Purple Haze Ch. 01 - Lana


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"Yes, you understand correctly."

Svar smiled broadly:

"I will speak to the regulars. Show them how it is done! No disrespect to Hildi, of course," he hastily checked if she is around.

Lana was not thrilled when she noticed Hodin in the hall. The foreman seemed to be interested only in his mug of booze, but she still felt uncomfortable. She was afraid that he is up to no good, but it was impossible to ban him from visiting the tavern. At least while Svar did not see him as a threat.

On this day, Lana had her first "full-service" customer. Like with blowjobs, the guard captain Gunimar became her first client.

She thought that Ernin had a good physique, but undressed Gunimar surprised her. The man was a hulk of muscles, both from training and wearing heavy armor all the time. He took Lana in an unusual way, lifting her on his hands and then lowering her repeatedly on his dick. She grabbed his chest to keep the balance and thought that Gunimar is showing off with this position, demonstrating how pumped up and strong he is. She hated that this was kind of working, her body getting hotter and her pussy leaking from the idea of being held like a doll, lowered on his shaft repeatedly. In the middle of the process, she started to swing her hips, adding some momentum to her descent on his manhood.

Soon after she started doing that, the guard captain moaned and unloaded inside her. Thick ropes of cum flowed from Lana's hole under the pull of gravity and on his dick, so she gave him an additional cleanup blowjob, feasting on the mix of their juices.

The day was uneventful otherwise, and after spending some time with Hildi as usual, she headed home. As soon as the tavern vanished behind other houses, a shadow appeared right in front of her. Lana gasped, and then actually got afraid when she recognized Hodin.

"Hey, beauty. No need to fear, I am here to make amends."

Lana eyed him suspiciously, contemplating if she should run straight back to the tavern.

"I think we got off the wrong start. The other day I was too eager to know you better if you know what I mean. You cannot blame a guy for wanting to get some action for free, right?"

He reached out with his hands for a handshake, but Lana did not reciprocate. She did not like his attitude and sly smile, but angering him also did not seem wise.

"Come on, I can show you how generous I can be if you are nice to me."

She tentatively touched his hand and instantly pulled her arm back.

"I can already feel we will become great friends," he turned around and wandered off, whistling a tune.

She did not trust him one bit, he looked too nonchalant, in a fake way. But poor peace is still better than a war, as they say.

At home, Ernin was walking circles in the bedroom. Despite his recent foul mood, he almost cheerfully told her that he has been doing it for three minutes in a row.

"Guess our witch knows her business."

"Hey Lana, maybe we still are able to celebrate our wedding in time! I bet in two weeks I will recover completely.

"Maybe..." She trailed off. Hard to talk about the wedding while the memory of Gunimar's fiery cum still lingered in her mind.

"Also, Hodin was here. Lana, he said you have become friendly with that brunette woman from the tavern, Hildi is the name if I remember right."

Lana cautiously turned to face him. Carefully weighing her words, she said:

"We help each other, yes."

"You have to know, this woman... she is not a proper companion for my future wife. For any woman in the village, really. Men on the mill rumored she is a... fallen woman. Gods forbid she influences you."

It cost her all self-control not to flinch a muscle of her face.

"Thank you for warning me. I will be careful around Hildi.

"Hodin's tongue is too long. Is this a hint from him? Is he still threatening to expose me? What is he up to?"

She went to bed early and just laid for some time, listening to floorboards creaking under Ernin's feet. Eventually, he become tired and joined her on the bed.

She just stared at the ceiling, listening to the sounds of him settling on the bed. If things go the way they go, Ernin might heal completely in time for their wedding. For so long she was afraid of it, then looking forward to it, but now...

"I cheated on him today, no two ways about it. The worst part is that I do not feel any remorse. I fucking loved it, no sense in lying to myself. I enjoy working in the tavern. Being a 'fallen woman'. And, if we marry, no way his small dick will make me cum like Svar's or Gunimar's. If he recovers and returns to work in the lumber mill, it will be hard for me to explain why I continue working there. But there is no way I am quitting now."

The next day met her with a surprise that was not surprising. Lana woke up and immediately felt stiff in her crotch. A quick check confirmed her presumption -- it was blood.

"Just when I started the real fucking my body fucks me over so we are back to blowjobs. I should warn Svar so he does not arrange new clients for the next several days. And ask Hildi for her anti-pregnancy stuff." She lightly pinched her ass-cheek, contemplating her options.

Well, this is not the first time, and definitely not the last. Lana fetched new panties and a pad of absorbing fabric.

Ernin took his medicine as usual and was too preoccupied with walking from one room to another to notice that she left for work earlier than usual. The talk with Svar went well, as well as this kind of talk can go well with men. She discovered long ago that men always become uncomfortable when they hear about women's periods, and try to end the conversation quickly. Svar was no exception.

To make this day even worse, Hodin showed up again, this time as a client.

"Be professional," she thought while taking his dick in her mouth.

"Imagine it is Gunimar, a big muscled hunk with a huge dick. At least his dick is on par".

"Do you like it? Say that you like it!" he urged.

"I have seen smaller," Lana tried desperately to avoid giving him the pleasure of having his way. All that talk about being nice was just a facade, apparently.

"You cheating slut, bet you've seen dozens of them by now!"

She rolled her eyes but continued her task at hand. Or in mouth in this case.

He suddenly changed his tone:

"Do you know that this worthless worm, Ernin, asked my advice on how to charm you? I taught him some pretty words. He thought you have fallen for this! But I know the truth, you are just an insatiable slut, hungry for dicks!"

"Is he telling the truth? It would explain the weird stutters from Ernin. This is kind of pathetic of him, to be honest."

Eventually, he came, and Lana demonstratively spat all his cum and wiped her mouth clean. He scowled but left without further comments.

Even though she despised the experience, it was undeniable that Hodin has a great dick. This blowjob did nothing to put down the flame of lust that was slowly building up inside her.

To distract herself from this asshole, she hang out with Hildi after work as usual. Lana told the news and drank a spoon of the potion, making a face from the sour taste.

"The bleeding will decrease or completely vanish soon," Hildi instructed her. "This will not affect your ability to bear children in the future. I worked with girls who were drinking it for years and were fertile when they stop."

"Is it safe?"

"As far as I know, it is. Never heard about any complications."

"Great. Hey, is it typical to feel so hot during this time? I never felt like it before, but I feel like fucking ten men in a row would not satisfy me."

Hildi chuckled:

"Words not of a girl, but a woman. I heard that some girls are getting hornier during their period."

"I feel like not a lot of men would agree to fuck me in this state," Lana became red in the face, but continued, "Is your ass-man still in the village?"

"So you have finally made up your mind? This is great!" Hildi hugged Lana, "Yes, Hefnir is still in the village. He will be here for three days and then depart to Solitude."

"Okay, I think I want to try taking it in the ass, but can you please help me to prepare?" Lana blushed even redder. Not a request one can make casually.

"Of course! I will get in touch and bring him tomorrow. I am afraid we would need to do it after work hours if you want my help. Svar would not agree to lose both of the servers during the shift."

"Oh, Gods give me strength to survive till tomorrow, I feel like I am melting already," Lana wiggled on her seat.

Of course, she managed to endure it. A couple of blowjobs on the next day helped to get through. After their shifts were over, the girls gathered in Hildi's room. Hefnir joined them, earning a curious glance from Svar on his way in.

Lana took a bath earlier this day because you can never be too clean. It still felt surreal dropping her skirt in front of two people and willingly sticking out her bum so Hildi can work her magic. Hefnir behaved very reservedly, probably not to make her even more uncomfortable than she already was.

Lana felt something cold and slimy fingers making circles around her anus, getting close with every move. She hissed when Hildi touched her asshole, but this did not stop the woman. Hildi scooped some of the lube on her finger and started massaging her friend's butthole, rubbing the stuff in. This felt ticklish but nice, so Lana relaxed. It finally allowed Hildi to insert her lube-covered finger inside, provoking a yelp.

With every movement, Hildi's finger penetrated Lana's tight ring deeper and deeper. The brunette applied some more lube, now sticking one of her fingers completely inside her friend's rectum.

"I think we are done for now. We should wait for the concoction to make its work."

So Lana lay on the bed, with her ass up, with a green goo covering her anus. She had to keep this position, so the lube will not flow down from her ass. If there was an even more embarrassing situation in the world, she failed to imagine it.

The other two in the room carried their conversation as if it was a usual sight to them. Which, Lana imagined, might be true.

Hefnir complained about how dangerous the roads became recently. All soldiers are deployed to guard mountain passages between Cyrodiil and Skyrim, so no one patrols roads and guards them against bandits. The trade is also not what it used to be, he barely makes a living.

"Well, apparently he still has enough money to fuck women's asses," Lana thought. Her bum suddenly felt funny. Tingling did not stop, and she felt like the stuff inside her butt was expanding. It was not painful, but extremely weird.

The pair meanwhile continued their chat. Hildi inquired about the recent fashion changes in the big city. She also asked a bunch of questions about names that Lana did not recognize. It was obvious she was thirsty for any information about her friends from Solitude, or even gossip.

"At least they do not stare at my exposed butthole... I hope," Lana was laying on a bed on her tummy, while the other two sat in chairs behind her. She was positive that something is happening inside her bowels. Lana felt as if something is crawling in, deeper and deeper, spreading her insides.

About to voice her concern, she decided to rely on Hildi's experience. One thing she did not expect is how boring it would be to wait until the lube does its thing. Lana focused on the sensations inside her bum. It indeed felt like there is a living thing drilling deeper inside her, opening her guts.

"So how is that tea of mine that you bought the other day?"

"It is rich in flavor and aroma. It's been a while since I tasted the proper tea. Here, smell it," Lana heard rustling as Hildi fetched the bag of tea leaves.

"Exquisite!" exclaimed Hefnir.

"Do you not dare to make a tea party while I am here, ass up and face down!" The redhead felt her face almost steaming from frustration.

"Hmm, maybe Lana is ready. Let me check," Hildi stepped closer and grabbed something. She pulled, and the redheaded girl gasped in surprise. It felt like Hildi is retrieving a solid object out of her bowels!

With a wet pop, the last of the lube left Lana's ass. She turned around and saw Hildi holding what looked like around twenty centimeters long sausage, but was colored light green.

"Wow, this is huge! Can't believe this just was inside me."

"Well not completely, I left a tip outside so I can grab it," Hildi weaved the jelly-like thing towards Hefnir:

"It's showtime! I will dispose of this thing, it's good for nothing now."

After swift rustling of discarded clothes, the naked man approached Lana. She bit her lip when his hands grabbed her ass-cheeks and spread them.

"It is so pretty and pink like I love it. Your butt is great, Lana. Supple and soft, but not fat."

"Thanks..." she uttered meekly, not sure if these were the kind of compliments she wanted to hear.

She moaned when his fingers grazed her anus, and then again when he purposefully put a finger on it. He massaged her hole for some time, making circles and spreading her cheeks to get better access, and then he finally plunged one finger inside her ass.

Lana was utterly confused about how to describe this experience. It was not uncomfortable or painful. More like ticklish, but as if from the inside. She instinctively tried to clench her muscles, but they turned soft, devoid of real strength. Soon he retracted his finger.

"I think you are relaxed enough."

'Enough for whaaaaa...." The words stuck in her throat as she felt something else entering her ass.

"I have asked them to warn me before inserting! Wait, this is not a cock. Too soft, and it is moving. Is he licking my hole?"

She looked back and confirmed her suspicions -- he indeed plunged his tongue in her asshole and now was licking it.

"I guess it is clean now after Hildi's lube. It actually feels pretty nice, so soft and warm". Lana cut short her silent moan, but Hefnir heard it and doubled his efforts. She felt his spit running down her thigh as he slurped on her anus.

This part of her body was not accustomed to so much attention, and it felt genuinely good. Without restraint, Lana moaned as his tongue explored the creases of skin and velvety-soft surface of her bowels. She completely relaxed and open her asshole to his attention.

However, nothing lasts forever. Feeling empty after he retracted his tongue, she knew this emptiness will soon be filled.

He grabbed her hips, this time firmly. Lana felt something poking at her entrance, and, without looking, she knew what it is. After the intense stimulation from his tongue, she was curious how something thicker would feel, and she was about to find out.

"I am pushing it in. Please do not tighten your ass, the hardest part is to get the tip in."

"Oh, I know which part is the hardest around here," of course it was Hildi who could not keep witty comments to herself.

Not paying attention to her friend, Lana nodded and braced herself. The pressure on her rectum grew, expanding it. She desperately wanted to wiggle her ass but forced herself to stay still.

And then it happened, the tip of his dick entered her guts with an audible squish sound. With the ridge of his glans now simulating her anus, Lana experienced a whole spectrum of sensations. Never before she would believe it is possible to feel both uncomfortable and nice at the same time. It stretched her much like during normal sex, stimulating her sensitive walls. But this hole was not intended for these purposes, getting it filled was making her uncomfortable.

"It would probably be way more painful if not for the lube, thanks Hildi for that." As Lana struggled to accommodate his dick inside her, Hefnir started to make small slow thrusts in and out, never taking his dick out completely.

While he was at it, Lana was slowly accustomed to having something in her back door. The initially uncomfortable stretching faded, as her body accepted the invading cock. The man slowly but steadily accelerated his thrusts and increased the amplitude, feeding more and more of his shaft to her hole.

His thrusts sent jolts up her spine like nothing before. Soon Lana felt his balls pressing to her ass and realized that she managed to take his whole dick inside, which filled her with a weird sense of pride. Its tip pressed against her womb, from a completely different angle. Even through the fleshy wall of her bowels, it felt wonderful.

"You took I like a champion, Lana," he whispered to her ear, not breaking the rhythm of his movement even for a second. "It is so snug and warm inside as if you are hugging me."

"Please do not stop. I love it, ram it deeper," at this point, Lana threw propriety away and shamelessly admitted her pleasure. He reached the parts of her that were never touched before, so the deluge of pleasure flooded her mind. There were no restraints now.

Happy to oblige, he began slamming into her ass in the earnest. The sounds filled the room -- obscene fast claps of skin on skin. The remaining lube and Hefnir's spit eased the friction and added moist undertones to the sounds of their anal coupling.

Lana meanwhile chastised herself in her head for not doing it earlier. His dick poked at her inner core, every full push provoking sparks of pleasure from her womb, stimulating it through a wall of her flesh in a way that she had never imagined. The stirring he created inside her felt amazing, and the sensation of fullness complemented it nicely.

"This is even more intense than normal sex! And I am getting paid for this!" With these thoughts she surrendered to his relentless pounding.

She felt the familiar orgasmic feeling starting to swell inside her, every poke of his dick making it stronger. Her legs gave away, good thing she was already prone on the bed. Lana flexed her muscle, trying to bring him to the climax too.

"This is too good, I am about to cum," he groaned, so she knew her efforts were not in vain.

"Yes, give me all you have. Dump it inside, drench my hole!" She almost yelled whatever was on her mind, too consumed by the impending release.

With a loud moan, he started to unload inside her bowels. When the first load of hot cream hit her insides, Lana clawed the bedsheets and descended into her abyss of oblivious bliss.

Her ass quivered, meaty ass-cheeks swaying. Her mouth opened, unable to make a noise. Lana would never believe the pleasure could be so overwhelming, all-consuming. Every nerve in her body flaring, she happily welcomed the ultimate delight.

He dumped a deluge of seed inside her, Lana can almost sense how oozy her bowels are. When she regained her breath and became aware of her surroundings, Lana sat on the bed and cast a sight at her companions.

Hefnir was sitting on a chair, breathing heavily. His deflated dick dangled, his skin covered by sweat as if he just unloaded a wagon.

More interestingly, Hildi was not losing time while her friend was getting railed in the ass. The brunette dropped her skirt and pleased herself while looking at the lewd scene. No wonder Lana did not hear her masturbating, with all noises her sex made.

Lana noticed two fingers plunged inside her friend's pussy and their frantic movements. She looked at Hildi's face and instinctively knew that the third climax of the evening is close.

Suddenly, she felt wetness below her. Below her asshole, to be precise. When Lana changed her body position, Hefnir's hot semen flowed down, now seeping through the not-so-tight rectum ring on the bedsheets. Lana jumped up to prevent a mess on the bed and placed a hand to gather the escaping liquid.

Feeling the well-familiar sensation of thick cum in her hand, Lana's throat suddenly throbbed.

"The lube cleansed my ass, right? And he licked it, so it is totally clean now." Lana locked her eyes with her Hildi, slowly lifted her hand, and run her tongue over her palm, licking the cum clean.
