Raised the Texas Way Pt. 01


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Susie's face turned bright red. She pushed Terri away and started to get up from the sofa.

"C'mon, Susie Rose! Don't freeze me out—please."

Susie sighed. She looked away from Terri but answered the question. "All right. Sure. Um, now that high school is all over ... some of the guys seem a lot nicer now. You know what I mean? Like it's just easier, now. No pressure; no gossip. Nobody talking about who's with who. Just ... fun. Like a casual thing. So, uh ... yeah. I had a thing with one of the guys from school tonight. I don't think you know him. But yeah—he's a nice guy and he treats me nice. But it's nothing, Mama! Just a thing. That's all. Just a thing in the summer between high school and college. That's all it is."

Terri nodded. "All right, Susie Rose. I won't pry into your bidness. But I need a name. Just a name."

Susie hesitated. "Um, Jerry?"

"Are you sure that's his name? 'Cause you do not sound sure, my baby girl. I do believe you ought to know the name of the boy who's plowing your fields."

"Yeah, I'm sure. Jerry. His name is Jerry. And he's a nice guy. He took me out to dinner and then we parked and ... one thing led to another. But we used birth control, Mama! Just the way you taught me."

Terri nodded and stood up to give her daughter another hug. All the tears were dry now. The two women hugged tightly.

"Now you go take you a shower, baby. Get that sex smell off of you. Okay?"

"Okay, Mama! Love you!"

"And I love you, Susie Rose. More than you could ever know."

Susie walked out of the family room and Terri shook her head, thinking about today. What a day it had been! But she'd been there for both her children. She had been there and she helped them both out. That was a mother's job, wasn't it? Yes. It was. It most certainly was.

She turned off the lights and headed to her now way-too-large master bedroom, content that the day had turned out well.


Later that night, Terri's bedroom door was opened quietly. It was Bobby.

He stood there for a moment, hesitating at the border between hallway and bedroom, before he took a step forward. Then he pushed the door closed behind him. It closed with a loud click.

Terri had awakened the moment the door opened. She lay on her side, eyes open, watching her son as he stood there, looking at her in the darkness. He had his pajama bottoms on, but no top. She thought she could see his chest moving quickly, as if he was panting. She thought maybe he was trembling. She thought that maybe those pajamas of his were pointing out a ways.

"What do you want, Bobby?" she asked him after the moment had passed.

"You," he answered. "I want to sleep here with you tonight."

"You know that ain't happening. What we did this afternoon is over and done with. What I did ... I did because I figured I had to. You needed to understand about sex. I taught you a little something. But now you know and there just ain't no more reason for us to, uh, be together like that anymore."

Bobby took three steps toward the bed. Terri watched, unmoving, as he sank to his knees. "I know all that, Mama. I do." He sighed. "But I can't help thinking about what we did. I miss you. I'm going to go back to Boulder in a couple of weeks and I already miss you. I do!"

"I'm going to miss you, too, Bobby."

"Not like how I'm going to miss you."

"You mean your body's gonna miss me. Is that it?"

He nodded. "Yeah, pretty much. But it's more than that, you know?"

"Nope. I don't know."

Bobby leaned forward so he could whisper. "You know why I never had a real girlfriend?"

"No. Tell me."

"Because none of them measured up to you, Mama. None of them had your beauty or just ... I don't know—your love. It's like you're filled up with love and it shines from your eyes. How could I be with another girl when I...."

"When you what?"

Bobby leaned forward as far as he could. His mouth was only an inch away from Terris' face. "When I already loved you?"

Bobby leaned forward and Terri let her son kiss her mouth as a man would kiss a woman.


Terri let the kiss go on for a while. She let Bobby's tongue into her mouth. Their tongues met and played with each other for a while. Bobby reached for her breasts but she pushed him away.

"No," she said. "If you want more then you need to earn it. You need to learn not to take, but to give. You get what you want by giving."

"I'm not sure I know what you mean, Mama."

"Get into bed next to me."

Bobby walked around the king-sized bed and pulled the covers up. He got into bed on Bob's side. Terri turned to face him.

"First thing is, you can't focus on your own pleasure, on your own needs. You got to focus on the needs and pleasure of the one you're with."

Bobby nodded.

"Show me," Terri commanded.

Bobby awkwardly grabbed her between her legs. She pushed him away.

"No! Not like that! Start by kissing me some more, then kiss my nipples the way you did this afternoon. Then—after that—I'll help you figure out your next moves."

Terri was wearing a nightgown but that nightgown was off her body and on the bedroom floor within five minutes. She sighed as she felt Bobby's lips suctioning at her breasts. His hands and mouth were focused on those breasts; her areolae and nipples rose up just like earlier in the afternoon. This time, when she felt her need grow, she let it happen; she didn't fight her feelings.

Terri didn't know how much time passed. She only knew it was time for Bobby to touch her between her legs, to part her light fur, to trace her pussy with his fingers. She moved one hand down and showed him what to do.

"Be gentle down there," she whispered. The next sound she made was a sigh, which was followed by a moan. "Yep. That's right! Keep doing that," she told Bobby.

Terri could feel the wetness start to flow from her pussy. She showed Bobby how to dip his finger into her to collect some of that juice, and then how to find her clit so he could put that juice on it and rub it gently in a loose circular motion.

Bobby kept his mouth on her nipples, moving between one and the other, as one hand tugged the nipple he wasn't sucking on and the other hand massaged Terri's pussy lips and clit. Terri lay back in bed, strangely relaxed even though her body was on fire from all the stimulation. She let Bobby explore her body.

After more time passed, Terri heard herself moaning and groaning. But she found the breath to tell Bobby, "Move on down there now. I need you to lick my pussy. Go on, son—do it!"

Bobby followed his mother's direction. He put his head between her legs and Terri lifted those tanned legs over his shoulders. She felt his tongue part her pussy lips, licking up and down. "Lick my clit, honey," she told him. "But be real gentle. It's real sensitive down there."

Bobby moved slighted and she felt his tongue gently lick her clit, which rose up at the slight pressure being applied to the bud. "That's right, honey. On, yes—that's just about perfect. Lick my pussy lips. Lick my clit. Lick everything down there. Put your tongue in me as deep as you can go."

Bobby had always been a quick learner.

Soon enough, he was sucking Terri's engorged clit and probing her gushing pussy with two fingers. That did it.

Terri's hips rose off the bed; she tried to crush her son's head with her thighs as she wailed and drenched his face with her musky cream. He kept on licking her pussy as spasm after spasm wracked her body.

When Terri finally was done, she fell back down on her bed, utterly relaxed. She felt as if every bit of stress had just left her body. All the concerns about Susie's new boyfriend, about Bobby's shyness with girls, about the divorce and how she was going to manage on her own ... everything was just gone. Vanished. As if none of those worries mattered in the slightest. She was at peace, lying her on her bed with her son's face between her legs, covered with her pussy juice and cum.

She came back to the present to see Bobby looking at her with love.

"C'mon up here now," she said. "Take off those pajamas. Now's your turn. You earned it."

Bobby's pajamas were off in a flash. Terri could make out his long, slender, cock—hard as a rock and pointed up. She pulled him close and reached down, once again feeling his hardness as she guided him to her pussy lips.

"You want this for real?"

"More than anything," Bobby replied.

"Go for it, then. But go real slow."

Bobby slid his cock into Terri's open and waiting pussy.

He slid in a long way. He wasn't as thick as Bob, but he was longer. He went inside of her deeper than Bob ever had. Terri liked the feeling of Bobby's cock inside her pussy—very, very much.

She could feel Bobby try to hold back but it was no use. This was his first time so he wasn't going to last very long. That was okay. That was fine. This was his time now; he'd earned it.

Bobby lasted exactly 43 seconds—not that she was timing it. But that's how long he lasted. He pumped into her pussy, going deep, deep, deep—and then pulled out quickly. Then he did the same thing again. Bobby stroked into Terri's pussy twenty-eight times in 43 seconds before his eyes opened wide, he gasped, and shot stream after stream of warm cum against her cervix.

When he was done trembling and rocking from the little aftershocks, their mouths met again.

He pulled away long enough to say, "I love you." Then he kissed her again.


Bobby slept next to her. They were both naked. Nobody had cleaned up; the bed was wet, their bodies were crusty, and Terri couldn't care less. She was serenely happy at the moment.

I suppose some folks would be shocked at all this, she mused. It's for damn sure those gossipy bitches at church would have them all a stroke if they knew. So, I guess they can't ever know. Terri figured she should be shocked, as well—but she wasn't. Whatever had just happened just felt completely natural. A man and a woman had made each other happy. How in the Lord's name could that possibly be wrong?

Terri smiled to herself as she lay in bed next to her lover. She couldn't sleep for happiness. She glanced over at the clock—it was nearly 4 in the morning! Between the talk with Susie Rose and the ... there was no other word for it but fucking ... with Bobby, the night had slipped away.

But it wasn't over yet.

She rolled Bobby onto his back, gently stroking his cock. What had been soft hardened quickly. She smiled as his eyes opened—at first not understanding, then understanding and not caring because the pleasure from her hand was overwhelming his body.

Terri stroked him into a full erection, then moved up over him, holding his cock at her entrance. She moved down an inch then back up. She repeated that motion several times until she could feel her pussy get nice and wet ... then she took him deeper.

Soon he was halfway into her and Terri was moving up and down, finding a good rhythm. She smiled down at Bobby. "This one's the cowgirl. I'm riding you now, boy!" Saying that, Terri sank down all the way and let Bobby's cock fill her up, reaching deep into her. She rested there for a moment, then rose up—only to slide back down.

Bobby started pushing up against her; soon they were moving together. They moved like that for several minutes before Terri started to go faster and faster. "Fuck me! I'm going to cum!" she shouted out loudly. She leaned her body back. She felt Bobby's cock find her special spot and she screamed in pleasure as she doused his body with her cream.

When she was done spasming and the panting was less, she leaned forward, capturing Bobby's lips with her own. Bobby was still rock-hard. She rolled them over, opening her legs as widely as she could as Bobby thrust into her with one firm stroke. As he began to pound against her, causing the bed to creak loudly, Terri's legs locked around his hips.

Bobby lasted for several long minutes. He was sweating and gasping for air ... and then the gasping stopped. His mouth opened like a fish but no air was going in or coming out. His eyes opened wide as well. He plunged into Terri's body as deep as he could possibly go and let forth a torrent of cum that filled her womb and ran out the side of her pussy.

Then he collapsed.

Terri's legs loosened and came down, but she didn't otherwise move. She just let Bobby lie on top of her, panting and covered with sweat. It was another amazing moment, a moment of calm in the storm of their lives. It was a moment of peace, just between the two of them.

And then the bedroom door flew open.

"What the fuck!" Susie said. "What in the holy name of Jesus and all his Apostles are you two doing in here?"

Bobby tried to roll off her but Terri held him tight just where he was. This was a part of it, Terri realized. This was a part of the teaching. Sex was normal. Sex was natural. What they were doing together was okay. Bobby had to learn that. Susie's entrance was a part of the teaching.

"Isn't it obvious what we're doing, baby girl?"

"Jesus, Mom! Jesus!"

"Don't blaspheme, young lady. Say what you need to say without taking the Lord's name in vain."

"You're fucking Bobby!"

"Yes, I am. We're having sex. As I recall, you had sex last night with what's-his-name. Jimmy?"

"Uh, right. Yeah, Jimmy. Anyway, that has nothing to do with you and Bobby!"

"Because he's my son, is that the problem?"

"Of course! He's your son, Mama! How could you—"

"It's a long story—" Bobby began, before Terri cut him off.

"Don't you mind about us, Susie Rose. Don't you mind one whit! Bobby is going off to college in less than three weeks and whatever is happening tonight is gonna be over as soon as that happens. So, there ain't no need for you to worry about us. What we do ain't your bidness. Is that clear, young lady?"

Susie shook her head. "The two of you ... Jesus!"

"I said, don't blaspheme!"

"Not really sure that blaspheming compares with what the two of you are doing right now."

Terri finally let Bobby roll off her body. He rolled off and she lay there, completely naked, having just been fucked very satisfactorily by her son. Her daughter stared at her mother's naked body for a long moment, then she looked over at Bobby, who was also naked, his penis hanging loosely and glistening in the light from the hallway.

Susie shook her head at the pair of them one last time, then walked out of the bedroom without saying another word as she slammed the door behind her.

Terri looked over at Bobby, who was still breathing hard from his exertions. "Well, that went pretty well, I think," she said.


Susie Rose lay on her own bed, her mind awhirl with what she witnessed with her own eyes just moments before.

She had gotten up to get a glass of water and heard ... something. What she heard sounded like a moan, maybe gasp. The sound was coming from Mama's bedroom. Susie walked over and put her ear to the door. The bed was creaking rhythmically. Yep, Mama's fucking somebody, she thought. I wonder who? Did Daddy come back to her?

The creaking intensified, then she heard Mama's voice cry out loudly, "Fuck me! I'm going to cum!" Susie heard Mama's scream of passion. There was a long pause before the creaking returned. Susie knew what that meant: Mama had cum but the fucking wasn't over yet. The creaking went on for several long minutes before it got really intense and really fast.

I gotta know if that's Daddy! Susie thought to herself. If that ain't Daddy, then he's a total stud in the sack. He's really good!

The creaking came to an abrupt end. Susie couldn't wait any longer—she had to know who Mama's mysterious lover was!

She flung the door open and there they were. Sweating and panting, still fitted together.

Mama and Bobby.

It wasn't Daddy. Bobby had been the stud fucking her Mama.

"What the fuck!" Susie yelled. Looking back on it, she was surprised she didn't faint or have a heart attack. She was actually kind of proud that she managed to get out of that room without hitting somebody.

Now she was here in her own bed. She couldn't get that scene out of her mind. Mama was just so matter-of-fact about the thing. Bobby had fucked Mama silly. She came loudly; she'd actually screamed when she came! And then ... she acted like it was no big deal. Like it wasn't nothing at all. Not any of your bidness, she said.

Susie watched as Bobby rolled off Mama and they both gave her shots of their naked bodies. Mama's titties had still been hard and flushed red. Bobby's long cock was soft but glistening with Mama's pussy juice and his own sticky cum.

Susie saw everything.

Now she couldn't get what she saw out of her mind.

Mama and Bobby. Mother and son. Fucking each other and obviously enjoying the act. How long has this been going on? Mama had said something about it ending when Bobby went back to Colorado ... but when had it started? Susie felt she needed to know, to understand.

Mama and Bobby fucking each other changed everything.

But once Susie got over the picture in her head of her brother fucking her Mama—and her Mama letting Bobby fuck her—she realized the image didn't really shock her or gross her out. Nope.

How could she be shocked or grossed-out?

How could she get upset at the sight of her brother fucking her Mama when she'd spent most of last night letting Daddy stick his big ol' cock into her over and over—fucking her silly until she screamed out loud with the force of her orgasm?

[To be continued.]

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9formother9formother4 months ago

Going to wait for a sequel or 2 to vote. My personal preference is for filthy dialog, but I never hold it against an author if they don't use it. However, there was no emotional buildup or anything that would lead the reader to believe mom was horny, or even in love with her son. I had a notion the girl was fucking her father, good to see I wasn't off the mark with that one. We'll see where this leads

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

A story devoid of emotion, with a little homophobia sprinkled on top. Couldn't enjoy it

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I gave it a 4.

I too would like to have seen some romance. Don't get me wrong I'm into great sex no matter with whom. Be it a neighbor. My sister. Or my mother. But being with someone who you really love enhances the sex. Looking into your lover's eyes knowing that she is the most special, precious being on earth.

If I am making love to my mother, you can bet I will ask her if it is safe to cum in her. I would need to know if she can still conceive. I wouldn't be averse to fucking my baby in her if this would be something that she too might want. How many men, sons, can say that their mother is pregnant with their baby. It is interesting that the topic of pregnancy never came up between mother and son. Really.

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikey4 months ago

Oh damn! Nice twist. Please continue.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Please continue

muskyboymuskyboy4 months ago

No affection anywhere in this story...

Mike7845Mike78454 months ago

Great story and cent wait for pt2

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Will see how this one unfolds before final vote and comments

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Very good and very hot…such a good mother..

Sex4lf57Sex4lf574 months ago

Loved it! Very fucking hot! Can't wait until the next chapter. Five stars and a favorite point!

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