Rough around the Edges Ch. 05


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"I didn't know he liked me so." James smiled. Jade smiled to herself, this was going great. Dante, on the other hand, scowled at James. Harold wasn't suppose to like him. Damn it, he thought to himself.

"What do you do now?" Harold asked.

"Well, I own a mechanic shop now. I am retiring from the Marines."

"Well, you know Donald is now First Sergeant. We are very proud of him, well good luck Sergeant and thank you for fighting for us."

"Thank you sir, I really appreciate that."

"Now Dante, how did you let this fine woman get away from you?" Harold asked.

"I guess taking her for granted and not showing how much I appreciate her." Dante said and Jade's eyes instantly cut to him.

"I told you, you can't do that to women now a day. They will go to someone who gives them the attention and I hate for that to happen to you two. Ya'll are so perfect together."

"I know, but I will get her back no matter what or who may stand in the way. Have never found a girl like her, that I love so much." Jade pursed her lips together as she stared back at him.

James stood behind the two, waiting rather impatiently. When the fuck was she going to shut this guy up, he thought to himself. Jade couldn't believe the lines that he was laying down, and right in front of James. Though, he had to admit, Dante had balls. It was a shame that he was so close to strangling the poor loser though. What blew him away more was the fact that Jade wasn't setting him straight. She just turned away from Dante and smiled back at Harold. James hold tightened on the glass. This silence made him think that for the first time Deborah could be right. He needed to get away from here and get a cigarette before he really lost his cool.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Mr. Davenport. Tell your brother I said hello."

"I will, definitely, and I will tell him your in town. Do you have a number that I can give to him?"

"Um, here is one of my cards. Just give him that number and any time you need help with your car just give me a call."

"James, are you familiar with Porsches?" Dante smirked.

"Stop it Dante." Jade said.

James let out heavy sigh and plastered on this fake smile before leaning over to Dante's face, "Are you familiar with the ER? If not I will put you there." James walked off without another word quickly downing his glass.

Jade watched as he walked back towards the kitchen in a storm that made everyone move out of his way. Oh, he was pissed, she thought to herself. Damn Dante, she just wanted to slap him. The fact that she was quiet while he was proclaiming his feelings didn't help.

"Excuse me, Mr. Davenport." Jade quickly said before turning back after James.

She ignored everyone in the way as she reached the kitchen. She looked around and saw no James. She went through to her office and still didn't see him. Where the hell did he go? She saw the door open that lead outside, that's where they usually dumped their garbage. She went back there and saw him standing there smoking his cigarette. She carefully went over to him, seeing his shoulders tense.

"Hey." she meekly called.

"Don't you have a party to get to?" he coldly replied.

"Come on don't act like that."

"I'm not acting like anything, princess."

"James, you only use princess when you are mad."

"Go back to your little party and let me enjoy my cigarette."

"And then what?"

"Then I'm going home. I'm tired."

"No, you're mad. Don't tell me you are upset just because of what Dante was saying in there." He took a long drag from his cigarette, staring straight ahead. Jade crossed her arms in front of her chest getting a little impatient.


"Yes, Jade?"

"Will you talk to me?"

"Why were you quiet when that little shit was talking about you?"

"I was just listening to his bullshit. I didn't want to cause a scene at the party."

"Sure." he said nodding.

"I didn't. Don't tell me you are going to get bull headed and stubborn now because I let you handle that situation with your ex earlier!" she said feeling her blood boil.

"It doesn't matter, babe. Just let me chill out."

"No cause you are out here mad at me and for no damn reason."

"No, I'm mad because I was in there being treated like I was invisible! I want to knock the hell out of him for trying to insult me, but you know what, it's okay. Go back to your little party."

Jade clenched her teeth together, no longer able to contain herself. Was he actually being serious? It's not like she asked for Dante to be here. She should be the one pissed off, she had to deal with Dante being here, then him trying to embarrass her and now this. A part of her said leave it alone and let him be mad. Her body was telling her something different. The more she thought about it, the more angry she got and amazingly turned on.

James was about to take another drag when something flew right in front of his face. He backed away quickly staring at whatever it was. A black shoe? He looked back at Jade and saw her other shoe in her hand and she was steaming.

"You asshole, I am back here chasing after you and I fuck you almost every night! So, how can you say you feel like you are invisible? You know I am so done right now."

"Done with what?" he boomed.

"Done with this conversation with you."

"First off princess, as soon as I came in here you were ready to charge at me for being late after I told you I had to change my tires and you still didn't pick up the damn phone!"

"I was busy in there, so sue me!"

"You know what, this is becoming impossible. Why am I having to explain myself like this?"

"Cause, I don't want him! I know you think I do want him."

"I'm not thinking anything but smoking my cigarette." he said about to reach for his pack.

She groaned loud in frustration. She couldn't take this from and she just felt her control snap. She grabbed the pack crumbling the pack in her hand. She then went to the dumpster and threw them. James watched in awed and anger as she closed the lid. This spoiled impossible little bitch just took his cigarettes, he thought to himself. She stood there hands on her hips, with her one shoe still in her hand. She was flustered, out of breath, and was turning him on.

"Now, can you think of something besides your cigarettes?" she said defiantly. He paused still staring a hole into her.

"You know what I can." he finally said marching over to her and grabbing her arm.

He pulled her inside the building and into her office. He was no longer able to contain his want for her. A part of her was anticipating this moment too. She knew she was pushing him and even though she was actually a little anger, she liked it. It was something about the way they argued that she loved because she knew making up was quickly going to follow.

Everything between them had just been building and now it was time for the explosion. When they got into the office, he slammed the door and pushed her against it. He pushed his lips against hers, roughly possessing her mouth. She returned with the same passion, grabbing the back of his head. She invaded so much of his senses, he loved her taste, the way she smelled, it made him extremely hard. He pulled her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She moved from his lips to kissing on his ear. Oh damn, not there, he thought as she nibbled on his earlobe.

He carried her over to her desk. It was no time for gentleness, he wanted her now. He needed to sink himself inside of her. He reached to unravel her legs and made her stand on her feet. He turned her around, pushing her down on the desk. This is new, she thought with a smile as she pressed her butt against his erection. When she heard his sudden breath intake, she bit her lower lip, looking over her shoulder at him. He flipped her dress up, running his hands on her tight ass. She spread her legs further as she felt her slick wetness building. His cock strained against his zipper as he reached between her legs rubbing on her pussy lips. She nibbled on her bottom lip as his fingers worked magic inside of her.

"Oh James." she moaned, feeling her pussy tighten around his fingers.

She was primed and ready for him. He couldn't afford to waist time. She had a party to get back to and he was screaming for some release. He made short work of his pants reaching to get his condom out. He rolled the contraption over his straining cock keeping Jade in anticipation. He thrust inside of her to the hilt, making her moan in ecstasy. She felt so good wrapped around him like a glove. He wanted to stay right here like this for as long as he could, pulsating inside of her. He felt her push back against him, aching to feel more of him.

"Baby, please move." she whined looking back at him.

"You want it?" he growled, reaching up to grab her hair.

"Yes, yes please." she pleaded and he started slowly thrusting inside of her.

He made sure she felt every inch of him as he held her down on the desk. She gritted her teeth together scratching her own desk as he moved harder. She was so hot and tight around him, squeezing his cock as he plunged deeper inside of her. He pulled her hair back further, quickening his thrust. She couldn't think logically anymore, everything was primal in her right now. She needed the release. She needed this man right now. She was slowly reaching that point where she was losing herself.

"No more games." he claimed, "You and I are going to be together. You are mine now." he claimed slamming inside of her, "Understand?"

No words came into her head, just the moans and groans. He reached his hand in front of her for her clit. He started to stroke the hardened bud and she gasped out straightening up slightly. She reached behind her to grab a tight hold of her hair. Her body was on fire and her mouth felt numb. She needed to say something.

"Understand?" he growled.

"Yes, oh yes James!" she screamed, finally finding her voice.

He kept pistoning his hips inside of her, quicker, feeling his balls tighten. He knew he was cumming soon. He felt her pull and tug on his hair as he kept thrusting inside of her. He loved it when she pulled and tugged on his hair. Her vision started to get blurry and all she could hear was her own moans and the skins slapping against each other. Her mouth gaped open as her body spiraled out of control exploding on his cock. He soon followed, biting her shoulder. She shivered in his arms and he held on to her tight.

"So, we have that understood?" he whispered, kissing her on the neck and she just moaned.

She maneuvered her head to look up at him, "Just don't hurt me okay?" she whispered.

"You got it baby." he said kissing her lips, "Now you have a party to finish up." her body shook with laughter and he joined her, kissing her shoulder.

"I will, but could you get my shoe please." she said looking up with pleading eyes and he couldn't help but to shake his head and laugh.

"You have to be kidding me?" Deborah said nursing her glass.

"I wouldn't be here if everything worked as planned. She was gone for like an hour and when she came back, she was all smiles and giggles." Dante said taking her glass and downing it.

"Oh yea, he fucked her good." Deborah sighed, "I was for sure he would of thought about what I said."

"It worked for a little bit. I could tell that he was pissed that he was late because of his flat tires. Jade was suppose to blow up because he was late, she hates that shit. What the fuck?" Dante said slamming his fist on the bar.

"It's okay. This is just plan A. We will come up with something. That's one thing about James, there is something about the way he fucks a woman that just makes them agree to whatever he says." Deborah said gazing into space thinking of the last time they were together.

"I'm right fucking here." Dante said looking up at Deborah.

Deborah quickly shook her head, "Sorry honey, well now what?"

"I have one more thing. Someone that's not going to be too happy to know that she broke up with me." he reached for his phone.

"Who are you calling?"

"Just watch." he cleared his throat as he put the phone to his ear, "Hello Gale," he said, sounding very down, "you won't believe what happened."

Jade was looking around for one of her favorite shirts because she knew that James was waiting. It's been about a couple weeks from the party and Jade could not have been happier. Everything was going pretty good so far. The restaurant was taking off and the girls were getting ready to plan Kendra's baby shower.

Jade had been hanging around James almost every day since the party. It was nice to have a boyfriend that was actually devoted to her. He wasn't really the big romantic type, but he had his moments and just being around him was enough for her. He wasn't exactly what she expected when she thought of the perfect man for herself but he was everything that she was needing. She knew at times she was sounding like a sap and she didn't want to rush anything but her mechanic was truly becoming a permanent member in her heart.

"Baby, I like what you are wearing now." she looked up and saw him standing in her doorway, with his half grin.

"I figured you would but I have to find my shirt." she finally located it and threw it on, "Oh got it." she said smoothing it down.

James watched her while she was in the mirror. He wanted to take her out on his motorcycle but it was a surprise. He had finally got everything fixed with Ramon's help. She wanted to drag him to this little market place looking for some stuff to help decorate his condo. He couldn't understand what the big deal was. He was here most of the time anyway, but she was insistent on it. Women, he thought to himself. Although, it felt good to have someone like her with him. This was different than his marriage, this was someone that actually knew how to spoil a man, but also demanded what she wanted. She was everything he wanted in a woman. She was still a spoiled princess, but she was his spoiled princess.

She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, "I'm ready." she said and he leaned down to kiss her lips.

"Why am I doing this again?"

"Because you need some stuff in there. It looks like a bare prison when I go in there."

"It has a bed and food in the refrigerator." he said walking downstairs.

"Don't be funny James. Just let me do what I do."

"I always let you do what you do when I want you to." he felt her slap his shoulder and started laughing.

When they got downstairs, they heard her doorbell. Who could that be, Jade thought. Jade went to the door and gasped as she looked through the peephole.

"Oh shit." she said.

"What's wrong baby?"


"I'm a grown man, I'm not hiding anywhere anymore or making up any story."

"No, it's not like that." she opened the door and plastered on a smile, "Hey guys."

"Hey sister." Nicole said wrapping her arms around Jade.

Jade loved her baby sister so much. She considered Nicole more of her best friends too, her very innocent friend. Nicole always thought of she was a nerd but she didn't really look much like one. She was tall and had a fit tight body from her years of running track. She had these big bright brown eyes, even though she wore glasses all the time. Her long hair was constantly pulled back in a pony tail. She didn't want to deal with makeup or fixing up her hair, but she was very much a natural beauty.

"What are ya'll doing here?" Jade said.

"We are here to see you, little sister." Gale said walking in with her cold demeanor.

"Hello Gale, um, I'm sorry guys. This is James," she said moving towards him, "my boyfriend." she gulped.

Nicole smiled at him and extended her hand, "Nice to meet you James."

"You too Nicole, I see you are just as pretty as your sister."

"Oh no, no. I'm just plain and ordinary and nothing special." she laughed nervously and James couldn't help but smile at her.

"Nicole, reel it back a little bit." Gale said keeping her hands in front of her, "I'm Gale, the big sister." she said narrowing her eyes at him.

"Nice to meet you too." James said.

"I'm sure." Jade stared at Gale as she kept her hard look at James.

Now it's obvious, the bitchy part is somewhat hereditary built, just skipped the baby girl, James thought.

"James, do you mind leaving? I have to have a big sister talk with Jade."

He looked at Jade and she nodded, "Alright baby. I'll call you later." he said giving her a kiss.

"Okay, you are not escaping this shopping trip." she warned and he groaned.

"Nice meeting you Nicole. Good luck in school okay?"

"Oh you'll probably see me. I'm going to school around here and hanging more with Jade. We are..." she rambled.

"Nicole, the man has to go." Gale said cutting Nicole off.

Jade hated it when Gale did this. They watched James walk out and both of them locked eyes. She knew that stare, it was the "what have you done stare".

"Nicole, why don't you go upstairs just for a little bit?" Gale said and Nicole followed orders, "Are you serious right now?"

"What is it, Gale?" Jade said crossing her arms.

"You left a good man, for that? That white man?"

"This has nothing to do with his race." Jade said in shock.

"Oh no, I'm sorry, the white mechanic is dating my Ivy league sister, let's talk about that." she said venom dripping from her words.

"It doesn't matter what he does and how do you know about him."

"It doesn't matter how I know. How could you be so stupid? He is not looking for anything but to fuck a black girl to see what it's like."

"Are YOU being serious right now? You think my judgment of people is so clouded that I can't see who is the right person for me."

"Baby girl, I am just telling you the ways of the world. You are a strong successful woman and you have no time wasting with a grease monkey."

"It's his own shop and I know he will be good to me. He has so far."

"So he's from here?"

"No, he's from Tennessee, he just got out of the Marines."

"Oh my God, Jade. A military man? Haven't you watched mama over the years to know what military men do?"

"James is retired and that's our father you are talking about."

"And I love our father, but he left us to deal with everything alone. I don't want you to go through that. With him being called away to who knows where and leaving you at home by yourself. You need someone stable in your life."

"Gale, please. I told you he is retiring."

"Men like him don't retire. They stick around for awhile playing civilian, get bored with the life and then re-enlist. I've seen daddy do it. Wise up baby girl, he is not for you."

"You don't know anything about him!" Jade shouted in anger.

"Oh my goodness, do you love him?" Jade looked off, "You do? He's going to hurt you baby girl."

"He promised me he won't."

"Well I know men like him and they do. You will be the one crying your eyes out on the phone with me wondering what you did wrong. Be smart Jade, let him be with his own kind." Gale said and Jade started to tremble.

She felt a tear sting her eye and she begged that it wouldn't fall, not right here in front of her. No, James wouldn't do that. He's not like that, she thought to herself. Her mind thought back to when they were little and the times that she would see mama looking so sad that daddy went back overseas. Jade wouldn't be able to handle that. She had to prove Gale wrong, he wouldn't leave her alone. Or would he?

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lissahoney305lissahoney305almost 10 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Great Story!

Wonderful writing, just confused if James's last name is still Morris or if it is now Conrad :D Otherwise it's perfect!.

AMHJ89AMHJ89over 10 years ago

Meaty's was good except for the constant name changes and certain details being inconsistent

nieniernienieralmost 11 years ago
I am loving the story but...

I am loving the story and I don't mean to be a picky missy but why does James' last name keep changing.

Jade when having the box delivered called him James Morris

Deborah said James Barr

Now it's James Conrad

Confused and I know that you may think it trivial but just asking also in Scott and Katrina's story the ex-wife's name was Lorraine not Deborah...again trivial just saying.

Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
James has had three last names and was demoted.

What is James's last name? First it was Morris, then something else, and now Conrad. Also, he went from being a commissioned CO to a non-commissioned officer. What gives?

Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmover 11 years ago
Fuckin' scheming bitch skeezers, Dante and Deborah....yuck!!!!

Jade's sister is only going to turn up the heat between Jade and James.

James is too soldier savvy not to see the shit that Dante and Deborah are working. Just a matter of time before one misstep reveals their malignant intent. I'm tapping my fingertips.

Jujubee58Jujubee58over 12 years ago

Damn, does Jade know how to stick up for herself? Grow a set Jade, and stop letting family pick your man for you!

bemrblubemrblualmost 13 years ago
Wonderful story!

... but I agree with the need for an editor. The mix of past and present tense gets really confusing after a while.. as well as the mixed up names.

But other than that, WONDERFUL story! You are truly talented.


We all have our own paths to walk. What type of sister would judge instead of supporting? I know, one that needs to live her own life!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great story! Please edit!!!

I love this story so far, but you really need an editor. Btw, please pick 1 last name for James and stick with it. In only 5 chapters, he has already been James Morris, James Barr, and James Conrad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

i hate gale already.

C_girl225C_girl225almost 15 years ago

i love ur stories. they are really good. the only thing i can tell u is keep writing. LOVED IT =)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Loved it

Oh my gosh Gail needs to back up!! giving advice is one thing but trying to run someones life is another I hope she doesnt listen to her sister. When is Dante and His trashy acomplish going down. Thank you for updating

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

I got a bat...I think she should use to to beat her sister. D;

Can't judge a man by what other men have done, or his race.

hotcocoa6904hotcocoa6904almost 15 years ago
Loved the update!!

Gale needs to sit down somewhere. Who the hell does she think she is? And to believe Dante of all people. I would rather take the hot grease monkey, then the one that would cheat on me. Jade needs to make these decisions herself, she is grown. I hope that this doesn't make her do something stupid. Thank you for updating.

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