Rise of a New Order


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It wasn't long before the now-familiar pressure filled my breasts. 'Oooh yeahhh-!' I groaned hotly as the sensitive skin grew taut and they swelled achingly into Trafford's face. His smothered gasps grew more muffled as my tits bulged outwards, slowly engulfing his head.

After a moment, the strength returned to my overstimulated muscles and I rolled over to lie panting on the bed beside Trafford, his penis sliding free with a wet slurp. I felt the warmth of our mixed love-juices running down my legs as I stared up at the ceiling, basking in the satisfyingly horny afterglow resonating throughout my body.

I was fully addicted to this.

1 Interlude - Takeover

So began my salacious campaign to hijack the organisation I had served faithfully since childhood. I sent Trafford on his way to keep an eye on the Order's leadership, but it was too risky to move about the keep openly. So, in the early days, I restricted my movements to only the deepest hours of darkness, when I could prey upon my former comrades without risk of discovery.

Alfonse, my loyal chaperone, would keep watch as I slipped into the chamber of an unsuspecting knight. Their slumber might be rudely interrupted by the novel sensation of their disused cock sliding inexorably into my pussy. Before they could react, their mind would already be rewired to care only for pleasuring me. Or perhaps a knight might find his innocent dreams turn wet, as he awoke to find my tits enveloping his spurting shaft, my mouth clamped over the head to suck up every last drop of his potent semen.

I took on a new name - Lady Selene. I could allow no one to know the original name of this body, lest they have some power over me as Khadila had. I bade my new knights suit up in their enchanted armour and go about their business as if nothing was amiss. To my magical senses they would vanish, but I knew I could only rely on their irrational lust for me to keep them loyal.

When the daytime bustle of the castle forced a pause to my crusade of fornication, I laid low in a quiet cellar room to pleasure myself while my loyal followers brought me snippets of information about the goings on in the keep above. Trafford visited often, and the information he managed to mutter distractedly while I sucked greedily on his cock often proved invaluable. After only two days the absence of Richard Gallfrey was noted by the steward, despite my having sent Alfonse to tidy my chamber the night I became Lady Selene. Fortunately, the misunderstanding was swiftly resolved after Trafford lured him to my cellar for a clandestine meeting before it could become widely known.

Between visitors, I would pass the time exploring my body and powers, alternately fondling my ever-dripping sex and groping my ever-swelling chest. Although the dark chamber had been chosen as my hideout for being apparently abandoned, an unsuspecting servant happened to bustle in looking for supplies and instead found his cock swelling with unnatural arousal as he breathed the magical pheromones permeating my make-shift masterbatorium. He never expected the scantily clad woman to pounce from the shadows and pin him to the ground, desperate to impale herself on his pole and sate her pent-up desire.

Those men I knew by name from my old life were excellent test subjects: their minds fell to me as soon as I uttered their true name, so I could take my time to practice my arts of seduction on them before rewriting their sensibilities. My abilities were tested to the limits when I confidently jumped in bed with a man and realised in that moment that I did not know his true name. Before I could think to change strategy or alert my guard standing outside to my mistake, the man had already grabbed me by the arm and pinned me to the sheets. It was fortunate he was not as devout as I had once been, as after a moment of deliberation he decided to tear off my robe and take full advantage of the heavenly body the Three had sent him.

After a busy few nights I had a following of almost a dozen. In another week I would have four times that. It would not be long until I had enough mana in my tits and men under my spell to be able to make more bold moves.

Act V - Rebellion

The nameless clergyman plunged into me with all the desperation expected of a repressed priest. I lay on my back, legs spread wide to accept his offering, while simultaneously tilting my head back over the edge of the bed to suck greedily on the proffered cock of the muscular knight whose hands groped and squeezed my aching breasts even as they swelled ever larger with his own life-force. 'Mmmmhmff- MHMMFFf-' My throaty moans were muffled by the throbbing member as I gulped down spurt after spurt of his hot, delicious semen. The frantic jerking of the penis buried in my pussy heralded the priest's latest explosion into my belly. My muscles clenched as the liquid rush of his powerful seed flooded into my womb, before flowing onwards to meet the torrent of energy gushing from the cock in my mouth and pooling inside my throbbing tits.

In each hand I grasped another turgid cock. Their owners knelt either side of me on the bed, their grasping hands fondling what parts of my body they reach. Squeezing my ass, cupping my breasts, sinking their fingers into my yielding flesh. My hands slid up and down their erect man-flesh, pumping them, working them both until I felt the hot splash of their cum on my hyper-sensitive skin, eliciting that delightful tingling sensation of life-energy in their ejaculate being drawn into my flesh.

My consciousness floated on a cloud of ecstasy as I gorged. Power and pleasure flowed into me as I writhed naked on the four-poster bed, the eye of a crackling storm of sexual energy. The steady swelling of my chest fought against the grasping fingers that sought to sink deep into the tingling tit-flesh, each teat now easily rivalling the size of my old helmet.

Finally, I could gorge without restraint. The strength and quantity of men serving me now far exceeded the following Khadila had gathered around her. Beside us on the bed lay the unconscious forms of two other knights, snoring softly in a deep slumber after the unnatural virility I conjured in their cocks had left them drained, even as their successors joyfully spilled their seed into me.

By day, my attendants and clergymen upheld a veneer of normality for the benefit of the unturned and any visiting outsiders. At night, those not yet under my spell were lured to my sanctum to be welcomed into my new Order.

Yet, so many were still to be turned! My hips began to twitch at the thought of so many of my former comrades, filled to the brim with masculine energy just waiting to be spilled inside me. The latest of the day's countless orgasms began to shake my whole being, muscles clenching as my back arched, thrusting my cum-filled body up from the bed. Each of my partners grunted as they unleashed their seed in unison, a concurrent ejaculation in forced response to my supernatural climax. 'MHHMFFH-' My own rapturous cries were muffled by the spurting penis buried in my throat. My breasts jiggled and throbbed ever larger with their combined energy. Such virility among this horde of men: even as I fed constantly, there was no end in sight!

And yet, even with so many men at my disposal, I was still only one woman. I could only fuck so many at once. With such an deluge of power at my disposal, I had been able to explore new avenues for my magic, searching for ways to expand my potential. Khadila's final spell to turn me had required every last drop of energy she had gathered from her followers over a month or more, but with this bounty of prime manhood serving me I already had the resources to surpass her achievements. But despite the virility of my former comrades-in-arms, not all members of the Order were suitable live-stock. My experimentation had yielded another way for the aged and infirm among them to serve, and simultaneously expand my powers to even greater heights.

The orgy was interrupted when the door to my chamber burst open with an almighty crash, one of the hinges breaking off as the door bounced against the adjacent wall. Armoured knights poured into the chamber in droves. They were dark to me, my magical senses useless against the enchantments imbued in their armour.

'Debauched harlot,' their leader growled at the sight of me on what had once been the high priest's four-poster bed, covered in and filled to the brim with male seed. My lovers backed away from me guiltily, pulling their cocks free of my pleasure holes with a succession of soft slurps. 'You think you can get away with this filth here, in the high priest's chambers, of all places?'

I rose slowly from the bed, making no effort to hide my nakedness or restrain the sway of my enormous bust as I disentangled myself from my male attendants. I cleared my throat. 'Ah, Sir Geoffrey. I see you have returned from your expedition. Have you come to make a report to your new Mistress?' I drawled, as nonchalant as if interrupted while taking dinner at table. Cum flowed from between my legs as I rose from the bed, leaving tracks down my thighs while rivulets of milky-white semen cascaded from my swaying breasts like rain.

My fiery-haired maid-servant hurried up beside me and placed a silk towel into my outstretched hand. I wiped the thick ooze from my face, taking the moment this afforded to calm my rampant sex-drive, before sending the maid scurrying back to her post with a casual gesture and turning to face the fuming knight before me.

I recognised him of old: Geoffrey, Knight-Commander of the 3rd Regiment. A grey-haired man whose years of service in the Order outstripped mine by decades. I hazily recalled that he had been dispatched on some errand or other just prior to my own assignment to execute Khadila.

He loomed above me, and I remembered I had once seen eye-to-eye with this man. Surrounding him were a dozen or so knights, I looked up at all their stern faces towering above me and found grim expressions set with determination. Despite the great hoard of energy I had gathered in my chest, magic would be useless against this many soldiers clad in the Order's blessed armour. I would need to tread carefully. My gaze lingered on one familiar figure in particular.

Alfonse. In his full enchanted regalia I could sense him not at all. The first of my knights, the only man to know my true name and its power over me. It had been some weeks now since I had seen him last. I met his gaze for a moment and found his stony expression unreadable, before turning my attention back to Geoffrey.

'All these strong men, just for me?' I teased. 'Surely you are capable of dealing with one weak woman all by yourself.'

'Do not play coy, witch. We know the danger you pose. What have you done with the High Priest?' he demanded, glancing around the chamber, studiously avoiding looking down at my naked curves. My attendants lined the wall furthest from the door, guilty-faced priests and priestlings glancing nervously between the knights looming behind Geoffrey. His gaze fell upon someone he recognised.

'Trafford! You spineless turncoat.' The lad cowered as the old knight's outrage turned upon him. 'Where is your master? What has this whore done with him?'

I intervened before the stammering youth could answer. 'Oh, he is quite well, Sir Knight. I even bestowed upon him a boon in return for the use of his chambers.' I cupped one of my tits meaningfully, just in case the innuendo wasn't obvious enough for the stuck up old man. 'As a token of his appreciation, he kindly appointed me to lead the Order in his place.'

'Impossible! Adrian would never treat with a witch like you.' Sir Geoffrey spat at my feet and pulled his sword from its scabbard. 'Enough talk, I've seen enough today to know you are to be executed, even if I had not heard of your debauchery from Alfonse.' He waved his men forward. 'Kill them all, even the servants. Let the Three judge them in the afterlife.'

There was the metallic slither of many swords being unsheathed, and the crowd of knights marched forward to flank Geoffrey. A dozen knights in two rows, their rigid formation recalled to me my own strict training in my past life.  I stood my ground, refusing to be cowed by this overwhelming show of force.

'Attack!' Geoffrey cried, and as one the six knights in the row behind stepped forward and smashed the hilts of their swords into the heads of their unsuspecting brothers. Six men crumpled to the floor, leaving Sir Geoffrey alone as Alfonse stepped up beside him.

'My apologies, Sir.' His apology seemed sincere, but regardless he pulled the sword from Geoffrey's stunned grip and threw it at my feet. 'I'm afraid we all serve the Lady Selene now.'

'You traitor! You won't get away with this,' Geoffrey sputtered in outraged indignation, before Alfonse grabbed him by the arm and forced him to his knees with a crack, and the man's face went white for a moment before he screamed with pain.

'Don't move,' Alfonse ordered him sternly. 'We do not wish to harm any of our brother's more than necessary.'

'I'm afraid you've fallen for our honey-pot, Sir Knight.' It felt good to play the villain, explaining my plans to a helpless hero. I leaned down to pick up Geoffrey's fallen sword, the muscles in my arms straining to hold it aloft and pointed it at the fallen knight. 'Alfonse has been running a little resistance for me, attracting any attentive individuals that grow suspicious before they are, ah, 'initiated'. I hope you can appreciate that this way the chance of bloodshed is far, far lower. My predecessor would not have been so merciful.'

A nod to Alfonse and he stepped back from Geoffrey. I let the sword clatter to the floor and stalked closer. Since my rebirth I no longer needed such crude instruments of war. Now that he kneeled, I could look down on him as he had dared look down on me. He glared up at me in outrage and fear. His eyes darted to my bared breasts hanging over him, each rivalling his own head in size, and back again. I smirked. 'Do not fear, good knight. All are welcome in my service, after a small ceremony.' I reached out and cradled his head gently in both my hands, then pulled him forward and buried his face in my cleavage.

At this range, not even the powerful armour of the Order could hold at bay the magic in my breasts, as one taut nipple pushed unerringly past his lips. I sensed him then. A powerful yet aged figure, once he would have been quite the catch. But now he was long since past his fertile days, never having fulfilled his true potential by finding a mate.

'Poor dear,' I crooned. 'Would that I had found you decades ago, before your seed was dry.' His eyes widened, staring up at me in horror over the ripe swell of tit-flesh pressed in his face. 'Still, I can find a use for you. A blessing in return for bringing me these six young men to join my new order.'

Magic surged forth, arcing from my nipples directly into his mouth. 'Mmmhmm.' I moaned as deep throbs of pleasure flowed through my teats, feeling some little remorse as the globes lost some measure of their great girth, shrinking from the size of Geoffrey's head to merely the size of watermelons as the horde of power within them streamed through my rock-hard nips and burst into the aged knight's mouth. When I finally I pulled away, the remnants of the magic flow left a white, sparkling trail across the floor between us.

'You asked what became of our beloved High Priest Adrian. Have no fear, for you shall join him soon.' Indeed, Khadila would have culled both these depleted men from her ranks, but the idea of discarding those of my former family was abhorrent to me. Thus, I had devised another way for them to serve me.

Geoffrey was groaning. His wrinkled face contorted with pain as the magic took hold, the deeply furrowed skin becoming smooth before the room of watching eyes. His complexion took on a youthful pallor, a healthy pink glow suffusing his old grey skin. The steel hairs on his head began to lengthen, and at the roots the colour was long-forgotten light-blond of his younger years. He stared at his hands in disbelief as the callouses of a martial lifetime faded away, leaving behind slender hands that had clearly never touched a sword.

'What have you done to me, witch!?' Geoffrey cried, before doubling over in pain. 'Arghh!' When next he raised his head, his course, greying beard had vanished. Now bereft of the hallmarks of age, he might have been mistaken for one of the Order's young initiates.

'Eternal youth, Geoffrey. Just like your High Priest here.' I beckoned to my maid, a buxom redhead wearing a maid's apron and scant else. 'Help him free of his armour, Adriane.'

Geoffrey stared at the busty maid as she stepped forward and bobbed a bow at me before kneeling down beside him. 'Adrian?' Disbelief edged his voice as he looked up at the gorgeous maiden with Adrian's fire-red hair. 'No, that can't be you!'

'It's me, Geoffrey,' The woman breathed in his ear as she worked the straps binding his armour. 'Don't fight it! It's like heaven, true heaven, if you don't fight. Mistress Selene has shown us the true faith! A new purpose!'

'No, it cannot be!' Geoffrey groaned, his cheeks suddenly flushing red as the next phase of his transformation took hold. 'Mhmm - No, I will resist this... this corruption!' His armour fell to the floor with many a clink, and before long he was left kneeling in just his under-shirt and breeches. The clothes hung loosely from him, already the muscular form he once possessed was gone, leaving them several sizes too large.

'It's impossible to resist, Geoffrey,' I taunted. 'You might as well enjoy it. Adriane, you may guide him in his initiation.' I added, seating myself on the edge of the bed to watch.

'Oh, thank you Mistress!' Adriane was ecstatic, diving forward eagerly. The busty bombshell that had once been the wizened High Priest of the Order threw herself onto the increasingly youthful man, straddling his waist with her legs. She pulled at his breeches,    hands reaching under his belt and pulling out the rigid cock that swelled once more with the virility of long lost youth. 'Oh, Geoffrey! Look, look at the gift our master has given you!'

Geoffrey was in no position to answer. His eyes were closed and his whole body trembled as my magic worked upon his flesh. My loyal maid wasted no time in sliding the newly revived shaft deep into her wet slit. 'Mmmhm, ooooooOOOHHH!' The wanton cries of the priest-turned-slut echoed around the room as she began to bounce up and down on the knight's captured cock. 'Ahh-Ahh-aHH-AHH!'

The poor old knight could do naught but gasp helplessly as his former master plunged his manhood deep inside her young, eager sex. Somehow the maid's apron had ended up on the floor nearby, so nothing blocked our view of Adriane's tits jiggling directly in Geoffrey's face. She leaned forward, smothering him 'Oh Geoffrey- Ahh! How does it feel for you? It's like- mhmmmMhm- all of heaven- Ahhh- the Three's love, is inside of me! OOOOH!!' she cried, 'I'm so happy I can be your first... and last!'

Geoffrey's legs kicked desperately, from somewhere between the giant breasts of the corrupted priest came the muffled cries of his anguished pleasure. His hands were pulling at his shirt, grasping frantically at something. It tore apart just as the last vestiges of his once manly chest disappeared, leaving only hairless, unblemished skin from hip to shoulder. Smooth and flat, but for the two grape-sized bumps at his breast.

'Oh, they are so cute!' Adriane crooned, 'I just want to eat them all up!' True to her word, she leaned forward, taking one of the pink nips in her mouth, sucking eagerly. 'Arghh- HYAAAAH!' Geoffrey's voice broke mid-cry, the grizzled shout of a veteran soldier morphing into something far more effeminate, wailing in excruciating pleasure as his over-sensitive nipples were tweaked and sucked roughly. None could have mistaken the young sissy figure for the hulking old knight that had barged into this room mere minutes before, save for the very male penis still buried inside Adriane's crotch.
