Reality Check


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All my Love,

Your Jen

35372 Saphire Way

I pressed send and then deleted the text. Kevin called right after and I just turned the phone off.

I undressed Jen, then climbed in bed and spent the whole night thinking about the next morning and the different scenarios if Jen wakes up early. I got out of bed at 5:30 and went downstairs. Turning on her phone I could see he tried calling again and then sent a text this morning at 5:05 saying "SOOOO EXCITED Didn't get much sleep. Should be there by 7:30."

After a couple cups of coffee I drove over to my office and got two copies of the PI report printed off. I was back at 6:45 and parked around the block. Jen was still sound asleep so I went back downstairs and unlocked the front door.

I poured myself another cup of coffee then headed back upstairs at 7:15 and waited in the closet. This was working as planned, Jen was still asleep. 7:25 right on time I heard the front door open. Time to rock and roll. I'm really going to enjoy exposing this bastard after the events of yesterday. I could hear him walking around downstairs before he headed up. Coming thru the door with a big smile he walked over pulled the sheet back that was covering her. He undressed quickly, then walked around to the other side and climbed in bed. Still asleep, he started pinching her nipples and fingering her pussy. Before she opened her eyes she pushed his hand away and mumbled "Please, not now honey". He responded "Oh yeah, right now". She opened her eyes and it took her a few seconds to focus and get her bearings and then she shouted "What the fuck are you doing here. Have you lost your mind. John catches you in here he'll beat you to death."

"You texted me last night. Were you so drunk you don't remember." He grabbed his pants and took his phone out showing her the text. She looked at it shaking her head.

"I wasn't that drunk. I didn't fucking send that and John has no idea about us."

"Well it came from your phone."

She looked at the nightstand and said "Where the fuck did I leave my phone. I always put it right there. Look, I don't know what's going on but you need to get your ass out of here right now".

"I don't know where John's at but be quiet and make damn sure he doesn't see you. Maybe you should sneak out the back."

He shrugged, quickly got dressed then said "This is really bullshit. I drove over two hours to get here."

"You need to get out of here now! We'll talk later."

He turned and walked towards the door shaking his head. He almost crapped his pants when I stepped out blocking his way. Stumbling backwards he held his arms straight out and blurted "I swear to god she invited me here. I'll show you the text.

"The way I see it you've got two choices here asshole. You. can use that show muscle you've got and try to get past me. In which case, I'm really going to enjoy kicking the shit out of you, or you can go sit in that chair for a few minutes and I won't touch you." He slowly backed up and sat down never taking his eyes off me. Jen was sitting up in bed and staring at me like she was in a trance.

"The first thing your going to do is read this."

Then I thru a PI report to both of them. Sitting there in complete shock, Jen starting reading and the tears started flowing. She never even looked over at asshole. Kevin read the first page and then turned to Jen. "Jen I love you, I've always loved you. If I had told you the truth you wouldn't have agreed to see me. My marriages didn't work because I still loved you." Jen was sobbing by the time she got to the end. She looked up and threw the report at him. She wouldn't even look at me.

"Jen here's your phone. I've sent you a short video. I want you to watch it and look at the date on it. It's last Saturday when you couldn't see him for lack of a baby sitter."

Wiping her eyes she watched the video. That visual along with a little hangover was too much for her stomach. She turned and threw up on the floor.

"And here's something for you asshole. Jen glanced up as I threw him his wallet.

He muttered "Where did you find this?"

"On the ground where you had the blanket laid out."

I heard Jen gasp. "You were there--oh my god."

"I saw and heard everything at the lake and watched you behind the cafe."

Jen rolled over and buried her face in the pillow.

"Time for you to go asshole. I'll show you to the door."

"Just don't hit me, I'll do whatever you say."

I followed him out while letting him know if I ever find out you've even tried to contact Jen I will hunt you down and beat you to a pulp. He responded "Got it, got it. never ever!"

Walking back upstairs I was really proud of myself for staying so calm. When I entered the room Jen was still face down in the pillow crying. I, a little sarcastically, suggested she get herself cleaned up. "I'm going to my moms for a couple hours to calm down. We'll talk when I get back."

Driving to my moms I was thinking about how well that went. Shit, maybe too well.

I realized with all the planning I've been doing I didn't consider the affect this was going to have on Jen. I swung around telling myself what the hell are you doing turning your back on the women you love when she needs you the most. When I got back I ran upstairs to find Jen standing naked staring at the mirror above the sink. With tears streaming down her face she cried 'Who is this! What have I become! I don't even know this person! I'm a fricken train wreck! I've managed to screw up a wonderful marriage to a man I'm very much in love with." She turned to me putting her hands over her face and mumbled "I'd say I'm sorry but that seems so pitifully inadequate for what I've done."

Seeing her in so much pain, and so vulnerable, was bringing tears to my eyes. I told her to hand me a towel I'm going to clean up your mess. Then I would like to jump back in bed and make love.

With a stunned look on her face she questioned "You want to have sex with me after what I've done?"

"No, I want to make love. I think we need a reboot before we talk about this."

Still puzzled, she queried "You don't plan on leaving me?"

"Hell no! I feel at least partially responsible for what has happened, but we'll talk about that later. And please honey if your feeling up to it, wash up, then get your butt in the bed."

I could tell she was hesitant and uncomfortable at first but it wasn't long before her body took control. The sex was very vanilla, but extremely passionate. Without a doubt the best I've ever had. I think she must have said "I love you a hundred times. Even though I thought I was secure about her feelings for me there must have been more than an inkling of doubt because it sure felt good to hear it. God, I've never felt so in love with this women. I now understand what they say about make up sex.

After a shower I went down and fixed breakfast and waited for Jen. When she walked in, except for a little puffiness around her eyes she looked great. I asked her how she was feeling and she told me she had so many different emotions swirling around in her head she wasn't sure. "I know I'm not looking forward to talking about this because I'm going to have deal with a dark side of me that a couple of weeks ago I didn't even know existed. I just don't have any understanding of how I could have done this to you. To us."

"Honey, enough for now. Let's eat breakfast first."

After a surprisingly pleasant breakfast with only idle talk we sat down to address the elephant in the room. I told her she didn't have to tell me anything directly about what they did. I basically knew everything. What I really wanted to know is why she thought it happened. What she told me pretty much fit what I was already thinking. He moved away right before her 16th birthday and when they lost connection she went into deep depression. He had been so kind, loving, and caring helping her through the death of her mother that she couldn't imagine life without him in it. She was madly in love and she felt a strong sense of rejection that she never got over. Lately when she was feeling down she frequently thought about him and she couldn't help but wonder what her life would be like now if he had never moved away. There wasn't any closure. It's like the relationship was left in limbo.

She said her thinking about him really started a couple years ago when her close friend, Anne, the owner of the flower shop where she works in the morning went through a tough divorce. Her husband of 21 years left her for a younger women. Their daughter had just left home for college and for her 40th birthday he had her served with divorce papers at dinner--what a bastard. It was completely unexpected and I guess she was devastated. It got Jen thinking about us and she hasn't been feeling good about herself since, so when Kevin called she just melted. He talked about how wonderful she was and how much he missed her. He was so sincere and caring. "He was like a drug that made me feel so good--I couldn't stop myself. I didn't want to stop it so I wouldn't allow myself to think about the ramifications of what I was doing. I wasn't thinking of the future--I was living in the now. When you exposed him this morning for who he truly is, it was like I stepped off a streetcar named DESIRE and got run over by a bus called REALITY. At least I have closure now. I just can't believe how gullible I am. Everything he told me was bullshit. He doesn't care about me. I was just another FUCK! Another notch in her belt. I feel like a total complete worthless slut.

"Alright honey, my turn. First of all, I would never have thought I needed to say this but my love for you is not now nor ever will be dependent on your physical appearance. Maybe if I had been perceptive enough to know I needed to say it, we wouldn't be talking right now. Secondly, I take some responsibility for all of this. I wasn't there for you when you were letting me know you had needs and desires that weren't being filled. I've always considered myself a very good husband, providing a nice life for you and the kids. We do a lot together and never fight about anything. Our sex life is great. I just assumed you were happy. I mean, how could you not be? Thinking back the last few years, you've given me plenty of hints that things weren't quite right with you. I was blind to your searching for help. Your self confidence is gone and your insecure about yourself and consequently our marriage."

"This is what I'd like to see happen if you agree. First I want you to get the breast enhancements you've asked me about several times lately. Because I love you just the way you are, my only request is there not too big. Next, were going to join a gym. I'm also thinking about buying some ebikes for all of us. It's good exercise and it's something we can do as a family. It would be good for both of us, and maybe you can lose that weight you've been fighting with since Frankie was born. We have that guest house out back that's never used. I want to hire a live-in nanny to watch the kids so you can pursue your interior design ambition. And most importantly, I would like you to see a therapist to help you understand why you had the affair. I don't want you carrying any guilt about this into our future. I'm already over it. I want my old Jen back. I want us to take this as a learning experience that will make us better people, better partners, and a happier couple."

Tears were starting to flow as she got up and jumped in my lap. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes. I don't deserve you!"

"Enough of that kind of talk. Your a wonderful wife and mother and a great person."

After a long loving kiss I asked Jen "There's one thing I'm curious about that you don't have to answer if you don't want. You were very sexually active with Kevin for awhile; how come you never had intercourse?"

"My mom got pregnant with me when she was sixteen even though they had been using rubbers for protection. She told me there was a couple of mishaps. The first time the condom came off and the second time it broke. They got away with it the first but weren't as lucky the second--that's when she got pregnant with me. She lost her battle with beast cancer not long after I started seeing Kevin. She could already tell where our relationship was going so she made me promise not to have intercourse until I went on the pill. She started laughing and said "If your anything like your dad and I, you'll be doing it like rabbits and I don't trust condoms. Besides, believe me, he'll enjoy it a whole lot more". My plan was to go on the pill a week before I turned 16 and then give him my virginity on my birthday. I had actually already started taking the pill when he suddenly upped and moved a thousand miles away. He told me at the time it was just temporary. His plan was to help them with the move and get settled in and then he would be back before school started in a couple weeks. "Now I want you to tell me something. How in the hell did you find out."

"I'll tell you but I'm not going to mention any names. When you met asshole for that first time for lunch someone that knows me and has met you called. He was sitting in the booth right behind you and heard everything you were talking about. He called me that evening when I was out on the patio and told me what he could remember."

"I can't believe it--that place is in the middle of nowhere. Why didn't you stop me?"

"Just the fact that you went through with meeting him and from what I was told about your conversation I got the impression, at the very least, you were totally infatuated with him. I felt for us to get past this you needed to make the decision to end it yourself. Now unless you have something else you would like to ask me I'd rather never talk about any of this again. As far as I'm concerned, case closed. Time for us to move on.


Jen got her boob job. To my surprise they were smaller than I expected and felt completely natural. They did wonders for her self confidence. We joined a gym. I quit going after a few months but Jen stayed with it and has lost most of the weight and looks great. We never got the live-in nanny but we did hire a baby sitter that picks the kids up at school and keeps them in the afternoon so Jen can work full time. She got a job in interior design. It definitely wasn't her first choice but it's a start and she's getting experience.

After Jen started therapy we did end up talking about it several times. Actually had a few good laughs. She told me she felt like I'd earned a free pass if I wanted it. Of course I told her I had no desire for anyone but her.

The most interesting development in our relationship happened a few months ago. Not long after Jen's therapy ended, surprisingly her and Lanette became much closer. When Mark and her went on their second swinger cruise later that year she ended up telling Jen all about it. One night during sex, Jen started telling me. I could see the idea excited her. She told me how the staff and crew are very professional. That everything is done in very good taste. There's all kinds of activities and entertainment. The sex is expected to be discrete unless your in a play area. That people are polite and no means no, no hard feelings.

"It sounds like you would like to go on one."

"Lanette said they were going on another one next year. I told her I would talk to you about it."

"Are you telling me you would like to try swinging?"

"No, not necessarily. You don't have to partake, but I think it would be exciting to be in that environment with Mark and Lanette and other like-minded people."

"Honey you know that Mark and Lanette would like to swap with us. If we went on this with them they would probably expect that to happen. Do you think you can handle that situation."

"Actually I've gotten to the point I think I'd be alright with it. The new Jen is very secure in her marriage and she knows her husband is crazy about her. And you know how much I love sex. I'm hornier now than I've ever been. I find the idea of this really exciting."

So that's where things are at this time. I know my wife is the type of women that can thoroughly enjoy sex without any emotional involvement. I have a hunch that once Jen's on that ship she's going to be like the proverbial kid in the candy store. The future has the potential to be another good story. Possibly a sequel will be in order.

Oh yeah, I still have that video and I watch it once in awhile. It always puts a smile on my face when she rolls the condom on him.

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RuttweilerRuttweiler11 months ago
I enjoyed the story.

It was novel, and yet held together well. I probably would have made different decisions than the characters did, but they still made sense in context.

Thanks for the read.

RuttweilerRuttweiler11 months ago
I find comments like the one from “Kaeyo” amusing

It’s as if he has no idea that this is a stroke story site. He seems to expect that this is some kind of “religious morality” website, instead of a place to go to read about men and women fucking, sometimes MARRIED men and women. Oooohhh, the scandal!

“Loving Wives - Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more.”

That’s what the banner for this section advertises. “MARRIED EXTRA-MARITAL FUN!”

Not “Loving Wives - Where cheating wives are punished, destroyed or killed by completely moral men for your pleasure.”

Maybe some of us should go to your church and start fucking in the aisles.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm stunned at all the Usual Pukes who commented without reading the damn story. Yeah, lots of mistakes, and maybe MC didn't act, think and react like YOU wouldn't, but OP wrote a story his way. Hell, it's his first frigging story! One more than all you have! I look at most of your profiles, and you've written NOTHING. So, step up, have the courage of your convictions, and try your luck; you'll find it harder than you think.

KaeyoKaeyoover 1 year ago

That was awful. Worst husband in LW. Has cheated multiple times himself, then follows his wife around waiting for her to cheat. I have no words for how totally awful this story is.

amygdalaamygdalaabout 2 years ago

No sequel please this one was more than enough.

NitpicNitpicalmost 3 years ago

Yet another load of crap,hope September is better.

shalpa64shalpa64almost 3 years ago

I love how stories like this one basically boil down to "I'm a cheating P.O.S, and my wife was on her way to being the same till I miraculously, barely saved our marriage. So, now we're going to be swingers!" Yeah, riiught, that'll work out Great. Might as well get the lawyers working on those divorce papers now. These two morons deserve each other. Please, no sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I will never understand guys sitting back and letting an affair happen and/or continue. I just don't see how a man can do that.

Rocky62Rocky62almost 3 years ago

Wow, this guy will forgive anything

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