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Greg pulled Lynn against him and kissed her before he said, "I'd rather take a severe whipping than getting up, but Carrie's right, we need to go shower and get ready for our walk later."

"I hope you'll forgive me for seeming a little cold or aloof Greg."

He laughed and said, "Lynn, I think you were and are amazingly strong. You and I were delivered one hell of a shock, but you stood your ground and worked through this craziness. Don't be too hard on the guys, because by the end of this evening we'll be the best of friends and we'll look back on this and laugh."

"I still may kill both of them, but I'll consider what you said."

Within minutes after they left, Lynn took me to our bedroom and I was pretty sure she didn't have lovemaking on her mind. "Sam, we need to talk." I sat down on the bed next to her and she said, "Please Sam, whatever you do, don't ever do anything like that to me again. I've never been more frightened and confused in my life."

"I'm sorry it was so awful for you."

"Sam when I say I love you, I really mean that, but that fact was lost for awhile as I tried to come to terms with that invasion. One minute we were talking about walking the beach in the moonlight, which of course gave me visions of us making love on the towel again and walking naked like we did the last time. I loved that whole experience, but then there stood Carrie and Greg, two people whom I have never even met by the way, and we were all totally naked."

"I understand what you're saying. I never thought about how it would hit you and Jodie. I mean in the sense that like you said, we would be talking about us making love on the beach. I could go on, but Murray and I were wrong and I'm sorry. Lynn, I love you too and so very much."

"That's the other thing," and I saw her blink back tears. It's about you and Carrie."

"I don't love her honey."

"I believe you, but I was struggling as you sat there with your arms around her. It wouldn't have bothered me had you been dressed and maybe even if you were naked, but that happened right after the shock of their arrival."

"I really screwed up tonight and again I'm sorry. Honey, about Carrie, I like her. She really is a lot like Jodie in many ways. But she could never interfere with my love for you. Nobody can do that and not even Jodie."

"What are you saying Sam?"

"What I mean is, I love Jodie very much, but I love you very much too and I always will. All of what we're sharing is exciting and fantastic and even wild, and I couldn't be happier, but all of this would mean so much less to me if I didn't love you. I could make love to Carrie and I'll admit to even thinking about that, but I say again, I don't love her like I love you. She's more like a sister to me is what I'm saying I guess."

She smiled and said, "You'd make love to your sister?"

"Well I don't have one, but if I did, I'm sure that would never be an issue no matter how much I loved her. Now can you forgive me for showing such bad judgment?"

"Yes, damn it I forgive you, and just so you'll know, Greg spoke on your behalf."

"I'll have to thank him later. By the way, other than the shock issues, you and Greg seemed to get along okay."

"I think he's a nice guy. I say I think because I've just met him, but I know Jodie thinks he's great and I trust her judgment. I also noticed that he doesn't shave down there."

"I thought you'd pick up on that right away. I'm curious though. What if Murray made love to Carrie. Would that bother you?"

", I didn't think about that."

"I mean he made love to Sierra."

"God, there's been so much going on I'd almost forgotten about that. I need to think. If I'm jealous about you and Carrie, but not about Carrie and Murray, how can I explain or justify that?"

"I don't know. I do know that you love Murray totally though."

"Of course I do. Okay, while we're dissecting each other and ourselves, what about you and Annette?"

"What about us? Oh, you must be referring to when she saw me in my sheer net thong."

She turned toward me and said, "She what?"

"She got Jodie a nice wedding gift and she bought me three pairs of pretty damn small thong underwear."

"That was pretty forward of her I think."

"Well she and Jodie have talked a lot and she's been over at the house several times. I walked her home one night, and no we didn't make love or do anything beyond a kiss. I think we kissed anyway."

"Back to the thong issue."

"Well she and Jodie told me to model a pair for them so I picked the largest one, which as I said, wasn't large at all. Jodie said no, so I went with the middle one, but she told me to put on the small mesh thing. She admitted later that it showed a lot more of me than she had expected. Anyway, Annette pretty much saw all of me that night."

"My god and Jodie was behind it."

"She was. I didn't get hard,, I take that back. She touched the material and teased me and I almost grew out through the top of the damn thing."

"Oh Sam, loving you is going to test me a lot more than ever could have guessed."

"I want to tell you again honey that I love you totally. There's no way I could go through with what we're doing this week let alone next week if I didn't love you so much."

"But damn it, one of these days Annette is going to come over to your house and something is going to happen between you two and I don't know how or if I could handle that. I don't want to be jealous honey, and I'm working on all of that, but I'm being honest with you."

"Thank you. We'll work through all of this together. Just...well whatever you do, and whatever happens to either of us or both of us, if it bothers you please promise me we can talk about it."

"I promise." She lay back on the bed and staring straight up she said, "My god, I'm not jealous because husband, made love to Sierra. I don't even know if he liked it or any of the details."

"And what about you and Thad."

"Sam, you won't get mad at me will you?"

"Of course not, but I'm curious how it was for you because that had to be a totally new situation for you."

"I was right there and I think I may have even played a part in making happen, but honey...he was so fast with his...with his movements."

"I know, I was watching you two very closely."

"But you didn't get jealous."

"I knew he could never steal you from me, but I also could tell that he was really getting to you."

"I guess he did. It was all over so fast, but I didn't care because I was used up."

"I think I learned something about you by watching you two together."

"Really, what?"

"It's a secret, but one I'll test it soon and then I'll tell you all about it."

I lay one my back and she turned toward me and said, "I'm so glad you and Brenda broke up and Jodie and Roscoe came into our lives. I'm glad we went through that silly charade with the pictures and I'm...I'm glad you love me."

I rolled over toward her and we shared a long kiss, but then Jodie appeared and said, "Okay lovers, it's almost time to go for our walk."

"Jodie," Lynn said, "Were you jealous when Murray made love to Sierra?"

"No, were you?"

"Not really. What about Sam undressing Carrie and all of that, or Sam and Sierra, did any of that make you jealous?"

"No and in fact I'm about half surprised that Sam and Carrie didn't make love right away. Why, were you jealous?"

"Oh no," she lied. "We were just talking is all."

"Oh. Now thanks to our so called loving spouses pulling that stunt on us, I now know my brother in law Greg better than I ever could have imagined. I know for instance that he can really kiss."

"Really? That's nice to know." She didn't even know why she said that, but it just came out as her mind sorted through so many things.

Chapter Thirty Seven

We met Carrie and Greg in the lobby, and the six of us, with towels rolled up and tucked under our arms, headed down to the beach and turned left. The moon was out, but it was about half overcast so the night was even darker than for their last walk. I could still see the outline of our hotel when I stopped and pulled my suit off and then caught up with Lynn. Murray saw that, and not to be outdone, did the same thing and tucked his suit under his arm with the towel. Jodie was next and then Greg and Carrie and Lynn joined in our naked stroll up the beach as her suit joined mine under my arm. We walked and talked back and forth among us. We were well up the beach when Jodie dropped back and asked Lynn, "Mind if I borrow Sam for just a minute?"

"Of course not I'll go up and talk with Murray about Sierra."

Jodie took my hand in hers and asked, "Is everything okay between you and Lynn?"

"Everything is great. Oh, you mean about the jealousy question. We were just talking is all."

"That's what she said, but I wanted to be sure."

"Everything okay with you and Murray?"

"If it were any better I'd worry about what we're doing."

"I know what you mean honey. Lynn did seem a little concerned about Annette of all people. Well and Carrie too, but we talked about that."

"Why Annette?"

"I have no idea. Probably something that you or I said at some point. You're not worried about Annette are you?"

"I better not be since I convinced you to show your cock to her in that mess thong."

"Just checking."

"But you'd make love to her given the chance."

"Yes, I would as long as you were okay with it."

"I'd be okay with it if I was there."

"I understand." Then Carrie left Greg and dropped back to us so Jodie said bye and went up to join Greg.

"Hi lover, enjoying yourself I see."

I looked down at my half grown cock and said, "With him between my legs I could never lie about something like that." She moved close to me and slipped her arm around my waist and mine went around hers. "This is much better than our silliness in the bathroom that day."

"Honey that wasn't silly. I wanted you more than you knew."

"It's a good thing I didn't know or we could have both been in trouble."

"And yet here we are walking naked together and both of them know it."

"I also know that Jodie loves the way Greg kissed her."


"I also know I love the way you share a shower."

She glanced between my legs again and said, "Well something seems to please you. Maybe it's staring at Jodie's ass in front of us."

"That's a very nice sight, but I have to give most of the credit to you."

"Is that towel you're carrying to be used for what I'm hoping?"

"It is, and I'm hoping it's with you, but what about Greg?"

"I think we don't have to worry about him tonight. Correction, let's make that simply we don't have to worry about him."

"But everything between you two is okay?"

"It's great. You and I can have a long talk one day and I'll explain it to you."

"I trust you love."

"Even after Jodie told you I was wild and crazy?"

"She just told me you were a little crazy and I should keep an eye on you. I told her that's exactly what I had in mind to do."

"So how far do we have to walk before we use that towel?"

"Oh, about now I think would be perfect, but we'll have to stay very close together because it's a very small towel."

"You better lie on top of me then just so we can stay out of the sand."

We stopped and the others continued, unaware that we weren't with them anymore, or so I thought until sometime later. I spread the towel and put our suits aside and we went into a long embrace and then a deep kiss. "Damn it Carrie, you do know how to get to me."

"You get to me too and it was so very hard to behave as well as we did that morning at your place."

She carefully lay on her back as she tried not to stir up the sand too much, and then I lay on her and we kissed again. I explored her breasts for a minute, but then kissed my way down until I arrived at her pussy where I tasted and teased my sister in law's pussy. That only lasted a minute before she urged me up and I slid into her. We didn't whisper words of endearment as I stroked in and out of her. We were looking into each other, but the darkness of the night made impossible to see her eyes or her full expression. But I could hear a lilt in her voice as she said, "You feel good inside of me lover and I like your nice slow pace for starters."

"You feel a lot like your sister but I mean that in the most flattering way."

"Thank you and I don't mind the comparison as long as you don't forget it's me and not my sister."

"You're not that much alike love." For the next unknown number of minutes we didn't attempt any more conversation and nobody but Carrie was on my mind. I slid in and out of her steadily and increased my pace until I was going at what I thought was pretty fast.

She had her hands on my back and her feet were planted somewhere out in the shifting sand as she said, "Oh fuck yes lover, make me cum honey," and that pushed me into seeing to our needs as I pounded into her even faster. I was three or more strokes into my orgasm and mumbling to her about me cumming when she popped into hers. I managed a few slower thrusts but I had to catch my breath. She pulled me down onto her even as she continued to breathe fast. I was still hard and given time would have been happy to go with her again, but we lay still and kissed and then I saw her face enough to see her smile up at me as she said, "Oh baby, we have to do something like this again one of these days."

As I picked up our towel and shook the sand from it I asked her, "My place or yours?"

She laughed and said, "Both, honey, both."

Chapter Thirty Eight

As soon as we caught up with the others, Carrie rejoined Greg and I replaced Murray at Lynn's side, and Lynn all but stopped walking. The others moved ahead and I had a good idea why she was walking so slowly. She wrapped her arms around me and she softly cried. I knew the answer, but I asked her, "Lynn honey, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry Sam."

"You have nothing to be sorry about honey."

"I'm so mixed up. I liked being with Murray again and we made love and everything, but you were still in my mind. I still wanted you close to me, and then you and Carrie made love. Damn it Sam, I have no right to feel jealous because you were with her but I do. I'm sorry that I can't control myself better Sam, but I love you."

The once welcome near darkness was now my enemy as I tried to look into her eyes. "I love you too and I'm sorry you're hurting. But remember when we talked earlier and I told you how much I love you. I told you that I love you just like I love Jodie and I could spend the rest of my life with either of you and be happy, and that whatever happened nothing would change that."

"I know and it helps me to know that you feel so strongly for me. I don't get jealous because of Jodie and I knew that if you made love to Sierra I'd probably be okay, but for whatever reason, you with Carrie overwhelmed me."

"I like Carrie. She really is a lot like Jodie so it would be hard not to care for her. But Lynn honey, I don't love her. It would be the same had I been with Sierra. How would you feel if Murray made love to Carrie?"

"I'm sure it would bother me some, but not like it was with you and I don't understand that."

"I can only guess, but really it doesn't matter. No maybe it does. Honey with Murray making love to Carrie or Sierra, you don't feel threatened because Murray is your husband and you feel you have the right to put a stop to it if you choose to. But with me you feel powerless. But whatever, you feel what you feel and I'm sorry I hurt you."

"I'm doing this to myself. We better walk or somebody will come back looking for us."

"Why don't we spread the towel and be alone for awhile."

" and Carrie just..."

"Yes, and you and Murray just made love, but I think it would be nice to be with you right now and not wait until we go to bed."

We didn't make love right away. I was about half lying on her and we held each other in silence for a couple of minutes before she asked me, "Was Carrie a good lover for you?"

"Do you really want to talk about that?"


"Honey, I never lie to you so I have to say that she was a very good lover. We even laughed once."

"You laughed?"

"Yes. We didn't make love as much as we had fun. We had hard sex and had fun."

"Will you make love with her again?"

"I don't know when, but I'm sure at some point we will. While they're here or at some other time, and Jodie I'm sure will be with Greg again. I haven't talked to her but I think they enjoyed each other."

She pulled me down to her and we kissed again before she told me, "You're hard again."

"I am and there's nobody to blame for that but you."

"I feel better just holding you close and talking to you. I'll do better honey, I promise. I just have to work this out."

"I'm sticking with you honey, through good times and bad."

"Hey lovers, you two okay?"

It was Murray and I told him, "Yeah, we're fine, sorry to worry you."

"Not worried, but maybe a little concerned."

"Spread your towel and join us. I was about to make love to your wife."

"I'll do that. But both of you are okay?"

"Honey," Lynn said, "It's my fault. I just suddenly felt the need to be close to Sam and to talk to him."

"That's great and I will join you. I told the others to keep going and I'd come back to check on you two."

A moment later he was lying on the other side of Lynn and his hand went to her naked belly as mine went to her breasts. Not a word was exchanged after that. I soon entered her and Murray's hand went to her breasts as he kissed her tenderly. I held myself up the best I could, but the sand would move under my hand and I'd find myself easing down to her again.

Murray gave up on his towel and moved around so she could suck his cock and he went back to her tits as she sucked him and played with him as she bucked against my assaulting slams into her. Her orgasm came and I didn't even slow down. With Murray's help, I was determined to take Lynn to new heights of pleasure. I was hard and wouldn't go soft any time soon because I'd given Carrie all that I had at that time.

I'd never shared a woman with another guy before so this was as new to me as it was for Lynn. I could just see her sucking him and in fact as the sand moved and I eased down to her yet again, my face came very close to his cock. I could see her lips wrapped around him as she pulled back and then dove down onto him again. Then almost without warning, I came hard and my muscles locked up as I grunted from the intensity of my orgasm and dropped to the sand beyond the now almost useless towel. I was barely out of the way before Murray replaced me and slid into his wife. Lynn was crying again, but this time it was from runaway passion and boiling emotions. The two men in her life were hers alone for the first time to make love to and be loved by. Murray didn't last as long as I did, but in the meantime, Lynn pulled another climax up from her soul and cried out just before Murray gave her his meager offering of his juices.

He dropped onto the sand next to her and panted and worked to get his breath as Lynn slowly settled down from her extreme sexual high. I rolled onto my side and told her, "Honey, that was eighty percent hard sex and the rest was lovemaking."

"Oh no, that was lovemaking at it's ultimate best and I love both of you so much it scares me."

Chapter Thirty Nine

The three of us managed to catch up with the others at the hotel parking lot and we were treated to applause and a couple of comments as we went inside. The six of us went to the suite and raided the mini bar again and Jodie asked, "Okay Sam, what happened to you and Lynn?"
