Realms of Eden Book 03: Whirlwind


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He sipped his drink while Sandy lowered the harness to the floor allowing Kelsey to support her own weight, lowering her hands and allowing her legs to close a little. The clamps were removed and Sydney saw the bruising across Kelsey's breasts.

He scanned her and saw that she was anticipating something, she didn't know what but she was hoping for more. Stopping himself from sending his thoughts he smiled to himself and thought, Oh Kelsey more than you have ever had. I hope we don't destroy you!

Sandy chatted quietly to Kelsey as they drank. The dark woman's hands gently stroking and gripping the woman's bottom as silently Kelsey accepted the caresses. It was obvious to Sydney that Sandy was fully aware of Kelsey's backdoor buttons as he overheard little remarks about how it rang her bells. When Sandy beckoned him to stand behind Kelsey alongside her, fingers smeared the wetness from his cock into the crevice of Kelsey's cheeks rubbing firmly against her relaxing opening.

Soon Sandy had three of her fingers, gently and carefully, because of her long nails, sliding in and out of Kelsey's arse causing the woman to barely be able to concentrate on her drink. As suddenly as she began she stopped leaving Kelsey trying to press her arse back to recapture the digital invaders. Her mind was screaming, "No I was so close!"

Sydney sensed that Sandy knew that as well and that was why she had stopped.

Adjusting the harness, Sandy ensured that she didn't touch the woman on any of her erogenous zones even though Kelsey tried to get her attention to her wet pussy and throbbing arse. Activating the harness again Sydney watched amused as Sandy turned Kelsey onto her side then spread her legs open giving him a view of both of the woman's holes horizontally.

Reaching into her bag she produced a small cock shaped object with straps attached to it and sharply told Kelsey to open her mouth. The cock was stuffed into her mouth and the straps fastened around her head. "That will keep you quiet slut while we work!" she grinned.

Shifting to press her hips against Kelsey she lifted her slightly higher. Apparently satisfied Sandy disappeared into the bathroom returning several minutes later. Kelsey's eyes goggled at Sandy's return and Sydney whistled appreciatively. She wore shiny thigh high boots of fire engine red zipped up to almost her pussy. A top of the same colour of a rubberised material that had holes made into it for her largish breasts to poke through proudly, firmly held by the tight rubber material. Her nipples were adorned with small rubber rings that kept them stiff and solid. Deft use of a little hand held applicator had Kelsey's nipples adorned similarly.

The sight that worried Sydney the most however, was the large flesh coloured rubber cock that hung from the harness around her waist. The cock was easily 250 mm long and as round if not rounder than the wine bottle they had tormented Kelsey with previously. The realistic monster was veined and dotted with what looked like rubber warts. The head was an angry purple and crowned out about 10 mm all around wider than the shaft.

"Sandy I am not sure that Kel can take that up her arse," Sydney pointed out.

The woman grinned at him. "Not going up her arse baby this is to stuff that slutty hole of hers that is opening up for him as we speak!"

Sydney saw that it was true and Sandy eased three fingers into Kelsey's opening flower. "No what's going up her arse is your big cock so make with the mental thing Sydney and make him grow a bit!" she giggled.

He pretended innocence and just looked back at her as she thrust her fingers in and out of the suspended woman's sopping box. "Don't play dumb with me Sydney, when I first fucked you it was a little bit bigger than that. I have seen the vid of you, Thelma and Robert and that monster of yours changed size depending on how Thelma felt and what she screamed for. You may not remember Syd but at one stage it was almost 50 mm broader than that as you fucked her arse while Robert creamed her face and she was screaming for more! So start and I will tell you when to stop!"

His eyes closed and he let himself grow, not opening his eyes until Sandy said, "Oh yeah that will be perfect!"

Looking down he realised that he was not much smaller than the fake cock between Sandy's legs. He almost began to shrink when he caught Kelsey's thoughts, I hope it is a huge one, I've never been game to ask him before.

He decreased the size of his cock head to make his weapon more of a spear shape, then grinned more like a very short fat, misshapen cue stick he thought. Bending to Kelsey's arse he twirled his tongue over her bud and felt her trembles as she relaxed. Sandy pulled her cheeks apart allowing him deeper access telling him to get her really ready as she dribbled some sweet tasting oil into the opening hole.

His fingers began entering her and Sandy giggled, "Can you feel mine?"

Looking at her he saw that she now had her whole hand in Kelsey's opening. Pressing slightly he did feel the rub and both of them felt the suspended woman trembling.

"I think she's going to blow Sydney," she whispered.

Sydney slapped his free hand down hard on Kelsey's arse cheek, the impact left a sharp imprint on the firm flesh, "You don't come till we tell you to whore!" he yelled bringing another slap down as viciously as the first.

Sydney stood and lined his big cock at the wet opening as Sandy held both the cheeks apart telling the big man to wreck that arsehole. His well lubricated cock head slipped in to the very tight opening. Sandy released her grip on Kelsey's cheeks and gripped her artificial toy sliding the head into the gaping pussy opening. With little effort had half the monster buried as Sydney eased another few centimetres into the suddenly tightened sphincter.

"Fuck her a bit Syddy," purred Sandy when he was about half way buried as she poured more oil over his cock and the tightly stretched arsehole. He moved back and forth moving his cock a couple of centimetres.

Can't cum, not yet, have to wait, think of something else, oh fuck me that feels so bad, oh so fucking good deeper, dogs running cricketers playing come on brain think anything but what these beautiful people are doing. Can't cum not yet! he read in Kelsey's mind.

He grinned at Sandy and did a double take as the woman's cock was fully buried in Kelsey now making little fucking movements that he could feel against his own flesh as she moved slowly.

Faster more oh fuck can't cum, think Kel, Jenny's school uniforms, washing up ducks. Fuck me fuck me please!

Sydney knew Kel was really struggling but wickedly he continued to slide into her slowly until his balls touched the wide stretched cheek. Holding there as Sandy increased her stroke length and pace in Kelsey's pussy. He withdrew a few centimetres then slowly back in repeating it until he was able to slide back until his cock head pulled against Kelsey's opening then slid back in to the hilt.

Oh goodness faster, rhythm, split me apart oh fuck me fuck me hard can't cum not yet going to fucking explode tits on fire got to get some of these rings oh goodness ducks, washing!

Sydney watched Sandy get her rhythm going and then plunged in rapidly as the woman pulled back. Reversing his direction as she slammed forward. Soon they were ramming their hips in synchronised effort until Sydney's bellow of "Cumming!" crashed through all other thoughts as Sandy rammed hard filling the woman.

Sydney screamed, "Cum my slut!"

Kelsey's mind exploded with white heat as she felt Sydney's cum scald her bowels. Vibration of the artificial spurts from Sandy's cock splattered against the sensitive walls of her womb.

Sydney felt as if he had poured his life's essence out of the end of his cock into the tight enclosure that tightened even more as Kelsey allowed herself to let go. He heard her screaming around the gag in her mouth and saw the white hot explosion in her mind.

Then Sandy wickedly turned the vibrator on that was part of her toy to full power. Sydney and Kelsey buckled convulsively as their tender organs reacted violently to the new stimulus.

Sydney was in a world of heat and pleasure. Nothing existed except for the length of his flesh buried in the hot tight spasming confines of his lover.

Kelsey's world consisted of red light and images associated with pure pleasure. In her mind's eye she saw her arse impaled on Sydney's huge cock her pussy clenching against the rubber invader. Instinctively her mind reached out to the man gasping as he held himself deeply within her. "My goodness Sydney! I am yours, so fucking good, forever yours. I love you!"

"I love you too my darling," he sent back to her.

The worlds dimmed in their minds.

Sandy looked at the cameras above her. Grinning she said, "Ok Sydney on three! One, two, three!"

His cock pulled out with a pop as did Sandy's. Watching in amazement as Kelsey's holes gaped widely and stayed that way for many seconds before they began to close. Sandy quickly slipped a towel on the floor under Kelsey as her orifices clenched releasing the fluid in a rush as Sandy set her upright.

The bound woman sobbed around her gag and Sydney moved to take it out but stopped when Kelsey sent to him. "No please leave me for a minute. Just let me stand here and feel my body for a moment. Can you ask Sandy to lower and free my hands but not my legs I don't know that I could stand on my own!"

Sydney conveyed the message to Sandy who complied then grabbing Sydney rushed him from the bedroom. "She can talk to you?" she asked amazed and Sydney lifted his eyebrows in surprise and realised it was true.

A blue fog briefly rolled across his mind, "She had to totally submit to you. In another lifetime it was because you slew her husband, in her defence, but now you have slain her demons with another sword. She is yours forever Enyalius." The fog was gone.

The three lay quietly in bed with Kelsey softly murmuring in her sleep as she nestled into Sandy's breasts. Sydney listened to her, amused, as she kept thanking the woman for giving her the man at her back forever. Sandy's arms were holding the woman softly like a child and she looked at the man across the bed. "You really do spoil these women don't you?" she grinned.

Chapter 10 - Winning isn't everything

Ian Creighton was surprised when Sydney had asked him at the function the previous night if he would consider meeting with the Kiwi's Captain and their coach for breakfast at a café a short walk up the road from the motel. He was even more surprised when he asked him to bring along his training notes and diagrams. "What are you up to Sydney?" he had asked. "Going to give the enemy some false leads."

The young man had looked at him intensely and said, "No Ian, we are going to help them try to beat us!"

Now he sat with Jerome and Kevin ordering bacon and eggs waiting for Sydney to appear. They made small talk as they watched the early morning patrons begin to fill the dining area. Finally Kevin said, "Ian we just can't get the lads motivated to play! Hell half of them don't even turn up to training anymore. Jerome and I are at our wit's end! We see you with all of them, even your doctor and physio, all running and carrying out drills with enthusiasm and drive and it makes me sick!"

Ian looked at the pair across from him, seeing the very same looks that Peter Bond and Ted Russell had given him a little over three months ago when they had brought him to the 'Gabba to take on the role of national coach. They were looks of very proud men that had been forced to desperation but were willing to try to get something like competitive pride back into their game.

"Well gentlemen the biggest motivation I have is Sydney! I have been coaching him since he was a pup and despite all of his troubles he was an extremely avid listener and a good kid. Now when I want something done I point him out to the rest of them and say if he can do it so can you.

"I'm sorry if that sounds too easy. But I thank whatever fates gave him into my hands because he should not be here, should not be alive for me to use him as an example and," he paused, catching and holding their eyes, "I make sure that every one of them knows it.

"No good them crying to me that they can't run that extra lap, that they can't bowl another ball or bat for a few more minutes. I point at him and say he can because he lives every second as if it is going to be his last!"

The two men looked at him. Jerome was a little shocked that the man could so callously use a man that he strongly considered his friend in such a way.

The Australian coach sensed the big Kiwi captain's concern and smiled. "I don't have to do it very often. But it makes you wonder. If a boy who had nothing, should have died, is willing to play cricket when he should be out catching up on everything else life has to offer him why shouldn't men who had better lives not want to give as much as he does?"

Kevin wiped a hand across his eyes and was grateful when the waitress delivered their meals for the opportunity to compose himself as they ate saying very little.

Sydney was running late for the meeting with Ian and the Kiwi leaders. Cue Ball had trapped in him the bathroom as he showered filling him on the details of the previous evening with Robert. The man's description of the abuse of his friend got him a little steamed up. However, Cue Ball said, "If it had been done with love instead of just abuse the man would probably have been more than a handful for all of you. I think he may just prove to be that tomorrow!"

He chuckled wickedly then disappeared giving Sydney every indication that Robert was going to be anyway. The thoughts of the coming slave day and Cue Ball's shared images of the encounter with Jo and Robert caused his body to react. When Sandy and Kelsey saw him come out of the bathroom sporting a nice looking erection they pounced.

He scanned the café with his mind finding his coach discussing tactics with Kevin and Jerome and decided that he didn't need to be there to add his pleas to Ian to help. Floating a thought to his coach that he would meet him at the fields he backtracked to the motel and sought out the swimming pool.

Ian got the thought Sydney sent to him. Not evening flickering an eyelid at the man's communication mode. He had experienced it so many times from the big lad, which he thought of as his own son, that it no longer caused him concern.

Taking the pair across from him through his training regime and drill tactics he happily handed over the copy of them to Kevin and wished them luck. As they stood up to leave Ian had another thought and asked if they would walk back to the motel with him. There was something else that they had introduced to the team that he was sure would also help.

Kelsey met him in the foyer of the motel with the document he was after telling his querying look that Sydney had suggested that it might be brought up in conversation. She assured him that the financial arrangements had been removed but the fines and payment clauses were still included. Figures were left blank so that the New Zealanders could look at their own budgets and decide.

Thanking her he turned to the two men and explained the Player's Code of Conduct. Jerome was certainly surprised and having a quick look at the rules snapped his head around to Kevin. Voicing his enthusiasm he said, "This is the power you need Kev! I think we might need to meet with the association and really get this moving. Otherwise we are going to lose 4-1 and be disgraced!"

Ian noted the passion in the captain's voice and eyes thinking, He is going to be quite the leader when they realise that they need to support him.

Within hours the NZAC committee had met. They endorsed the documents so passionately requested by their team captain and coach and had them presented to the rest of the New Zealand squad. It was a far happier captain that ran through training drills with an almost complete squad. He could not help but grin as his coach cajoled them with almost deriding comments on their fitness and ability to be in the team that couldn't beat a boy who was barely 22 and shouldn't even be there. He was not surprised by the early evening that several players who previously had missed a few training sessions said that they were suddenly more motivated "to get stuck in and teach these Aussies a few manners."

There was only one casualty of the new regime and that was their new spin bowler who had been brought into the team to replace the injured Tuartie. Alan Doyle was an older player who decided that he was not going to change his previous attitudes to the game or suddenly turn into some sort of super fit gym junkie just to bowl his off-breaks. Kevin had no problems dismissing him from the team at the beginning of their training session telling him that the game was changing and if he didn't want to change with it then there was no room for him or his attitude.

Several players around him gulped nervously as they too had similar thoughts thinking that this was just a phase and things would return to their normal lackadaisical approach. Their thinking was even further disrupted when Kevin announced that there would be no rest day tomorrow and that all of them had better be ready to train at 8:00 am.

Ian Creighton watched his counterpart from the other end of the grounds and smiled when Sydney, running past him to field a ball, said, "Looks like they might actually get competitive Coach!"

That evening was a chance for players to relax and Ian allowed them to drink a little more and stay up later.

Many of the players, who had significant others, had invited them over for the evening with promises of sightseeing and entertainment during the night and the next day. Peter Bond's wife, Shirley, was a short dumpy woman much older than Peter, with a wicked sense of humour and an easy laugh. Kelsey and Sandy found her to be very good company and her love for the team's captain was obvious to all in the looks she gave him and their continuous touches. However, it did not stop her from telling a few tales about Peter's domestic habits that had most of the room in stitches.

Gareth Peterson's wife unfortunately couldn't come over as one of his children was not well. When Thelma found out she hurriedly arranged her private hover jet to whisk the man home straight after the group's final training session.

Barry Crawford and the beautiful Brenda Bianchi were the standout couple in the room. As they fed each other titbits and chatted quietly to one another they were oblivious to the envious and affectionate looks of others around them. Ted Russell, dancing with his long-time girlfriend, whispered to Sydney and Jo, dancing beside them, "I wish them all the best, she really glows and I don't think I have seen him this happy in months."

Jo whispered back, "Won't surprise us if there is a wedding before this tour is over."

Ted Russell nodded in agreement then smiled. "Another good excuse for an end of tour party!"

Sydney slipped his hand lower on Jo's back as the woman snuggled closer into him. "How long are you and Bonnie here for sweetheart?"

"Unfortunately Syd I have to go back to work tomorrow night and Bonnie is coming back with me."

Sydney stiffened a little in her arms as she told him. He relaxed as Kelsey's thought came to him, "Which is why, my lover, that Thelma and I are going to be in our own beds tonight. You have some lost time to make up!"

Looking around he spotted Bonnie chatting with several members of the team that didn't have partners. Seeing her flirting outrageously with them he sent back to Kelsey. "I don't think Bonnie will be missing me too much tonight!"
