Sarah and the Major Go Spanking Ch. 01

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Housewife meets a widowed Major during Covid 19.
2.8k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/26/2020
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This is a work of fiction. I am not an old man and neither am I a woman. I have no hands on knowledge of spanking and very little of BDSM. I apologise if there is failure in the detail. Any similarity to persons live or dead is purely incidental. Enjoy and thanks for reading.

CH 1

"I think that is far enough Major, We have to stop this now." Sarah said rather half heartedly as the retired widowers gnarled and slightly shakey hand rose slowly up her shapely stocking clad leg.

"Far from it," replied the Major. "I paid for this silk so I get to enjoy every inch of you wearing it. You know the best bit of a stocking? This bit." he said as his hand reached the very top of the stocking. His cold finger brushed against her warm thigh as he found the strap of the suspender belt holding the stocking in place.

"Major this is very inappropriate and does definitely not constitute social distancing."

"And do you think your husband would regard it inappropriate if he were to know that today you come here wearing expensive pure silk French lingerie bought for you by me and under clothes that you wear at my specific request. Would he think that inappropriate?"

Sarah baulked at the brutal reinforcement of the position she was in.

"You know he would. He can never find out." was her reply as his withered fingers tucked themselves inside the front suspender belt strap whilst continuing their upward journey towards her partly shaved centre of pleasure.

"Then our arrangement remains my dear. Now then, which of the panties I bought you am I going to enjoy today?"


Three months earlier.

April 2020. Suburban England. Coronavirus lockdown week Four

"And the total number of deaths in the last 24 hours across all hospitals is 1014." declared the Prime Minister in sombre overtones during the government's 5 O'clock Coronavirus briefing.

"You know the Major who lives in number 24? His wife was one of them." declared Sarah. "Next door put it in the group chat. Poor guy is going to be devastated without her. She was always so impeccably dressed and very well spoken. Do you know, I don't think I ever saw her in a pair of trousers, always in a dress or a skirt. Don't get me wrong, I know he can be a cantankerous old devil and believes in "certain standards" but there is something quite sweet about him and he is always the perfect gentleman. I feel very sorry for him."


May 2020. Lockdown week Eight

"I spoke with the Major today from the end of the front garden. His self isolation is finished and he buried his wife last week. His son has gone back to London so he's on his own. He thanked me for the flowers and card and the offer of any help he needed. He has asked me if I can get him a delivery slot for shopping from Waitrose as he cannot get the laptop to work. I said I'd see what I can do."

"Sarah you have to be careful. You don't want to get sucked into some old boys problems especially with this bloody virus thing going on. Let his family sort it." *****

June 2020 Lockdown week 12. Social bubbles are introduced

"The Majors shopping will be delivered today and as I'm his bubble mate I'll go and help him put it all away and make sure he's alright."

"Okay Sarah but don't be too long with the old perv. I'm sure he's loving every minute of your visits especially as you always wear a skirt just for him. What do you do? Flash him a bit of leg now and again just to keep his pecker up?"

"Well actually," she replied sarcastically followed by a momentary pause for effect "He's the perfect gentleman and always very grateful. I wear a skirt because he thinks jeans and trousers are unladylike and only worn by "lesser women" and actually, he makes me feel very appreciated which is more than I can say for you these days."

"Yeah yeah, here we go again. I'm just saying watch him. See you later."

Later the same day:

"My dear, I'm so very grateful for all your trouble and for looking after an old man like me and putting the shopping away. Would you allow me to buy you a little something for your troubles? What do you like to drink my dear? Have you a favourite tipple we might enjoy together?" enquired the Major.

"I like a little Gin and Tonic and a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc occasionally but not during the day as I get a little tipsy. I'm afraid my behaviour might suffer a little when I am a little bit the worse for wear Major." replied Sarah.

"Well I'll see what I can do for you my dear. I have another favour to ask. Could you change a light bulb for me? I'm afraid I'm not too good climbing on steps these days but I'll happily hold you safe."

"Of course I can Major but no peeking up my skirt now. You might get a little shock." she giggled.

"The ladders are not that high unfortunately my dear but I'm sure the view would indeed be one to behold and be savoured. Are you a wearer of these modern day "thong" style panties that leave ones posterior open to the world?"

"That is a little forward if you don't mind my saying so you saucy thing but yes I sometimes wear a thong. They are very comfortable but can be a little chilly when wearing a skirt in winter. Luckily today is very warm and the sun is shining brightly. Where shall I find the ladders and a light bulb?"

"In the garage my dear. I'll follow your beautiful bottom."

"Ooooh." flounced Sarah and she sashayed her "beautiful bottom" all the way to the garage.

As Sarah climbed the steps the Major was careful to place her between him and the bright sunshine pouring through the window. He had chosen the room with the highest ceiling so she had to climb as high as possible. The thin linen material of her skirt offered him the perfect silhouette of her lower body. Her shapely legs beautifully outlined as they rose toward her buxom backside. As she neared the top, with each step, he was presented with the outlines of her thighs and the smooth line of her sex in between. The thin material of her skirt revealed the bare skin of her buttocks as it stretched with each step. Now on the platform at the top of the four step ladder she had to bend fully at the waist to hold on to the top grab rail causing the skirt to stretch even tighter over her backside and highlight her ample cheeks and the dark line between. Light bulb in hand she reached up. The ladder wobbled a little.

"I'll need to hold the ladder dear. Sorry about the distance not being two meters." and grabbed hold of the wobbling ladder.

A sharp movement of his strong left hand rocked the steps even more and a fast right arm reaching outwards, upwards and then towards him secured Sarah from her fall. On the inside of her skirt and up around the front of her right thigh, his arm held her firmly in place and his hand clamped round the very top of her bare thigh and pushed tight against her pubic mound. Momentarily, as he held her tight against his chest, his index finger and thumb felt softness and smoothness. He flexed his thumb expecting to feel the fabric of her underwear but he could feel non.

"Fuck Major! Hold the bloody ladder still and move your fucking hand please!" yelled Sarah bending fully at the hip to reach for the grab rail and steady herself.

"Do not use that wanton slut language in my home." bellowed the Major "My wife would have six of my hand on her bare backside for such an outburst. I'm trying to hold the damn thing still." he retorted as he pulled her tighter to his chest and flexed his left arm to shake the ladder again. Now bending to hold the rail more of her flesh pushed down on his hand. "But how could that be her skin," he thought "there should be hair." But as she struggled to retain her balance it dawned on him that the knuckles of his index finger were buried deep in her warm fleshy cleft.

"Major! That's not two millimetres, let alone two meters. Move your hand from between my legs and hold the fucking ladder still before I fall off. Please."

"Language wanton hussy! Do you want to feel my bare hand across your backside?"

"You wouldn't fucking dare!" Sarah retorted desperately wriggling her hips and backside trying to dislodge the majors trapped hand. She managed descend two steps so one knee was level with the platform she was stood upon and hitching her skirt with her left hand, the right reached between her open legs managed extract his wayward hand whilst her other foot made contact with the last but one step with a straight right leg.

Smartly grabbing her arm he was able to pull her forward pushing her chest over her knee and her head by the grab handle facing away from him. Holding her down with his left arm he was able to swiftly move his right to the back of her neck and force her down to the platform whilst she let go her skirt and grabbed the rail.

"I'm a British army major. He who dares wins dear!" His now free left arm landed a smart smack to her left buttock and then a 2nd to the right.

"Ouch! How fucking dare you!" shrieked Sarah "Let me go."

"If you had underwear on you pantyless tart, it wouldn't hurt so much would it?" he retorted as the third flat hand landed on her linen clad left cheek for the second time.

"If you weren't such a fucking pervert you wouldn't know I have no underwear on."

"More of that language and the next two will be on your bare backside." he responded as the fourth slap rounded on here right cheek.

"Fuck you bastard!" she desperately fought to get from under his forceful right hand but she was firmly pinned in place. In the struggle two blouse buttons popped open and whilst her considerable left breast was being forced sideways against her knee and the platform, her right started to bulge from its cup threatening to break free altogether. The Majors left arm casually gripped the lower hem of her skirt and lifting it over her now exposed bare backside placed it on her back roughly level with her bra strap.

A resounding crack announced the meeting of bare skin on bare skin as her taught left cheek took the full force of his flat hand closely followed by another sharp crack as the right received the same, this one bouncing under the impact and then falling back into its natural slack position.

"Ooww. Stop it asshole." Sarah tried to struggle again but no avail. She just ended up wedged harder against the grab rail. She felt the cold aluminium against the bare flesh on her chest.

"Drop the language and the attitude Tart and I'll stop." retorted the major as his left hand once again landed on her stretched left cheek. This time he left it in contact and massaged the heat firmly into the boney buttock, the palm of his hand just nudging her rosebud anus and the tip of his little finger perilously close to her exposed parts .

"Please no more." Sarah whimpered as his circular motions eased the stinging imparted on her bare cheek.

"You going to drop the foul language and the attitude?" replied the major as he landed a sharp one on the other relaxed cheek. His hand once again remained, rubbing and massaging the red heat into her fleshy buttock, the tips of his fingers reaching as far as the top of her straight leg and his thumb brushing her exposed anus.

"Women like you need a firm hand."

The heat from her buttocks was spreading. She could feel a cool draft on the warmth between her legs and became acutely aware of her exposure. His rotational motion and firm grip of her flesh was pulling and stretching the whole of her nether regions and as he continued the firm circular massage of her now very pink backside conflicting emotions toyed with her senses. Anger verses arousal. Disgust verses desire. Anger because she could feel her arousal betraying her, disgust because she senses her increasing desire. She managed to turn her head to face him. She was exhausted from the struggle and drained from the emotional conflict but had to try one more time. She relaxed as his massaging left hand eased the pain and continued with its teasing of her most private areas.

"Why should I bastard?"

"Because then I can make the pain go away and replace it with pleasure. Your choice." In a change of rhythm he slapped the same cheek again hard and then quickly the other. Sarah yelped in pain.

"Please please no more. I can't fight you anymore. Please no more pain. No more." she slumped, deflated and beaten, her raw butt stinging from the impact and glowing rosy red. The major rubbed both cheeks until the heat subsided. She pushed back into his hand forcing more pressure into her electrified backside. Moving her sore left knee outwards to the left of the ladder she arched her back further forcing the pressure from his hand. This also allowed her breasts to move back from the platform and the right one now free from its restraint hung freely toward the floor. The Major saw the erectness of her visible nipple so to check something out, he made the last bold stoke of her right buttock go down and around the bottom of the globe and forwards between her now slightly open legs. He grazed the groove of her sex with the knuckle of his thumb and felt the hard nub at the far end. Withdrawing, he traced the route backwards feeling a momentary shudder as the boney knuckle rubbed over her protruding clit and the along the warm moistness of her slit. Continuing up her bum crack he glossed over her opening with palm of his hand and continued up her back pushing her down as he did so. This freed his right hand with which he gently squeezed her exposed fleshy breast and erect nipple. There was no fight left in her as her body had totally betrayed her arousal.

The Major ceased squeezing the breast and eased the pressure from her back and allowed her to put both feet on the ground. As her skirt dropped back into place she placed her exposed breast back in her bra and fastened the buttons back together. Acutely aware of her rock hard nipples and the unfulfilled ache between her legs, she put her forearms on the ladders platform and slumped her head into their cradle. She looked at the Major as she gently wept and he wiped away a tear.

"Ladies don't swear, they wear underwear and they don't shave their lady parts like a porn film slut. If you had hair as you should I would have known the dishonourable whereabouts of my hand and removed it quickly. As it was I thought it was outside your skirt as intended. I merely tried to prevent your fall. I never took you to be a slut but without a firm hand you are in danger of becoming one. Does your husband like this behaviour?"

"I am not a slut. These days it is as normal to shave down there as it is to shave our arm pits or is that not allowed either? It is warm today so I had no underwear on to avoid being sweaty. I had no idea you were going to ask me to climb ladders and then feel me up. As for my husband he has no choice. I am a grown woman and I groom as I see fit. Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to leave now. I'm afraid you'll have to change your own damn light bulb."

Dejected and sore, Sarah left the room and then exited the front door somehow finding the energy to slam it hard behind her. The short walk to her home was pained but as she entered the back door of her house she had to regain her composure.

"How was the old bastard?" enquired her husband.

"Demanding today. Very demanding." Sarah struggled to reply without sounding unusual.

"I told you not to get involved but you will do whatever the hell you want to."

"Yes dear I will. Now I am going for a bath." her tender backside needed some soothing.


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