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"That was so funny, but poor Jodie was so flustered that it took her awhile to see the humorous side of it."

"I can just imagine."

Jodie tasted her drink and asked, "So how are Murray and Lynn?"

"I didn't see Lynn, but Murray and I went through things and we're ready for the celebration."

Annette didn't know what we were talking about. She just smiled and petted Oscar until Jodie told her a little about our foursome vacation that we were calling a honeymoon. She smiled first at me and then at Jodie before she said, "Now that sounds like it could be a lot of fun."

"We think it will be too. Murray and Sam are responsible for all of the arrangements, but other than the hotel where we'll be staying, everything is all a secret from Lynn and me."

She gave me a sexy half smile as she said, "Sam, what are you and your friend Murray up to?"

"I'll have to leave it to Jodie to decide what she'll tell you when we get home."

"I certainly hope you will use cameras on this honeymoon."

"Oh we plan to take pictures."

"Annette and I were talking almost nonstop for a couple of hours. Then she went home when Joe got there, and she came back a little while later so we could talk some more.

As she looked down at Oscar and petted him, she said, "Jodie and I have had a great time talking about so many things."

"We really have. Poor Heather is being shipped out in a couple of weeks."

"Sorry to hear that, how's Joe taking it?"

'They've been through this twice before so he's pretty fatalistic about the whole thing. He doesn't like it of course, but Heather loves what she does so he supports her."

"He's a better man than I am then."

"Oh I wouldn't say that. They've just worked out a life that both of them are comfortable with. Well and me too for that matter. I work five days a week, but only five hours a day and the rest of the time I'm Joe's live in housekeeper. That solves my living expenses issue, he hates to cook but loves to eat so there you have it. Three people living a life they are all comfortable with."

"Then I couldn't be happier for all three of you." That was when Oscar moved over to Jodie and snuggled between her legs and again worked his claws against her pubic area.

Jodie didn't throw Oscar on the floor, but she did look down at him saying, "My god Oscar you are so crude," and she ignored him as he slowly pawed against her for awhile longer before settling down.

Annette smiled at me again and said, "I see it, but I can't believe it. Has he ever done that with you Sam?"

Jodie smiled and I mentally stuttered until I managed, "No, as crazy as that cat is, I've been spared that embarrassment." Then to ease away from that subject I retrieved the pitcher and refilled our glasses.

"You better be careful Sam," Annette said. "One thing that will get to me is tequila."

I attempted to talk to her with my smile as I said, "Oh darn, and I believe I used a little extra tequila in the recipe."

That bought me another smile before she told Jodie, "You're fiancée could be dangerous."

"I think I better refrain from commenting on that so I won't embarrass either of us."

"Sam, won't you share any of your secret plans with me?"

"Then you'd tell Jodie and that would spoil everything."

"Really? Everything?"

"There is that distinct possibility."

"Okay, so you two are getting married Saturday and then the four of you leave on your honeymoon. That is so wild and improbable and my mind almost runs wild with thoughts and guesses." We were starting to play word games and I wasn't sure that I was skilled enough to deal with Annette, especially while I was staring at her body. "So Jodie said that you two have known Murray and Lynn for several years."

"That's right. Murray and I met at work soon after we both started there. Then Lynn came into his life so she became a best friend of mine too. Then to my great fortune, Jodie came into my life and now we are an inseparable foursome."

She looked at Jodie and I watched for any body clues as she said, "An inseparable foursome, I like how that sounds."

"It might be like your inseparable threesome. Like you said, you three have found what works for you."

"Sam, that's sharp of you to make that comparison," and she tipped her glass back and emptied it. I got up to refill her glass and she smiled and said, "No thank you handsome. I could get a buzz just from those two and I do have to be up early in the morning."

"What do you do Annette?"

"I'm in accounting actually. I don't have my degree, so that means I do the same thing for less money."

"You can't be in accounting, because male accountants are fat and female accountants are skinny and they don't take care of their hair."

She laughed and said, "Now where did you ever come up with that?"

"I don't know, but that's what I always...well until now anyway, I always thought."

Chapter Twenty Three

Annette stood up and asked, "Jodie would you mind if Sam walked me home?"

"Of course not, I'll make sure that Oscar doesn't escape and stir up trouble," and she smiled at me and I got her message.

As soon as the front door was closed behind us, her arm went around my waist so I did the same with her and we walked very slowly across the lawn. "Sam if I give you a solemn oath of secrecy will you tell me just a little of your plans?"

"Now why would you want to know what we'll be doing?"

"Because I can lie in bed tonight and fill in the gaps with my own thoughts. That and I can enjoy vicarious thrills."

"Now since I don't know you very well, how can I know that you'll abide by your oath?"

"I don't have time to prove that I'm trustworthy, but...okay, I'll give you my reasoning and then an example of something that came to my mind."


We were at the front door to her house, but she turned her back to it and pulled me close to her. Not so close that we could kiss but her hands rested on my hips as I saw her smile in the pale moonlight as she said, "Okay here are my thoughts. You and Jodie have lived together for awhile, so of course you two are sleeping together and enjoying the benefits of that arrangement. That explains your celebration that you're calling your honeymoon, but with your friends. Now what will you do to celebrate? Okay, like you said, we don't know each other well so please forgive me if I misread what I observed and heard from Jodie, and even from you."

I smiled at her and rested my hands on her curves as I said, "You're being very careful but you're leading into something."

"Will you promise not to get mad at me if I'm off base?"

"I won't get mad, but I reserve the right not to answer you of course."

"Now you're the one being very careful. Okay one more thing. I'm a little different than Heather and Joe in that I'm more likely to speak my mind. Not abusively or aggressively though. Okay, I'm stalling because I suddenly find myself a little unsure if I should have even started this game."

"Go ahead and tell me and then we'll soon know if that takes us anywhere."

"Oh it will take us someplace because you'll see just how my mind works."

"And the same could be said for me if this conversation continues."

"You're just too cute Sam and I like standing here talking to you. Okay, here goes. You and Jodie and your friends have reached a point in your friendship that goes beyond what most people allow themselves to reach. Of course I can't possibly describe details of that friendship, but...oh okay, you've either been intimate with Lynn or close to it and the same with Jodie and Murray."

"Wow, now that's quite a leap from what little information you have."

"Well, like Jodie said earlier, we've had time to talk about a lot of things. I'd admit to some little thing and so would she. We'd talk and laugh and then continue, and that's how it was until you got home. That means she and I have learned a lot about each other along the way. Okay, I may be a little off base, but I'll bet not my much at all."

"I'll just admit that you're pretty good at this game."

"Thank you. So you're not going to fill in the blanks?"

"I'll have to think about that pretty one."

"Thank you for that compliment. I did catch you looking at my legs though."

"I was watching Oscar."

She laughed and my spine tingled before she said, "Now you're not being honest."

"But it's embarrassing to be caught gawking at your great legs."

"I don't mind, and again, thank you. Now please tell me just a little bit of one of your secret plans."

"Know that if you tell her, you'll ruin the whole celebration for all of us."

"I understand," and she kissed me very lightly and then leaned back against the door again.

"It's my turn to thank you. Okay, I'll tell you what one part of our plan is and this part Jodie does know about. We're going to do keep in mind, we're just going to have fun. But Murray is going to act as a preacher and marry Lynn and me. Then I'll do the same for Jodie and him."

"Oh Sam, that's delicious and so full of promise. Tell me about this ceremony."

"Damn woman, I'm putting a whole lot of faith in your ability to keep your silence."

"I won't even tell Joe. Like I said, I want to lie in bed and build scenarios about you four. That and I'm hoping for vicarious thrills that I mentioned...and I'm nosy."

"One of the women will be wearing a very sexy and lacy, deep cut and thin bra with two strands of pearls curving across both breasts. Do you want to hear all of the more intimate details?"

"Yes of course I do and I can't wait to hear more."

"Her areola and nipples will be just visible if you look closely. She will be wearing panties of the same sheer material and cut low and very feminine and sexy. She will also be wearing long silver and rhinestone earrings plus a matching ring. Because of the sand all four of us plus the photographer will be barefoot."

"So what will her dress look like?"

"That's all she'll be wearing."

Her hand went to her mouth and her eyes sparkled as she said, "Oh my god, are you teasing me?"

"I'm not teasing you."

"One more detail, what will you be wearing?"

"Very small, semi see through underwear and designed for maximum effect."

Her hand was still at her mouth as she stared into my eyes as she whispered, "Maximum effect? Oh god, I wish I could be there to witness this special event."

"As I get to know you better, I do believe you'd love every minute of what we have planned."

"Will you ever tell me the rest?"

"That will be up to Jodie and Lynn, but I won't mind if they tell you."

"Then it's safe to assume that Lynn and Murray will be similarly attired."

"That's right."

"And a photographer. That's all just so cool and exciting. My god Sam, I'll go to sleep tonight thinking about this. I'll also try to picture what you'll look like in your almost invisible underwear that shows you at your best."

"I really hope that the women tell you because there are other things that we have planned that will be fun and off the charts wild."

"God, where were you when I was planning my wedding?"

"So you were married then."

"For a short time I was until about fifteen months ago. You better get home before Jodie and Oscar come looking for you. And Sam, I won't forget about my oath."

"Night Annette, and I'm looking forward to us talking again." I kissed her then and back stepped, smiled and headed home.

When I went in, Jodie said, "That turned into a long walk."

"She did her very best to pump me for information."

"And just how did she do this pumping honey?"

I laughed and told her, "Not the way you're thinking, but that isn't a bad thought," and I kissed her.

Chapter Twenty Four

Our wedding took place at one o'clock Saturday afternoon in our living room, and the woman officiating was an empowered clerk from the court house, and Lynn and Murray were our witnesses. Our biggest expenditure for the wedding was the flowers for Lynn and Jodie and an arrangement on the coffee table. I was now a married man with a ring on my left hand to prove it. We toasted the event with a red table wine from Tabor Hill winery and the four of us talked for the next couple of hours. Murray collected his kiss from the bride along with his hand cupping her ass as they kissed. While they talked in half whispers, Lynn and I kissed, and following Murray's lead, I made sure that Lynn and I had a few moments to bond. Then as soon as they left, Jodie and I went to bed and stayed there for a good part of the afternoon.

Annette called just after seven and asked Jodie if she could come over for just a few minutes. We were sexually spent and physically drained, but we were still smiling when she arrived. "Did I wait long enough to bother you two," she asked.

"Your timing was almost perfect Annette."

She handed Jodie an envelope and said, "This is a small wedding present from me," and then turning to me she handed me a small rectangular gift saying, "And this is for you handsome."

Jodie smiled as Annette went over to sit next to her, and Jodie told her, "You didn't have to do this you know."

"Oh, but I did because I'm hoping that you'll share all of your adventures with me when you get home. Consider that a bribe."

Jodie pulled the card out of the envelope and a gift card dropped onto her legs. "Oh Annette, this will be perfect."

"I figured that after spending a lot of time in the sun and salt water you'd need some spa time to repair the damage to your skin."

"Thank you so much," and they shared a quick kiss, but a long and very firm hug.

Both women turned their attention to me then and I opened my small package. Nestled in a bed of tissue paper were three pairs of brightly colored thong underwear. I held up a pair and checked them out and then smiled at Annette, who turned to Jodie and said, "I hope you don't mind that I got him something so intimate."

Jodie was smiling at me as she said, "I don't mind at all. What do you think Sam, will you model a pair for us?" Jodie had become much more accepting of stunts like that, but still I was caught off guard.

"Yes Sam," Annette said through her smile. "Try on the white pair."

I held them up and they bore a strong resemblance of what I had described to her for our honeymoon ceremony. "Um, how about I try on these red ones."

"No, they aren't far from regular briefs. Okay then a compromise with the gray pair."

"Annette you are more of a devil than I could have guessed. Okay Jodie, this was your idea, what do you say?"

"I say the white mesh ones." That really set me back and I looked at her, but I did as my bride asked me and retreated to our bedroom to change.

With the white thong on, I did a guy thing by looking at myself in the mirror, tried to puff up my chest and abandoned that idea, and instead played with myself long enough to make sure I would fill the pouch of my white mesh thong. I didn't even know Annette that well and Jodie was going to parade my naked ass around for Annette to see.

I wasn't well versed in thongs, but that white one seemed like about one size too small, but I moved my stuff around to make it more comfortable, and checked myself in the mirror once more to see how much of me she would see. It only took me seconds to accept the fact that she was going to see a whole lot of me.

What I saw when I went out was Jodie's eyes getting bigger right along with Annette's smile. This was what my wife wanted, so I went over and stood in front of our guest and watched her as she stared at my pretty visible half hard cock. "Honey, turn around for us."

My wife was determined that our neighbor was going to see my bare ass, and Annette was sitting there staring at me expectantly. I felt like an idiot as I was doing a slow turn for them, but when I felt her hand land on my hip and stay with me as I turned and she studied my pale butt, I suddenly saw what I was doing as a pretty good idea after all. Once I was facing Annette again, I told her, "Thank you for my wedding gift."

"You're very welcome, and thank you for modeling it for us." Her hand went to the waist band, which was well below my waist by the way, and she watched me as her fingers explored her gift. She finally released her hold on my thong and stood up, so I let out a soft breath . She was getting me hard and she couldn't miss that fact as she looked at me once more before her arms went around me.

I didn't know if Jodie could hear me, but I didn't try to whisper as I said, "This isn't fair, I'm all but naked and you're wearing slacks and a top."

"Put your arms around me and pretend that I'm naked," and her hands went to my ass as she pulled me into her a little more. "Jodie, what do you think of the white thong?"

"There certainly isn't much to it is there."

"Not much at all and Sam, you look so very sexy."

That time I did whisper as I told her, "Thanks to you, I'm nearly to the point of escaping out through the waist band."

She smiled, but then moved back and looked down just before she told me, "You better show Jodie and then go change or I won't be responsible for what I do next."

My naked backside was to Annette as I stood in front of Jodie and again her eyes grew larger as my cock head appeared for her review. She didn't know if Annette had seen me that fully grown and I decided I wouldn't say unless she asked me.

When I went out after dressing, Annette was gone and Jodie stood up to intercept me. "I'm sorry honey, I didn't think you would be that visible."

"Our sweet neighbor has seen almost all of me there is to see."

"I am impressed that you got so hard for her after you and I spent so much time making love."

"I'm surprised by that too. Sorry you told me to go put the white one on?"

"Very surprised, but not sorry. You are going to take them on the trip aren't you?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Of course."

"I'll bet Lynn sees me naked and after that, the thong will look pretty mundane."

"We'll see honey. Did she see your shiny cock peeking out at her?"

"I'm not sure." That was about half a lie, but I wanted to see how she would react to that idea and she didn't flinch at all. I could have pulled the thong down and off and she wouldn't have seen much more of me."

"I thought about telling you to do that, but I decided against it, because I can't quite figure her out. I really like her, and she's quite open about things. I'd ask a question and with only a moments hesitation, she would answer. She's very demonstrative with me and that's taking a little getting used to, but like I said, I do like her. Of course watching you stare at her, I can pretty well guess what you think."

"I like her too. I told her that if you wanted to tell her everything about the honeymoon I didn't mind."

"Oh thanks, so if I don't want to share those details I'll be the bad one."

"They're our details so it's our call to make."

Chapter Twenty Five

We flew into Norfolk International Airport just after noon, rented a car and drove to the first restaurant we could find. Then it was almost a two hour drive to get to Nag's Head and our hotel. Going by our constantly updated plan, Murray distracted the women while I signed us in, and then we went to the third floor and found our oceanfront suite. Though not spacious, we had a balcony overlooking the ocean and our suite would be quite comfortable for the four of us.

Lynn looked around and touched things before she made her way out onto the private balcony. "Jodie, you did a great job finding us the hotel."

"Thank you. When I read that it was recently remodeled and read the great reviews, I figured we couldn't go wrong."
