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Murray was leaning back finishing his drink when he said, "Can't argue with you on that one Sam, but by damn I wouldn't have us any other way either."

I raised my glass to him and said, "You're a wise man Murray."

"Thank you and I think this calls for one last drink before we call it a night." He hailed the waitress and then asked Jodie, "So where do Greg and Carrie live?"

In Anderson, Georgia, about twenty six miles southeast of Greenville, South Carolina."

"A long drive from here then."

"About six hundred miles I think. Oh, that reminds me Sam, they invited us to come down and spend a few days with them."

That brought Murray close to the table again and almost staring at Jodie he said, "You are going aren't you?"

"Probably, but I don't know when we'll be able to go. It can't be for awhile because I can't get time off from work right now."


I looked at Jodie, and she could tell from my smile that I was ready to go to Georgia. "Sure, just let me know when so I can schedule some vacation."

"If we go down there it will be you and Carrie acting up and Greg and me watching you two."

"Nah, we'll behave ourselves."

"You must think I believe in the tooth fairy too."

Lynn was sitting across from Murray and to my left, so she was able to reach over and grab my ear and pull. Needless to say I was quick to lean toward her as she said, "You and I need to talk. I thought you loved me."

My left hand was on her wrist as I leaned close to her and vowed, "Now you know I really do love you honey."

"Then why, when you love Jodie and me, would you feel compelled to go chase her sister?"

"I like Greg too, and notice I didn't say I love them, but I enjoy their company and I like Carrie's quirky sense of fun."

"You like having her being so sexy, tease you and inflate your ego."

"Okay, I'll admit that's probably a good part of it. That and I would wonder just what she might come up with the next time. Any element of mystery or surprise maybe."

"You are so easy."

"Well that doesn't do much for my ego, but maybe you're right."

"I still love you even if you are easy."

"I can't ask for more than that."

We'd had more than our quota of alcohol, so we left Chili's and I drove Murray and Lynn home, and then Jodie and I talked our way home with her saying, "So you really would like to go to Georgia?"

"I think we'd have a great time. In fact, just the two of us getting out of town together for a few days would be great. By the way, am I forgiven for not being the first to tell you the whole story about Carrie and me?"

"Were you going to tell me?"

"Of course and I'd told Carrie that I would tell you and Greg. If I start keeping secrets from you I might as well just give up on our relationship now because secrets would ruin it anyway."

I walked Jodie to her front door where we stood like teenagers hiding from her father as we continued to talk. "Jodie, I don't tell you often enough how much I love you and I promise to do better."

She kissed me and smiled saying, "I like to hear you tell me and I love you too honey. I'm really not mad at you about Carrie. I was shocked when I discovered you two in the bathroom of course, but I know Carrie even better than Greg does and still I'm not worried that she'd try to take you away from me. She's just being my sister. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure she'd be very happy to share her bed with you, and unless I'm very mistaken you wouldn't object either. Of course the same goes for Lynn. In fact Lynn most of all."

"And the same with you and Murray."

"I don't know about that part. I do love him in a way and we both know he can get to me. But to make love with him, I just don't know. You never even commented on what I did for him that night."

"I enjoyed watching you actually, and I know that Lynn told you she had done the same for me."

"Yes, she told me. I wish that wouldn't have happened because I would have rather been there to watch you two."

"I wouldn't object to having something like that happen again."

She laughed and said, "I'm sure not, but that kind of leaves Lynn and me unsatisfied."

"I'm sure we could work that out."

She kissed me once more and then said good night. Then she stopped and said, "You know, I think we need to talk about why we're still using both houses."

"Would you really consider us living together now?"

"I would."

My arms went around her and I kissed her again before I told her, "Honey that's fantastic, come over in the morning and we'll talk, and I'll even fix breakfast."

Jodie's and my house were both built in the late eighties. We were part of a large development and there wasn't a lot of difference between them. For the next too weeks we talked about which house to live in, but since mine had the larger kitchen and laundry room she moved in with me and her house went on the rental market. Roscoe knew my house well and we had hopes that his magical escapes would be a

thing of the past.

Chapter Twenty One

We had dinner with Lynn and Murray not long after Jodie moved in with me, and the two women talked about things like rearranging what was now our house and that led to redecorating our house. Murray and I were more than happy to stay out of that discussion and focused our attention on naked women in my computer room until Murray said, "You know, this isn't as much fun as it used to be."

"I'm glad you said that because I thought it was just me. There are some good looking women to stare at, but after what the four of us have shared it's a little boring just looking at them." Of course as I said that I was staring at just one more image on the monitor. "Maybe we just need a break from other naked women for awhile."

"Sure, until you get to Georgia and see Carrie again."

That brought a smile to my face, but I said, "I don't see that happening for a long time because Jodie and I have too much going on. We're talking about getting married in a couple of months."

"Hey, congrats to both of you."

"Jodie is taking care of the details, so all I have to do is what I'm told to do when the time comes."

"Any thoughts about the honeymoon?"

"We've talked a little but nothing is decided. Got any suggestions?"

Murray laughed and said, "Yeah, take us with you."

I sat up straight and told him, "That's a great idea."

"Hey, settle down I was just kidding."

"I know, but I like that idea. Hell, Jodie and I live together, so it isn't like we need a week or two for marathon lovemaking. We're getting married to make it official and in our case, the honeymoon is another name for a vacation. I'll be right back," and I ran out, and finding Jodie and Lynn at the kitchen table I sat down between them and said, "Murray and I think that the four of us should go on our honeymoon."

Lynn objected, so I told her the same thing that I'd told Murray, and to my relief Jodie was quick to agree with me. Lynn was smiling as she looked back and forth between Jodie and me and said, "You two better think about this."

"Honey," I said as I smiled at her.

"No," Lynn said, "I meant the two of you talk about it."

"We don't need to talk Lynn," Jodie said and added, "I agree with Sam, that's a great idea. Maybe we could find a nice suite on the ocean."

"Which ocean?"

"I don't even care, just as long as it's warm, we're on the water and there's a lot of room to walk in the sand and wade in the water." Then her smile slipped away as she looked at Lynn and said, "One thing we better consider though. Lynn, you and I both know that if the four of us are living together for a week or two, there's little doubt that you and Sam will end up in the same bed, and I'll say the same for Murray and me."

Lynn smiled at me and then at Jodie before she said, "I like how that sounds, how about you?"

Jodie was smiling at me as she said, "I'd be surprised if that didn't happen by the second day."

I made it to the far side of the kitchen and then stopped as I said, "Murray needs to be in on this."

As soon as Murray and I were in the kitchen, I sat across from Lynn so I could watch her expressions as we talked. Jodie reached out and took Lynn's hand in her left hand and my hand with her right and said, "Sam, you said this would be a vacation and not a honeymoon, but think about this. In a way it would feel like a honeymoon if that's what we want it to be. A honeymoon for all four of us in fact. I could be with Murray and you two could be together. Our first times together would be the first night of our honeymoon."

Four sets of eyes were dancing and jumping around the table, but Lynn, though through her smile, said, "Are you sure that's...I mean..." and then she looked at me and said, "I love that idea."

Murray and Jodie were staring at each other as he asked her, "Are you sure we'd have to wait until then?"

"Oh yes Murray, this will be our version of a traditional honeymoon night."

"Okay, then I have to go shopping for my bride to be, and I have some great thoughts about that."

"I do too," I added. "One thing is, I'll be temporary preacher man for your temporary marriage to Jodie."

"Great, and I'll do the same for you and Lynn. And Jodie honey, allow me to buy our wedding attire."

"Of course you may and thank you."

"Oh, and you two women decide on the date and then Murray and I will see to all of the details."

Jodie's eyes were sparkling as she put her hand to her mouth and said, "My god, can you believe this, I'm nervous."

Lynn tightened her hold on Jodie's hand and added her other one as she said, "This is utterly wild, and I'm nervous too. This is going to be fantastic."

I glanced at Murray and then with my best effort at an innocent smile I said, "This will be a full week of calm loving and bonding, excitement and a few surprises."

Lynn released her hold on Jodie's hand and went from glowing to looking hesitant. "I have a question though. How long are we talking about? I mean one evening or one day or how much of our vacation?"

Murray and I looked at each other and then to Jodie.

"Why are all of you looking at me? I'm just one of four here."

Lynn couldn't stop smiling as she asked, "But what are your thoughts?"

"Well...if we're going to make this a honeymoon and...and, well Murray and Sam are going to do whatever they're thinking about. I say...well I say we stay married for at least that week at the ocean and then have a second week back home."

Murray and I smiled, but Lynn looked at me and then at Jodie with a half shocked look on her face. "Wait a minute, you are serious right?"

"Yes I'm serious, and since it will be a honeymoon, I'll go farther and say that if at the end of the week we're doing okay, we should stay married the second week too.

"So...we'd stay...I mean I'd be with Sam here or at my house for a whole week?"

"Right. Oh, but Sam and I need a few days after we're married before we leave on the honeymoon."

Now Lynn was smiling as she looked at me and almost whispered, "Oh my god." Then a second later she said, Sam, you're pretty quiet."

"I'm trying to figure out how I'll pass the time until Jodie and I are married. First because I can't wait for us to be husband and wife, but then right after that Lynn my sweet, Murray will marry you and me for a couple of weeks."

"Murray, this is all so unbelievable, what do you have to say?"

"Number one honey, I love you more than life." Then his face exploded with a smile and he added, "And number two I can't wait for the honeymoon, and to that I want to ask, when might this epic event come to be?"

We were all quiet as once again we looked to Jodie, the one that had started the whole honeymoon idea, and again she said, "Wait, I'm only one of four here," but the three of us continued to wait for her to respond to Murray's question.

"Let me get the calendar," and she retrieved it from the hidden side of the refrigerator. She looked at us, flipped the page and announced, "Saturday July twenty third, and Sam and I will get married in three weeks on the fifteenth, the Saturday before the honeymoon."

All four of us sat there in silence for several seconds. For some curious reason, having a date chosen seemed to put a stamp of reality on our grand plan. Jodie used a marker and drew a black circle around those two dates, and for an instant I wondered if the color black was some kind of omen.

As soon as Murray and Lynn were on their way home, I put my arms around Jodie and asked her, "How did you ever come up with this wild plan for our honeymoon?"

"It all came to me as we were sitting there and you made that comment about our honeymoon being a vacation. You were right of course, but then out of the blue that whole idea jumped into my mind. Are you sure you're okay with it?"

"I am, but I hope you really understand what you've set in motion. Can you live with, devote your time to, and make love to Murray for two weeks knowing that Lynn and I are living as husband and wife, though only temporary? With all the rights and privileges that go with that union. For example, she may ask me to do something with her that you and I have never shared, or Murray may ask you the same thing."

"Like what?"

"I can't think of an example right now, but that is a possibility."

"Like anal sex?"

"That's a good example."

"Do you want to do that?"

"I don't know because I've never tried that either, but what would you tell Murray? Things like that could come up."

"That's true, but those kinds of things applied with you and me and we've managed to deal with it. Photographs on the internet for example."

"True. I'm just thinking out loud honey."

Chapter Twenty Two

Two days after our initial planning session at the kitchen table, Jodie announced to me and Lynn and Murray, that she had found an ocean front hotel that looked like what she wanted, and it was the Nags Head Inn on the ocean at Nag's Head, North Carolina. That set Murray and me in motion, and by the time he and I were done with our shopping and planning, the three weeks that we had was all but used up. But we could hardly look at each other without grinning. Annette agreed to take care of Roscoe and that was good, because without him, Jodie and I might never have gotten together. Of course that meant that much of what we had shared with Murray and Lynn would never have come to be. I had to admit that we owed that damn cat a lot, but I wasn't going to take any chances and tell him because he just might understand what I said.

Three days before the wedding I got with Murray and we talked more about our plans and ideas along with fears and concerns. "Murray, I've found the outfit for Lynn."

"I found Jodie's too. What did you come up with?"

"The top is a demi cup underwire bra. Sheer enough to show a hint of her areola and nipples and two strands of pearls draping across the front. "

"Pearls and this is a bra?"

"Yeah I know, that was my thought too, but I found it online and I knew it would be perfect. The panty is the same sheer material, vee cut front and small but not overly so. The full back is especially sheer by the way. Oh and I bought her long and beautiful silver and rhinestone earrings and matching ring and an inexpensive ring for the ceremony. A sheer over wrap too by the way, for the walk to the beach."

"Sounds smoking hot. For Jodie I got her a very low cut white lace bra with two cross laces between her breasts to hold the thing together. The panty is of course white lace, vee shaped in front with a long deep vee hole cut in the front, and again laces across to hold the shape. Oh, and it's what I call a semi thong in the back. I got her a lacy and sheer wrap for the walk too, and of course a short veil that will cascade down her back halfway to her waist. Silver wrap bracelet, and of course her temporary wedding ring and a nice dinner ring for her gift."

"I forgot about the veil. I got one for Lynn too and again with pearl accents."

"And you'll wear what?"

"It's called a super stallion net bikini. Fairly see through, but not a thong. High cut at the thighs and styled to maximize my package. You?"

It's sheer and white of course, well pouched in front for maximum effect, full ass instead of a thong, but so sheer that it's a joke. Oh and across the hips it's just two white strips. If I don't get arrested it will be great."

"I've finished what I was working on and we're set to go there, so I'd say we're ready buddy."

"Murray, let me ask you this. Do you have any fears about what we're getting into?"

"Not really. Oh hell, I know there are risks, but I'm really not too worried, we're adults after all."

"You've always been more laid back than me."

"Are you saying you're having second thoughts?"

"Not second thoughts, but...well I guess there are no buts now that I think of it."

"Lynn and I talked for quite awhile last night, and I got the feeling that she really is nervous just as she had said. She either can't or won't explain it though."

"So far, Jodie seems eager and comfortable with everything. Oh, and she rented her house. I met them last night and they seem like nice people. Joe and Heather Strayer, and the other woman is Annette something. Heather is in the military though."

"She is?"

"Yeah, but his...or was it sister or cousin will be staying with them in the guest room.

"Wait. Heather be sent to the Middle East or wherever and he'll be here with, well...whoever the hell she is for six months to a year."

"Yeah. We visited with them for an hour or so and they seem like they are very comfortable with their arrangement."

"Whatever, I'm glad that Jodie found a tenant that she's comfortable with."

Those words were still hanging in the air when Jodie called me. "Sam, Oscar went next door."

"You're kidding me. Do I need to come home to help you catch him?"

"Actually no. Would you believe that Annette picked him up without a problem and now he's in her lap on our couch."

"You're kidding me."

"I'm not kidding you. Oscar has decided he loves to lie between her legs."

I laughed and said, "Now that sounds familiar."

"I know and I told Annette that story."

"I'm on my way home, because I have to see this for myself."

"You just want to see Annette's legs."

"I do?"

"Oh yes, you do honey, but don't drive fast and get a ticket."

"I'll see you soon." I told Murray the story about Annette and Oscar and his face split with a smile.

"Damn it Sam, Lynn and I have to get a cat just like Oscar."

As I moved toward the door I said, "If you find another Oscar I'll be amazed."

I went in from the garage and straight to the living room. There sat both women next to each other on the couch, and Oscar occupying that sweet warm place between Annette's thighs. I stared openly because I could always say I was looking at Oscar. In truth of course, I was memorizing Annette's smooth, and oh to nice legs. Jodie was dead on with her comment. Annette wasn't a stunning woman, but she certainly wasn't ugly, and now dressed in a halter top and nice fairly brief shorts, I could safely say she had a nice body.

"Hi Annette, so it seems you have a new best friend."

"Isn't this something. He seems to be very comfortable with me. I hate to disturb him."

"You don't have to leave on my account. Can I get you two something to drink?"

"Honey, I was just going to mix a batch of margaritas."

"I'll fix us up. Salt Annette?"

"Yes, please." That was probably the fastest margaritas I'd ever made and was soon in the living room sipping my drink and grabbing as many glances at our guest as possible without being caught. "Sam, Jodie told me about her incident with Oscar lying like this with her, not long after you two were getting together."
