Rachel Pays for Husband’s Mistake

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Husband bets more they he can afford. Wife bails him out.
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11:30 PM

"Oh my God, are you serious?" Rachel was leaning against the kitchen counter.

"I had a full house. There was no way I could lose!" Jeff said.

"If you couldn't lose, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Two thousand dollars. What the fuck, Jeff? Where will we get a $2,000?"

"I know, babe. But if I had won, we could pay off the credit cards from Christmas." Jeff sat down on a dining room chair.

"Right, but you lost, and now we owe a $1,600 we don't have."

Rachel had her hair pulled up in a messy bun. Her ass was perfectly shaped by a pair of worn jeans. A loose blouse hid her perky breasts.

Jeff put his head in his hands. "There's a way out."


He lifted his eyes to meet hers. "There's a way out. A way we don't need to pay the $1000."

"That's great. What is it?" Rachel's tone soften.

"You better sit down."

7:00 PM

The guys played poker on the 2nd Thursday of the month. They rotated between Jeff, Matt, Cole, and Frank's houses. This month it was Jeff's turn.

Cole and Frank were sitting at the table, each having a beer, talking about work and what they were planning for the weekend. Matt hadn't arrived yet.

Jeff was in the kitchen preparing the snacks.

"Maybe he won't come," Rachel said.

"He's running late. He texted a few minutes ago," Jeff said.

"Damn, I don't like him much."

"I know, babe. But he's my friend. And he sucks at poker, so it's a chance to win my money back from Frank. Last month, he killed me."

"I know. I'm still trying to catch up. Please be careful. We can't afford to lose $200 again."

"I will." Jeff pulled her in for an embrace and kissed her lips. "Thanks for helping with this."

"Your welcome."

Rachel picked up a tray of pretzels, trail mix, and BBQ chips and turned for the dining room. Jeff followed with buffalo chicken dip and scoops.

"There she is. Our favorite hostess," Frank said.

"Hey now, no flirting with my wife," Jeff said.

"Frank's harmless. It's Cole you should worry about," Rachel said.

"Who, me?" Cole said in mock surprise.

Rachel dropped her head, smiled, and looked at Cole out the top of her eyes.

"Both of you, I'm standing right here." Jeff's tone was friendly, but not jovial.

"OK boys, I'm off to do wife things. If you need anything, you know where I'll be." Rachel left the men to their game.

"Where is that guy? I'm ready to take his money," Frank said.

"Yea, I need to win some back from last month," Jeff said.

"Oh yeah, that's right. Frank cleaned you out," Cole joined in. "How much did he take you for, anyway?"

"Two hundred. Rachel is pissed. Still talking about it tonight."

"That might be the biggest loss to date," Cole said. "Maybe we should have a limit, so none of us loses our house."

"Right," Frank said.

"You never lose Frank. When was the last time you left down?" Cole asked.

"Sometimes I break even. I've lost before."

"Yea, but you make it up the next month," Jeff said.

"Exactly," Cole said. "Matt needs the limit. He loses every month."

"Why does he keep coming back?" Frank said.

"I don't know, but I hope he doesn't stop. We need a few more like him," Jeff said.

The doorbell rang, and Jeff stood to answer it.

"It's about fucking time," Cole said when Matt entered the room.

"Yea, yea. You boys just want to take my money."

"Get a beer and have a seat. Let's get this game started." Frank said.

"I got it. I need another anyway," Jeff said, and headed for the kitchen.


"Call," Frank said.

"Ahh, come on, man. Every time I have a winning hand, you fuck me over," Matt said.

"Shut up and have another beer. You know you not gonna win," Cole said.

Matt laughed and stood to go to the kitchen.

"Anyone else?" He held up the empty beer can to signal what he meant.

"Since you going that way," Frank said.

"Me too," added Jeff.

"Make it three," Cole said.

Matt nodded and disappeared into the kitchen. He came back a minute later with two beers.

"Looks like you're out," he said, showing the two bottles.

"Shit boys, they are going down easy tonight," Frank said.

"There are more in the garage fridge. I'll be right back," Jeff said.

He returned a few minutes later with two more bottles.

"I restocked the fridge."

"Great, hate to run out of beer before I win back my money," Matt said.

"Yea, OK," Cole said.

"I can feel it, boys. Tonight is the night."

Everyone laughed, including Matt.


Jeff counted his chips, $25 left. He had just lost another $15 to Matt, who was having a surprisingly good evening. Frank, as always, was breaking even when he wasn't winning. Cole had lost some money, but looking at his chips, Jeff didn't think it was more than $20.

Each had started with $200, which was a lot of money. But no one ever left down more than $100. Until last week when Jeff had lost all $200. Tonight wasn't going well, either.

"You ready to call it a night?" Frank asked the table, but was looking at Jeff.

"I'm up for whatever," Cole said.

"I can still play," Jeff said.

"Looks like you need more money," Matt said, eying Jeff's chips.

"You sure Rachel is OK with this?" Cole asked.

"Come on, guys, I don't need my wife's permission. Let's play. I'm good for it." Jeff was feeling the effects of the alcohol and peer pressure. He knew he should walk away, but down two months in a row. He couldn't face his wife with that much loss.

"One more hand, then I need to get going. Work in the morning," Frank said. "And another beer. Guess I'll be catching an Uber tonight. Anyone else?"

Everyone but Matt signaled they would have another.

Cole dealt the next round.


Jeff looked at his hand again. He had two Jacks, two 3s, and an ace. The ace was wild, giving him a full house. He glanced up at Matt. He was bluffing. The man did not have a poker face.

"Too rich for me, boys," Frank said. "I fold."

Cole had folded a few minutes before when the pot was at $750. It was now over $1,000.

"Just us I guess," Matt said.

"Just us, what you wanna do," Jeff said.

"I'll raise you, $200," Matt said.

"Jesus, guys, that is nuts," Cole said.

"Agreed. Someone is going to get fucked," Frank added.

"I'm in," Jeff said.

They had needed more chips 20 minutes earlier. Cole and Frank had both folded when their piles were half gone, but Jeff and Matt had kept playing. With the final raise, the pot was $1600. Neither Matt nor Jeff had any chips, and both were in for $800 additional.

"You boys sure? That's a lot of money," Frank said.

Both men nodded.

"Let's see the cards then," Cole said.

Jeff laid his down.

"Can you beat a full house?" Jeff grinned ear to ear. Everyone but Matt thinking Jeff had won.

Matt read his cards one by one as he dropped them onto the table.

"King of Clubs."

"Four of Clubs."

"Four of Diamonds."

"Four of Spades."

"And an Ace of Spades. "

"Damn, never saw that coming." Cole was the first to speak.

"Same here. Congrats, Matt, looks like you're buying the next round," Frank said.

"Fuck. Jesus Fuck. I'm so fucked." Jeff said. "Rachel is going to kill me."

"Don't have the money?" Matt asked.

"Well, not really. But I'll get it. I'm no welsh."

"I don't want your family living on the street. Maybe we could come up with an alternate way for you to pay." Matt said. His smile had an evil look, one Jeff had seen before when he wanted something just over the line of morale.

"What do you propose?" Jeff asked.

When Matt finished speaking, everyone at the table was speechless.


Rachel took a seat at the kitchen table across from her husband.

"What did you do?"

"It's not that bad. There's a way we won't owe the money."

"You mean you don't owe the money? You're the asshole who lost it. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry, but I didn't think I could lose."

"So you said. But here we are."

They sat in silence, Jeff drinking his beer.

"OK, what's our way out?"

"Don't get mad, you can say no. Matt is doing us a favor."

"And what favor is he offering?" Rachel used her fingers to make air quotes around favor.

"You give him a blow-job." Jeff's voice was low, almost a whisper.

"I'm not sure I heard you correctly. You are drunk and whispering."

"A BJ. You suck Matt's dick and he forgives the debt."

"Are you fucking kidding me? You bet me!"

"No babe. It's not like that. It was his idea."

"And you agreed? What the hell is wrong with you!" It wasn't a question.

"I didn't agree. I told them I would need to talk to you about it. It's your decision."

"Told them? How many know about this?"

"Listen, I'm really sorry. I didn't think I could lose."

"Yea Jeff. So you've said several times. We are past that now. You lost and now you want to pimp out your wife. Answer my question. Who else knows?"

"Everyone. That's part of the bet. You do it in front of everybody."

"Jesus Christ Jeff."

Rachel stood up and walked around the kitchen. He knew her well enough to keep his mouth shut. She was thinking, debating with herself. This was good. She hadn't said no.

After a few minutes, she stopped pacing, and took a bottle of tequila and shot glass from the cabinet. She poured a full shot and drank it.

"Give me the details."

"OK. You have to do it in front of everyone. Including me. No condom and you swallow."

"Jesus Jeff, I don't even swallow you."

"Sorry, that's the bet. You can stay dressed. He wanted you naked, but I convinced him you stayed dressed."

Rachel took another drink.

"Babe, we don't have the $1000."

"I know our money situation better than you. Maybe you should suck his dick!"

Jeff wasn't sure if she was joking.

"I'm joking."

"Oh, thank God."

She poured another shot and downed it.

"OK, let's get this over with."


Rachel was the first to enter the dining room. An uncomfortable hush fell over the room, all eyes on her. Jeff entered behind her. The three men looked from Rachel to Jeff and back to Rachel, trying to guess what had happened.

"So, what's it gonna be, Jeff? You got $1,600, or is your sexy wife going to be on her knees?" Matt asked.

"The deal is I blow you and only you. I will not be taking off any clothes, so you can stop hoping for that." Rachel's tone was a matter of fact.

"And you swallow it, or the deal is off," Matt said.

"And I swallow. Such an asshole."


"Well, let's see it," Rachel said.

"What, right here?"

"Yes, or did you want to use me and Jeff's bed?" Her voice was sharp.

"Nope, here's good."

Matt unbutton his jeans and dropped them. He took a deep breath and slid his boxers down, exposing his erect cock. Everyone starred. Rachel broke the silence.

"Not bad."

"Not bad. How big did you want?" Matt asked.

"It can never be too big," Rachel said.

Cole and Frank laughed, Jeff let out a sigh.

"How are you doing?" Rachel asked, looking at her husband, still standing in the doorway.

Jeff grunted.

"Why don't you take a seat with your friends," Rachel said.

Jeff shuffled to the table and pulled out a chair.

"Sit." It was a command from Rachel. Matt did as he was told and dropped to the chair. Rachel eased down to her knees and scooted forward.

She grasped his dick with one hand and stroked it a few times.

"I can work with this," she said, inspecting it.

"Don't forget his balls. Every man enjoys his balls being licked," Frank said.

Rachel raised her head and looked at him

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morbiusrgmorbiusrgover 1 year ago

I liked the storyline. Ignore the cards. Hope to see more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

There seems to be a lot of dumb people who read these stories. The man said that aces were wild, therefore Matt had 4 of a kind, which does beat a full house. Pay attention!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You’re right 26thNC. She probably would have done it without the bet. Just….like….you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

More please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I love it. The anonymous assclown down below that thought he would be cute and try to make the writer look bad, only succeeded in making himself look like a complete fool. His comment about a full house beating three of a kind, while correct, doesn’t come into play because Matt had FOUR of a kind. Three Fours and a wild card.

Now slink back under your rock and let the writer continue his story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Okay, agree, unfinished. But to everyone criticizing the cards....HE HAD A WILD ACE THAT GAVE HIM 4 OF A KIND....Geez, know your cards before nitpicking.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I liked where it was going; hopefully you finish it.

Dr_BullDr_Bullover 1 year ago

uh un finished is sad

JoeBetterBNiceJoeBetterBNiceover 1 year ago

Unfinished story is an annoying waste of time. If the write is looking for advice, mine is to pay attention to what you are posting. Since this cut off in mid-sentence, I am guessing this was not written this way by design.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I’ll end this for you since you don’t wanna

"So, what's it gonna be, Jeff? You got $1,600, or is your sexy wife going to be on her knees?" Matt asked.“

Jeff looked up from his phone and grinned. “Hey look here Matt, it says my full house beats your 3 of a kind.”

Matt read Jeff’s phone and felt like a dumbass for forgetting something so basic.

Matt then handed over the $1,600

Rachel was so happy to know they won the money that she pulled off Jeff’s pants and started sucking him off right at the table.

Matt got a boner from watching and realized he was a cuck. This was the start to his journey of cucktitude.

Jeff and Rachel kicked them out and then fucked like bunnies that night.

The end

Peter_ClevelandPeter_Clevelandover 1 year ago

Oops. It was Frank who made the suggestion at the end, not Jeff. My mistake. It's still funny, though.

Peter_ClevelandPeter_Clevelandover 1 year ago

Apart from the missing period, the ending works just fine for me. It's comic. She's quite put out at having to blow this man she hardly knows, and now hubby is offering suggestions for increasing the guy's pleasure while she's doing it. That's funny. I would love to see the look Rachel gives Jeff at that point.

My main suggestion for improvement (apart from fixing the dollar-sums) is this. As in many modern "popular" novels, too high a proportion of the text here is dialogue. I'd like to have some inkling also of Jeff's & Rachel's thoughts, facial expressions, movements, small but revealing behaviors, past experiences; some inkling of what people and things look like; and so on. A good work of literature reports much more than just words that are spoken and heard.

All in all (and despite its problems), I enjoyed the story. I'd say 3.67 stars. (I'll need to round that to the nearest whole number).

Bill669JBill669Jover 1 year ago

This isn’t even a story yet

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You suck!!!! Not finishing a story like this & leaving us hanging.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A lot more work to be done on this before it becomes a decent story. As usual in these stories no reason is given why she didn't just say, "No". Who wants to stay married to a guy who bets you in a poker game?

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