Right Down the Line Pt. 02


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Thanksgiving was upon us before we knew it. Cliff and I had gone out several times leading up to the holiday. We did a lot of necking and steamed up the windows a few times, but nothing beyond that. I was ready for more and needed to find a way to let him know. When he arrived at the house on Thanksgiving Day he had a beautiful floral centerpiece for Mom and a huge fall bouquet for me. My heart was racing as Mother helped put the bouquet in a vase with water.

With a sideways glance she said, "That boy is a panty dropper. You be careful young lady. Are you on the pill?"

It wasn't any of her business, but I nodded. She patted my butt and whispered, "Good girl. Now, let's show these men why they're glad we cooked."

Setting the last of the feast on the table Mom looked around and harumphed. Putting her hands on her hips she turned to me.

"I guess we can forget about whether they'll get along. Look at those two. Standing in an inch of snow, shoes getting wet, no coat on, hands in their pockets. Never mind we're in here trying to make sure everything is right with the meal."

She walked that walk that only occurs when she is pissed. Slid open the door and yelled, "When you two fools are done ruining your shoes and freezing your asses off there's food on the table."

I heard Dad utter "Oh shit, we done it kid."

Mom and I were seated as they entered, Mom raised her hand and her voice, "Take them shoes off. You aint trackin' that mess across my floor."

I chuckled, she only talked like the hick atmosphere she left as a young bride when she was angry. Cliff was smart enough to keep his mouth shut throughout the meal, Daddy on the other hand was busy trying to win Mom's favor. When they were in the kitchen getting dessert Cliff leaned toward me and asked.

"Are we okay? I didn't know I was doing anything wrong. Your Dad wanted to talk about trimming more trees come spring."

It was time he learned an important lesson, "My Dad will get you into all kinds of situations if you aren't careful. Most of them will get you into trouble with me just like they do with Mama."

He stupidly asked with a wry grin, "Will you make me sleep on the couch?"

And there it was, the first, but probably not the last, time to piss me off. He knew from my facial expression that he had screwed up and tried to say something. I stood and stared at him long enough to say.

"I'm gonna help Mom with the cheesecake. Don't move, we'll settle this later."

No matter how much everyone tries to pretend there's no elephant in the room, it's always obvious there is. That basically describes the rest of the afternoon. Both men walking on eggshells, Mom and I holding it together so as not to make a scene. Cliff and I needed to talk but I had no idea how we were going to separate ourselves from my parents to do that. Then it dawned on me, Cliff had never seen Dad's HO model railroad set up in the basement. Perfect excuse to vacate and no longer be compelled to watch an overly boring football game. To be more accurate, Dad was watching, Mom was crocheting.

After we ooed and ahhed about different things and ran a short line of cars around the track a few times we both knew it was time to sit and clear the air. Being a typical male he wanted to explain and apologize. I put my index finger on his lips and said softly.

"Be quiet. We were okay until you made the comment about making you sleep on the couch. Let's set the record straight, we've done no more than kiss and you're already insinuating we'll be sleeping together. Furthermore, if we reach the place where we are sleeping together you need to know from the git go that there won't be anyone sleeping on the couch. We stay in bed and work it out, neither of us leaves the bed. It may take a few nights, but by God I won't have that shit ever happen to me again. I have one question. Are you sure you want to date this mess? I have issues that still haunt me."

Instead of blurting out a series of platitudes and hyperbole he sat looking in my eyes. I sensed the gears were turning. Thankfully I was smart enough to wait it out. It seemed like a lifetime before he answered, in reality it was probably no more than thirty to forty-five seconds.

Taking hold of my hand he took a deep breath and started, "Am I sure that I want to date you? The simple answer is yes, from the first time our hands touched in the backyard I knew it was you I wanted by my side for as long as we live. Do you have issues? Of course you do. Who doesn't? I'm anything but prime real estate but I'm willing to try if you are. Then there's my comment about the couch. It was inappropriate. I was trying to be smartass and failed."

I interjected, "What about neither of us leaving the bed angry or upset? We stay and work things out. Can you live with that?"

He smiled softly, "That's the way I would want it. You'll get no argument from me. So. Does this put a wrench in the gears, or are we good?"

I needed to reassure him that we were good and to encourage him in the pursuit of winning my heart. I scooted a bit closer, put my hand on the back of his neck and drew close enough that there was no more than a whisper between our lips. A whisper I filled with the following.

"We're good, now kiss me."

I knew to be careful how far I let things go, and thankfully he wasn't pushing for more. We were lying down snuggled together on the couch necking when I shifted slightly causing his hand to brush across my breast. He instantly moved his hand. I moaned softly and said. "It's okay."

Moving his hand back to my breast made my inner parts begin to churn and want more, but not yet, not in the basement of my parents' home. He gently cupped and squeezed my breast shaping it to his hand. I wondered how it would be to feel his rough calloused hand on my bare skin instead of through a blouse and bra. That thought alone brought shivers down my spine. I was about to let things go further when we heard footsteps on the floor above.

Once again, this wonderful man's instincts kicked in to ensure my integrity. He quickly moved his hand from my breast, sat up pulling me with him and began kissing me. We were locked in an embrace kissing when the light came on. Followed by dad's heavy footsteps. He stopped on the bottom step looking things over, then muttered.

"You kids might wanna come upstairs now. Mother says it's time for pie."

Now whether my Mother actually said that we will likely never know, but we got the hint and made our way upstairs. Mom was cutting slices and putting them on plates as I finished whipping the cream. She sidled next to me and asked in a low voice.

"Are you kids alright? The air seemed awfully frosty when you went downstairs."

"Yup, we're good. Had a nice talk and cuddled."

She chuckled, "By the looks of your messed up lipstick you did more than cuddle. Your blouse looks about right. Not out of the waistband and it doesn't look like it's been freshly tucked in. Good girl."

I knew what she meant and wanted to be peeved. Then again, she was only doing what a caring mom would do, so why have a hissy fit? I couldn't get past the way he made me feel inside. Wanted, desired, adored if you will. Brian and I had our moments, but never like what Cliff does to me. I want more than the touch of my breast, more than me being excited. I want him to be as excited about me as I am him.

I grinned and told a fib, "Everything is in place Mama. Not that things didn't get heated, but we behaved."

Patting my butt she said in that soft mother/daughter voice, "Proud of you. I know that you'll make the right decisions, but if you love him Honey, don't wait too long. His love for you is obvious, make sure he knows your love for him is the same. You don't need to go at it like bunnies, but this is not new territory for a married woman. It's okay to let him know when you're ready."

"But it is new territory Mama, Brian never made me feel the way Cliff does. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't ready, I'm trying to be careful. I want everything to be perfect."

Mom scoffed, "Then you may as well stop the charade now Elaine because we're all imperfect. He will make mistakes, you will make mistakes, the two of you will jointly make bonehead decisions at some point. Honey, there is no perfect life. It's what we make it. C-mon, they're waiting."

It's amazing what a few hours' time and an apology will do to lighten the atmosphere. We joked and talked as we ate pie, it was as though nothing negative had occurred. It was then I realized that's how marriage is supposed to be. Communicate, find a solution and move on. Cliff and I were side by side, my left hand on his thigh, just like Mom and Dad. I thought about sliding it further up his leg but chose not to. There would be plenty of time for that in a more private place.

With dessert over we played cards for an hour or so. Cliff said that he needed to get home and at least call his mom. He knew that his dad would be lost in drink and football games, giving her time to talk with him without interruption. As we stood at the doorway kissing goodnight I stood on tippy toes and whispered in his ear.

"I liked what we did downstairs. I hope you weren't disappointed."

His answer made me feel wonderful, complete. As if the past failures and struggles might finally be just that, a thing of the past. It was time for the new Elaine to begin living for herself, not a long-lost dream that never came to pass.

Letting his hand drop just enough to be on my butt he squeezed, "Mmmm, loved it. I love everything about you Elaine."

"Will I see you tomorrow?" I asked.

"If you want to. Work is closed until Monday. I have a tree to take down Saturday, otherwise my weekend is open."

"Let's do something special, just us. The mall will be a zoo, maybe we could go to a movie."

Cliff laughed, "Can you imagine how crowded the theaters will be? I have an idea. Why not come to my place and let me cook for you?"

I knew what my answer needed to be. I needed to cook for him, prove to myself that I was worthy of his love and attention. And, to let him know Mama's cooking skills had been passed onto me. Taking the lapels of his jacket in hand I pulled him tight enough to my body that I could feel his thighs touching mine as I responded.

"How about I come to your place, and YOU let ME cook for you? Do you like stuffed pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy?" He nodded enthusiastically. "Okay, then that's what we'll have. I'm off at noon, I'll shop and bring it over around three."

He didn't say anything, but I knew he had something to add. Taking a deep breath he exhaled and said.

"I love the idea, but I insist on paying for the food. How about if I meet you at the store and we shop together? One other thing, I'll make dessert. Deal?"

I giggled and kissed my Prince Charming, "Deal. Good night, see you tomorrow about 12:15."

I was lying in bed dreaming of what Friday afternoon and evening might be when there was a gently knock on my door.

"Come in Mom."

To my surprise she didn't turn the light on. With the door open there was enough light to see her way to the bed. I scooted backward for her to sit close. She stroked my hair and asked how I was doing.

"I'm good, Mom. He makes me feel complete. I'm excited about cooking for him tomorrow."

She grinned, "I think we both know there will be more than cooking supper involved. Are you ready for things to take a turn? It's been a while since you were romanced."

"That's just it, Mom. I don't think I was ever romanced by Brian. There was lots of lust and the excitement of something new, but I can't remember romance, not like Cliff shows me. I know a daughter isn't supposed to ask, but what was it like the first time you and Daddy made love?"

She smiled and patted my cheek, "You're right, you aren't supposed to ask, then again, who else would you ask that you trust more? Our first time was awkward. We were virgins and had no idea how to please each other. Once the initial hurt and discomfort was gone, we somehow made it a loving experience. Your dad was so afraid of hurting me, it was precious. We waited two days before trying again and from that time until now our sex life has never been anything but wonderful."

She paused a moment and asked, "Are you planning to have sex with Cliff tomorrow, Elaine?"

My mind was racing trying to think of the right answer, "No. I'm not planning to. I'm not sure how strong I'll be though. When we were in the basement he had his hand on my breast over my blouse. It was tender, loving and made me excited in a way I've never felt before. I want that again, I want those feelings, that sense of being wanted and loved for plain old Elaine. Not just a piece like I was with Brian."

She frowned, "Brian is a piece of work, that's for sure. I heard he's dating the Talford girl. Wow, that's a match made in hell. She's wilder than he is. I know it was hard and in the end devastating for you but I'm so glad he's out of your life."

She patted my shoulder and kissed my cheek, "Time for me to go to bed kiddo. You're opening so sleep will do you good. Goodnight Elaine, love you."

I called out, "Love you too" as she closed the door.

So much to think about. I tried doing to my breast what Cliff had done but it was nowhere near as stimulating. I now wished I had purchased some sexier undies. Something that says 'take me, I'm yours' instead of white cotton. I'd gotten rid of the lingerie I bought to entice Brian years before but remembered that I did have a lacy bra. A green one, in my mind green does not shout sexy. Mybe if I wore the yellow panties and the green bra the contrast would say the same thing. Anything but everyday white underwear. I am not going to ask mother about underwear. I'm a big girl, a grown woman, I know what I'm doing.


Part three is written and edited. It will be submitted a few days after part two is published.

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oldpantythiefoldpantythief3 months ago

Great story and characters building up to hopefully a nice ending for Elaine and Cliff. Other than the crazy stuff in the first chapter it's almost been too vanila of a love story; I keep expecting for something bad to happen, kind of like real life.

DquiotiDquioti3 months ago

Great story, love the slow burn. Please get the Gerry Rafferty lyric right.

RanDog025RanDog0253 months ago

Excellent story and loving it. You are a very good Author and know how to present all the aspects of beginning a new relationship. Beautifully done, thank you! 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE FLAMING NOVA STARS!

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc3 months ago

Great chapter! 4.8*

6King6King3 months ago


linnearlinnear3 months ago

Nice continuation of a wonderful story. I can't wait for the next chapter.

des911des9113 months ago

Yes. Another good chapter. Thank you. (Im)patiently waiting for the next instalment. :) Thank you

muskyboymuskyboy3 months ago

Nice pace to this story. Thanks for this!

oldsage_1oldsage_13 months ago

Darn it! I read it too soon. I should have waited a few days for chapter 3! This is one of those you like to find complete so you can binge! Only to hate when it ends! Great chapter indeed!



RRC2RRC23 months ago

I love this line: Now, let's show these men why they're glad we cooked."

Great chapter.

I agree with dwoelfle. I love watching your characters unfold. And, I will add, develop.


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