Reborn Pt. 01


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"Of course I do, sweetie. Thank you for telling me. I think I can just about fully grasp your expectations and desires from life now. You're unhappy with your body, your personality, your life. You want to be you. But who are you? Tell me, other than being a horny 18 year old girl that needs to cum right now, who are you? In the long run, who do you want to be?"

I shrieked as his tongue met my clit, his tongue grazing over my entire wet pussy as he licked and sucked at my aroused mess between my legs. I gripped the leather recliner's arms, pushing my back into the seat to try and calm down the storm swirling in my cunt. This was too much. I was going to cum soon.

"I...I want to be pretty. I want to like my body. Like myself! I want to be a good girl, like you keep calling me! I want to be slutty and cum and have sex...and...and...I want to be owned. Forever! I just...I want-I want-I want-" I gasped as he sucked hard on my clit, my hands slapped up to grab the back of his head and push him deeper into my pussy. His tongue obliged, swirling and lapping inside my dripping slit. I felt my eyes cross and roll in my head as they always do when I'm near orgasm. I humped and grinded into his warm, sexy face as his tongue kept flicking around my eager cunt. I let out a long moan.

"I want to belong. I want to be loved - by a man. I want to be used by him...sexually, physically, emotionally...I want to please. I want to please. I want to be good. Let me be good for you, Brett!" He seemed pleased by my answer as he moaned softly against my clit and sped up his tongue movements. I felt my pussy clamp down, and my lower body began to shake as I was wracked with an orgasm.

I screamed and laughed as I rode it out, this was it. What I lived for. These moments of bliss. My hips moved in a series of movements that were purely primal - thrusts only my sexual nature knew how to do.
My professor's living room was filled with moan after scream after shriek of ecstasy as I came on his tongue repeatedly for 15? 30? 45 minutes? My concept of time deteriorated after my fifth climax. All I knew was hump, grab and play with my tits, pant, and cum.

At some point he finally pulled away, looking down on me as I shook with glee, and held my tits as my lungs heaved and heaved with each breath I drew in. He smiled, leaning in and petting my hair. I loved when he smiled at me. I loved that I made him happy. I loved the way he softly played with the hair that reached all the way down to my breasts. He dropped the strand of hair he had been holding, straightening up.

"Sleep now."

I woke, my eyes feeling like hell. I wiped all the gross crust from my eyes, blinking awake to view my surroundings. This was not my dorm. I looked out a window, it was dark outside now. I whipped my head from side to side, trying to understand where I was. Oh right, I went to Professor- I mean Brett's house for private counseling. I must have fallen asleep sometime...but when?

"You're awake now?"

I looked straight ahead, my eyes focusing on the pale glow of his figure outlined against a laptop screen.

"Y-Yes, I'm so sorry I fell it late? What time is it?"

"No worries at all, I told you to sleep. It's been a couple hours. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I did-" My skin suddenly felt cold, like a breeze hit me. I glanced down, seeing all I was wearing was my skirt and heels. My panties were in a bunch around my ankles, my shirt and bra thrown off in a pile. Oh my God.

"OH FucK- I'm so sorry how did I-" I snapped my hands up to cover my naked chest, my arms squishing into my tits. Instantly, I remembered everything. Arriving, sitting down, the light, the bell, his questions, him fondling my tits, licking my pussy, and all of my orgasms.

"What...what did we do?"

He took out a small remote from his pocket, clicking it and turning on the overhead lights in his living room. "We had our first counseling session, and you did great! I told you my methods were unconventional. It was just a bit of light hypnosis, I just put you in a trance and that opened you up to answer all of my questions. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you my intentions from the get-go. That would have made you biased and judgemental towards my treatment, rendering it not as effective. You were extremely perceptive to my treatment, way more than I thought possible. You're simply a natural at being hypnotized! I didn't, uh, start things sexually though. You mentioned it first and we kind of spiraled from there. I promise I never took advantage of you."

He sounded almost defensive. He had to know I wasn't mad at him, right? I had so much fun, how could I possibly be angry with him? Sure he kind of deceived me, but I did everything according to my own wishes, it sounds like. If my memory served me correctly, that's exactly what happened.

"I'm okay with what happened...I had no idea hypnosis really worked. At all. That's I was in a trance?"
He nodded. "If you wish to continue counseling with me, I think that's the best way to go about curing your depression. Not treating it, but curing it. I have a strong theory as to what may be the root cause and how we can fix it. I've actually been writing it up since you've been asleep. I've always wanted to attempt at reprogramming someone's brain to think in a more positive manner, hypnosis is one of the steps involved, but you'd need a more in depth treatment than that to permanently eliminate this illness. I'd love to try and help you, Gra- oh, sorry. I forgot you don't like to be called that."

I took in his words carefully. All of it sounded...perfect. Curing me? That's all I could ever ask for from a psychologist. My mental issues that I've dealt with for years and years...gone. It sounded too good to be true. Brett had made me feel amazing before, so I had some hope that he understood what he was doing.

He was a superb professor. Psychology was a difficult subject, but he made it almost easy to get through with his engaging lectures and kind demeanor. He was the type of guy that brightened up a whole room. Not to mention the way I loved how his glasses framed his warm eyes and the way his shoulders stretched the fabric of his button down shirt. To be able to work with him one on one...that seemed like a dream.

It was also a dream to have his tongue in between my legs. I usually didn't masturbate to people from my life, but fuck, if I had had privacy these last few weeks I may have succumbed to that desire. The past few hours had seemed like one big fantasy, and to have the option to continue it? I was crazy if I didn't say yes, right?

"I'd love that, very very much! You're right, I probably would have been cynical about hypnosis if you had told me. But now that I see how strongly it worked...if you think it can help me, I'd be honored to keep working with you!"

Brett's face brightened up with joy, and he stood up.

"Amazing! I'm so glad you're willing to work with me. Let me go print out some papers I'd like you to read." He strode out of the living room, leaving me alone.

I put back on my clothes, feeling less exposed in his large house. I only had a few seconds to take in its beauty before, but now I carefully pieced together all what I saw. Dark wood floors, leather furniture with red wooden trim and accents, black furniture, various decor of animals, pictures of him and what I can assume to be his family. Various hunting memorabilia hang from the walls, a couple mounted deer heads, antique looking guns, string lights tastefully placed draping from the walls, and against the long, back wall a huge gray stone fireplace with a large flatscreen TV hanging down near the top.

The house seemed personal. Alive. Vibrant. I stared at his immaculate leather furniture, wondering what it would be like to sleep on them and watch the fire, or fall asleep watching that huge TV screen. To wake up and see these clear, polished windows with their dark red satin curtains framing them, to look outside and see a dark, seemingly endless forest every day surrounding you.

I drifted around the room, taking in every small detail. Every small part of Mr. Wood's life. Eventually I made my way to the opposite end to where his kitchen entryway was. I walked in, again amazed by how large it was. Black and marble countertops, emblazoned with chrome kitchen equipment, a huge fridge, and dark wooden shelves scattered across the walls. Lamps hung from the ceiling, decorated with various antlers. Was he big on hunting? Or just deer decor? It could be both, him living next to woodland and all.

Another hall revealed itself, this one to a dining room. I slowly entered, my heels clicking softly against the wood, into once again another huge room. His redwood dining table sparkled and reflected the lights above it, the lights also bouncing and reflecting on more framed pictures, furniture, ornate dining chairs, and the polished hardwood floors.

This whole house seemed like a fairy tale. I had been to a few 'rich' houses before, but this was unlike any other. The house didn't scream 'I'm filthy rich' but rather it was just too well decorated to not be seen that way. Brett took care in the things he did, I realized. From decorating his home to teaching his students. He cared, about so much.

My family's house was nothing impressive by any means. Just a low income house in a nice-ish neighborhood, with an amalgamate of furniture thrown together of stuff inherited from now dead relatives and bought on sale. It wasn't tastefully decorated like this palace.

What must it be like to wake up, every day here? To gaze around at all this beauty?

I carefully sat down in a dining room chair, by all means feeling out of place. I didn't belong. I was a square in a circle hole. Just like with my family, every friend I've had, every school I've attended, I was isolated in a place not my own.

Everything about his decor screamed 'man'. It was similar to furniture I'd place in my own house one day, but in this place it just held this rugged beauty. I so desperately wanted to belong here. This was heaven in a wooden and concrete home.

What must it be like, to be a piece of property like this? To be owned, tastefully designed, and cherished? To belong to a set? To be wanted?

What if I could belong here? That thought pierced my mind, threatening to never leave. I want to be owned.

Heavy, male footsteps suddenly reached my ears. Fear struck through me, worried I had annoyed him by exploring.

"Ah, there you are," he said with a grin, walking in and sitting in the chair next to me. "Exploring?"

"I-I'm sorry, it's just so big...your house is just...breathtaking." My eyes teared up. I didn't know why, but I looked away to hide it from him.

He chuckled. "Thank you, I've gotten that response before. I have pretty good taste, huh? I'm glad you like it." He slid a pile of papers to me.

"I've written up a small contract of sorts for our counseling appointments. Read it carefully. I've put together many of my thoughts and outlined a full treatment plan for you. I really think this will help you."

I nodded, taking the papers delicately in my hands. The first couple of pages were standard 'everything is confidential' spiel, but then it began to get more and more into detail. It underlined some basic treatment you'd see at most clinics, a firm diet and eating plan, regular exercise and gym appointments together, a regulated sleep schedule, future hypnosis trance sessions and what they aim to accomplish, afterwards it started getting into some...weird specifics.

Sexual reconditioning, brain reprogramming, one of his credit cards to allow me to buy any outfits I wanted, sexual training, cooking lessons, cleaning lessons, and a reading schedule. I was equally perplexed and horrified as I began reading. I was utterly confused as to the second half. What was he trying to- then I read it.

After careful months of reconditioning, hypnosis, learning, body acceptance, and personality modification, ______ hereby agrees to stay as a legally bound slut-wife.


I looked up, about to ask a long series of questions-

"I know what you're thinking. But hear me out. This is for the best. You said over and over you want to be used, by a man to reach your fullest potential. To be used, cherished, loved, and fucked too. If we can work together to alter your mind and yourself as a person to a point where you're happy, healthy, and in your eyes beautiful, you will be cured. No depression. No room for error. Your brain will be functional and well once more. You won't have to worry about anything anymore. Family, friends, you can leave all that behind and be with me. I can continue to work with you closely and personally if you can live here with me. I'll gain a deeper understanding to your person and be able to develop more and more effective methods of therapy. I haven't found a romantic partner, but I think you'd make a good fit for me, especially after some reprogramming. Do you like me, at all? Can you imagine yourself living here with me?"

I stared around, dumbstruck. I'd love to live here...but with a man I'd hardly interacted with before today? He was sweet and intelligent, not to mention attractive so...maybe? I realized, I didn't have much of an option. Do I go on like this? How long can I, before I make a mistake and...hurt myself?

My family didn't care. I didn't have strong enough friendships for them to care. No one cared what would happen to me. But Brett...he seemed to. He seemed to have my best interests at heart.

I have nothing to lose.

"Be with you? Like, forever? I barely know you but...fuck, I really like you. You've been the only one to make me feel happy, like myself, in a really long time. I don't know if I'm good enough to be trained and used by you and stuff."
"I promise you are. I've seen you through our session today and I'd like to make this step for you. It would be what's best for both of us. You'd belong to me, and I'd take care of you. If you eventually wanted to leave before treatment ended, you felt unsafe, or unsure of your decision, you're welcome to leave. This is all for you. I truly do think being dominated and owned is what's best for you right now. You'd be my property, and I'd take all of the steps needed to ensure your happiness here."

"Okay...but what does slut-wife mean?"

"Well, if through our treatment you realize your feelings are strong enough for me to spend, say, the rest of your life here working with me, we can get married. And, even before that, I can use you freely and sexually. Just like you wanted to be used. You said as much before. You wanted to be used to your fullest potential, to be the best you can be."

My mind flashed back to the way he handled my breasts, groped, pinched, made me feel full, happy, open, me. I felt good...I wanted to feel that again. I wanted to be the best I could be. I want that so much.

"Brett...I want to have a purpose. I want to be the best I can be. College is just a thing I'm doing, you know? I haven't even decided on a major or career path. But I want something to live for. Something to strive for. Perhaps aiming to be the best, uhm, slut-wife, could be my purpose." I looked up, and into his eyes. Those intimidating eyes.

"C-Can you please help me be the best I can be, sir? To be good enough for you?"
His face softened. "Of course I can. I'll give you a reason to live. I'll give you a new life, here, with me. A place you can belong to. A place you can be yourself, a sensitive, kind little slut." He reached out to ruffle my hair and stroke my head. I closed my eyes and leaned into his warm touch.

"I'll teach you all the tools you need to please me to your fullest extent. Cooking, cleaning, satisfying my urges, helping me emotionally, helping yourself emotionally, help you let go of your old life, get a brand new look, a new wardrobe, a body you're proud of - I can give all that to you, I promise you, Gr- uh, do you really not like your name, sweetie? Is there anything else I can call you?"

I wanted that. I wanted all of it. But I needed a name...

"D-Did you call me something earlier? In trance? A pet name? I think I really liked it. Was it...angel?"

He nodded, moving his hand down to rub my shoulder. "Would you like me to call you that instead of Gracie?"

I nodded eagerly. "Yes please! I-I really like it when you call me that. Please please please do, sir."

"Alright. Then you'll be reborn as Angel. As soon as you sign this contract, we'll begin our relationship, and I'll give you a brand new life to be happy in. You'll never have to worry or be depressed again once training is complete. I'll provide for you and supply you everything you desire. Especially of the sexual nature. You won't have to make any decisions or choices, all will be laid out or premeditated for you. No more thinking." His hand dropped to rub my exposed thigh.
I was instantly aroused once more. No more hard more thinking...that did sound appealing.

"Do you agree to my terms?"

"Yes! Of course, Brett, I'll do my best to make a perfect wife for you!"

He smiled, pulling a pen from his pocket. I took it excitedly, signing Angel in big cursive on the line.

He took my chin delicately in his hand, leaning forward to plant a kiss on my lips. He tasted so sweet...

"I'm so glad I get to work with you, Angel. You'll make a great partner for me, won't you?"

I nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck. I had something to cling to. Someone to live for. A goal to strive for. A new life.

I was reborn.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I want to read more of this so badly!! Please do a part 2 with the process!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Magnificent story!! Please continue and make Angel the perfect bimboslut trophy housewife...

annikasfuryannikasfuryover 2 years ago

It’s a perfect, lovely fantasy. I hope you give us more chapters someday, but thanks for this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This made me soaked it definitely needs more chapters please please continue

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

i loved everything in this story except that how come all the male characters of your story never suck the girls nipples why not ? do you personally hate it?

i mean they all either slap tits or pinch them only giving pain to tits

whereas women actually love their tits to be sucked till they are sore it makes her so vulnerable so lost in pleasure she cant even say no

they are perfect for each other

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Yes, very good story, great characters.... we need Chapter 2, and 3, and 4...

The fact that his dog liked her right off was a sign that this was a relationship that they both needed. I'm usually not a fan of stories where the perspective changes, but I think you handled it well. About the right amount of time on each.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Interesting way to do it. Combine it with an impregnation kink and it's perfect.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Thank you

I like intelligent writers - you are one of the best

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Part 2 needed!!!

I loved this story. Where’d prt 2???

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Love to see more

It was a great read and I hope you continue the works.

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