Saving the Doctor Pt. 11


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Jon furrowed his brow in concern.

"Okay, just let me get ready. I'll only be a few minutes," Elaina said.

A couple minutes later the bedroom door opened and Elaina walked through, already having fixed her makeup.

She locked the door and stopped briefly eyeing Jon on the bed, her eyes running over his naked body and lingering on his still-half-erect cock for a moment, before going to the dresser to pick out some clothes.

"Elaina!" Jon whispered "Untie me!"

She didn't respond and went to her purse to toss a few things in.

"Elaina!" Jon whispered louder.

"Shush!" she finally bit back, looking almost disturbed. "Just be quiet and wait and I'll be back soon and I'll untie you then.

"Now. Please, I won't yell or attack you, I'll just... leave."

She stood motionless next to him, not moving except for her chest breathing heavily and her eyes darting around, clearly thinking fast. The distraught look on her face finally switched back to her more familiar cold determination and she turned around and grabbed a glass of water.

"Here, drink," she said holding it to his face.

"What? No. Elaina Un. Tie. Me!"

"No. Drink. I'll be back soon."

"I'm gonna yell," he said.

Her face went cold, looking scared and desperate. "Don't you fucking dare. If you yell out and give this away I will ruin you. If you get one of the neighbours to call the cops while I'm gone I will ruin you. I will lie to them, and you will not like the lies I tell. Drink. Stay. And I will come back and... I will figure this out," she said, her confidence breaking slightly at the end but effectively scaring Jon into silently taking the glass in his mouth.

The lukewarm water tasted like the nectar of the Gods. His dry mouth soaking it up and gulping eagerly.

She nodded in satisfaction.

"I mean it Jon. Stay. Be quiet. And I'll let you go when I come back, I promise."

"Elaina?" Matt said knocking on the door.

"Coming!" she said pleasantly and quickly padded away.

Jon collapsed his head back on the pillow yet again, his mind racing with no solution in sight.


Carly rang the buzzer again outside the apartment gate and kept waiting.


She couldn't decide if she was disappointed or relieved.

The ball of pressure at the top of her stomach wasn't just from heartburn, she knew. Though she hadn't been sure if it was the pregnancy, or worry over Jon that had made that so much worse in the last little while.

She took a deep calming breath and buzzed again, trying to figure out what she could possibly say to Elaina to let her come in. She was fairly sure that having Jon's phone wouldn't be enough to convince her to let her see him.

Even though she had long since lost any shred of respect for the woman, she admitted she was still intimidated by her. She remembered how she had felt so helpless other than to physically attack her at the hospital, losing her cool while Elaina remained professional and composed, walking away confidently with his stretcher.

Carly stopped herself from reliving the memory yet again. Maybe Elaina was better than her in a few ways, but Carly knew she was the one Jon really loved. Right now that was all that mattered. She just needed to get to him and tell him she still loved him too.

A man walked by her to let himself in.

"Excuse me do you mind if I sneak in behind you, I'm trying to see my friend, he um, left his phone with me and I-..."

"I'm not supposed to do that sorry," he replied turning away quickly and shutting the gate behind him.

Carly sighed, not blaming him in the least for following the rules.

She hadn't been meaning to come here today. She had still been working up the courage and trying to figure out how to go about it. Then, earlier today, his parents had called her again. They were extremely worried now, saying they were sorry they hadn't quite believed her about Elaina. They had talked with Jon briefly on the phone though, and accidentally heard Elaina scream at him after, when she thought she had hung up. Then, after a brief, unconvincing conversation with her an hour later, and then several unanswered calls since, they had phoned Carly, asking if there was anything she could do.

All she could think to do was get in her car and drive, all the way there, and now, several hours later, here she was, wondering what the hell she was doing. She figured she would think of a plan on the way there, but she had come up blank.

She buzzed again, starting to tear up at the thought of having to simply turn around, and drive home.

"I'm sorry do you mind?" a woman asked behind her, startling her.

"Oh, sorry," Carly said, stepping out of the way.

The woman looked down at her belly and gave her a soft smile, then turned to unlock the gate.

Carly blushed slightly, still not used to people noticing. She hadn't thought it was THAT noticeable yet, but obviously she was more and more wrong every day.

Carly took out her phone and pretended to be texting when she looked up and saw the woman holding the door.

"Oh, thank you," Carly said with a grateful smile, walking through behind her, stunned that she had gotten in so easily.


Carly took a deep breath and knocked on Elaina's door.


She had naively thought she had already succeeded but she somehow had found herself in the same situation again.

She knocked again. Tapping her foot, looking around the hallway, paranoid that someone was going to know she wasn't supposed to be in there. She almost thought she heard a sound but wasn't quite sure from where.

She knocked again, losing hope quickly. Maybe they had gone out. If he wasn't home it meant he must be up walking. Well enough that he would be able to come back to her if he had wanted. Able to get a hold of her if he wanted. Hell, maybe they were out on a date. She winced and told herself that should be impossible, that he wouldn't be that stupid and manipulable, but doubts started to infect her. Tears started to fall. She turned away. Unable to think of anything other than to drive home in defeat.

Then she heard it again. This time recognizing it as a soft "hello," from inside.

"Hello?" Carly called back, holding her head next to the door.

"Hello, who is it?" a voice called out, sounding strained and gravelly, but it sounded like...

"Jon!?" Carly called out. "Jon it's Carly!"

There was a moment of silence, Carly started to doubt enough to double check the number on the door, then he called back faintly.

"Carly! Carly, yes it's me! I need help!"

"Jon let me in then!"

"I can't! I'm... I'm tied up!"

"What?!" she exclaimed thinking she must have misheard.

"I'm tied to the bed!" he yelled.

Carly couldn't believe it. ...actually, deep down she could.

"Is she there?" she asked, immediately realizing it was a stupid question.

"No! Carly get security to let you in!"

"Jon I'm gonna call the police!"

"No! No Carly please don't call the cops!"


"She made threats... If I got them involved... Please Carly just get security. They should be able to let you in."

"What do I tell them?!"

"I don't know! Just please, get them to open the door and then you can get me out of here!"

"Okay! Okay I'll get them," Carly said, trying not to freak out, and taking off down the hall.


"Okay... I just have one question then," the woman asked.

"Um, yeah. sure," Carly said politely.

"Do you think I'm fucking stupid?" she said, leaning forward intimidatingly on the security desk.

Carly looked at her in shock. She had seemed to have a bit of an unpleasant air about her, but she wasn't expecting this.

"N... no of course not, I know it's a crazy situation but I-..."

"Crazy, yeah, no shit. Crazy that you couldn't think of a better lie than that. What did you get knocked up by some gang loser and now he's making you do this kinda dirty work to keep you out of the shelter? Casing the joint or something?"

"No! I'm serious my friend is in there and he's in trouble!" Carly replied in offended shock.

"Who let you in?" she demanded

"I don't know, it was just some nice stranger," Carly said, fending off tears.

She scoffed. "NICE, yeah. Goddammit I'm gonna have to put out another memo. K. You're coming with me." she said, opening the door and stepping out of the security office.

"What? No Please..."

"Either you let me escort you off the premises and accept my GENEROUS offer to let you walk out of here, or I call the cops and make this extremely simple," she said.

Carly gasped and then bit her lip in frustration as she followed the woman out of the building.


Carly tried to hold back tears as the phone rang and rang and eventually went to voicemail.

"Hey, Grace, just give me a call when you get this, I'm um, just in a really shit situation right now and I feel like I need someone to talk to, and figure out what to do. I'm um, in the city, and it's a long story, but Jon's in trouble and I can't decide whether to... sorry this probably makes no sense but just give me a call when you can. Bye."

She hung up and her head fell back against the car seat. She was still parked outside the building. It was more than half an hour since she had told Jon she would get help. She was trying to decide whether to just dial 911. She knew it was probably the right thing to do, but Jon had told her not to... what would Elaina do?... She admitted if she was willing to tie Jon up then who knows what else? Carly couldn't just drive away though.

She pulled out her phone. Ready to dial the 3 numbers. She looked up, hesitating.

Then she saw a car pull out of the back alley ahead of her, and caught sight of the face in the window.

It was her. The female security guard. Driving away...

She must be off shift.

Maybe she had another shot. Maybe she would have told the other guard about her, maybe they'd send her away too, but it was worth a try. She just needed a different approach. Maybe a different story, she thought to herself. Her mind raced, going to a surprising place. Or, maybe not that surprising... She kept thinking for a minute and then told herself she had little to lose. She looked herself in the mirror and reached for her purse.

5 minutes later she finished layering on what felt like ridiculously thick makeup, wondering if she was overdoing it. She looked down and unbuttoned her jacket. She took it off, as well as her sweater, to reveal the black low-cut tank top underneath. She looked out the window making sure no one was watching and then slipped it off to adjust her bra, tightening it up more than it should be to hike her breasts up. She slipped the tank top back on, her engorged breasts all but bursting out of it now, and left the sweater. Then she put on the jacket, mostly unbuttoned in the front, enough to generously tease the goods underneath while keeping her belly disguised. At least she hoped.

She looked at herself in the mirror again, deciding it was convincing enough. It was a gamble, maybe more likely to get herself thrown out or to have the cops called on her, but at least this story probably made more sense than a man's crazy ex-fiance tying him up as he was recovering from hospital. She took a deep breath and stepped out of the car.


She watched from the gate as the security guard approached.

A man this time. Good. ...she hoped that was good anyway.

She psyched herself up, putting on the cutesiest demeanour she could muster.

"Hey! Thank you SO much, this is really embarrassing but my friend needs your help in there."

"Uhh, yeah, I'm sorry I don't know if I understood over the intercom, so what's going on?" he said, gulping and obviously trying NOT to look at Carly's deep cleavage.

"He... thought he had left me a key, but of course he didn't, and now... he got ahead of himself. So he um, he's a little... unable to come to the door. It's kind of a kink thing, and I'm sorry he's gonna be really embarrassed. I keep telling him not to be, he's kinda new to all this, and made a bit of a rookie mistake."

The young man looked nervous and afraid to ask, "So it's like a, um, ss..."

"Bondage," she said bluntly, saving him from saying his thoughts out loud. She wagged her shoulders cutely and giggled. It's kinda my thing. The newbies are cute but sometimes they screw up a bit like he did."

"Holy shi- I mean um, sorry." He gulped. "So are you a..."

She frowned and crossed her arms, making sure to push her breasts up as she did so "I'm his girlfriend..."

"Right, of course."

"You don't think I look like a prostitute do you?" she asked, looking offended, but knowing she probably did.

"No! No of course not," he said, obviously backpedalling, but looking slightly disappointed. "Look maybe I should just check the info of the suite and try to call or go up and check myself, and then he can let you in..."

She saw the look on his face and spoke up quickly "Of course I do have a FEW boyfriends, and they do buy me a lot of nice things in exchange for... showing them the ropes, pun intended," she giggled and winked. "And, I'm always open to one more..." she said with a sultry smile.

He blushed hard and she could tell he was working to control his breathing. "That's um, good to know," he said.

"Look you can just head up there yourself if you have to, but he might be in a pretty... compromised position, and not too happy about it unless I'm there with you. Maybe it's better if we go up together. Plus I don't like being alone, out in the dark at this time of night, for too long, I'd feel safer with you... Unless you, like, REALLY don't trust me, and don't want anything to do with me. Don't worry I won't take offence. It takes a lot to offend me," she giggled.

"No no that's fine, no judgment at all. Yeah come on in, what number condo did you say he was in?" he asked, letting her in and giving a nervous smile back as she beamed flirtatiously at him.

"Oh THANK you, thank you, you're such a hero..."


Jon was starting to lose hope. Besides worrying about himself, his lack of hydration, his muscles starting to cramp up from the restraints, now he had to worry about what had happened to Carly.

"Hellooo!" He shouted one last time, his voice breaking and his head lolling back as he broke out into a half-laugh, half-sob, wondering if he was going to die here.

His shuddering breaths eventually settled into a calm hopelessness yet again.

The sound of the door latch suddenly made him open his eyes.

"Hello?" He croaked out, barely audible before coughing painfully.

The door to the bedroom opened and a stranger stood in the doorway.

"Holy shit you weren't lying!" The man said, seeing Jon naked and tied to the bed.

"What? You really didn't trust me?" a familiar voice giggled. "Hey hun! Ya silly goof! Glad this fine gentleman was able to get me in here and bail you out of your little predicament. Next time make sure you follow ALL of my instructions okay?"

It wasn't just the persona Carly was putting on that shocked him, it was the look. He knew her tits would grow with pregnancy but... holy shit, he thought to himself, unable to keep from staring at her breasts, bulging miraculously from a revealing open coat. Her already pretty face was dolled up in bold makeup like he'd never seen before, darkly contrasting with her pale skin. He simply stared in disbelief.

"Oh don't look too embarrassed it can happen to the best of 'em. Though usually the rookie mistakes aren't quite this annoying. When did you realize you hadn't left me the key?" Carly asked, raising an alluring eyebrow and suddenly untying the coat and slipping it off to reveal the glowing soft skin of her shoulders and the wide tops of her expansive breasts. She suddenly stopped herself from discarding it to ball it up in front of her belly though, glancing at the security guard to make sure he hadn't seen.

"Uh.. yeah. Sorry," Jon croaked out, just barely starting to understand what she was doing, and helplessly realizing his cock was quickly becoming erect right in front of them.

The security guard cleared his throat, "So um... you're good here then? With her? I'll just um, leave you to it?"

Jon nodded "Y... yeah. Thanks."

The security guard turned to leave but then stopped and looked to Carly again, "Hey um, sorry but like, do you have a... card or something, like for um..."

Carly smiled at him "No cards honey, but you can follow me on Instagram. Maybe send me a message. My handle's 'purple star fucker x o'."

He smiled and mouthed the name to himself, "Cool... cool thanks. Um, my name's Dwayne by the way. Have a great night."

He left and Carly craned her neck to watch him leave until Jon heard the front door close again.

She turned back to him, the persona suddenly gone, "What the fuck?!"

"I know! I know this is nuts, but I'm SO happy to see you, you have no idea,"

"Yeah I can um, see that," she said, glancing at his cock, now standing fully erect.

"I... sorry. You um, look really good," he said, turning red and looking away from her beautiful pregnant figure, feeling flustered.

She smirked and blushed and walked up to his tied up wrist, "Oh, so the trashy wannabe-Mistress look really does it for you hey?"

Jon chuckled, "It's not tr-... Yeah, what can I say, you can rock it," he shrugged, then winced as his muscles complained about the movement.

He couldn't help glancing at her bouncing heavy breasts as she laughed nervously and worked at the restraints. His cock swelled even harder, reaching for the sky.

"Fuck she tied this tight," Carly said, struggling with the knot, but glancing down at his erection again and again.

"Tell me about it," Jon said. "You could grab a knife from the kitchen," he suggested.

"There," she sighed in relief, finally getting the knot undone.

Jon gasped and pulled his arm down to his side, then winced as his muscles in his arm and chest twitched in a painful relief.

"Oh my God," Carly exclaimed sympathetically as she saw his face and started rubbing his shoulder and chest, "How long have you been like this?" she asked.

"Hours," he groaned, twisting to the side to give his other arm some relief.

"That's so insane, how did she..."

"She drugged my food," Jon said.

Carly opened her mouth in shock and looked around "Is she still close by?"

"No she went out with... she's gone for now. It's hard to explain. Can we get the other restraints?"

"Yeah, yeah of course, um, you're right, I'll go get a knife,"

"Thanks, hey can you hand me that glass of water?"

She grabbed it off the nightstand and handed it to him, then rushed to the kitchen.

Jon lifted the glass with a shaky hand and sucked down the stale water that tasted beyond delicious. She walked in and stopped by the foot of the bed, looking it at him with a doubtful frown.

"You know, we agreed that if you went back to Elaina, I would find you and kill you," she said, tapping the knife against her hand and raising an eyebrow.

Jon let out a sigh and hung his head, "I didn't... go back to her. Not like that. It felt like I had no choice but to let her help me recover. My parents were gone, and there was supposed to be home care but they couldn't arrange it, and she was there and offering, and seemed to have changed and moved on... I trusted her. For the last time."

She tightened her mouth and nodded, "That's what it sounded like, but I wasn't sure." She gave him an understanding smile and then walked around to cut his other arm free.

He groaned pulling it in and massaging the cramping muscles.

"Are you alright?" Carly asked, running her hand on his shoulders as he sat up.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good now that you're here," he gave a pained smile at her.

She bit her lip and stare back with a tear starting to form in her eye. He looked down at his feet and she quickly moved to cut his ankles free as well. His whole body seemed to cramp up as he flexed his hips and rocked in the fetal position for a second and then stretched out again, trying to get his joints to un-stiffen. Carly put the knife back in the kitchen and came back to him downing the rest of the glass of water with a trembling hand. He put it down on the nightstand and tried to walk a step but collapsed on to his knees. She immediately kneeled down to help him, her arm around him stopping him from toppling over.