Romancing the Sale


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"Bill, we can't cover Dani's clothes or room and board, but I want you to expense her car, cell phone and all other legitimate business expenses you paid for since she started working with you. Send the itemized expense report directly to Jack for approval. Also, I want Jack to order you and Dani new company phones, smart phones I mean, and also new, faster laptops. He will speak to you about what you want in both toys soon."

Bill nods, a little too stunned to speak.

"Tomorrow morning, I'm going to check with HR, but I'm pretty sure support people make $30 and hour, or about $62,000 a year. When you call them Monday afternoon, they will be ready to process you into the company. I don't believe we have a job titled Direct Sales Support Specialist, but if we do, you're in with no problems. If we don't, you may be placed on a temporary contract until that title is established."

Rick looks at Bill and Dani, saying, "Bill, you and Dani will be our Salesman of the Year, even if you don't sell to another customer. In mid January, the top five salesmen and top management, including the BOD, are going to an all expenses paid, week long meeting to go over the company plans for the future."

"This year, it's in Maui. I expect to see both of you there, and I would like you to prepare a presentation on the concept of a sales team and present it to the group, and maybe even the BOD if it comes to that. I also want Dani to participate. Any problems sharing the stage with her?"

Bill stammers, "Absolutely not! I would demand that, Mr Johnson. It will be an honor to share the stage with her. We are a team and neither of us is better than the other. Each of us brings a very specific expertise to the table. If either of us fail, the team fails. I cover her back and she covers mine. That is my concept of a team and the two of us make a great one."

Dani smiles and nods in agreement.

"Awesome," Rick says. "I like your philosophy. I definitely have to talk with you and Dani again... Dani, don't be surprised if we ask you to come to headquarters randomly to talk about what your customers want. In addition, every now and then, we'll send some people to you, so they can visit and hear for themselves what your customers really want."

"I'm sorry, Mr Johnson, but if they think I or we are lying to them, maybe they shouldn't visit us," Dani says.

"Good point, Dani, but it has little to do with that. Our Development Department is mostly college graduates who think they know it all. They are a challenge to work with and even more challenging to get straight answers from them. I will call you in advance and give you two right of refusal so if you don't want them in your territory, that will be the time to say so," Rick concludes.

Dani says, "Okay."

Bill wonders, "Is the other problem you mentioned previously have anything to do with the time constraint between now and Maui?"

"How perceptive! Yes it does!" Jack exclaims. "We only have a few months so we need to get the ball rolling on this project pronto."

"One more question," Bill says. "Will the Development Department have a problem with us doing their work?"

"Rick answers, "No doubt they will complain, but they also have no choice but to do what they are told. Also, the help with this project will come from that department so we should be okay. If any problems occur, we will handle them at the management level so it should not affect you or your work. Good question though."

As the bosses stand up, Bill and Dani do the same and Rick says, "I've enjoyed talking with both of you... Bill, Dani, I'd like to be first to congratulate you on being #1 in sales this year. Dani, welcome to the company. I suspect I'm going to hear a lot about you and Bill in the near future. To both of you, thanks for the continuing education."

With that said, they shake hands, Bill drives them back to the office to pick up their rental and Dani goes along for the ride. Once Jack and Rick are in their rental and out of sight, Bill and Dani look at each other's eyes. Still in shock, he abruptly hugs her and holds her tight.

Bill whispers, "Congratulations partner! You knocked 'em dead, yet we're still standing. Imagine that!"

She smirks, tears up and he leans over and kisses her passionately.

Then she says, "We knocked 'em dead, not just me."

They drive back to their apartment, with her sitting next to him while rubbing his cock the whole way home. They run up the stairs to the door and enter, removing their clothes faster than lightening and engage their bodies in sex for a couple hours before falling asleep, then they wake up during the night and have sex again. She's so happy she can't believe it. It's a fun, satisfying night, but they also have to work the next day.

* * * * *

Friday rolls around and Bill has only scheduled two sales calls, not a normal schedule for him on Fridays these days, just the ones he postponed from yesterday. Over the past few months, he made his schedule to be on the road selling on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and research companies on Monday and Friday every week, learning his success rate is improved with that schedule. Today, he's back at the apartment before noon with two more sales under his belt.

Dani only has one installation and two call-backs to deal with and worked four hours, returning just shy of 1pm. They are so happy about what happened he decides to make a big event out of dinner on a Saturday night. He's not ready to do it yet because he needs time to get organized before he executes. He doesn't tell Dani about any special plans either, wanting it to be a total surprise, nor does he do it the next day.

The weekend is upon them and they are full of passion for each other. They do a lot of exercising in bed, even spending some time at the gym and pool. Saturday night is especially fantastic as they go out for dinner, knowing the prior events that have happened to them. Still being on a natural high, it feels good to be in the position they are in. They are congratulating themselves on a job well done.

Chapter 25 A Very Special Dinner

On Monday afternoon, Dani calls HR and they set her up as a contract employee with a fixed salary plus expenses. HR told her they need more time to research a salary and job responsibilities for the position so the contract is only for two weeks, then they will change her to a company employee. She's excited about being paid to do what she loves to do. Bill, seeing her happiness, gives her one hell of a big, tight hug.

* * * * *

The following Saturday night, they are back at the classy French restaurant and Mary is their waitress by request. After they are escorted to their usual table, Mary brings a bottle of Dom Perignon champagne.

Bill's eyes widen and he protests, "We didn't order that, Mary!"

She grins, "Compliments of the management for our regulars."

She pours and leaves with their order, then they talk.

"Dani, this is a very expensive bottle of champagne. Can you believe it?!"

"I know, I wasn't expecting that either!" she replies, with a little happiness hidden inside.

They toast their glasses, then sip.

They have a million things to talk about. Dani received her first salary check the day before and it's huge, representing eighteen weeks of salary. It appears the maximum pay rate for Dani's work was underestimated and it turns out to be $72,000 per year. Rick submitted her at $68,000. Both are surprised.

Bill's expense check also came in paying for everything he claimed as his expenses. They are swimming in money and it feels oh so good. Bill also picked up their new laptops and phones three days before. All of this is a good reason to celebrate, and they are.

Dani wants to give him her check, but he tells her he has some ideas and they will discuss the whole money situation tomorrow. She reluctantly agrees to wait, but not without thinking of some fun she's planning for later.

The meal, being really good, causes them not to stop eating until both stomach's complain. Neither of them want desert, but knowing what it is, Bill has to insist they partake so they agree to split one dessert.

She nods with one of her adorable smiles.

When they have eaten enough, Mary comes to the table and he says, "Mary, for desert, we would like to try a single serving of the crème brulee please."

She nods, grins and leaves.

He turns to face Dani and says, "Dani, when we first met, you were standing in front of your friend's apartment. You were dirty, scared, broken, disheveled, malnourished, depressed and when I told you your friend left town unexpectedly, I could see panic in your eyes. You didn't respond to my voice so I gently guided you into my apartment. You appeared as if there was no tomorrow for you and you were ready to do something permanent. Being in an extremely bad predicament, I could see the end of life in your eyes... I took a risk, not knowing if you could rebound from the terrible scenario. But, you needed a friend in the worst way and I was lucky enough to be there for you. So, I've seen you at your absolute worst," he says very softly.

She slowly drops her chin and stares at the table top as her eyes begin to water. He reaches over and picks her chin up to look at him and gives her a quick peck on her lips.

"However, you rebounded well. Since that day, you have blossomed into the determined, confident, intelligent, professional, beautiful, sexy woman that you have always been. Never in my life did I expect to cross paths with a woman as beautiful as you. You have put us in a world all our own. So now, I have seen you at your absolute best."

"I've grown fond of your quirks, your sexiness, your inquisitive nature and your contagious happiness, and other things far too numerous to mention."

Mary returns carrying a single round plate that holds a dish of crème brulee. In the center of the dish, sitting on top of the slightly-hardened custard, is a disk of white chocolate, the size of a silver dollar. In the center of the white disk is an engagement ring that sparkles and reflects off both candles on the table.

Dani picks up her fork and is ready to attack the desert when she sees it. She stares at it in shock and disbelief, dropping the fork. Her lips part and she looks at Bill with wetness in her eyes. She embraces him and holds him tight as she breaks into tears. Moments later, she releases him and kisses him again with tears running down her cheeks, her make up being destroyed. He loves her so much, he has tears in his eyes as well.

Bill continues, "Dani Taylor, I have fallen deeply in love with you. It stretches down to the bottom of my heart and it won't let go."

He drops on one knee, reaches for her hand and quietly asks, "With strong hopes, will you make me the world's happiest man and agree to marry me?"

Without hesitation she responds, "Yes... oh god yes. Absolutely," she says as she cries. "Truth be known, I fell in love with you about a week after we met. I love you from the bottom of my heart, Bill Langley. This is a total surprise," she said as tears of joy continue to stream down her face.

Mary never left the table, wanting to witness this event. With tears running down all their faces, Dani reaches for Bill, they hug and kiss oh so long before she speaks again.

"I've changed from a very lonely, depressed girl, to a happy, successful woman in the last five or six months, all because of you. As a total stranger, you showed me respect, compassion, empathy, humor and love. You also showed restraint, even when I didn't want you to, but we can talk about that another time."

"I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life, more proud to be your wife and I want to spend the rest of my life with you," she says, making that perfectly clear as tears continue streaming down her cheeks.

Bill picks up the ring and places it on her finger. He has won the only woman he has ever met that is perfect for him. Bill wonders how it all happened, then he reaches for her.

He whispers in her ear, "Paid in full, Dani... Paid in full."

Then, Mary's voice booms over the two of them.

"I guess this bozo isn't as dumb as I thought he was!"

Both of them laugh at Mary's well timed humor.

The nearby tables begin chiming the glassware so Bill and Dani respond with a very deep, heartwarming kiss and hug... Then applause breaks out.

After she shares the desert with him, he escorts her home, holding her every chance he gets. She holds his arm as they walk, very slowly. The moment feels exhilarating to both of them and they never want it to end.

Arriving back at the apartment as a newly engaged couple, it's all night, mind blowing, earth shattering engagement sex. They fuck like there is no tomorrow, knowing once is not enough. "Wow" is all he can say about it. He didn't even know she wanted to do all those things.

They still have a lot to learn about each other, but what they have learned so far is more than promising. Never did he think accidently running into a woman would result in his engagement. He is filled with happiness that this woman has fallen in love with him.

Chapter 26 A Very Special Meeting, Day 1

As time passes, reality has them returning to their work schedule, even though they are a newly engaged couple. They only had a one day to celebrate and it didn't seem to be long enough.

Still, later in the week is something they are looking forward to. Bill and Dani are excited about the pending visit from Jack and Rick. They have been talking about their return since they left two weeks ago. Jack called a couple days after they left to talk about their new toys, which Bill has already picked up. He called again a couple days ago and asked what refreshments they want so they are prepared for their visit.

* * * * *

It's a bright, sunshiny Thursday morning with the heat and humidity coming on strong and quickly. The meeting is set to begin at 8am so the apartment is up and ready at 7. When the bosses arrive, Bill and Dani help them with the refreshments, most of which end up in the refrigerator. None of them want to consume alcohol so that was not on the beverage list.

Bill and Dani give them a brief tour of the apartment, then sit on the love seat in the livingroom and the bosses sit at the ends of the bigger sofa directly across from them. Rick begins the conversation.

"You and Dani have a nice place here."

"Thank you, Rick. It's adequate for us for now," Bill replies.

"Good. Let's get right to work and talk about your team concept, Bill. What you have already said has intrigued me, us actually," Rick is insisting.

Bill begins, "Okay... Do you want a detailed explanation or a problem/solution type of approach?"

Rick thinks, then says, "Let's start with the detailed version. We can always change it if necessary."

"Yup... First, let me say this is our view of our team. We learned this from our interaction with each other and by working together. It is unique to us and nobody else because no other team will be the same as the two of us."

"Fair enough," Rick replies.

"To begin, for many moons, I worked alone because that's the way I wanted it. I was independent, pretty much knew what I wanted to do and so was Dani, but when she came into picture, I knew had to make some changes or the shit would hit the fan. That's my reality, not wishful thinking."

"I suspect you are right about that, Bill," Jack says as they all laugh.

"I never gave any thought to a team until Dani began working with me. Very quickly, I learned Dani is very talented with limitless abilities. I wanted her to work with me in the worst way and I was willing to grovel to make it happen, if it came to that, but it never did. I'm the boss and that is the way we started our working relationship, but problems soon appeared. I did what bosses always seem to do and that is to bark orders, as if she had no brains, and she took offense to it."

"As a result, we had to figure out how to work together and had to work at it in order to be successful. That is what caused us to look at ourselves as a team. We both realized her doing this and me doing that isn't working efficiently. We needed cohesion to our goal."

"We also learned that a team is a unique group of people with a common goal each with a specific expertise. The old cliche there is no 'I' in 'team', became a reality for both of us. We know our individual jobs, but had no cohesion to get it done. That's when we decided to sit down and add that to our mission."

Jack asks, "How do you define cohesion?"

Bill answers, saying, "I believe it to be the ability of one to see the needs of another team member so we can work together, yet separately. How that happens is hard for me to explain. It may happen by osmosis or maybe foresight, I'm guessing. Maybe look at it as communicating with another without talking? Kind of weird, I think, but it seems to be working for us."

"Interesting," Jack replies.

Dani picks up the explanation, saying, "The first problem we faced as a team was caused by Bill selling so much product that I had to work overtime and still was not able to keep up, and soon, it became impossible for me to do so. There was not enough time in a day for me to keep up with the amount of sales Bill was generating."

"He was intensely focused on selling because his research was paying off and rightfully so. That's all he did, but it caused me to be bowled over with work. I didn't complain about the workload because I enjoy the job, but when I didn't see much of him, he realized what he was doing. We needed a solution."

"Bill stopped his sales efforts and offered to help with my job, since he has done it many times before, but I claimed it to be my job and asked him not to step on my territory. Out of respect for me, that's what he did, but then I turned the tables and surprised him by asking if he would help."

"He surprised me by making me the boss, then asked what I want him to do. I asked him to handle the call-backs until I get caught up with the installs. The week off he was expecting turned into a work week for him, but he still managed to do research on his clients. We also took a second week off from sales because the recent installs caused too many call-backs for me working alone. A person may love the job, but if all they do is work over time, it reduces their enthusiasm and desire to complete a job as successfully as possible. This I have learned first hand," Dani says.

Bill jumps in, saying, "Obviously, that incident caused some ill will between us so after we got caught up, we sat down and talked about it. I apologized for what I did. It was not fair to her. I even did a little groveling in the process to get back in her good graces. Would you agree, Dani?"

"I absolutely agree," she replies.

"You notice that I asked Dani for her opinion because I don't speak on her behalf. We are a team and each of us has an opinion, so I asked her for hers. But, in the future Dani, speak up if you have a differing opinion than mine."

"I will do that," she says with a smile.

They laugh and Dani continues.

"But, what we discussed surprised us both. The first problem we encountered turned out to be about our relationship. We discovered we need to deal with two relationships, a professional and a personal relationship," she says.

"Because of that, we learned that we need a personal relationship that allows us to do what we do, yet exist together in a professional environment, so our personal relationship does not step on our professional relationship, and vice versa."

Suddenly, Jack notices the ring on Dani's finger.

"Holy shit, Rick, they're engaged!" he says very excitedly.

"Wow!" Rick says. "Congratulations to both of you!"

"Thank you both. It was something I needed and wanted to do. I did not want her to escape me," Bill explains.