Red Roses Ch. 03 - Orange Roses

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Trish dares to be free.
13k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/08/2020
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Good day, reader. If you haven't read previous installments of Red Roses, don't worry; this chapter can stand on its own. For those who've read the previous parts, I apologize for this taking so long. I switched point-of-view from Justin to Trish for a couple chapters. This one will be a little more fun, with some heavier, darker stuff on the horizon.

As always, standard rules about my lousy copy-editing apply. No matter how many times I proofread something, a few typos slip through (yes, I agree, I *should* take the time to get an editor). And whether you love the tale or hate it, all feedback is welcome, though if you hate it, telling me why helps me get better. Thanks!


Justin inserted the key card, swung the door open, and plopped the carry-on bag on the floor, propping it open. He turned his crooked smile towards me and offered his hands. "Should I carry you over the threshold?"

I gave him an arch look. "Of course you should."

Without warning, I jumped at him. His eyes widened in surprise but his hands caught me around the torso. I wrapped my legs around his waist and smothered his face with my lips. Justin's hands slid down to my rear end and pulled me close. He staggered through the door as I kept raining soft kisses on him. I noticed his foot kick the bag further into the room. Freed of the obstruction, the heavy hotel door swung shut.

He took a few steps towards the bed and flopped our tangled bodies towards it. We landed on our sides, facing each other. I giggled as we bounced. Justin grinned at me. "Welcome to your honeymoon suite, Mrs. Halstrom."

I couldn't hide my own smile. Well, why not smile? I asked myself. This is where we've been heading our whole lives, even though we almost screwed it up.

Admittedly, our whole courtship was crazy. In the process of going from "best friends since childhood," to "friends with weird benefits," to "lovers," we'd had no shortage of pitfalls. Any number of things could have derailed us. But here we were, two years after I first handed him that envelope for our role-playing scenarios, now husband and wife.

I touched my lips against his again. Both of us closed our eyes. I concentrated on the sensation of his body against mine. Justin's hand found my cheek and gently caressed it, eliciting a thrill from deep in my body. His mouth was soft and warm, as always. I edged back and gazed at him.

Justin opened his eyes, caught my stare, and whispered, "What are you thinking?"

"Just how much I love you."

"Same. I'm sorry this is only for three days."

"Stop it." Because of our hectic work schedule, we'd agreed on a three-day honeymoon for now, with a longer vacation planned a few months from now, when we both expected things to be easier. I was just fine with it. I pinched his nose. "That just means you get three days to show you how much you love me."

His eyes narrowed in a hungry, predatory look. I swallowed and started to tremble in anticipation. Every time I saw that look, it meant that I was about to get ravaged—and I loved the idea.

A hard knock echoed from the hall.

Justin blinked. He glanced at the door and sighed before getting up. It was all I could do not to pout.

Justin opened the door to reveal one of the resort's porters, bringing our luggage. While Justin dealt with him, I got up, opened the french double doors leading to the balcony, and stepped outside. The salty tang of the ocean air wafted past my nose and the sounds of celebration and laughter drifted up to the seventh floor, where our room lay. Laid out in a semi-circular arc, the hotel encompassed the pavilions below. Even in the post-sunset twilight, the lush gardens and courtyard, containing the pool and bar, still hopped with happy, festive tourists. Beyond the hotel grounds, couples strolled the beach. The faint rhythm of party music sounded in the distance. I gazed at the wings of the building curving away. Other resort-goers sat on the balcony, stared over the ocean, or chatted and laughed together.

Warm hands encircled my waist. I tilted my head to the left. Justin kissed the right side of my neck. "Got all our bags. Everything's here." Another kiss.


"How are you feeling? Tired?"

As he said it, I realized I was. It had been a whirlwind week of wedding events. We'd flown home to Atlanta from Tampa a few days before, had an early morning of preparation, a brief ceremony, dance-filled reception, a quick change of clothes, saying goodbye to everyone, and then a five-hour flight and journey to the motel here in Nassau. I said, "A little. I should be, it's been a full day." I chuckled. "I'm not sure my mother was ever going to stop crying. Yours either."

"I know," he said. "They still think we're crazy."

"They'll be okay." I faced him and placed my hands behind his neck. Justin's eyes probed mine and found myself falling into those windows of his soul. "Now, Mr. Halstrom, I believe it is time for you to consummate this marriage properly."

"Oh, do you?"

"Yes—though I'm afraid you won't be able to show everyone a blood-stained bed sheet tomorrow that proves my virtue."

He raised a mocking eyebrow. "Do you have any virtue left?"

"Very little, sir. You've already taken what little remained."

Our lips met. Despite my fatigue, my body tingled. He said, "That's fine."

He took my hand and led me to the bed. We doused the lights and shimmied out of our travel clothes.

It was nice. Gentle and loving. We didn't do anything different. Justin took his time, kissing my whole body, then tonguing my snatch until I reached a brief orgasm. He worked his way up my body and slid inside. Justin's cock felt as good as it ever had; each thrust filled me nicely and feeling him pushing me apart was every bit as wonderful as the first time we were together. We whispered our love into each others' ears until he came. We spooned together, with Justin on the outside. His arm pulled my hips back against him. He fell asleep in seconds.

I smiled too since I knew Justin had to be exhausted. His best man, Ben, told me Justin had barely slept because he was so nervous. I hoped he'd sleep well with me. I could feel his juice running out of me and debated getting up but shrugged; we were already comfortable and I'd have a shower in the morning.

I considered our first sex as husband and wife. It had been ... fine, I guess. Pleasant. Nothing too extravagant—certainly not among our best sessions.

Stop it, I told myself. You're both exhausted. Not every time we have sex is going to blow our socks off. You've got several days here. Give the guy a chance.

That thought made me relax. I snuggled into him and promptly fell asleep.

I woke to a soft breeze caressing my hair. Stray strands drifted over my face. I wrinkled my nose and blinked my eyes open. Sunlight streamed in the open balcony doors. I sat up in the bed, clutching the sheet to my chest.

"Good morning, Mrs. Halstrom." Justin sat beside me on the bed. He only wore a pair of cargo shorts. Justin leaned toward me and gave me a quick peck. "Sleep well?"

"Mmm-hmm. You?"

"Like a baby." He hefted a porcelain cup. "Ready for coffee?"

"Yes, thanks. You went to get coffee?"

"Room service." He smiled and gestured to a silver cart with a white linen cloth draped over it. Various dishes covered the cart. "We have a full breakfast over here. Don't worry, I covered you up before the waiter rolled that in."

I blushed and lowered my eyes. Justin and I had been friends since we were children. We'd remained so past college. As we transitioned to lovers, even with my crazy scheme for us to fulfill some of my fantasies, my modesty remained. I know it was a product of my upbringing and there were times I resented my parents for it. I'd gotten better with Justin, but the thought of a man wheeling a cart into the room and catching sight of my naked body—even covered by a sheet that must have molded itself to my form—brought a pink heat to my cheeks.

That wasn't all, I shifted and was shocked to feel a flutter in my groin.

I blinked and looked a Justin. "Tell me you got some grapefruit."

"Of course I did."

My stomach growled. I rose from the bed, pulling the sheet around my front. I felt Justin's eyes tracking me; I could almost feel his gaze tracing my bare back, gliding over the contours of my shoulders and ribs, down to my waist, and then my butt. Justin has always loved my rear end, which is good, because I work damn hard to keep it in shape.

I turned my head slightly, just bringing him into my field of view over my shoulder. I shot him a smoldering gaze. "You better eat too, big boy. You have to keep your strength up."

He lay back, though his eyes never left me. "I already did. Now I'm just enjoying the show."

His comment elicited another blush from me and I shook my head. How does he do that so easily? I helped myself to some fruit and a croissant and returned to the bed. In between bites, I said, "What's on the agenda today?"

"It's our honeymoon, sweetie. It's whatever you want it to be. You want to hit the beach?"

At his words, the curtains by the balcony stirred and I shivered. "It might be a little cold this morning. Maybe this afternoon. The Carnival starts tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, tomorrow night."

"That'll probably be fun." I thought for a moment. We'd been living in Tampa together for the past year and had already done a lot of the fun things one might consider trying on a honeymoon in the Bahamas, like snorkeling or riding jet skis. I knew we'd chosen Nassau for the Carnival but after all the rush of the wedding, all the hectic running around, I just wanted to spend some relaxing time with my favorite person in the whole world. "Would you like to just go out and walk around a bit?"

"That sounds good. After showers, I think."

Justin hopped off the bed and went to the suite's massive bathroom to spool up the shower. I took a few last bites, stood, and exited to the balcony. The white mortar and bricks of the resort glowed under the brilliant Caribbean sun. I squinted and raised my hand to shield my eyes A few folks moved through the courtyard below. I inhaled the mild air and sighed in contentment.

Motion to the left and a few floors down drew my eye.

About a hundred feet away, a woman emerged onto her own balcony. She was about my height, though much wider through the bust and hips. I think most men would have called her "thick" or "voluptuous" rather than fat. Her long blonde braid reached her waist. She was also stark naked.

I gasped.

The woman raised her hands over her head and stretched, arching her back. I imagined I could almost hear her groan of contentment as her muscles released. She thrust her heavy chest out in front of her.

It's a wonder those things don't tip her off balance. I giggled at the thought.

A man stepped onto the balcony behind her, just as nude as she was. He was tall and broad through the shoulders, with a bodybuilder's physique. A trimmed beard accompanied his close-cropped black hair. His cock ... well, what can I say? Some men and "growers" and some are "showers," and this guy was definitely a "shower." He must have been nine inches long limp. I winced; I'd never been with anyone that big and didn't want to. Justin was almost seven inches and nice and thick, and even he could get uncomfortably deep if I got in the wrong position. I never wanted to try anything bigger, not even a toy. Still, the man's tool was quite a sight to behold.

The man stepped behind the blonde and wrapped his arms around her waist. He whispered something in her ear. She smiled, reached behind, and stroked his cock, which began rising to the occasion. His own hands rose, cupping her breasts. He pinched a nipple and she laid her head back against him. After a moment of her ministrations, the man was fully hard. His dick stood out like a flagpole. The blonde turned and sank to her knees.

I trembled, embarrassed. I knew I should have stepped inside, not intruded on their private moment. But then I thought, How private can it be if they're on a hotel balcony where anyone can see?

The woman placed one hand on the man's hips. With the other, she guided his dong to her lips. She kissed the tip and smiled up at him as she gently stroked his shaft. For his part, the man held her face in his hands and stared back at her.

She slurped him inside and bobbed her head down the length of his cock. Despite the heat in my cheeks, I was impressed that she got all of it into her mouth. She rocked back and forth while the man watched her. His hand reached down and stroked her breast, pausing only to pinch the nipple. After about two minutes of this, the blonde stood, took his hand, and stepped inside, dragging him behind. Just as he was about to enter, the man glanced my way and grinned. I dropped my eyes, chagrined to have been caught watching. When I looked again, they were gone.

I raised my hand. The fingers shook. My entire body quivered and my breath came in short gasps. Amazement struck me. Just watching the pair for a moment had almost brought me to an orgasm.

Justin came to the doors. "Shower's ready."

I whirled, lunged through the door, and threw my hungry body into his arms, dropping the sheet behind me. I rammed my tongue into his mouth. My momentum carried us onto the bed. Justin's strong hands closed on my shoulders and I shuddered. I was dripping wet, no doubt about it. I pulled myself off him, dug my fingers into his hips, and all but ripped his pants down his legs. His prick was already hardening and I wasted no time in engulfing it in my mouth. The soft flesh solidified between my lips as I devoured his manhood. I was so exuberant that I heard his hissed gasp of discomfort. I figured the pressure and speed were a little too intense for him but I was beyond caring. The moment he was hard, I jumped up, grabbed his hands, and pulled him to his feet.

Justin's eyes were slightly wild. "Trish?"

"Fuck me. Fuck me hard."

I lurched and fell over the bed. I spread my feet, planted them on the floor, and raised my ass. I glanced back at Justin standing there, slightly awestruck. I tried not to yell. "Come on!"

Lust covered his face. He grabbed his dick in one hand and my hip with the other. I felt the head part my lips.

I dug my hands into the bedspread.

His first thrust almost knocked me off my feet. His cock lanced deep into me and I groaned. Justin's free hand snaked up my back and buried itself in the roots of my hair. He tugged my head back as his swollen member plundered my pussy. With every thrust, ripples of delight pulsed through my abdomen. My legs started to shake as my orgasm mounted. I had to force the word from between clenched teeth. "Yes, baby, fuck me!"

Primordial grunts were his only response. His hand released my hair. He held both hips and yanked me back with each thrust. I felt him swell inside me and that was all it took to push me over the edge. I shrieked and went rigid. My orgasm tore through me, tensing every muscle in my body. A second later, Justin growled. A sloppy wet heat flooded my loins but he kept right on thrusting. Waves of my orgasm gradually faded and Justin's assault slowed.

I panted for breath. "Oh ... oh damn. Baby, that was ... was ..."

"Fucking fantastic," he said.

"Yeah, that."

I lowered my face to the bed and tried to catch my breath. Justin slumped behind me, doing the same. He rested his body against mine. His cock was still in me.

That was intense, I thought, more so than any sex we've had outside our role-playing encounters. I was so keyed up. I bit my lip. It was from watching those two. They knew I was watching and they seemed to like it. I did too.

Another thought occurred. Oh, God. What is Justin going to say? Maybe he'll let it go, chalk it up to me being happy to be on our honeymoon.

God has a sense of humor. No sooner had I thought that when Justin murmured, "What brought that on?"

I admit, I briefly considered making something up but I couldn't. For one, Justin knew me too well. Aside from my lover, he was absolutely my best friend. He'd sense a lie. But more important, even though I was a little shy to discuss it, he was my husband. My confidante. He deserved honesty. I said, "Why don't I tell you while we get cleaned up? You have the shower going, right?"

"That sounds good." He pulled out of me and my body protested, reminding me of nothing so much as a baby that's had its bottle taken away. It just felt so perfect and right for him to be inside me that when he left, I actually felt less complete.

I stood and draped my arms around his shoulders. "You know I love you, right?"

"I know. I love you too." He raised an eyebrow. "Is that a way to sugarcoat what you want to tell me?"

"No. I just like saying it." I gave him a quick kiss. "Let's go shower."

We soaped each other. Justin cleaned every inch of me. Some guys might have used it as an opportunity to cop another feel. I wouldn't have cared if he had but his actions were caring and gentle, as if he really wanted to make sure I was clean from head to toe. His consideration made me feel loved and treasured. I returned the favor and told him about what I had seen on the balcony. When I was done, he said, "That sounds hot."

"It was."

"Be honest, Trish. How did you feel when the guy looked at you?"

I lowered my eyes, blushing for what felt like the tenth time that morning. "I couldn't believe they were doing it right out in public like that. It was brazen."

"And exciting?"

I knelt and scrubbed his legs—which was fortunate timing since I didn't have to look him in the eyes. "Yes."

"Hmm." Justin's voice was pensive. "Very interesting."

I glanced up at him. "Meaning?"

The corners of his mouth turned up in a smile. "Nothing. Let's finish up in here."


We walked hand-in-hand through the Straw Market and along Bay Street. Aggressive streets vendors swirled around us and other tourists, and shouts hawking their wares filled the air. We poked through the storefronts—not because we needed anything but just because we enjoyed the pleasant morning together. Every now and again, I stole a glance at Justin and I swelled with love. If someone had asked me years ago if we would have ever gotten together, I would have just laughed it off. He'd been my best friend for decades. It took us almost losing each other for me to realize that he was the other half of my soul. Now I had him and I'd never let him go.

We wandered south out of the market area and climbed the Queen's Staircase to old colonial Fort Fincastle, at the highest point on the island. I gazed out over the sapphire waters of the ocean and the beauty of Nassau. A feeling of contentment settled over me. "Spectacular view," I murmured.

"Yeah." Justin shielded his eyes with his free hand.

"I'm glad you're here to share it with me."

He squeezed my hand in response.

We ate lunch at a streetside cafe, then made our way back to the resort. No sooner was the door to our room closed than I started peeling off my sundress. "I think I'm ready to hit the beach."

Justin undressed and pulled out a bathing suit. I pulled out a modest bikini and a wrap. Ten minutes later, we were on our way down the resort's stretch of shore.

I kicked off my flip-flops the moment we reached the beach. Warmth from the white sands massaged my feet with each step and the ocean breeze tickled my hair. Sunlight glinted off the soft waves rolling to shore and the low hubbub of a thousand beach-goers filled the air.

Justin staked us out a pair of empty beach chairs. I shed my wrap and smirked at Justin who said, "You make me want to be a bathing suit." I blushed again; my two-piece was modest, and not cut to be too revealing. Still, as I glanced around the nearby beach, I caught several men checking me out and I felt a little thrill of excitement. The thought made me laugh. I'd been an accountant for several years. I'd fought through tough situations, argued with CEOs of corporations worth billions, and won. I was a respected professional. And yet, I was still a woman, and like most women I knew, I enjoyed an appreciative glance now and again.