Queendom 05: Domestication


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Elanor didn't know then, but that was part of Bella's planned surprise. The rule of refusal only applied to her security guards. She was in the punishment room now, and everything was fair game. As long as they respected the separation by bars. And the bars were conveniently spaced apart for easy access.

The barmaid Sonja had assured Bella that, she had ordered her men to significantly reduce the access of men into the Punishment room. This was the least she could do, especially with covering the costs of the room tonight. Sonja didn't care what the deal was between Lady Agrafena and this dancer girl. But to her mind, it almost seemed like the Lady had a grudge against her family, and was using power and influence to blackmail this girl into a life of flesh trade. The only thing that baffled her, that hurt her theory, was that strange smile of satisfaction with which the girl danced herself to near-nudity every week.

But alas, that wasn't her headache. Even with all this, she had warned Bella that it'd be difficult to prevent the regular perverts, and her men might slip in a few for some extra copper. Which Bella was fine with. After all, she would feel weird, if some uncertainty didn't crash into their tasks now. And anyway she had slipped some gold to the giant Boris, to keep an eye on the Queen time to time, and to intervene if it seems like she's finding it hard to handle.

Sonja knew of this, Bellatrix knew of this.

Elanor on the other hand had no clue. Nor did the slut Nora, for the most part.

But she didn't mind the pounding. If anything, she welcomed it. The Queen on the other hand was in a pickle now. A truly deep pickle. On the one hand, as her mind continued to rebel, committed to the idea that she was not going to service any more idiots, her body was craving to bask in the musk of a man, more and more. The core in the underbelly tightened, her pussy lips pulsed, and her nipples chilled erect for no apparent reason. On the other hand, her new 'customer' was turning out to be a paradox.

He kept his semi-hard substantial member buried in the warmth of her mouth, but he had gripped her skull with his thick fingers so hard, and held it in one place, preventing her from either sucking it in, or wiggling her way out. Suppressing her will to protest, she realized the best way out was to make him cum. Only he didn't seem interested in doing that either, at least for now. All she could do was to use his erection as a pacifier, to calm herself down, like Princess Nora would have done, years back. Expect the pacifier seemed to be rubbery, and leaking pre-cum, this time. Even with all her slurping, his continued to stay semi-hard. And with her throat drained of saliva, this was getting more difficult by the minute.

Amidst his masterful pounding, even the semi-conscious Jezeb seemed baffled by the huge stranger.

"Buddy.." Jezeb said. "You planning on doing something.?"

"I want to, man. But the bitch is dry as a coconut. I bet she's a frigid slave.!"

Jezeb laughed.

"Frigid..?! Man, that's the next top harem girl of our Kingdom. Mark my words, that girl is going places.."

"Going places, huh..? This dry cunt..?!"

How dare he?! Elanor felt furious. It's the name-calling that snapped her, always. She shook her shoulders to free herself, her right hand almost going for his throat, and failing.

"See that..?!" Jezeb chimed in. "The bitch got more than enough spunk. Now, to wet her mouth... Why not just pour some alcohol down her throat.? I could share some, if you want." Jezeb was playing a different game. And for it to work, he needed this man friendly.

"You an idiot..?! That shit could burn my foreskin. Besides, I don't want to wash mine with water. That's a job for the bitch, to lick."

"Oh, you sweet sick fuck... We have lube here. Don't we Nora.?"

Elanor turned her head, confused; after all, that was her name. But it was the other Nora that responded.

"Sure, dear. You know where I keep mine stored."

Elanor heard a tight slap from Nora's rear, followed by a long moan of pleasure coated in pain. She saw, a moment later, Jezeb handing her bully what seemed like a block of wax, or white jelly. And him bringing it to her face. She didn't get time to take a look, or to smell it even. She felt his thick fingers shift its grip, grabbing her by the jaw bones, keeping it forced open. He was extremely strong, and he stayed like a rock all along.

Elanor closed her eyes and thanked, in her mind, the slutty bitchy Nora right next to her, who provided the lubrication. And the drunken pervert pounding her, for being a good sport once, and helping out. She craved it too, something to wet her thirst. Even if it's a drop of lube. If that gets this bastard to nut sooner, that would be a bonus. The Queen was truly done servicing. She wanted to leave. This was the worst task so far..!

What she failed to notice that the wide wicked grin the men exchanged as they passed the lubricant. Or the muffled malicious cackle, that the resident slut managed to hide, under her breath and moans. She was no friend. None were, in that cold dark cell.

The wicked Nora was to spend six nights in the punishment cell, for the way she cheated Sonja. And all earnings in that time will go to the bar. It's an inside joke between the regulars, including Jezeb, to call the punished girl Cum Dump. The wicked among them who got the kick out of ponding her ass would deposit their cum within, and seal it shut with the butt plug. And from that very evening the present Cum Dump had gotten enough fillings that her ass was about to pop that plug out.

It was far too late when Elanor realized, that the thick goop coating the insides of her forced open mouth was a compiled ejaculation of god only knows who. Even if she realized it instantly, a more accurate description would be, she chose to stay in denial, thinking what kind of sick mind would do such a deed to such a pristine beauty as herself. She had no clue about the large quantity of her audience tonight, who found pleasure in mere desecration.

Within a minute, his cock was rock hard, and sliding back and forth in her throat. The sudden hard-on wasn't a result of the blowjob, nor the lubrication. But it was by the way they managed to desecrate an unsuspecting slut, down on her luck. Things got blurry in a few minutes. Especially with her own mind accepting the degradation, and her body learning to find pleasure, even in such depravities. She had no idea when her pussy began to leak. Nor when his blowjob turned to another round of brutal ragdoll throat-fucking, rivaling Vlazid. It was extremely hard when he pinched her nose shut, forcing her to breathe through the mouth, along with sucking. Thankfully, his cock lacked the girth to match its length.

Jezeb soon started showing his true colors. Be it the way he found a purpose for her left wrist tied beneath the prostitute's well ponded pussy. The purpose being, helping maintain his erection, by playing with his hanging balls, while he drilled into the horny girl. Sometime in between they switched, and Elanor didn't even remember when the cock in her mouth had changed to Jezeb's. The way her moans shuddered at times in ecstasy, Jezeb knew. The girl was in on the ride now. Or at least, she had no hopes of getting out.

Three more strangers paid a visit to the punishment cell in the next twenty minutes. Somewhere in between, Jezeb slipped out, and Itzel filled in. It seemed obvious, by the third time, that the damn drunks had conspired to make sure she got no chance at rejecting their advances. When they were about to cum, the one in her mouth would suddenly choke her throat with one hand, and pinch her nose with the other, making sure she had no way of breathing.

Once her drenched face turns from red to purple, and she had no idea how they timed it, they would release and move out real quick, with the warm jizz filling her mouth, or spraying all over her aghast face. By the time she felt the air rush in to her brain, her tongue would be tasting a different dick. Even in her addled state, Elanor felt how keen her body, and most of her active mind seemed to be, in prolonging the carnality, the thirst for which was dormant in her for so long. The people might have changed, but each seemed to be a bit too competitive, not willing to take it down a notch.

Her left hand continued to massage the balls, if not stroking the cocks of whoever wanted to try out Nora. Calling her that didn't seem odd anymore. It would be a tight race now, deciding which Nora is the bigger slut. After a while she just let the hand stay under open, simply collecting all the ropes of fresh cum, flowing out of her holes. One or two definitely forced their cock down her throat directly after pulling out of Nora's ass.

Even though the Queen could tell from the taste by now, she didn't let her mind dwell in it. If anything, she felt frustrated at her new friend, Nora..! With all the violent yanking and pulling, the rope hanging her hip from the back wall had come undone. The knot on her left wrist was also pretty loose, but Elanor was so used to this posture by now- her hands gripping the rods, her spine arching forward, her lips in a near permanent pout- that she kept staying the same.

Thankfully, there was a loud knock at the door. Borislav was back to clear men, clean the room and let the girls have some rest.

Once clearing the room, he put down his bucket and poured some cold water over the bend over working girl. A sharp yelp escaped her mouth, as Nora's body spasmed in shock, shivering all over. Letting her rest and dry, he moved on to Elanor. He was careful this time, to leave the lantern right by the door. It wasn't obvious why she freaked out earlier, but he figured it had something to do with the light. He dipped a clean cloth in the bucket and extended it to the breathless Queen.

She nodded in gratitude and began wiping her face clean. It was amazing how refreshed it made her feel, a single cold wipe against her face. Elanor had an easier time removing make-up. The surface layer came off quickly. But the ropes of cum, especially the well-dried bottom layers, were much harder to wipe clean. Even after, the wiggly sensation on her soft skin was unbearable, almost like small worms constantly crawling on her skin.

Suddenly, Elanor felt the door on the back wall slide open. Before she could react, a voice said.

"Don't turn around.! No one here is interested in what you look like.."

'Sonja..!' The Queen knew. Her voice had a tinge of the southern accent, that only few could pick up.

"You look okay, all things considered." Sonja stepped forward, touching her bare hips, checking the bruises made by the rope. Elanor got pulled so hard and repeatedly that the hook it was attached to had come off the wall. Seeing that she was coping well, the barmaid moved on to Nora.

Why was she here? Elanor wondered, thinking up the events so far. No, it can't be that the task is done. She got Vlazid, Itzel and Jezeb. Bella said four, so there's one more left. I'm pretty confident he won't be getting anywhere near my lips. The Queen drank the cup of water left by Boris, clearing her throat and nose. She needed to regain her senses. This will be over quick.

"Here, let me release your chains."

"I'm not done yet.!" Elanor spoke, in a commanding tone, quite alien to Sonja.

"Why are you doing this..? Is this about money.? Or some sort of grudge..? Is Bella forcing you to do this..? If so, speak up. I've close ties with the Arch minister. I can get you an audience. Even with the Queen, if things are that dire. But speak up, you must."

Elanor shook her head, her soul smiling within. Such a genuine heart, in the middle of all this filth.

"It's by choice, and I'm standing by mine. A rule is a rule!

After a short pause, the Queen asked. "Hmm... How do you manage this..?"


"That crystal clear mind of yours.. You know, keeping in line, all these thieves and drunks and working girls. The ruckus and cheers of the crowd, day in, day out. And you alone, keeping it all tight and running.? How do you stay so.. Untethered..?!"

Sonja didn't know how to respond. Nor, where this sudden question came from. But one thing was sure to her, this woman wasn't under anyone's thumb. It was also clear, the session so far had been hard, from how different she sounded now. The girl must have been coughing on, with snot running down her nose, the whole time.

It wasn't just the clarity of her speech, or the determination in her voice. Fully clothed and standing just a few feet from her naked body, she felt like she's part of a wolf pack. And the one before her, the alpha, could command her to do anything, and her body might have already obeyed before she could even speak against. Such was the raw animalistic pull she felt, to just kneel down before her, and ask for forgiveness. Forgive her for what? That she didn't know. Nor did she realize, that she had already taken two steps back, maintaining a respectful conversational distance. Elanor spoke.

"Do not doubt Bella. She's a friend. Her ways might seem alien, but she aims for the best, of all."

Sonja had nothing more to say. A voice in her screamed, to leave the room as fast as possible.

No, wait.. She had one thing to offer. She knelt down and inched closer to the feet of the kneeling Queen, and left a small glass bottle by the side. Elanor slowly tilted her head, taking a partial look.

The bottle contained a clear blue liquid, filled to its brim.

"Concentrated mountain Mead, Lady Demura. Helps to untether. Sometimes... Since you asked."



It's been fifteen minutes since their last activity.

Elanor calmed her breathing as if feeling recharged, and ready for the next one. Not completely though, she was thoroughly exhausted still, a lot more than her usual share. She now sat on her knees now, her feet still attached to the spreader, her right arm chained to the window bars, and her left hand finally free, and fixing her hair. The candle still burned, illuminating them from behind, keeping her face in the shadow.

Must be from hearing the weird exchange between Sonja and her, Nora stayed quiet the whole time. Who the hell was this girl, to get Sonja herself so subservient. Did I mess up, again?

The door opened wide and Borislav walked in, signalling the next one was here. The last one of the day. This will be over in a minute. Elanor smiled. Yet, all the name-calling and spitting and slathering and choking from the past whole hour rushed into her memory at once. And she felt an intense anger, to burn down to ash the first thing she saw. Her breath got uneven, blood boiling by the mere thought. H

ow dare those bottom feeding lecherous scum.. Hoo..! Calm down Nora..

CALM.. DOWN.. Why take it all out on the very next one..?


Maybe you should untether.

She popped open the bottle and emptied it whole in a single sip. It almost burned her entire mouth and stomach for three seconds. And then it felt cold inside. Ice cold.

In walked with awkward strides, an extremely lean young guard of peculiarly thin face and a little more than average height. Even with her gaze fixed at his feet, she could feel the smell of chrism oil rushing into her nostrils. It was very faint, that most would even fail to notice. But Elanor had more than enough practice to pick any one of them, blindfolded, out of a crowd. So finally, he gets to meet me. The only one whose laundry had that unique scent of chrism, every single day. It almost seemed like he lacked the usual alpha musk, or any typical pheromones.

Simply chrism. The oil boy!


Again, all she could think of was the feeling of fingers digging into her skull, and thick man meat invading her throat. Sure, the thoughts would have made her leak from the loins. It may have been the exhaustion, or the sweet high from the smuggled rare mead she just took. Her mind was back in charge. And she must tell him to leave, that today isn't his lucky day. That he don't deserve any more of my time. The Queen felt it unjust that she was directing the anger at his team-mates towards him. She also remembered that out of the six, he's the only one that never got to experience her skills. My skills?! Not even once.

And you never will.

Elanor opened her eyed to give him the bad news, expecting to find him shaking his erection at her face, only adding to the humiliation of his rejection. She almost said, not today. But stopped herself midway.

He wasn't up front, anymore.

Well, he was. But not in any way she expected. He was instead bowing from his torso, at a respectable distance from the window bars, like one would greet an upper-class lady. His gaze fixed on the ground the whole time. Before she could inquire even, he started.

"Lady Demura, if I may.."

Hmm.. Manners and etiquette in a sleazy bar gloryhole?! What's your play, idiot? Elanor stayed quiet, she didn't know what to make of it. She didn't realize then, how moved she was by the mere fact that he was addressing her with proper honorifics, as opposed to what a part of her believed she was deservedly being called. All those disgraceful epithets the whole night.

"Lady Demura, I'm a great, great fan of your art.. The way you move your body, like a goldfish in the pond. I've never missed even one of your performances. Especially the best of yours, as part of the Retirement program, in the Royal Castle.. You are.. I mean, you looked so divine in the moonlight. And your costumes back then.."

He went on about praising each minute aspect of her moves. It was very detailed, and she'd have even appreciated it under normal circumstances. But not while sitting naked on her ass, with her wrist chained to a window bar. And who else saw me strip, for my maids and men.? What else did he see?! Elanor interrupted him, quite curious with his whole manner.

"Hey, fanboy..! When you address me, look me in the eye.."

Elanor was intrigued by his behavior. She decided to play along, and dig a little.

"Oh, I remember you.. Front row, third from the left, correct? Reserved seats. Even last week..! Weren't you with a bunch of friends, all lean, fit and brawly..?"

"That's.." His face was about to implode in joy. "That's me.. And my.. friends.."

"Your friends all came in, you know. Last week, and earlier tonight. I'm sure you must have laughed around, cheering them for their stories.. Very polite and respectful.. You here to top them all? With a way better adventure, to laugh at my expense when you guys get wasted..?"

"I'm sorry.." Gillen managed to blurt out, his eyes fidgeting in fear.

"For the way they behaved.. I thought it was mostly them spinning a yawn, but still.. I beg your forgiveness.. Lady Demura."

Elanor shook her head, baffled. You are sorry for making me.... You do know, this is a gloryhole, right? Wait, how old is he..?!

"Go on.." Elanor nodded, fighting the rational part of her telling in loop, not today.. NOT TODAY..!!

He continued.

"I love your dance, how each move you do is very much an expression of your true self. How truly you light up, with each cheer and clap. How confidant you sway around onstage, not just your body, but how you own every moment of what might be scoffed off as obscene. Especially in that green string top from last week."

"Oh, shut it kid..!" Nora shouted out of nowhere. "You better leave now, before I call in Boris.."

"What's the matter?" Elanor asked.

"Oh Demura, we get these losers every now and then, trying to get lucky, sweet talking to the whores... These pathetic virgins, conning their way into bars. Aren't you, VIRGIN..??"
