Queen Bitch Part 1


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"You are such a brat." She said, reaching over to tickle him, "All those years… all those years! and I never realize what a brat you are."

He tried to push her hand away and found himself looking down at her long painted fingernails, then his ego faltered. He thought back to the time when the very same woman had sat around the fire with him, after everybody else had gone to bed, and moved close to him. He thought back to how they had sat together roasting marshmallows, and even how close he was to her. But this, even though the same woman, was not the same person. He sighed.

"What's wrong baby?" she sighed back, patting him on the shoulder. "Penny for your thoughts?"

He shook his head, "No it's ok. Just thinking."

"No…" she smiled, "I'm here for you and I want to know what's bothering you. I called you up here so that you could have a father and so that we could be a family again. I made some bad choices, and I know my head isn't clear. I need you now, and I want to know please?"

He leaned his head against the window and sighed, "Ok. Ok. I was just thinking about all the things that you and I used to do, and all the things that Jordan used to do with me. It is so weird because I never thought of her as ever wanting anything other than what she had. I never thought that you would either…"

"Well I really didn't have a choice in the matter. She ran off that next day and I was stuck. I have my suspicions that she had a motive and maybe did this to me on purpose, but I can't prove it. It is just so different, but it is a body that gets me from place to place. I'm alive, and I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you. I love you and you know that. You just have a father that happens to be a woman." She was surprised that her thoughts were so clear. She wouldn't admit to him, at least not just yet, but it had been a horrifying experience. It was an experience that was slowly making her behaviors and likes similar to the real Jordan. She had a theory on that too.

"Yeah I know… she is a great dad, but something is missing. I don't think he is even the person that he was." He said, pausing to put his thoughts together. "What is it like to have a pussy? When you woke up that day I thought that it was almost a joke. And then like I thought that we were going to be together and that we'd be there and still go home. It happened so fast. But you didn't stop him."

"I'm sorry." She softly spoke, feeling a little guilt for the things that she had done. "It was an escape for her I suppose, and she took it. I can't say that I blame her. I mean Donnie is a real limp noodle in bed, not an exciting guy. I thought he was when we used to drink together… Monty gave me a little bit of attention. Linda is really cool and I don't mind going shopping with her, although she can be a pain. I just mentioned Josh and Katie, I didn't want to take care of them but I had to. I really wanted to go home with you, but how could I. What was I supposed to do…" She looked down at her belly as one of the babies kicked. "And having a pussy… don't go there. It can be a real ball buster when it comes to bleeding, cramps, sex, and that damn yeast infection she had when she gave me this! Just try and imagine the smelliest itchiest hole in the world and you're there. It's a very intimate part of me now that… I really don't mind."

"Well." He smiled, "I'm not mad about the other kids. I was just… it's different and I don't know how I feel. I feel like I'm talking about this too much."

"No you're not." She tried to calm him down, knowing that his smile was a mask, "You have all those preconceived notions of a pussy, like I did. Well, this is a conceived pussy, and it doesn't get any weirder for a guy than this. We need to talk about this! …Father and son. I may have a pussy but I won't be a pussy. Who do you think is more of a man? ..her running out on her kids and pulling this, or me? Think about it."

"I have." He admitted. "A lot. Every day I did. I'll get over it. Dad, I love you."

She reached over and squeezed her hand, "I love you too. And you can call me 'mommy' if you want to. Or just Jordan. I'll have to get used to it when these babies come. It was different with the others.."

"You're going to bring life into the world." He sighed, feeling proud. And for a moment, the whole long process and idea of sex went away. The whole concept of the view between men and women was gone at that instant.

She went into one of her Jordan like tirades. "Yeah.. 'LIFE' into the world. You mean pop a watermelon out of a hole the size of a lemon! I am really not looking forward to this idea of being a new mother. The wife I could deal with, and the sex was really good… but birth! Fuck! Would you like to do it for me?"

"Yeah I'll 'do it' with you any day." He laughed.

She guffawed as she pulled into the parking place at the grocery store. She gave him that sexy, yet somewhat dorky smile of hers. The bitchiness of her pregnancy was hard for her to handle, so the best that she could hope to give back was the half smile half frown that Jordan had given so many times before. "Ok mister now you be good in the store or I'll tell your father once we get home."

Nick laughed, as she stood there with her arms crossed, seemingly suspended on her huge belly, "You wouldn't dare tell my dad. You know how my dad is about me not listening."

She put her arm around him with a soft hug and a kiss on the forehead, "Well you just wait young man and see. You should know better than to dare me."

Back at camp Monty had gotten all of the drains cleaned out with a pressure hose, the sort of things that he did to keep Benny happy with him. Benny was a moody guy and only allowed Monty to use to camp if he felt that Monty was contributing to it. Ironically it was Monty who did most if not all of the work around camp. Monty was happy about the whole situation though, even with his bad legs that constantly made it hard for him to keep it up, because he felt that someday Benny would give it to him. It was his place to get away from Linda and the rest of his family, and now he had more than infidelity to hide from Linda.

He picked up Jordan's cell phone and dialed his home number, now seeming to be an alien thing for him to do. Something he regretted as he waited for it to ring in, hoping that nobody was there so that he could run away with Jordan forever.

"Hello?" Linda yelled on the other end of the phone, her hearing somewhat gone.

"Yeah Linda… I'm got ahold of a phone but I can't stay long. I'm gonna look at some more houses tomorrow. It's really nice over here."

Linda's voice mellowed out, "Good. Take all the time you want Monty. I'm having a good time here watching the kids for Jordan. She better be keeping you out of trouble."

Monty laughed, glad that she didn't suspect anything was going on, "You must be able to read my mind cause Jordan and I were just talking about staying a few more days here and look at some houses a little south of here. And yeah she's a real treat to have around. Alls she wants to do is bitch at me for chewing snuff and do this and don't do that. I hope you're happy Linda."

Linda laughed on the other end, she never really was mad at her husband even though he had done her wrong so many times. She shook her head and looked up at the pictures of her grandchildren on the walls, among them Jordan's kids. There was a picture of Jordan with Josh when he was very young, both of them smiling at the camera. "I'm always happy."

Monty winced, knowing that she would not be able to see him anyway. "So we're gonna look at some more houses in the morning. Get her back sometime soon before the dam breaks ya know. She went into town for something to eat, let her do all the work."

"Yeah well whatever. You two just better be getting along cause I gave her strict orders. I know how bitchy she can be when she's pregnant. I'll never forget the time you told her bitches don't get bigger than her."

Monty reached down and picked up a picture of Jordan that she had given to him. Jordan had gotten quite a kick out of posing and making fun of herself in ways that the old Jordan would never dream of doing. There was a picture of her sitting spread eagle with her middle finger deep inside of her hole, her huge belly and a wild lusty smile on her face. "Ok.." Monty said, now looking away from the pictures, "Well yeah I said that. She can be one at times. But hey I need to get going. Tell everybody that we'll be back in a few days. Tell Donnie I'll be up in a few days to help him level out the back yard."

Linda laughed on the other end of the phone, "Good but remember that I'm horny and the electric bill is going to go through the roof if you don't come back soon." She licked the phone and groaned teasingly, "I want my big boy back where his mommy can see him."

Bill laughed, still looking at Jordan's picture. Linda was the last thing on his mind, she wasn't the one carrying his child in her womb. She had never been as good as Jordan anyhow, always acting disgusted when he mentioned the need to get head. She'd sit on the end of the bed and hold her hands on her head and tell him to fuck off. He knew who he loved and wanted to be with, but he also knew that Jordan wanted to be with Febe. And when Jordan was back in her old body he would be stuck without ever being with her again. It would be difficult on Mike and him too due to the fact that they had conceived a child together, two men. "I'll bring my bad boy home and stick him in ya."

Soon later Jordan and Nick were on their way into the parking lot with the groceries. He put them in the truck for her because of her condition. She looked down at him with a quick smile, she was starting to feel wet as she looked at how strong he was. This was her son, afterall, and she had never seen him in this light before.

She smiled at him as he got into the truck, "Hey strongman. You've been such a tease today. I know what you're doing."

"And what is that?" he laughed.

"Oh… I just noticed." She said, putting her hand on his thigh. It was a small parking lot in which nobody could see them. "You're probably trying to knock Bill off of his perch."

"Nah." He blushed.

"Well, it is kind of quiet here. You don't have to worry about taking his place. He's got a big one.." she said licking her lips seductively, "But you are wild. I might give you your fantasy as soon as I have these kids. Give you some hanky panky the way you've always wanted with… JORDAN."

"No." he shook his head, "It's different now."

"Oh come on and relax." She giggled, "I've got all these hormones going on me. My box is so wet. I need fucked… I hate this Nick. I…. I can't take it anymore."

He shrugged and laughed back at her, "What brought this on all of a sudden? I mean you were fine in the store."

She took his hand and kissed his fingers, "Oh my son if only you knew what it's like. I love Monty, but he's turned me into a real nympho. I need to get back into my real body before I pop these babies out of me. Otherwise he's gonna just give me another pumping. The first time he did it to me… that big dick of his.. it's never been the same." She seemed to be desperate, clenching his hand.

"Well." He sighed, "You seem to enjoy it."

She threw her hair to one side and looked down at her huge belly, "Yeah I'll admit it that I like to have sex. It feels good. A lot better than it ever did when I was a man. The hormones are just a pain in the ass. I spent the first few months of this pregnancy puking my guts out." She reached under the dashboard and took a breath mint and popped it into her mouth, rolling it with her tongue. "Maybe this will help. I just have a huge urge right now. I swear it's some kind of curse that she put on me."

He turned away and looked out the window. "If you want me to drive, I will." She shook her head no. Then he looked back over at her and saw the look of disdain on her face and the fact that she hated herself for the thrills of having sex with men. "But what you said by curse intrigues me dad cause I have never heard of swapping bodies by electricity. The only thing that I have ever heard of was magic. And it seems strange to me that all this happened to you."

She looked down at her belly with a distant stare as if she wasn't paying attention. "Damn these urges. It probably is magic or something."

"Urges?" he whispered.

She looked at him and rolled the breath mint in her mouth, "Yes URGES. Sometimes I just sit here and get all turned on for no reason at all. Like right now. I NEED a cock in me… and if I can't then I get this oral fixation to have something in my mouth. The juicer the better. It must be due to the fact that the first time I tasted a man's cum it drove me wild. She was sick… really sick… and I have her tastes. I see you right now and I just want to all of a sudden take that thing in my mouth."

Nick looked down at his crotch and felt himself growing hard at that thought. He imagined her groans and seeing her mouth move up and down on him. He imagined that tight wet pussy and those huge motherly breasts flopping in his mouth. "She was a girl who knew what she wanted and got it whenever and however she got it. I'll admit that it gives me a few sensations."

"Yeah growing hard for me?" She looked over at his crotch and placed her hand on the growing rod. She carefully held his hand as he brought it down to her.. "Uh huh. You could definitely satisfy a woman with that wiener. She got what she wanted. She took my life away from me and is happy to fuck my wife. Now just look at me."

Nick squeezed her hand, "Look it's going to be alright. Nobody is going to separate us anymore. I won't let her do it this time. I love you and if that means that I have to make love to you.. so be it. Even if mom turns her back on you. I'll still be here for you."

"Yeah well I don't think that your mother is going to stand by me or believe me if she hasn't noticed anything yet. And you don't need to sleep with me to love me." She turned on the truck with the other hand. "I wouldn't be past giving you an occasional handjob though. She did this to me and I have to live with the fact that your mother doesn't want to be with another woman. She would never go along with that even if she knew that truth. I just need to face the real Jordan and demand my body back. I shouldn't have to live my life worrying about her kids, and I do love them. I'm a wife and a mother above all things, they depend on me."

"You almost talk like you enjoy being with Donnie and the kids. They aren't your kids and you aren't their mother."

She brought his hand over to her stomach, "Feel the babies kicking Nick? I went though this with both Katie and Joshua. It was me… I mean this body. These breasts nursed them. This body told Donnie, 'I do.' You remember that day don't you? And on our honeymoon he fucked me. I gave birth to them from this slit." She laughed to herself, "And being away from them makes me wonder how she can stand it."

"No dad it can't be that way. It's you and me and mom remember? It had to be some kind of magic that she used. This is her doing cause she doesn't care. Don't give in to it. You're a man."

Jordan looked over at him, "I'm not a man anymore. I'm all woman and this pregnancy has made me feel happy and even helped me to accept this fate. I know that I won't get to be with your mother. And even if I am, nobody would accept the fact that we would be lovers. Hell, baby, I am a mother and I am going to be again." She guided his hand down underneath her pants to her slit. He felt the warm wetness of her and the folds and female organs that made her a woman. "Taste it… all wholesome womanhood."

"But we might be able to get you back to being a man." He pleaded with her.

"So that I can spend the rest of my life knowing that I've carried these babies and won't get to see them grow up. I conceived them with Monty. Hell, I even miss Donnie. He may be a bad lover but he is a good man who can and will provide for my children… OUR children. I can't help feeling this way." She sighed distantly.

He let go of her hand and turned off the ignition. She looked back at him shocked that he would do such a thing since he was usually so docile and quiet. "No that is where you are wrong. You can let her win or you can give it a try. You can help feeling the way you are…" he turned his head away and leaned against the window. He kept his gaze at the small pebbled concrete of the parking lot. "Or you could give in and let her win and keep your life. Throw me away and grow up knowing that my father is gone forever. It's up to you, I'm not gonna preach anymore."

Jordan held her head low as she opened the door of the truck with purse in hand. "Hey I'll be right back. I forgot something in the store." She turned and looked back at him. "Yeah it's about time that he learns to use condoms. He's gonna start now if he loves me."

"Yeah start safe sex now." He said sarcastically.

"Yeah judge me." She said, closing the door and walking back into the store. It surprised him how she had changed in such a short time. She was giggly in the store before, and then all of a sudden she had turned into a sex crazed animal that wanted to give up her life and family for a chance of raising a few babies and fuck a few guys. It was evident to him that she also had a crush on him and would take his virginity in a heartbeat. He felt somewhat sorry for her that she had never gotten to experience the feeling of being a young woman and losing her virginity to a man like him.

Nick sat in the truck as she went back into the store, looking at the road and the side of the building. He knew that it must have seemed strange to others to see the argument ensuing in the truck. He saw her firm ass walk into the store and back, returning with a paper bag. She reached into the bag and took out a bottle of pepsi and handed the bag back to him.

"Here." She laughed, seemingly calmer. "I swear to you I'm not a psycho bitch. I got you something."

He took the bag and opened it with a half smile, "Thank you." Slowly opening the pepsi. He then saw the box of condoms that she had bought for him in the bottom of the bag.

She bit her lip and leaned over to give him a delicate kiss on his face, her soft red lips leaving a lipstick mark on his face. "It's just in case we get together and hook up… or whatever. Use it on other girls. I just don't want you getting anybody knocked up like me." She laughed and took a gulp of her pepsi.

"I'm not going to use those thing." He said sarcastically and threw them back at her.

"Look." She said, taking the condoms and handing them back to him. "Take them. I'm gonna start using them myself. I've made a decision and Monty will wear them from now on. No more miss cummy cunt for his pleasure, although it is a pleasant feeling for me." She had a distant look in her face. "I'm gonna give what you said to me some thought. I haven't been much different than she was."

Jordan was quiet during the ride back to camp, she didn't have much to say to Nick. It wasn't so much that she was mad at him as she was at herself and what she had become. She was now totally a woman, and not the father that she had been in the past. She had dreamt of seeing him so badly, when it finally came around thing were weird, even though she had promised herself that they would not be. The babies didn't bother her or complicate things very much, but what did was the simple fact that her life had changed forever. Even if she did get her old body back, she thought with her hands on the wheels, it would be odd for her to try and forget the past few months of womanhood and suddenly go back to the old routine of being a man.

Later that night, Nick sat alone in the spare bedroom of the cabin trying to go to sleep. Unfortunately, and to his total dismay was forced to hear though the thin walls what was going on in the other room. He knew that Jordan had promised Monty a good bout of sex, at least a little bit so that he could continue his ritual of having sex with a woman in the 'hooch room'. It was a room totally covered in pictures of pornographic pictures of women and the bed was done in heavy red satin under a black light. Slowly he sat up and crawled over to the wall and peeked through a crack in the wall. It was a hole that had been chewed though by mice over the years but could not be seen by anybody inside the room. He had known about it for a good while and was more than anxious to see the two go at it.