All Comments on 'Sammi's Gloved Threesome'

by JSF79

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sopharoonessopharoonesover 6 years ago
most welcome

well, if that wasnt what i was looking for right at this moment! thankyou! It does needs a bit of editing (noticed at least 3 examples of mistakes) but story wise and erotic wise all well done. I particularly like the attention to detail on the girls' outfits! As this is the first story i have read of yours i look forward to checking the rest


EmirusEmirusover 6 years ago
Forget the marigolds 😡

I read the previous story and didn’t vote on it. I love glove stories but marigold gloves being sexy? Yuk. 😡. But moving on............

This has to be one of the hottest shemale stories I’ve ever read and apart from the description of the clothes and action what pushed it over the edge was the gloves. My strongest fetish by far is gloves. I’ve visited many mistresses and when informing them of what I like the top of my list is always gloves.. I’ve also visited many “ladies of ill repute” and again make a request that if they have any soft leather gloves or velvet opera gloves that they wear them. Gloves used with both as much as possible during my visit. My greatest regret is that I can’t give it 10 stars.

More of the same please. What more can I say?

RubberuwRubberuwover 6 years ago

Very nice story, loved it.

So nice with a threesome involving latex and an element of surprise. Make us all more open to the unexpected.

Thanks and looking forward to read more of your stories.

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