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Then guiding him toward the sofa, Jodie said, "Tell us more about your friends."

That's when Murray told Sierra, "While Thad is giving them his version of your friends, let's go out on the balcony. Sam and I want to hear your side of things back home." There were four plastic chairs on the small balcony so Murray and I were quick to move three of them next to each other and we sat down. "Tell us about your, Leon and Ginny right?"

"Right. Leon is...well he tries to be a jock, but he's all heart. Ginny is happy go lucky. Always smiling and, without trying, sees the bright side of things."

"As I remember it, you four have had a few times where you extended the boundaries."

She smiled and said, "Yes, Leon and I have embraced and kissed a few times, and a couple of times the kisses got pretty steamy. He's had his hands on my butt when we kissed and of course the four of us trade dirty jokes once in awhile."

"Have you touched him?"

"No, nothing like that, but I've teased him and stared at...well you know what I mean."

"And made him hard I'm sure."

Another of her smiles as she said, "Yes, I can get him going sometimes."

"Like leaving your blouse unbuttoned, that sort of thing?"

"Not that."

"Is that too advanced for you?"

"Well it was then, but now I don't know. I don't want to upset Ginny."

"You and Ginny need to talk. Tell her what you want to do to tease Leon and I'm sure she'll be all for it, because she'll be the one to reap the final reward."

"That's true, but..."

We didn't have a lot of time before Murray's and my surprise would be there, but we talked and most of the conversation was about her and Thad and her friends. I reached for her blouse, and as she quickly looked at me I undid three of her buttons. "We'll pretend that I'm Leon, and by you being here with us, you can see how you'll be able to handle Leon's gaze. You don't have to worry about what Jodie or Lynn would say are wearing a bra right?"

"Yes, of course."

"With Leon, leave the bra off and he'll do whatever you ask of him."

Murray undid the rest of her buttons and said, "Let me help you take this off."

"I'll be right back," I told them and raced past the others on the couch and into my bedroom. When I came out I was wearing the white mesh thong from the wedding, and with half an erection I walked past the threesome on the couch as they stared at me and I returned to the balcony. It wasn't until I was next to Sierra that I realized Jodie's blouse was missing. I stood in front of Sierra and her focus went to my crotch, which of course made me get hard and made me more visible through the mesh fabric. "Stand up for me Sierra." She looked apprehensive, but she stood up and I took her hands in mine. Murray disappeared without saying anything and I put her arms around me. "Remember now, I'm Leon and I'm seeing you in your bra for the first time." My arms went around her and I caressed her back below her bra strap. "Are you doing okay so far Sierra?"

"I'm okay, far?" I responded to her question by unhooking her bra and bringing it forward. It dropped to the floor and I looked into her eyes before I looked down at her breasts. They were small, but nice and I said, "Remember, I'm Leon," and I cupped her breast in my hand. "Now imagine that Thad can see you like this with Leon and you also see him with Ginny, and her bra has just been tossed aside."

Murray reappeared in his thong and said, "We're being asked to join the others." I mentally said damn, but followed Murray and Sierra inside and now Lynn was topless and Thad was sitting between her and Jodie and was wearing one of my thongs that Annette had given me.

Jodie, who was becoming something of an instigator said, "We all need to be together so Thad and Sierra can get a better feeling for what they might experience one of theses days soon with Leon and Ginny." Thad's eyes were on his wife's exposed breasts and hers were all over him, but especially at his hard and very obvious erection that Jodie and Lynn were openly looking at Jodie kissed him lightly and said, "Stand up for us again."

I could almost feel his heart racing and his how hard he was as he stood up and looked at his wife. Murray and I had a whole plan laid out. Loose and open to revision, but we both knew about what they had developed as a sequence of events. But all of that was laid waste when Jodie said, "Sam, you and Murray undress Sierra down to her panties," and while those words were ringing in my ears, they stood up and stripped to their panties for Thad. In what seemed like moments, we were all down to very small underwear of one style or another. "Thad, does this give you an idea of what it might be like with Leon and Ginny the first time?"

"Yes, this really does help doesn't it honey?"

"My head is spinning, but it does help." Then Murray's left hand went to her breast as he stepped in front of her. I wasn't about to be left out so I stood behind her and as my cock pressed against her ass I took her other breast in my hand. I pulled her back against me and half whispered, "Are you doing okay Sierra?" I didn't know it, but her eyes were closed as she leaned into me as she nodded her head silently.

"Of course Thad," Jodie said, "When Ginny sees Leon with your almost naked wife, she's going to do more than watch them. She's going to do something like this," and she reached inside of his thong and wrapped her hand around his cock. "Sierra, can you see my hand on Thad's cock?"

Again her head nodded up and down slowly as she stared at them and then said, "Yes, I see. He's very hard isn't he."

"He's as hard as any man can get and he feels good in my hand. Of course we're pretending that I'm Ginny." That's when Lynn pulled his thong down to his ankles, so now her husband was totally in the nude. When I saw that, I pulled Sierra's panties down, but lucky Murray was in the ideal place to see the unveiling of her pussy. I'm something of an ass man though so I was good to kneel down and run my hands all over her warm firm ass cheeks.

Things happened fast after that. Murray moved so Thad could see his naked wife as his hand went between her legs. We were on a fast track to whatever might happen. When Murray drew his fingers over her lips she moved her legs to make it easier for him, but a moment later we were helping her to lie on her back on the floor in front of Thad.

Jodie was slowly sliding her hand up and down Thad's cock and Sierra tried to watch that while feeling Murray knocking on the door of her pussy. This was going to be Murray's show for the most part, but I wasn't suffering either. I had three great naked women to stare at, once I'd gotten rid of my thong, I kissed Sierra deeply and put Sierra's hand on my cock. "Honey, is this anything like what you and Thad imagined? Is this what you want to share with Leon and Ginny?"

Her eyes were boring into mine as she said, "Yes, this is what I want to share with Leon and Ginny. This and even more, if only we can make it happen."

"Does seeing Thad's cock in Jodie's hand upset you?"

"No, I like watching him like that."

"And Murray, what about what he's doing right now?"

"It feels so good. Is he going to make love to me?"

We were still talking softly, but not so soft that we couldn't be heard. "Sierra, would you like Leon to fuck you while Thad watches?"

"Yes, very much."

"Tell him exactly what you want honey. He's Leon, so tell Leon what you want him to do to you." Murray heard everything, but all he did was smile as he waited.

"Murray...I mean Leon, please fuck me now. Fuck me while my husband watches me." He glanced at Lynn and Jodie for just an instant, but then he moved up on her and her grip on my cock tightened as he lowered himself into her. "Oh fuck, yes. Oh god Thad, look at me. Murray is fucking me, I'm really doing it."

Thad wasn't going to wait any longer either, so a second later he was moving Lynn to the floor next to the copulating couple and then he was plunging into her. Lynn was an eager lover, but her eyes went from Jodie, to me to, Murray and then to Thad as he rammed into Lynn at an impressive rate. She jumped into an orgasm, and she usually wanted to stop for a minute after that, but Thad was going so hard and fast that she was right back into the game and I made a mental note to do that for her the next time we made love.

There was only one thing for me to do, and that was to go to Jodie and we joined them on the floor. I hadn't made love to my legal wife since a couple of days before we started our honeymoon. Both of us were a little distracted by the other two couples, but after our quick orgasms and with my cock still planted deep inside of her she said, "It's been a long time since I told you that I love you very much."

"I love you too baby. Are you still planning on being with Murray next week?"

"Yes, unless you say no."

"I'm doing okay, but I do miss you."

"Oh baby, if you only knew how nice that sounds to me."

"So you've been worried?"

"I have been a little worried. You and Lynn are so into each other."

"I can't deny that. This whole thing has been incredibly exciting and at the same time, a little frightening."

"Look at Sierra, my god Murray must have really gotten to her."

"Well look at Thad, he can't leave Lynn alone."

"Well you can't either so you shouldn't be surprised."

"I think we've helped our new friends."

"I don't think they needed as much help as they proclaimed, but I was very willing to play along with them."

"Too bad you didn't get to sample Thad."

"We haven't gone home yet."

I was falling out of her despite my wishes to the contrary, so we kissed and got up to watch the last few valiant efforts of the two other couples.

Chapter Thirty Five

Thad and Sierra dressed and left not long after Jodie and I had succumbed to total satiation of our sexual urges. We didn't last long enough to exhaust ourselves though, so I still had hopes of more excitement later. "Okay," I announced," since it's late enough, I propose that we stay naked for the remainder of the day."

"What will we do for dinner," Jodie asked.

"We'll order something if we get hungry and you can answer the door in a towel."

"I'm not going to drop it this time though."

"That's fine with me. Show him some cleavage when you tip him and watch his eyes light up."

We only made it until five thirty and then ordered pizza again, and just after six it was delivered. Jodie went to the door and let him in as she held onto her towel and the young guy failed in his attempts not to stare at her. I joined her saying I had the tip and I did, but my main reason to join her was to yank her towel away and expose her to the delivery kid that couldn't have been more than seventeen. Jodie froze as her towel landed halfway between us and the sofa. I was focused on the young guy and I never saw eyes get bigger than his did. I handed him a twenty and a ten and waited until he recovered enough to take it and slowly step backward toward the door. As he left I helped the door close and then turned to my wife. Her face was a nice shade of pink, but she was smiling as she said, "Damn you, how long have you been planning that stunt?"

"Just a couple of hours or so."

"I can't trust you to behave for a minute. It seems it's your mission in life to scare me, tease me and generally keep me off balance."

Murray was almost hurting himself with his smile, but he said, "Okay, let's sit down and eat and talk."

"Yes, let's talk about how bad Sam really is behaving."

Lynn caught me looking at my watch and asked me, "Do you have to be someplace at a certain time?"

"No, it just seems like to today has passed slowly," I lied.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Most definitely not, but usually when I'm really enjoying myself, time seems to go far to fast."

That seemed to satisfy her so we moved on to talk about other things. By seven we were fairly well rested and Jodie asked what we wanted to do with the remainder of the evening. I pulled Lynn to her feet and took her to the couch and pulled her onto my lap. Murray quickly did the same with Jodie and Murray sat down next to us pulling Jodie down to him as he went. I was just sure that my timing was dead on, but I was wrong. What was supposed to happen at the stroke of seven didn't, but we managed to keep the women occupied enough to keep them naked and in our laps. Then out of desperation I asked Lynn, "So have you thought about living with me as my wife next week? You haven't changed your mind have you?"

"Of course not, and yes I have thought about that, but we're still having fun on the ocean."

"Great fun in fact and I'm not trying to rush things, but I can't help but think about living with you too."

She changed the subject saying, "Maybe we should take another night stroll on the beach."

"Great, so give it another hour and we'll start just before dark and we'll walk naked again. In fact..." and our door opened and both women jumped in our arms.

Since Murray and Lynn hadn't even met them it fell to Jodie to say,' Oh now, my god I can't believe this." She tried to get up and race to the bedroom, but I held on to her as Greg and Carrie came in with their eyes trying to take in everything and wearing smiles.

Greg's eyes were all over Jodie and Lynn as Carrie said, "Damn sis in law, this is one hell of a greeting."

Jodie looked over at me and said, "Damn you Sam, I'm going to kill you. No, that's not enough, I'm going find a way to kill you slowly."

"Lynn honey, Murray, this is the irrepressible Carrie, Jodie's sister, and her husband Greg. This beautiful woman I have my arms around of course is a love of my life Lynn, and smiling Murray is our best friend." Lynn was still trying to escape, but it was far too late so her struggles were pretty feeble. "Help yourself to the mini bar and join us.

I released my hold on Lynn and she stood up and stared at me as she said, "Jodie was right, just killing you isn't enough. One day you will pay a high price for your...yes and you too Murray, both of you are crazy." Then looking at Carrie she said, "How did you get in here?"

"Oh that," I said. "I flipped the security bar around so the door wouldn't latch."

Then looking at Carrie, Lynn said, "So you knew all about this?"

Carrie was all but laughing as she said, "The only thing we knew was the door would be open and we should just come in and surprise all of you."

Murray released Jodie and she went over to Carrie and they hugged each other as Carrie said, "This is the wildest reception I've ever heard of." Then looking at me and then half hard Murray, she added, "Also one of the nicest."

Carrie and I walked into each other's arms and shared a long tender kiss before she said, "It's good to see you again lover, and I do mean all of you."

"Let me undress you so you can be one of us and we'll talk over drinks."

Jodie moved over to Greg and said, "Damn him. Between Sam and Carrie, you and I just don't stand a chance."

"And I thought Carrie was wild and crazy." He put his arms around her and holding her close he whispered, "I have to hold you so I'll stop staring at you at least for a minute. Damn this is awkward Jodie. You look fantastic."

"Thank you, and I really am glad you two are here, but I agree, that was over the top shocking. You might as well stare or look or whatever, because it's too late for me to go cover up now." Then she kissed him and smiled as she said, "In fact, like Sam said, you might as well be naked with the rest of us."

"But damn, I just met Lynn and Murray."

"I know and I'm sorry my Sam and Murray pulled you into this craziness."

"Jodie, I'm not sorry, I'm just rattled," and he smiled at her before he kissed her again lightly.

"Oh, and unless Sam was lying earlier, we're going for a naked beach walk later, so there's another reason for you to strip. Besides handsome, you owe me the honor of seeing all of you."

"Did all of this start with their stunt in the bedroom and bathroom?"

"Oh no, this comes from something else completely, but that will take time to explain and at least one drink so you and Carrie won't freak out."

Chapter Thirty Six

Lynn stole glances of me and Carrie as I undressed her and then pulled her onto my lap as we dropped onto the sofa. She didn't even look back at Greg as she said, "Sam, you are so crazy. I can't believe I'm doing this and poor Greg must be freaking out behind his calm exterior."

"I don't know about that, But Jodie just helped him out of his underwear."

She spun her head around and muttered, "I can't believe this. My Greg letting go like that?"

Murray sat down next to us and said, "Well I guess this makes us instant best friends."

"Murray, you must be as crazy as Sam is."

"That's what Jodie and Lynn claim anyway."

"Well now I feel better. Lynn just joined Jodie with Greg. I guess her shock is wearing off."

"I'm still in shock so I can't believe that they are doing any better than I am, and I've seen Sam naked before."

"Yes, Jodie told us about that stunt."

"That was fun."

Eyes were still flitting around, but the six of us finally settled down enough to talk over drinks. The maid was going to have to restock the mini bar because it was rapidly becoming empty.

As we settled down, Jodie whispered to Greg and after staring at her he did as she suggested. He went over to Lynn and after talking her into a long and warm embrace, they shared a light kiss and then he whispered to her. She was still shaking inside, and she looked over at Jodie before she moved to the couch and sat on his lap next to Murray. That left no room for Jodie and really not enough room for Murray, so he pulled a chair over and Jodie joined him. It was only minutes later when they told Greg and Carrie about their ocean side ceremony and the details of their vows.

Carrie quickly stared, first at me and then at Jodie before looking at Murray and Lynn. "Are you four serious?"

"We are," Jodie said.

Greg was silently staring as Carrie said, "So until you four go home, you've...I mean...really?"

"It goes beyond that," Lynn added. "We'll have another week at home like this too."

"But...Jodie, you and Sam just..."

"Got married, right, but we've lived together for awhile."

"So okay, I've slept with my husband for a few weeks so now it's time for a change?"

"Right." She wasn't about to let Carrie get to her like she had so many times in years past. "Then we'll go back to our other spouses. I'll move back home and Lynn will go home to Murray."

"This is a lot farther out than you four receiving us bare assed." Then Carrie looked down between my legs and as Lynn watched her, she grabbed my mostly soft cock and said, "I'm going to need some time to put this all together in my mind."

I smiled and cupped her breast as I said, "Honey, you just take all the time you need to work this out."

"So are we really going for a naked walk later?"

"We are. We'll leave here looking like your every day couples, but once it's dark and we're well north of the hotel, then the rules change."

"I need another drink but I think I better go take a long shower too."

Greg had behaved himself, but his hands were on Lynn's hip and the other one on her belly just below her breasts, and all Lynn had to do was move her legs a little to see his persistent erection. In fact, that's just what she did because it had been so long since she'd seen a man with pubic hair that she wanted to look at it again. She still preferred her men shaved, but Greg's curly dark hair was a reminder that she was sitting naked on a naked man's lap that she had met less than an hour earlier. That whole issue would stick in her mind for hours if not days.
