Psychic Seductress

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A devious psychotherapist intrudes on a young couple and mes.
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Hi folks, here I am again. As usual in my stories, this tale contains lesbian seduction, big tits, reluctance, cheating, etc..., but with some new themes you gonna discover...

The original idea is mine, but part of the plot was inspired by a comment of one of you readers. So keep writing to me, your support is always welcome.

Hope you´ll enjoy it!


"Do you really think it's a good idea?"

"Sure, why shouldn't it be a good idea?"

"I don't know, telling our intimate facts to a stranger..."

"Don't worry, honey, Dr. Ferreira is a trusted professional, she has been recommended to me by a colleague of mine who has been in therapy too and had a great experience."

"I know, yet I don't know if I want to be analyzed by another person... after all we are happy all the same, don't you think? Why should we spend money on something we don't need?"

"My darling... of course we are happy all the same, but maybe we could be even more happy, why leave small unresolved problems when we could solve them easily? We've already discussed it, you know it's for our sake. It's normal to be a little worried, but don't worry, you'll see that everything will be fine, I guarantee you."

"I know, it's just that I don't really see the need..."

"Let's do like this, we try, if we don't like it then we'll let it go."

Karl was trying to reassure his partner, Lilly, in front of the entrance to the doctor's office. The plate on the door read: "Dr. J. Ferreira, psychologist and marital consultant". They had an appointment and were already five minutes late because of Lilly's last-minute hesitations, but Karl hated being late, especially on the first appointment, and so he resolved every hesitation by knocking firmly on the study's door, smiling tenderly to his partner.

From inside the study the answer came almost immediately: "Come in, the door is open!"

Karl and Lilly entered hand in hand and sat in front of the desk, behind which Dr. Ferreira sat.

Dr. Ferreira was relatively young, she must have been in her forties, slightly older than Lilly who was thirty-two. She had a definitely an attractive oval face, with pronounced cheekbones and large green eyes highlighted by a touch of pencil, a beautiful fleshy mouth and a cascade of long, curly dark hair. She had a slightly olive complexion, and her features revealed a South American, perhaps Brazilian, or Caribbean descent. She wore glasses slightly down on her nose, with an elegant golden frame.

"Please, make yourself comfortable, you are welcome. The McLean couple, right? "

To welcome them, the doctor stood up, and Karl could not help but noticing fleetingly how the white coat she wore was stretched under the weight of what was undoubtedly a very voluminous breast.

"Exactly, Dr. Ferreira." Lilly replied after a moment of hesitation, as her boyfriend seemed to have been distracted by something.

"Please dear, call me Juliana, I hate formality. Husband and wife?"

"Ehmm... no, not yet doctor... Juliana I meant. That's why we're here..."

"Very well ... tell me then, what brings you to me?" Juliana asked with a broad smile as she peered at the young couple who sat in front of her.

He was tall and thin, with a body that Juliana estimated to be lean and muscular under the shirt he wore. He was dark in hair but with blue eyes, which made him extremely attractive. He looked slightly embarrassed and nervous, as if he was uncomfortable about something.

She was small but athletic in build, with small breasts and a toned bottom, as Juliana had immediately noticed. She had slightly red hair and a splash of freckles on her face, which stood out on her pale complexion, opposite to that of Dr. Ferreira. Her gaze was dreamy and innocent.

They were a very good couple. "Very well, they are perfect..." Juliana thought, as she felt a thrill of excitement go up her spine, at the mere thought of how much fun she would have with them...

"We... well, we would like to get married ... we have been together for four years now, and we are very much in love, but we have some small problems, nothing important really... but well, we thought that perhaps it would be better to solve them before getting married, that's all... so we thought to ask a specialist for advice... and a colleague of mine, Katherine Logan, was your patient, and she spoke very well about you, so here we are..." It was Karl who spoke, but he kept his eyes low, as if he was ashamed of something or was embarrassed.

Juliana could barely suppress the smile that came to her lips when she heard the name of Katherine Logan. She absolutely had to remember to reward her for that gift...

"Of course... but if you don't tell me what the problem is, I can't tell you if I can help you or not..."

"We... well, it's complicated to explain, but we have some problems of... sexual understanding, let's say... I mean, don't misunderstand us, we have sex regularly and with passion... but... I-I think I am a bit too much... big... for her, often when she is not completely relaxed it hurts her, so she does not get completely wet, I feel her stiff and after a while I lose momentum and lose my erection... Doctor, for us it is very difficult to talk about aspects so intimate of our sex life, I hope you understands it, and we hope to be able to count on your seriousness and the more total privacy ... but tell us, do you think you can help us?"

Juliana's eyes had shone as soon as she heard of Karl's "little problem", and she had to endeavor hard not to smile with joy.

"My dears, don't worry, you are in the right place. Obviously you can count on my professionalism, your secrets are in very good hands with me, you don't have to worry. And I also think I can help you, yes, on the contrary, I'm sure of it. I've had such cases before, many more than people normally think, and I've always managed to get excellent results, I guarantee you. You don't have to feel embarrassed, on the contrary, you don't even know how many worse cases than yours have already happened to me.

"Oh, really doctor? It's wonderful! We love each other so much, and it's a pity that small details like this prevent us from being fully happy... if only we could solve it, then we could get married thoughtless!" Lilly could barely contain the contentment, and Juliana adored the innocence she saw in her eyes.

"Of course my dears, I understand perfectly. Don't worry, I will solve your problems. Of course, it won't be immediate, it will take some time, as always, but if you trust me, success is guaranteed."

"Oh, but it's fantastic, we'll do whatever you tell us to do!"

Juliana couldn't help smiling at those words.

"Well... I propose then to start tomorrow with the sessions. I have one condition, however, that they are separated. Based on my experience it is much more useful to make individual sessions than in couples, believe me."

Karl and Lilly looked hesitantly, they did not expect such a proposal.

"Well here, are you sure it's necessary?"

"Absolutely... I know that within a couple there are no secrets, but my experience has taught me that many times it feels more free to speak and open up when you are alone. The presence of the partner can inhibit sincerity or lead to keeping the conversation within the usual tracks... if you really want the therapy to be effective, my advice is that the sessions are individual and not as a couple..."

Karl and Lilly exchanged another puzzled look.

Finally it was Lilly who resolved the demurs, in a hesitant voice: "I suppose it's okay, if that's your opinion..."

"Very well! Would you be okay to start tomorrow?" Juliana could not control her impatience.

"Y-yes, I would say yes. I work from home, as a graphic designer, I am flexible in schedules, while Lilly works in a company, she can only in the afternoon."

"Very well, then we could start with you, Karl, around 11h tomorrow morning, and then continue with Lilly around 15h tomorrow afternoon, what do you say?"

Karl would have preferred that they had contiguous sessions, so they could go to the study together, but Juliana refused, saying that unfortunately she did not have two consecutive free hours on the agenda. The couple agreed, after all they didn't live far from Dr. Ferreira's office, they could easily reach it in ten minutes by foot.

"Well, we agree then. See you tomorrow!"

As they said goodbye, Juliana stood up, and Karl again couldn't help noticing in passing how truly huge her breasts should be, judging by how swollen her blouse was.

"I can't wait to start ..." added Dr. Ferreira with a mischievous smile, as the couple left the study.


"So, what do you think of Dr. Ferreira?" Karl asked Lilly, as soon as they were out of the office, on the road, heading home.

"I liked her, she seemed very competent and professional. And then she is so young, I was expecting an old wizened doctor and this worried me. I think I will be much more comfortable talking to a woman closer to my age. Even if... "Lilly stopped, biting her lip, undecided whether to continue or not.


"Even if... I don't know, this thing about individual interviews leaves me somewhat perplexed. It was something I thought we would face together, not separately... it's like insinuating that there are secrets between us... and then I didn't like the way she looked at you... "

"Oh Lilly, my love, you won't be jealous, will you? You have never been, since I know you ... "

"I'm not jealous, but you have to admit that she is a very attractive woman..."

"Don't be silly, I love you madly, you know I would never cheat on you..."

"I know my love, that's why I want to marry you..." Lilly threw her arms around Karl's neck, kissing him tenderly on the lips.

"And we will marry soon, as soon as we have also faced this test... look, let's do like this, let's see how it goes tomorrow, if we don't like it, let's give up, okay?"

"Okay honey, let's see how it goes tomorrow."

And they continued walking hand in hand towards home, happy together.


When Karl knocked on Dr. Ferreira's door the next day, he had to admit that he was feeling a bit of anxiety. What was it due to, he wondered? It was probably largely due to the prospect of having to tell their intimate problems to a stranger, even if a professional, he told himself. However, there was certainly something else that troubled him, and in part it was due to Lilly's speeches the day before. Indeed, Dr. Ferreira was a very attractive woman, and although he was absolutely in love with her partner and very far from thoughts of betrayal, the idea of being alone with such an attractive woman troubled him.

"Come on!" The doctor called him, as soon as Karl knocked hesitantly on the door. Doctor Ferreira sat behind the desk. She had her hair pulled back and a touch of lipstick, which enhanced her beautiful full lips. Unlike the day before, today the doctor did not wear a white coat, but wore a simple light black silk blouse, without jacket, and a white knee-length skirt. Karl tried not to stare directly at her, but was struck by how shiny and perfect her dark skin looked, under the warm light emanated by the lamp on the desk.

"Welcome Karl, please sit down." She made him lie down on a chaise lounge in front of the desk, and then put a record in the turntable inserted in the library.

"I hope you don't mind a little ambient music, in most cases it helps patients relax and talk more freely." Karl also noticed how the air smelled slightly of incense, as if it had just been burned.

"So, Karl, theoretically we have an hour from now, but don't feel compelled to hurry, I could make a little exception for you..." And so saying she made a malicious laugh, which made her large breasts jump under her blouse, as Karl could not help noticing, no matter how hard he tried to look elsewhere.

"Well, let's start then. Yesterday you only mentioned me to your... little... little problem. Do you want to tell me a little better what exactly the situation is? "

"Well, here's doctor ..."

"Karl, please, call me by name, Juliana,. I already told you, it is very important that an intimate and non-formal atmosphere is created immediately between us, believe me..."

"Of course, excuse me Doct... Juliana, I meant... Here, the problem is sexual, let's say so... Lilly and I love each other very much, and certainly it is not the physical attraction that is missing, but we have always had some difficulties in having sex... "

"Uhmmm, I see... but can you explain yourself a little better?"

"Y-yes, I try, even if it's a little embarrassing to talk about it... the point is that my... my... oh well, my penis, it's quite big I think, and therefore during the petting all right, but when..."

"How big?" Dr. Ferreira suddenly interrupted him, her eyes shining with a strange light.

"W-what? Oh well here, I don't know exactly, I never measured it, and I don't think the exact size matters... around 12 inches I guess... I only know that the few girlfriends I've had so far have always been quite amazed when they saw it... "

"So you had other girlfriends before Lilly?"

"Yes, but not many, I've never been a boy who liked one-night adventures, I've always preferred long relationships."

"How sweet... and did you have sex with these girls?"

"Y-yes, sure ..."

"Without any problem?"

"Well, yes, let's say that at the beginning it was a bit difficult... they had to get used to it... to my size... but then everything was fine... indeed, I think they enjoyed it..."

Juliana smiled lewdly. "I'm sure they did... and tell me instead, what's wrong with Lilly then?"

Karl hesitated, unsure of how to proceed, embarrassed by the questions of that handsome lady. Maybe Lilly was right, telling the intimate details of their relationship hadn't been a great idea after all.

Juliana then got up, walked around the desk and sat on the edge of the table, right in front of the armchair on which Karl was lying. He noticed in passing that her skirt was shorter than the day before, and that long black lace stockings wrapped her long dark legs. She had a large butt, Brazilian-style, but her buttocks, wrapped in the tight skirt, looked full and toned.

"Karl, honey, don't be embarrassed, you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, on the contrary... but if you don't tell me what the problem is, how can I help you?"

"O-okay... so the problem is that Lilly, unlike the others, remains contracted, does not relax... usually she also has difficulty getting wet... and then it hurts, obviously, and the penetration ends up losing all the fun and it almost becomes a forced thing... when I feel that instead of enjoying she remains rigid and impaled, and that she does it out of duty, to please me, I stop enjoying it too, and often I lose my erection or I try to come as quick as possible not to prolong the act... I often end it up by myself, masturbating..."

"Uhmmm... I understand... so Lilly doesn't reach the orgasm?"

"No, unfortunately no... almost never... maybe only few times at first..."

"Ok, I get it... and so are you waiting to get married because of this? Because sex is not satisfactory?"

"Well, not really, we want to get married anyway, it's just that the rest of our relationship is so special, out of bed the chemistry between us is incredible, that's the only thing missing for everything being perfect... it's so frustrating..."

"I have no doubt about it... you must have a lot of pent-up sexual energy... poor Karl... all that untapped power... I guess you'll have to masturbate often, isn't it?"

"Well, here... n-no, I wouldn't say it..."

"Come on, don't be shy, you can tell me... I'm your therapist after all..."

"Well, y-yes then, maybe yes, every now and then..."

"And to what you think about?"

"I-I don't see what this has to do with..." Karl was all red with embarrassment.

"It does matter pretty much actually, I need to know your fantasies in order to help you!"

"Well, if you say so... well, then... sometimes I think of other women..."

"To other women? So you fantasize about cheating on Lilly?"

"Not exactly to betray her... they are only fantasies about being with other women, she is not connected to it..."

"Ok, I understand... and tell me, what are these women like?"

"What do you mean?"

"How they are physically!"

"Well... they're usually curvy..."

"Curvy? Do you mean with big breasts? Well, well... I see... they're the opposite of Lilly we may say... and tell me, do you have also other fantasies?"

"N-no... well, yes... just another one..."

"And which is? Come on dear, come on, talk! No one is judging you here... If you only knew what kind of perversions these ears had heard!"

"Well, here it is... lesbians turn me on a lot... yes, thinking of two women together makes me have an almost immediate erection..."

"Oh dear, you don't have to be ashamed, this is one of the most common fantasies among men..."

Juliana paused, looking thoughtful and with a strange smile on her lips. She couldn't believe her ears, it all seemed perfect...

Then she stretched, thus highlighting her huge breast even more, and leaned forward slightly to place a hand on his shoulder. In doing this, Karl noticed that the top button of her blouse was unbuttoned, and before moving away his embarrassed glance he caught unintentionally a glimpse of the red lace bra that barely contained Juliana's breasts.

"You know dear, sometimes in life things don't always go as one had imagined... one would like everything to be perfect and as you want, but it is almost impossible for that to happen... it is a very common mistake of the human psyche... you have to learn to let yourself go drift and get carried away by events, and listen to what everyday life tries to tell you... you can not control everything... even less your subconscious desires..."

Karl had expected an advice on how to improve his relationship with Lilly, and instead he felt confused by that ambiguous answer: "W-what does that supposed to mean? I do not understand."

Meanwhile, Juliana had left the edge of the desk and had sat on the bed next to Karl, slightly embarrassed by the proximity to the busty doctor.

"Honey, I don't like to be the one who has to say it, but it seems clear to me that there is no sexual understanding between you two... in this kind of situations, our body is trying to tell us that perhaps that partner is not the most suitable, that perhaps there would others be more suitable..."

So saying, Juliana leaned further forward, drawing even closer to Karl. In this way, the deep cleavage of her blouse was even more evident, and Karl, no matter how hard he tried, could not help noticing the prominence of that breast right under his nose. With an effort of will, he tried to ignore it, and returned his attention to the conversation.

"I-I don't understand doctor, maybe there is a misunderstanding... if I'm here it's to improve my relationship with Lilly, it costs what it costs, not to change partner... on this there is no doubt, for how many problems there may be nothing will make me give up on Lilly, I'm madly in love with her... "

"Karl, honey, but how can you be so sure of it when everything you've told me says otherwise? The body never lies, while the mind is often conditioned by our beliefs... why don't you try to listen to it instead, to satisfy its needs? Maybe the solution is closer than you think, maybe it's right in front of you..."

And so saying Juliana put her hands on her blouse, and with a few quick gestures she unbuttoned it completely. When Karl saw Juliana's huge tits jump out right in front of him, barely contained by the skimpy red bra, his heart leapt in his throat in amazement, completely blocking him in dismay. He was caught off guard, and was so stunned by the size and perfection of that round, swollen, overflowing breast, that for a moment he almost didn't notice that taking advantage of his confusion Juliana's mouth had found his own.