Purple Haze Ch. 01 - Lana


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"Okay, I need your total discretion about what I am about to tell," she addressed both Gella and Hildi.

"Almost a month ago, I was gathering flowers in the forest..."

As she told the lewdest part of the story about the troll's long tongue in her gash, the faces of both women reddened. The next part, with the troll exploding in the pink dust, made Gella nod.

"I have never heard or read of anything similar before, even when I was studying in the College of Winterhold," the witch noted.

"I advise you to seek the consultation of a court magician, in either Solitude or Markarth. Or go straight to the Mages college in the Winterhold, they have an extensive library, it might shed light on your condition."

Dumbfounded, Lana listened to Gella's words. The girls thanked the witch and headed back to the inn. They stepped in silence, both overwhelmed by the recent revelation.

"Soooo, what would you do now?" Hildi broke the uneasy silence.

"I do not know," Lana stopped and looked at Hildi's eyes:

"Do you still want to share a room with me? To even be around me? I was so afraid that this troll thing will make you disgust me."

Hildi took her hand and shook it forcefully:

"Never say anything like this. You are my girlfriend, end of discussion. I can imagine things that are way more disgusting than that, also it is not like you were a willing participant. "

Trying to defuse the conversation, she joked:

"I am kind of wondering how a longer-than-human tongue would feel in my pussy."

"Oh shut up, you perv," Lana cannot help by smile. She was immensely relieved that Hildi did not turn away from her.

Hand in hand, they walked back to the inn. Another day of work was about to start, so they decided to postpone the discussion until later.

On her way back Lana started to feel the familiar hunger for the rich, sweet taste of cum. The tingling in the back of her throat made her look at Svar with hungry eyes. Unfortunately, he was too occupied with getting the tavern ready to open.

"I should treat myself, after all these adversities. I hope that a client will show up soon".

Her prayers were answered soon enough. A guy approached Svar, looking as if he had something shady in mind. After a quick conversation, the inn host weaved towards Lana.

She greeted her customer with a wide smile and took him upstairs. He did not know his name but was sure she saw him working in the lumber mill earlier. Not that it mattered much, as long as he had a dick.

She immediately gulped down his average-sized cock and started to vigorously bob her head. The client ordered a blowjob, and she was about to deliver the best suck in his life.

She wanted to apply every trick she knew, but when she stopped wiggling her tongue under his glans and took his shaft down her throat, the man groaned and released his seed. The first thick spurt flew directly down her esophagus, and then Lana gagged his dick back in her mouth and enjoyed her delicious cum-ambrosia.

The man left, but Lana sat for some time, rolling the treat inside her mouth. For some reason today she was hungrier for cum than the days before. Is it connected to what happened in the witch house somehow?

She separated the load in her mouth into several portions and slowly swallowed. It was time to return to her waitress responsibilities.

Unfortunately, just as she opened the door, a familiar face greeted her. Hodin stood in front of her, grinning as usual.

"Hey there, girl. I heard about your little misunderstanding with Ernin."

"I am surprised you know the word "misunderstanding," Lana retorted.

"Your tongue is still sharp as ever, I see. But make it softer for a time, since I am your next client."

She silently showed him the way into the room, and soon it was full of slurping sounds again. He paid for a blowjob, and a blowjob is what he was going to get. Even though today he did not say any nasty things and call her nasty names, Lana struggled to think well of him.

"Well, I do not need to like him to give him head. Should I swallow? If I do, it would feel like a form of defeat".

"Was Ernin not good enough for you? He could not fuck you several times in a row? I bet this is what you get here every day now," he taunted her.

"I am definitely now swallowing now," she thought exactly when Hodin started to come. He flooded her mouth with another serving of sweet seed in less than an hour. With an inhuman effort of will, she let it all from her mouth on her palm. Several drops have fallen on her blouse.

Lana hoped she look defiant as she stared at his eyes, as defiant as one can be after sucking a dick.

"I thought you love swallowing," he jibed.

"Usually I do. Do not forget to close the door from the other side."

Unexpectedly, he smiled and said:

"You got more spirit than some men on the mill. I really should have known better than doing stupid advances on you."

When Hodin left, Lana watched the door for some moments, then looked at her palm. His cum, mixed with her drool, was drying fast.

"Of, fuck, I can't stand it," she lurched her tongue forward, catching anything worth licking on her arm. When it was clean, Lana even sucked the spots on her blouse to maybe get more of the sweet baby batter.

Ashamed of herself, she changed clothes and returned to the drinking hall. There were no more clients almost to the end of the day when Gunimar stepped in. He signaled Lana to come with him upstairs.

As she slowly disrobed, he said:

"You know, I met an elderly couple today. They come to the guard barracks, claiming that a witch poisoned their son, Ernin."

Lana froze with her tits naked.

"Can you guess what name they told me? The witch's name?"

"Listen, I can explain..."

"No need to, I already know the story from Hildi. She told me everything when she asked me to accompany you two to your old house. I interrogated Gella today, she confirmed the story."

A wave of relief went through Lana. It seems like justice triumphed after all.

"But I would not relax completely if I were you. These people, Ernin and his parents, nothing good will come from them. Be careful."

Lana nodded vigorously, making her breasts wobble. The motion caught Gunimar's sight:

"You know, all this investigation business got me so tired and worked up. Good thing I have a great helper right here. Will you lend me a helping hand?"

"Gladly," Lana reached with her helping hand and squeezed his half-hard dick through his pants.

Ten minutes later, with a belly full of another load of cum, Lana bid him farewell. The tavern was already closed by then, so the girls returned to their room to discuss the morning visit to the witch.

When the teacups stood steaming on the deck, Hildi addressed her friend:

"I saw three clients go upstairs today to you. You will force me out of business like that, I only had one today."

"Sorry, I did not..."

"Do not take it seriously, dummy. I have seen it lots of times -- a new girl comes, she gets most of the clients, then the novelty wears off and it is all even again."

"You are so mean," Lana pouted. She could not stay mad at Hildi for long though.

The brunette broke the ice on the topic that was on both of their minds the whole day:

"So, what do you think to do with all this magic stuff?"

Lana stared at her cup. She did not give much thought to it. The day was rather busy.

"I think I should follow Gella's advice and see a proper magician. I heard a bunch of stories from my mom, about curses and possession by spirits. Now, it is as if I am in one of them. I do not feel different from usual in any way, but ignoring this... seems extremely shortsighted to me."

"I agree. So what are we going to do?"

"We?" Lana's eyes became teary, "I was so afraid to ask you to accompany me!"

Hildi took her hands in her own and stared intensely at her friend's eyes:

"Lana, I will actually get offended next time you admit you thought that I am going to abandon you. We are in this together, end of discussion."

Lana caught her friend in a crushing embrace and did not let go until Hildi asked to let her breathe free again.

Moments later Hildi procured a poorly drawn map of Skyrim from Svar and was tracing it with a finger:

"I think our best bet is to go to either Solitude or Markarth. The Mages College is so far away, this should be our last option."

"I am ashamed to admit, but I never left Dragon Bridge in my life," Lana confessed. "My understanding of all eastern Skyrim is pretty vague, and I have no idea where the College is located."

Hildi picked up one of her make-up pencils and drew a rough circle around it.

"If luck is on our side, we would not need to go there. Trek to Markarth is longer, and it goes through the plains controlled by Forsworn. We would need to wait for a big trading caravan to get there safely. And you know how the trade has been going recently."

Lana nodded with a sad expression. To her, Forsworn always were more like monsters from child stories. Being a Nord, she had no illusions of how they will treat her. If they are to be caught, the life-long slavery would be the best possible outcome.

"Solitude is closer, and the way is safer. But, if do not find what we are looking for, and we do not even know what it is, the path to the college will be hard. We would need to return to the Dragon Bridge, then go to Morthal, then Dawnstar, and then to the Winterhold."

Lana noticed that most places Hildi circled on the map were all to the north.

"Would it be cold there?"

"The town is called Winterhold. I bet it is rather cold," Hildi answered and contemplatively stared at the map. After a minute of silence she exclaimed:

"I have a plan, not sure how good it is."

Lana watched her with wide eyes, looking a lot like a big puppy.

"Hefnir, our favorite tea and anal-lube merchant, will return in several days. He will sell all his garbage here and go back to the Solitude to restock, as he did recently. I propose buying tickets in his cart, this will get us to the Solitude. If we are lucky, we will pay him with blowjobs and ass-fucking and not lose any money."

"I know the city, I lived there for years. We will rent a room in a tavern to live in and then go to the Blue Palace to see the court mage. It might be a paid service though, I have no idea since I never was there."

"Well I paid my debts to both Gella and Svar, so I will make some money to live there and maybe pay the mage. Your plan is pretty good, I think we should stick to it," Lana exclaimed excitedly.

"Even if we do not discover anything useful, we will grab the ride back with Hefnir. Also, I can show you the city," Hildi added, smiling. "It is way livelier than this stale village."

Satisfied with their planning, the girls carried on with their usual evening tea party, gossiping about clients, Svar, and whatever felt worth gossiping about. Since Lana moved in, evenings like this quickly became a routine thing for them.

The next morning, after some lazy sweet kisses in the bed, the friends started to execute their plan. There wasn't much to execute, but Hildi still went on to buy travel clothes, bags, and some supplies. Until Hefnir is back, the best thing they could do was to earn as much money for their travel.

And that is exactly what they did. Soon Lana started to notice certain patterns. For example, most clients just wanted their balls drained, but full-fuck was too pricey for them. So they ordered a blowjob, and Lana was more than happy to deliver free cum swallow as well.

In the next week, a trend was established. People who wanted a quick nut went to her, so she can employ her skilled mouth and swallow her reward. The ones who actually wanted to fuck went to Hildi and got their wish granted.

Although it was nice to have a continuous supply of tasty semen, Lana joked that she is a 'poor man option', while Hildi is getting all the real dick.

"You have to stop swallowing for free, then the clients will stop ordering only blowjobs from you," Hildi advised.

"No way I can live without it," Lana admitted. Her complaints were not serious, she loved how men provided her with daily meals of cum. Her mouth salivated a bit just thinking about it.

She got some dick too, even though not as much as Hildi. Lana started to recognize her customers, remember who likes getting their cock sucked, and who likes to stick it in her. Most of the customers seemed embarrassed for coming to her, so Lana did everything to calm them, creating an atmosphere as if they were in a long-time relationship. Which was not entirely false, she met most of them in the village in the past. Hildi taught her this trick, and Lana employed it to create a loyal client base. Even Hodin tried to "repair bridges", treating her well. Lana did not trust him though. If he tried to take advantage of her once, he will probably do so again.

All and all, her life was not that bad. The main drawback was that she was bored sometimes. Before, she was occupied by cooking, cleaning, laundry, and all other stuff. In the inn, cooking was Svar and his aunt's prerogative, cleaning was limited to her room, and now she had to launder only her clothes. She longed to go walking in the wood, breathing the fresh air. But Lana was mindful of Gunimar's warning and decided against walking alone in a place with no witnesses, while there were people in the village with a grudge agains her.

She also missed her small garden, but there was no meaning in starting a new one if she intended to leave Dragon Bridge soon.

Days went by, the next one similar to the previous one. Lana discovered she had difficult time tracking which day of the week it was, noticing the arrival of the weekend only by the increased number of visitors in the tavern.

Eventually, the day has come. Hefnir's carriage rolled into the village. As usual, the trader went to the central square to offer his wares. The girls visited him, Lana gave him a suggestive smile full of promise, while Hildi bought a book. The redhead assumed that this is another poetry collection and looked forward to listening to her friend reading it. They did it several times, usually, by the end the girls got in either a horny or sentimental mood.

On this day, Lana worked with anticipation of her rear getting more action soon. Anal orgasms from the last time felt strange but good in their distinct way. During their intimate sessions with each other, the girls stuck their fingers inside all available holes. Lana could not deny that having something up her butt feels nice, so the prospect of getting a fat dick in there was certainly appealing.

She sucked three customers absentmindedly this day, already anticipating. Fortunately, by now she could have probably sucked a dick in her sleep without waking, purely by muscle memory.

Hefnir showed up closer to the end of the day and conducted some business with Svar. The men unloaded a bunch of heavy sacks, so when Svar finally closed the tavern both of them were sweaty, red-faced, and flustered.

Lana watched them, feeling her pussy quiver. There was something weirdly appealing in watching men work, with their muscles bulging. Hildi joined her, and judging by how she bit her lips watching the show, she too was more than a little horny.

Eventually, the work was done, and all four of them sat around a table, drinking light wine. Hefnir shared the latest gossip -- the war with the Empire was still a stalemate, Solitude launched a new recruitment campaign to ensure the safety of the roads. It was expected that Ulfric himself will visit the city in the next couple of months to see his beautiful wife. However, as the trader told with a half-shushed whisper, people were saying that Elisif still did not forgive him for burning her city five years ago and their marital bed was as cold as the snow slopes of the far north.

Hildi brought up the sassiest rumors she heard that Elisif actually prefers women and has a harem of maids. Immediately she told another rumor that the Jarl-woman has an undead vampire lover who satisfies her by hours at the time thus no interest in Ulfric.

Lana confronted her, noting that if Elisif loves women then she would not fall for a men's dick. Also, undead dicks are gross. Hildi retorted that Lana herself is in no position to make this argument since she had sex with men and Hildi herself.

The atmosphere of the evening heated up with talks like these. Hefnir discovered that Lana ditched her fiance and was now free to fuck all night. After the second bottle the girls we sitting on men's laps, enjoying the passionate caress of the strong hands. Lana was the first to turn around and start making out with Hefnir, Hildi immediately followed her example with Svar.

When she felt something poking at her from below, Lana was gently lifted from Hefnir's lap. He sat her on the chair, smiled teasingly, and promised to be right back.

With a sad face, Lana watched her friend getting more action as Hildi discarded her corset and let her petite breasts be fondled and kissed.

"Where the fuck did he go? In a moment like this?" Her nipples brushed the fabric of the bra uncomfortably. So Lana discarded half of her clothes, becoming nude waist-up.

"I will not be outdone by Hildi. When this jerk returns, I will suck him off or maybe fuck him right here." Meanwhile, Lana pinched her nipple and touched her mound through the skirt, contemplating if she should get completely naked.

Hefnir got back, holding something. It turned out to be a jar full of green-ish lube, just as he promised weeks ago, and a small vial. Although Lana was glad to see the lube, right now she wanted some action for herself, so she jumped on him, almost toppling the trader, smashed her tits into his chest, and kissed him furiously.

Kissing, they awkwardly stumbled back to the chair. Lana pushed Hefnir down to sit on it and got on her knees. She yanked his pants down so energetically that a knot formed around his ankles. Lana could not care less however as she finally had her eyes on her prize. Without wasting a moment she inhaled his dick and started to bob her head up and down, slathering the shaft with saliva. She changed angles, making his dick bulge her cheeks while slashing her tongue all over it furiously. Some of the salivae dropped on Lana's breasts, but she has not even noticed in the heat of the moment.

After a minute of messy blowjob, she heard her friend saying:

"You two look lovely and all, but how about we go upstairs and fuck on a bed instead of these lame chairs?"

Lana took her face from the dick and saw Hildi and Svar, both completely naked. Svar wrapped his hand around the woman's shoulder and touched one of her tits while she idly played with his dick.

"Am I the last to get naked?" Lana asked and dropped the rest of her clothes. She then took

Hefnir's dick and guided him upstairs, - You heard her. I agree that the bed is much nicer to fuck on.

And so upstairs they went. The orgy continued shortly with Svar taking Hildi from behind. Lana's rear also got attention but in a different form. Hefnir bent her over and gently rubbed some of the green lube in her asshole. Lana squirmed, jokingly complaining how cold this stuff is but actually trying to get his fingers deeper in her butt.

To prevent the lube from spilling outside she got on all fours on the bed and stuck her ass up, and then proceeded to suck Hefnir off. In the corner of her eye, Lana noticed that their friends already changed a couple of positions. Svar demonstrated great stamina by plowing Hildi for so long without cumming.

So Lana sucked, listening to her friend's moans and feeling lube expanding her bowels. She took care to not go overzealous and make Hefnir cum prematurely with her mouth. She did put a lot of saliva on his shaft though, Lana figured one can never have too much lube.