Quarantined... With my Sister

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12 days of a COVID-induced quarantine changes everything.
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--- Friday, pre-dawn. Day 5 of quarantine.

I often have sex dreams while I sleep. Since I prefer to sleep naked, my wife can attest to that -- she regularly makes sarcastic remarks about getting poked in the middle of the night.

Tonight was one of those nights. Though sound asleep, I was somehow aware of being completely erect. In my dream, I was lying naked on my back on top of the bed, and a woman was kneeling on the foot of the bed between my spread-apart legs. While I laid there in blissful enjoyment, she was perfectly alternating her technique: sucking with her mouth, then stroking me with her hand.

My surroundings were completely dark. My watch read 3:12am. I felt disoriented... it felt so good, that it almost seemed too real to be just a dream. Was it?? The next question that wandered across my sleepy mind was why my wife would be giving me a blow job at 3 in the morning... not that I was upset about it!

Subconsciously, I stretched my arm forward to place my hand upon my wife's head and let her know that -- if this was real -- I was certainly enjoying her surprise.

As soon as my fingertips reached her hair, she pulled off my cock with a loud slurp, looked up at me, and smiled wide.

"You have a really nice cock," my sister said.

"Thank you..." Wait, what?!?!?

My... sister?!?!?

I tried to pinch myself to wake up... but it didn't work. I felt frozen. Transfixed. Unable to stop this fantasy that felt so good... but was so horribly wrong.


--- Monday. Day 1 of quarantine.

Four days earlier, before that very unusual and disturbing dream, I had driven to pick up my sister from the airport. Her husband was preoccupied with a 5-day work conference, so she figured it would be a great week for her to come visit me, my wife, and our kids. We happily agreed to host her; it had been quite a while since we had all seen each other!

My sister and I had been pretty close growing up. She was four years younger than me: far enough apart to not be in direct competition with each other, but close enough in age to be friends and trusted confidantes. The only phase I hadn't been around for very much was her dating life, as I got married fairly young (21) and was out of the house while she was still in high school. My parents indicated that she became quite a boy magnet during that stage -- understandably so, because the beautiful blonde looks that she developed reminded me quite a bit of Paulina Gretzky (who happens to be one of the women on my "secret five").

My sister eventually settled down and got married at age 27. Shortly thereafter, she moved with her new husband to be close to his family... who, unfortunately, lived on the opposite side of the country. 3,000+ miles of geographical separation created literal distance between us, and soon the busyness of our family lives created relational distance as well. Nonetheless, whenever we did see each other, it was a happy reunion -- just as it was that day when she exited the airport terminal and spotted my car.

I jumped out to help put her suitcases in the trunk, and we quickly embraced in the blustery cold before scurrying back into the warm car.

"Brrrrr!!!" She shivered. "I'm not used to this cold weather anymore. But hey -- it's worth it! It is sooo great to see you again, brother!!"

She punctuated that statement by removing the medical mask form her face. We were still in the midst of the COVID pandemic. "Ugh... it's also so nice to be able to take this off after having to wear it for the past 8 hours!"

I shook my head in empathy. "I can only imagine." Such inconveniences were partially why our own family hadn't been doing as much travel as usual.

"You look good, brother -- how long has it been, almost 2 years now?!?"

I nodded. "Same to you, sis -- and yes, it's been waaay too long. I'm so glad this worked out!"

"I can only imagine how much bigger the kids are now..." Her voice trailed off in wonder.

"Yeah, they keep growing up! They're definitely looking forward to seeing their aunt again," I shared genuinely.

"Awww good," my sister responded. "I'm looking forward to seeing them too."

For the next few hours as we drove back to my house, we caught up on a variety of topics. I hadn't realized how much I missed my sister's laugh or our natural conversations. The time and distance that had separated us instantly evaporated in that brief time of being back together again.

When we were just a few minutes away from my house, her phone buzzed. That wasn't unusual, but her reaction was: after reading the notification, she shocked me with a loud, bold, abrupt exclamation. "Oh FUCK," she said.

Woah. I had hardly ever heard my sister swear. Certainly not that word. Something must really not be good. "What's wrong, sis??"

She groaned loudly. "Sooo... I took a COVID test yesterday, just to be safe... aaand I just got the results. It's positive. Apparently I have COVID."

Dead silence filled the car. My mind raced to figure out how to process that news -- especially since my wife was quite paranoid about potential exposure. My sister was scheduled to stay with us for 7 days. I had just spent several hours unmasked in the small confines of the car with her.

Eventually a question about my sister's well-being led me to break the silence: "Do you feel sick?"

"Not really...," she replied, somewhat hesitatingly, "... I mean, I've had a bit of a headache, but I thought it was from wearing my mask all day."

More silence.

She spoke softly: "I am so sorry. I had no idea..."

I waved her off. "Don't worry about it. We'll figure it out."

We had reached my house. I pulled in the driveway, but kept the car running. "Let me call my wife and let her know... let's see what she's comfortable with."


--- Tuesday. Day 2 of quarantine.

As it turned out, what my wife was comfortable with was... well, not much. When I made that phone call, my wife had us wait in the car while she went downstairs into our finished basement to set up the sofa bed for me and an air mattress for my sister. We typically used that large room for recreation... but for the next week (or more), it would become our isolation chamber.

My wife laid out several 'rules of engagement': 1) We were only allowed to come upstairs to use one particular bathroom -- which wouldn't be used by anyone else in the family. 2) Meals would be left at the top of the basement steps for us to retrieve when no one was there. 3) Anything else that we needed from upstairs was to be requested by text.

It was hard to avoid comparisons to prison.

Although my sister did her best to be respectful, she eventually voiced her frustrations: "I had no idea your wife was so uptight."

"Yeah... I'm sorry," was all I could say.

"No, I'm sorry for you!" my sister responded. "Are you that paranoid about getting sick from me?"

I shrugged. "Not really. It is what it is."

My sister had done some research on the rules of the airline, and learned that she wouldn't be able to keep the return flight that she had booked... her stay would have to be extended by several days. However, as was often typical for her, she found a way to look on the bright side: "Well... it looks like the two of us are going to have plenty of extra time to catch up!"

"Yep, I guess so!" I tried to sound cheery, but internally I was a bit anxious. What were we going to do for that many days... stuck downstairs?? Fortunately, one significant reprieve was that our large-screen TV and other gaming/entertainment stuff was in the basement. I turned to my sister: "You still like watching movies?"

My sister smiled agreeably and nodded.

"Well, prepare for a movie-watching binge like never before!" I playfully remarked in a deep announcer's voice, trying to push through my discouragement.

She laughed. "Sounds good. I'm up for whatever... I'm sure we'll find stuff to do. I just hope neither of us gets really sick."


--- Wednesday. Day 3 of quarantine.

On Wednesday, about 36 hours after I had first picked up my sister from the airport, I woke up with a mild headache. Until that point, other than a low-grade fever for her, neither of us had been experiencing any new symptoms.

My sister, who apparently was already awake, noticed me stirring. She gently called over to me: "Good morning. How ya feelin?"

I acknowledged the heaviness in my forehead, but said that I felt fine other than that. I returned the question: "How about you?"

"I'm fine," she said. "I got really hot last night in bed -- maybe it was the fever -- but I feel better now."

She tossed the sheets aside and stood up... which caused me to quickly avert my eyes. Apparently, she had gotten so warm that she had decided to take her pants off during the middle of the night. Her long toned legs were quite pleasing to look at... but they belonged to my sister. I forced myself to stare at the ceiling until it sounded like she had slipped her pajama pants back on.

"Want some coffee?" she asked. "I can place an order," she added, her voice tainted by mild sarcasm.

The split-living arrangement -- being separated from the rest of my family -- was certainly odd, but we were slowly getting used to it. My wife had made it a habit to check on us every hour or so to ask if we needed anything... at least she wasn't treating us like complete outcasts.

Later that day, my sister confirmed her flight home. As long as everything with her health resolved sufficiently, she'd end up being with us for a total of 12 days.


--- Friday. Day 5 of quarantine (part 2).

The bright sun peering through the basement windows woke me up on the fifth day of quarantine. I glanced at the watch on my Fitbit: it read 8:24am.

I suddenly had an alarming flashback. I re-envisioned the bizarre scene that had been unfolding the last time I remembered glancing at my watch. My pulse quickened. That was only a dream... right?!?

I wasn't entirely sure. Heart pounding with uncertainty, I lifted the sheets... but to my relief, my underwear was still on.

I slid my hand inside my boxers: I felt a little bit of sticky residue, but that wasn't too surprising, given the vividness of that particular sex dream.

I sat up and looked to the far corner of the room: my sister appeared to be sound asleep, nestled under the blankets on top of the air mattress.

That dream was so vivid that it felt like reality... but perhaps the realistic sensations were some type of COVID-induced delirium?? I tried to shrug it off.

The house seemed quiet. I slid silently out of bed, slipped on my pajama pants, and tiptoed upstairs to use the bathroom. As had been the routine of the last few mornings, I poured myself a cup of coffee and returned downstairs to prepare for another long day of relative isolation.

It was close to 10am when my sister finally stirred in her bed. With nothing much to do, we both had been sleeping in the past few days, but that was exceptionally late.

"Well, good afternoon," I called out jokingly to her when her tousled head rose reluctantly from her pillow.

"Ha," she retorted, rubbing her sleepy face with her hands. "Very funny."

She stretched her arms up toward the ceiling and let out a big yawn. Her stretch accentuated the rise of her medium-sized breasts... why was I looking at them?!? Ashamed of myself for staring at my sister's chest, I quickly looked away.

"Sleep well last night?" she asked, sounding innocent enough.

"I did..." My voice trailed off. I still wasn't sure if I had caught my sister giving me a blow job in the middle of the night, or if I had simply imagined that. Either way, the girl in my dream had swallowed my entire load, so there would be no evidence to prove it one way or the other. I decided to play it coy: "You?"

"Definitely," she responded immediately, "... I don't think I even woke up once!"

Internally, I breathed a deep sigh of relief, even if the vividness of last night's dream was still unsettling to me. Well, that settles that.

The rest of the morning, and the rest of that day, went as expected: more hanging out... more movie-watching... with periodic breaks to eat something or go upstairs to use the bathroom. The nonchalant nature of the day, and the fact that my sister's disposition remained the same as it had been, seemed to confirm that I had made too big of a deal out of my very strange, very lifelike... and very uncomfortably incestual... dream.


--- Saturday. Day 6 of quarantine.

All the days tend to blur together when you're quarantined. I only knew that it was Saturday because my wife called down to say that she and the kids were leaving for the day to hang out with some friends.

The front door had no sooner shut than my sister turned to me with an unusual twinkle in her eye. "Hey... so there's this one movie that I've been wanting to watch, but it was a little too risqué to put on while your family was around. Now that they're gone, do you mind if I watch it?"

It was an oddly-worded request. "Uh... sure... what's it called?"

"The Dreamers," she told me.

I'd never heard of it. "Go for it," I shrugged in consent.

"You want some popcorn? You wanna watch it with me?" she asked me.

"Sure." After all, I had nothing better to do!

She returned from the kitchen a few minutes later with a bowl of popcorn for us to share. Climbing into the other side of the pull-out sofa which had become my temporary bed, she wiggled under the sheets, placed the popcorn between us, and started the movie.

It didn't take long before I realized why she had waited until my family had left. I'm not sure what was most family-inappropriate: the vulgar language... the intense scenes of graphic nudity... or the sexual threesome that involved a pair of siblings.

Although those erotic scenes evoked a certain sense of discomfort, I couldn't deny the fact that they were also very arousing. I soon realized that I was going to need to watch the movie with my knees bent up toward my chest... in order to disguise the growing tower that was rising between my legs underneath the sheets.

The provocative nature of the movie was amplified even further by how awkward it felt to be so aroused while sitting next to my sister. During one of the most intense scenes -- which included an extended close-up of the lead female's vulva -- I glanced at my sister to see how she was handling the graphic nudity. To my surprise, she seemed unfazed... fully engrossed in the movie... and... lustful? I wasn't quite sure how to read the odd expression on her face.

One thing that I became quite confident about, however, was the placement of her hand.

Although we were both under the sheets, it was fairly obvious that she had moved her hand between her legs -- and not just to rest it there. Out of the corner of my eye, I could faintly detect rhythmic movements of the sheets. A horrifying truth slowly sank in: My sister is masturbating. While sitting right next to me.

The subtle squinting of her eyes indirectly confirmed her illicit pleasure.

I was in shock. But at the same time, although I didn't want to admit it, my second main reaction was ... jealousy.

It was a huge turn-on to know what she was doing, and my cock -- which was fully engorged and standing at attention -- was begging for similar release. Unfortunately, unlike her, any movements of my own would be way too obvious, and so I had to just sit there and painfully resist the urge to start furiously stroking myself.

I nearly lost my composure when I heard a soft moan escape her lips.

Glancing in her direction, I found her eyes closed and her mouth hanging open. The subtle motion underneath the sheets had stopped.

Holy fuck, I thought to myself, my sister just brought herself to an orgasm -- right next to me.

I then noticed that the movie seemed to be nearing its conclusion. I urgently forced myself to think about other things that would make my erection disappear.

When the credits started rolling, my sister acted as if she had just woken up out of a stupor. "Wow," was all she said at first. "What did you think?"

Was she looking for a critic's movie review? My personal response?? My thoughts about being aware of her successful masturbation session?!?!?

I deferred by returning the question: "What did you think?"

"Mmmm," she said as she smiled contentedly. "That was very enjoyable."

Fuck. My cock stirred again. Why did she have to state that so seductively??

"What now?" I was struggling desperately to distract myself. Her next question didn't help:

"Wanna play together?"

"Huh??" I probably didn't disguise the alarm in my voice very well. Her question was uncomfortably open-ended. What did she mean by that?!? Was she trying to come onto me...??

Her suggestions interrupted my racing thoughts: "Board game? Ping pong?"

Ugh, you idiot!! Once again, my corrupted mind had wandered waaay too quickly into an incestual gutter. I breathed another sigh of relief -- something that seemed to be becoming a regular habit.

"Uh... sure. Either one." And, just like that, playing various games became the casual reality for the rest of the day. There was no further discussion about the movie... and I certainly wasn't going to bring it back up in conversation.

When it came time to go to sleep, however, I found that I couldn't stop thinking about the movie. Instead of visualizing the actors in the love scenes, though, I pictured myself in those couplings... along with my sister.

I vacillated between being horrified at those inappropriate thoughts and being intrigued by them. Such was my state of mind as I drifted off into sleep.


--- Saturday, after dark. Day 5 of quarantine (part 2).

Perhaps not surprisingly, after so many graphic sex scenes had flooded my brain earlier in the day, one of my first dreams that night was a sex dream. Oddly enough, the dream was almost identical to the one from two nights earlier.

Once again, I was lying naked on my back on top of the bed, and a woman was kneeling on the foot of the bed between my spread-apart legs. While I laid there in blissful enjoyment, she was expertly throating my cock. In my dream, I squinted at my watch: this time, it read 11:20pm. Subconsciously, I once again stretched my arm forward to place my hand upon her head to let her know -- with gratitude -- that I was thoroughly enjoying what she was doing.

As soon as my fingertips reached her hair, she pulled off my cock with a loud slurp, looked up at me, and smiled wide.

"I think I'm addicted to your cock," my sister said.

"Thank you," I said. My voice sounded awfully realistic.

"I thought I would be satisfied with doing this just one time," my sister said, "but after watching that movie today, I was too cockhungry to resist trying again."

Wait. That was very specific.

She had resumed. I leaned forward, propping myself up on my elbows. This felt real. This looked real.

I touched her face. My sister paused to look up at me. We made eye contact.

Her hand was wrapped around my cock. She had pulled it out through the hole in my boxers. Even in the darkness, I could see that it was glistening wet with her saliva.

My heart sank into my stomach. Ohhhhh fuck... I think this is actually happening.

Pulse pounding, I asked, "Is this...?" I couldn't bring myself to say the word "real."

A wicked smile stretched across my sister's supple lips. She finished the second half of my question: "... real? Yes. Yes, it most certainly is."