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Wife has to pay to keep her husband.
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"Bonus checks have arrived!" my boss Terry announced. "Rick, you have maxed out every quarter this year, so the annual bonus in my hand is 15 grand." I had a great year at work. My quarterly bonuses had been spent spoiling my beautiful wife, Leah. I gave her some expensive jewelry, I gave her a huge gift card at her favorite clothing store, and we took a vacation to Europe. Leah told me in no uncertain terms that this bonus was for my own pleasure, but I had no clue what to do. I'm 30 years old and feel like I have everything I could want.

My best friend at work, Kyle, crept up to my desk, "So?"

I smiled, "15 G's."

Kyle smiled widely, "OH SHIT!! What are you doing with it?"

"That's the problem, I have no fucking idea. I'm supposed to spend it on myself and I have no fucking idea."

Kyle looked a little jealous but gave me a big pat on the back. "Rick, you deserve something nice, you work really hard. Think about it, you'll think of something."

I was tired and relieved the day was over. I strolled out the front door and waved at Kyle as he drove away on his Harley honking back. Kyle was a great guy. I'd like to spend more time with him outside of work. My drive home was boring until I got about a mile from home. I live in the suburbs of Lowell, Massachusetts. In the driveway of a home not far from my house sat a beautiful Harley for sale. 'That's it!' I thought. 'I'll get myself a Harley so I can hang with Kyle more.'

When I arrived home, Leah was making dinner in a flowered sundress and singing to herself. She saw me come in the front door, "How was you're day, baby?"

I smiled, "Great, I got my bonus today!"

"Really? That's great, how much?" she asked staring at me intently.

"15 thousand"

"No way!!, that's great, any idea what you're going to do with it?"

"I think I got an idea today, I want to buy a Harley-Davidson so I can hang with Kyle more."

Leah looked happy for me. "That sounds exciting, you have the whole weekend to start looking."

I did just that. My weekend was spent calling and going to look at some bikes. By Sunday evening I had decided on a 2017 Dyna Street Bob an older guy was selling across town. It wasn't the biggest, fanciest, or anythingest, but it was newish with low miles and that was good for me. I registered it on Monday and drove it home illegally since I didn't have my motorcycle license yet. I used to have one years ago but it had long since lapsed. Three weeks later I had a license and I could legally ride.

Kyle took me around with him on some nice rides on winding roads in the country. He eventually introduced me to some friends that he rode with from time to time for the last couple years. I joined them on a couple rides with a group of six of us. Doug was an older guy, maybe mid 50s, who had invited Kyle into the group. Roy seemed to be the leader of the group. He's a big guy at like 6'2", at least 250 lbs and he is intimidating. He looks like he's a seasoned biker even though he may only be like 30. I have yet to see him smile and I don't think he likes me. He has tats on most of his visible body and well broken in leather. His 103 Twin CamB is an impressive and loud machine. He is always in a lead position with his best friend, Manuel, on his fatboy. Manuel is also very quiet, not as big as Roy but still formidable. Manuel however seems friendlier and smiles often even if I sometimes can't understand his accent. The last guy in the group I only met once, his name is Joe and he only rides with us occasionally.

At the beginning of June, Kyle came to ask me if I wanted to go camping with the group in New Hampshire for Bike week. They go riding, sightseeing, go to bars, get drunk, smoke weed, and go to bike week events. I told him I would go if I could bring Leah along. Kyle didn't think anyone would have an issue with that. "There's only one thing, a couple of these guys are married and this is a chance for them to get out and 'have some fun' if you know what I mean."

"Hmm, You mean they cheat on their wives? Nice friends you have."

"Just make sure Leah is cool with that, they don't want to be ratted out," Kyle explained.


The day we left was great weather. We brought a tent and a few days worth of clothes and toiletries. Leah and I rode over to McDonald's to meet up with the others. As the others arrived I introduced Leah. When Roy met Leah I saw him smile for the first time and he actually talked to me for the first time. "How did a pansy like you land a hotty like Leah?" Leah giggled like a giddy teenager.

I probably looked a little hurt but tried to respond in a masculine way, "Fuck you, Roy."

Roy chuckled, "I bet you'd like that."

I wasn't looking forward to the rest of the week already. We got on the highway and as usual I got to bring up the rear. It didn't bother me at first but then Roy would make fun of me for being the newb. We traveled into New Hampshire before stopping at a big rest area for a quick restroom break and a drink. Leah got off the back of my bike and rubbed her ass exclaiming, "Whew, my butt is getting sore."

Roy strolled up to us with the whole group gathered around and said, "You can ride up front with me, I have a custom seat that is soft as a pillow. We wouldn't want to mess up that perfect ass now would we?" He smiled at her as she blushed and he looked over at me with a similar hue to my face but it was due to rage.

"Oh, you don't mind honey, do you? It really does hurt," she said like a little girl while hugging my arm. I pursed my lips but didn't say anything. "Thank you, honey, and my butt thanks you, haha."

'Fuck,' I thought, 'my fucking wife just abandoned me.' My eyes turned green as a jealous rage ran through me as I watched my wife get on the back of Roy's bike. We continued north and got off at exit 20. Each time we hit a red light, Leah and Roy would talk and laugh. Bike week around here can get pretty crazy. Tons of bikes everywhere and lots of debauchery.

We were still about 15 miles from the campground. At the next red light, Roy yelled, "Go ahead, do it now!"

Leah laughed loudly then lifted her shirt and bra over her tits. She was flashing her tits!! Cars heading the other direction honked and yelled out the window at her. "Keep going," Roy yelled. So Leah just ripped her shirt and bra over her head and off. She turned to stuff her clothes in a saddlebag and shot a big smile in my direction while waving her arms in the air. I didn't smile back. She rode 5 miles and three lights without her top on.

Before we got to the camground, Leah had put her shirt back on (without the bra) and had her arms wrapped around Roy. The campground was pretty full with mostly bikers. We had to find sites, claim them, then go back to the gate to put our money in an envelope and drop it in a box. This campground has over 200 sites and very few were available. We would need 2 sites. As we slowly rode through, a pickup truck with a full bed was pulling out of a site.

Kyle and I pulled in to claim the site. When the others came back they said they would go get another site and come back. Leah jumped off Roy's bike and strolled over. She smiled at me and again I didn't smile back. "What's got your panties in a bunch?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "It's bad enough you abandoned me to ride with Roy, but you took off your top while you were with him. How do you think I feel?"

She sighed. "I was just having a little fun, besides, he dared me." She pulled out the tent and walked away swaying her hips. I wasn't sure if it was meant for me or someone else.

Once everyone had set up their camp the others came to our camp to hang out until dinner. I got a fire started and we all drank, smoked weed, and talked. I started to feel like this was going to be fun after all. Leah behaved herself and we went to bed late that night.


The next morning, we went for a ride through the mountains. Leah asked nicely if she could still ride on Roy's bike. I was feeling a little less insecure so I let her go. The ride was beautiful. We stopped at a few attractions where things started to bother me again. It seemed like Leah spent more time walking and standing next to Roy than me.

That night was a repeat of the first except that I was not in a talking mood. In fact I was starting to become agitated. Roy and Manuel started back in with their insults and innuendos. After the long day on the road, drinking too fast, and being high, I decided to head to bed somewhat early.


I woke up needing to make the journey to take a wicked piss. Surprised that Leah hadn't come to bed yet, I thought I might rejoin the party once I got back. When I unzipped the tent the fire was dying and everyone was gone. 'What the fuck?' I thought. I believe I loudly said "Where is my fucking wife?" My stomach dropped then I heard a rustle from Kyle's tent. I looked in with my flashlight but it was just Kyle shifting in his sleep.

I checked the time, "Fucking 1 am?" I walked to the bathrooms with the thought that she had to take a piss at the same time as I did. I went to the men's room and came out but didn't see or hear her. I went back to camp and still no Leah. My anger was spilling over now. Why would she leave without letting me know?

There were a couple explanations in my head. They went to a store for something or they went to the other campsite. The latter scared me. There would be no good reason to go there when the fire is already going here. I never found out what site they had taken so finding them would be a large feat. I had to look though, otherwise my insides would disintegrate.

I began walking with a flashlight and checking site after site. Almost every site had two or three bikes. I started by looking at the bikes until I almost got beat up by an angry biker. Instead I realized that the plates had to be from Massachusetts so if there were any other plates on them I kept going without another look. My nerves got even more frazzled the few times I passed a tent with the sounds of sex emanating from them.

I jogged back to our site to check but still no Leah. I was getting very determined even after only a part of the campground was covered. Then I thought of a shortcut. I knew most of the empty sites when we arrived were up the hill in the woods, so I decided to hike up there and backtrack. Soon I stumbled upon a site with three bikes with Mass plates parked at the access point. Sure enough these were their bikes.

There was a trail that led out to the site so I shut off my flashlight and walked silently closer. It didn't look like anyone was around until I heard something from one of the tents. I crept around behind to get close enough to hear when my world collapsed. "OH YES, Fuck that's good! FUCK ME." It was my wife's voice. All I could think was 'Why did I fall asleep? It's my own fault.' But then I came to my senses, 'No, it's her fault, she was heading this way.'

I crept closer. I could hear flesh slapping flesh. A grunt from Leah. 'What am I doing? I need to go stop them.' I thought. A long low moan from Leah and a grunt from Roy every pump.

I started a video on my phone if only for the audio. There was a lantern in the tent but I dared not get closer. Leah erupted into a cacophony of a slut. "OH GOD, FUCK ME HARD!! YES, YES, YES. I NEED YOUR COCK. I'M CUMMING!!"

The onslaught of whorish sounds continued when I noticed Manuel heading from another tent into Roy's tent. "Fuck her face, we need to spit roast her," Roy said in an evil tone.

Leah made my heart crumble more when she responded, "That's right baby, give me another cock." I knew the sounds of sex were not enough, I needed video. I eased closer and put my camera under a rain fly pointing through the screen.

"Oh fuck, you have a tight pussy," Roy mumbled through gritted teeth. Manuel seemed to only be moaning. I could hear the sound of Leah's little moans and whimpers even with a cock in her mouth.

Manuel started to lose it, "UH, UH, UH, Siii, swallow my cum, puta." I couldn't see my phone so I was still going by sound. I would check out the video later. Roy was breathing hard and Manuel's cock must have dropped out of her mouth. Now Leah was vocalizing again.

"OH, Fuck me harder," she wailed. It sounded like he was pounding her senseless. She screamed out, "YES, OH YES." It had to wake up everyone in the sites at this end of the campground.

"I'm gonna cum," Roy stated. I think he was waiting for instructions. Without any protest he continued pounding and cumming into my wife.

"That's it baby, cum in my pussy. Oh that feels so nice."

Roy said, "Manny, you want sloppy seconds? She's still going strong."

Manuel must have accepted the offer since soon I heard slapping flesh again and moaning from my wife. Manuel's voice yelled, "Dios Mio!! OH, OH, OH, SI." At the same time I heard the unmistakable sounds of another orgasm from my wife.

As they settled down from their orgasms I noticed Doug walking over to the tent. Leah again shocked me by saying, "Come over here Doug, it's your turn."

I couldn't see Doug but from his voice he was as shocked as me. "What the fuck is going on? She's married to Rick!! Does he know about this?"

I don't think Leah expected that reaction. She just assumed he would want to fuck her too. Roy spoke up, "You better not say a fucking word or I'll pulverize your face, you understand?"

Leah's voice sounded distracted and very soft. "I better go now, he could wake up and look for me."

Roy bitterly said, "Fine, I guess we're done with you tonight. Tomorrow is a new day." The words were both foreboding and rude. He just told her they used her like a whore and planned to again tomorrow.

I heard no more words exchanged as I began to sneak out of the site. My heart was smashed and my mind was racing. What would I do? I had to get back to camp first. I needed time to think. I decided to jog back to camp and get in bed so I could think more.

When Leah arrived at the tent she came in and lightly called my name. When I didn't respond she grabbed her bathroom bag and left. I assumed she was going to try and wash off the stink of treachery, the smell of deceit, and the scum of adultery. I would lay all night long thinking, deciding, crying, and at times trying not to think at all. It was all too much. My life had changed, my wife had changed, and I had changed as well. I still had no plan but confrontation was a no brainer and then I would have to go home with or without Leah.

Before any light from dawn was peeking over the horizon, I got out of my sleeping bag. I couldn't just keep laying there. I lit a fire mostly for something to do. I thought about making breakfast but that would wake people up. Once the sun came up Kyle stirred and came out with me.

"I'm sorry about how those jerks have been treating you. I don't think I'll be hanging with them anymore." I looked at Kyle with a crooked smile and tears welling up. He looked surprised and said, "Oh man, I didn't think it was bothering you this much, I'm sorry."

I smiled more sincerely, "You're a good friend Kyle. I need someone to confide in right now. I'm not just pissed off about that stuff. Last night they took my wife to their camp and fucked her." Saying it out loud made me cry once again. "That's the last time I cry about it. Now I have to make things right."

Doug, or "Old man" as they called him, was walking into the camp and it was still quite early. Kyle asked, "What are you doing here so early old man?"

He looked pretty down. "I came by to clear my conscience. I have some very troubling news to deliver to Rick."

I looked at him with a sad smile, "Man, I don't know you very well but you are a good man. I already know what you're about to say so save your breath. I don't really want to hear it again."

I heard the text chime on Leah's phone go off. A couple minutes later she unzipped the door and came out. At the very same moment I saw Roy and Manuel walking towards us.

I stood.

Roy bellowed, "Hey man, I'm taking Leah with us to the store." Just like that, no asking, just telling. He was still getting closer. I looked at Leah and she quickly looked at her feet.

I turned and began walking towards Roy. I knew I would get pounded into a pulp but this was the only action that felt right at the moment. As I approached him he looked quizzical. I didn't want to sucker punch him but I did want the first shot. As I got close to him I slammed a strong punch into the point of his chin with the heal of my hand. Adrenaline had provided some needed power making it a devastating blow. I thought I heard a crack and saw his eyes roll into his head. I heard Leah scream. I knew my opportunity was at hand and I knew what would work. I hauled back and with all the power left in me, I threw my fist, my arm, my shoulder, my whole body into a

body shot into his abdomen. There was no resistance from the muscles in his abdomen, he was never ready for it. He doubled over to the ground where he laid in the fetal position, groaning loudly.

I considered jumping on him to finish the beating but thought better of leaving myself open for retaliation from Manuel. Instead I looked at Manuel who looked at Roy and then back to me. He shrugged. I wasn't sure what that meant but it was clear we weren't going to fight.

Now I turned to my so-called wife. She was crying of course. It's hard to be mean to a crying woman. She didn't look up, "H-How did you know," she said through hiccups, sniffling, and sobbing.

"Does it really matter at this point. The question is Why? Why would you ever do something like this to me? Don't you still love me?"

She stood still in the same spot not moving for a solid minute. "I don't know why. I don't think I could ever answer that. I'm so sorry!! I do still love you and I would do ANYTHING to fix this. PLEASE DON'T DIVORCE ME!!! PLEASE!!" She fell to her knees sobbing uncontrollably. I was not about to console her.

I wasn't paying attention but apparently Roy and Manuel had decided to take off, Roy still slumped over. Kyle looked at me with concern in his eyes and Doug was just shaking his head at the whole situation. I realized at that moment that I didn't want a divorce either, I still loved Leah. But I needed to gain some self esteem and respect after this humiliation. I couldn't just take her back and forget about it.

After a few minutes of contemplation it hit me, REPARATIONS!! She needs to prove that she REALLY wants me back. I need the assurance that she IS willing to do ANYTHING to keep me. I put together a quick sketch of it in my head but all I needed for now was a couple steps to get started.

"OK, slut, I have a plan for you to stay married to me, a roadmap per se. You will have to follow this roadmap to keep me. I'm not simply going to fuck another woman. That wouldn't be equal, you would know about it ahead of time and there would be a good reason why I was doing it. My plan is reparations to your faithful husband. Do you understand?"

She was still sniffling and just above a whisper said, "Yes."

"That's going to be 'Yes Sir' from now on. Do you understand?" I looked at Kyle who had a bit of a smirk on his face.

"Yes Sir," came her response.



I waved Doug and Kyle over to the picnic table where we sat down. "Get your worthless ass over here and kneel next to me, slut" She did as I asked. "Now I've read some stories about submissive women. This gave me an idea. You are going to make reparations by being my sub for one year. Or you can choose divorce. If you choose to stay with me you will quit your job so you can be home for whatever I need. You will do everything I ask you to do without question. You will only speak when I tell you to. You will not talk back or say no to anything I ask. Their will be punishment for mistakes. You will endure an initial punishment for what happened last night. If you fail I will divorce you. It won't be easy. At the end of one year you will be absolved of your transgression completely. In fact we will never speak of it again. You will be free to be yourself again including being my loving wife. I wouldn't be giving you this opportunity if I didn't love you. Do you accept this plan or do you prefer divorce?"