predator can be, and she didn't know the monstrous truth about that one damning phone call. She believed the central lie about that night, and accepted all the blame on her shoulders. Wyatt screwed Coby hundred of times and she fell in love with him, regardless of her protestations. Why she did? Who knows. But her sins were so much worse than Kayla's misguided choice, it isn't even in the same country, let alone zip code. And Wyatt was so much worse a person than Rogan. But Coby wss blind to all that because she was enamored and in a romantic affair with her boss for many months. Now then trying to force the husband to acquiesce to accepting Wyatt vs Rogan is again laughably different. Heck this story was as bad as when Shelby trying to gaslight her EX-husband about Paul and the "tantric sex" after 30 years of marriage in the aforementioned A Marriage, A Divorce.

There was no marriage here after they separated. And they did separate. He left when she chose Wyatt while not on the toad and broke the agreement / contract. The accusations about his time with Kailani are ludicrously different and based on specious logic.

While CVG is a talented writer, my concern is the gaslighting is through the roof. If you want good stories about reconciliation that don't infuriate the reader or try to gaslight them into accepting women cheating on their husbands, then try Ohio, Rehnquist, DT_Iverson, BillandKate etc. This later CVG stuff is just nauseating now. And yet this story and He Used to be My Idol have about the same scores. Meh that is just so wrong. This story is crap in comparison. Yikes.

AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

not sure i could forgive and forget ??

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