Saying Stay Ch. 10


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Nina squirmed under me. "Jen, I don't know--"

"Hush." Jen took Nina's right breast into her mouth, and her girlfriend's words were reduced to gibbering.

I wasn't about to turn down Jen's advice. I slid two fingers inside Nina, feeling for myself the tightness of her pussy. After a couple of thrusts, I curled my digits upwards, feeling for Nina's g-spot. At the same time, I kept flicking her clit with my tongue. Combined with Jen's ministrations on her breasts, it must have been quite the thing to experience.

Nina didn't last long under the assault of our combined tongues and fingers. Nina's breaths grew short and shallow as she twisted underneath me. I kept a firm grasp on her thighs with my left hand while rubbing her insides with my right. With a grunted "fuck!" she exploded. And I mean that almost literally. Warm, clear juices sprayed from her cunt, splashing across my face and shoulders. I was amazed by just how much liquid was coursing out from between my fingers. Some even got in my mouth. It didn't have much of a taste.

"You didn't tell me she was a squirter," I said, looking up at Jen.

"Surprise is the spice of life," she said.

Nina covered her face with her arm. "Fuck. We should have laid some towels if you were going to do that. It's going to be an awkward trip to the laundry room tomorrow."

"My love," Jen said. "How can you possibly think about laundry at a time like this?"

But despite herself, Jen went up and got me a towel to wipe down my now dripping-wet face. All this time my cock was still hard, red, and increasingly urgent in its need for attention. I shifted upwards until I was right at Nina's entrance. "Are you ready?"

Nina grabbed my asscheek. "Let's go."

It took a little bit of a push to get into her tight slit, but once I did so the feeling was oh so sweet. It was like a warm little fist squeezing me tight. I slid in until I could go no further. Nina shuddered under me and, I think, had a small orgasm.

"I've been waiting so long," she said.

"Me too."

Jen was once again lying beside Nina, holding her girlfriend's hand as I began to fuck her. Our hips slapped together as her smooth pussy clenched at my cock. Nina growled and dug her fingers into my back. It felt so good to finally be doing this. Even though it was our first time together, her body felt familiar and welcoming.

As Nina groaned, her girlfriend's eyes drifted downwards. Jen went from looking at Nina's face, to looking at her heaving breasts, to stealing glances at my cock thrusting in and out of her pussy. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't flatterred by the attention. Jen had shed her remaining clothes, and her beautiful black body was stretched out before me in a pleasing contrast to Nina's pale form. Eventually, she couldn't resist any longer. Jen slid her legs over Nina's shoulders and placed her pussy right on her girlfriend's lips. As I drove my cock into Nina, I could hear the sound of her tongue lapping at Jen, and the rising sound of Jen's sultry moans.

We sprawled across the bed in a whirlwind of sexual gymnastics. All of a sudden I was behind Nina, driving my cock into her tight pussy. She was on all fours, her head dipped down between Jen's legs. And Jen's long frame hung off the edge of the bed, her face contorted in ecstacy. The angle let me thrust even deeper and harder into Nina. She responded by thrusting back to meet me, her pert little ass bobbing in my face.

The whole thing was almost too much for me, and I had to slow down a bit to keep from coming right away. But fortunately the girls weren't too far behind. Nina tensed up under me, and then let out a long yell, one that was only muffled by Jen's crotch. Her body shook like it contained a private earthquake, and her pussy clamped down on my cock like a vise. Jen quietly moaned out her own release, dark breasts heaving with exertion. With a grunt, I let myself go, and instantly began flooding Nina's pussy with rope after rope of cum.

A deep, heavenly calm overtook me as I came. It was like everything was well with the universe, and my body could experience nothing but pleasure. I slumped forward and fell into a delirious tangle of limbs with Nina and Jen.

I looked over at Nina. She had a smile on her face, and it wasn't the sadistic grin from that night after the party. There was a lightness to her features that I hadn't seen since we broke up. Whatever else had happened, it seemed like the sex had exorcised something in Nina.

Eventually the smell of our sticky bodies started to overwhelm our post-coital bliss. I got up and took a shower on my own. Nina and Jen took one together after me. I could hear some moans and the occasional gasp from the bathroom. Evidently they were showing each other that they still didn't need a man to have fun. I sat there on the bed, trying to calm my hard-on and reminding myself that it would probably be a bad idea to go in with them.

They were all smiles when they came out, and didn't bother to get dressed. Nina knelt on the bed, a towel wrapped around her waist. "Thank you for that, Mike," she said. "And I'm sorry I've been such a bitch to you."

"No worries," I said. "I kind of deserved it."

"And I've learned a valuable lesson about how long Nina can hold a grudge," said Jen.

"So," I said. "Is this something we're going to do again?"

Nina paused and tapped her chin. "I'm sorry, but I don't think this should be a regular thing. I needed to work through some stuff, but my relationship is with Jen, and only Jen."

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed, but I understood. "Well, if that's what you want..."

"I will say this," said Jen. "I think Nina and I learned that our relationship is strong enough to accomodate an occasional third party. Say, do you have that Josh guy's number?" Nina jabbed Jen with her elbow. "Kidding, kidding. It would have to be a third girl next."

There was more to be said, and perhaps more to be done. But I left quickly after that. I felt a bit as if I was pressing my luck. How many ex-girlfriends did you get to have a threesome with, even once?


Needless to say, I was pretty upbeat on my way back to the house. It was a warm day for October, so I walked the whole way, stopping for a roti halfway through. The whole situation with Nina had been a festering wound in my mind, moreso than I had realized. I had been ashamed of my own secrecy, upset at missing an opportunity to get laid, and put on edge by Nina's continued grudge and her tendency to keep showing up in my life. With one stroke (well, actually a bunch of strokes), that had all been dealt with. I wasn't sure if the wound was healed yet, or if it would leave a scar, but at least we had put a big wet band-aid on it.

My good mood lasted until the moment I walked in the door. There was something I hadn't heard in the house before: yelling. Not pleasured cries, but genuine, tear-streaked anger.

I headed towards the sound of the noise. Ellie was standing in the hallway, her face red. She was the one who had been crying, and probably yelling as well. Standing opposite her was a broad-shouldered, middle-aged man. He looked at her with a mixture of impatience and scorn.

The man looked me up and down, and obviously didn't like what he saw. "Are you fucking my wife?" he said.

"Uh..." What do you say to that? Especially when the answer to the question is 'yes?'

"Not a hard question," the man said. "Have you or have you not been having sex with my wife Ellen?"

"Craig," Ellen said. "Leave him alone."

"Jesus Christ," he said. "Look, Ellen, I'm trying to do the right thing here. I'm giving you a chance to stop acting crazy and come home and be a mother to your children. But if you want to keep fucking your life up, I can't stop you."

He stormed past me, and out of the house. I flattened myself against the wall, and he just brushed by me. I was sure that he would have ran right through me if I hadn't moved.

I gave Ellie a hug as soon as he was gone. "So, that was your ex-husband."

"We're still married, technically," she sniffed. "I wanted him to come over so we could talk about it. I thought... I guess I thought that he would see that I was doing well. He didn't think I was doing well."

Julia and April came down from upstairs, and threw their arms around both of us. They had evidently been waiting out the storm. "I'm so sorry," said April. "What happened?"

"We were supposed to just talk about the divorce," Ellie said. "But Craig started talking about moving in back together. How the kids missed me, and he would forgive me for everything. It would be just like it used to be."

"You don't need to be forgiven," said Julia.

That seemed to upset Ellie more. "No, you... you don't understand. You think he's a bad guy. But I think he's just trying to save me from myself."

Julia grabbed Ellie's face and looked her square in the eye. "El. Listen to me. You don't need him. That's the patriarchy talking."

"Don't touch me." Ellie slapped Julia's hands away. April and I backed off, uncertain. "I'm sorry. I just... I need to think about this. By myself."

She stormed downstairs, and into her room. I wanted to go after her. But Julia grabbed me by the waist and stopped me.

"She said she wanted to be alone," Julia said.

"And... you're just okay with that? Don't you think we should help her?"

Julia frowned. "I'll stop by in a little while and talk to her. If she wants, I can make sure that guy never comes near here again. But Mike? It's not your job to be her knight in shining armour."

That pissed me off. I was just trying to help my friend (and lover), and Julia was trying to make it sound like I was being another pigheaded male. But I knew if I shouted at her I would just dig a bigger hole for myself. So I stomped down into my room myself, good mood entirely gone.


By dinnertime, everything seemed to have mellowed out. I was still bitter but not about to kill anyone, and Ellie was back to her coolly professional, tastefully made-up self. Indeed, those who had been away all day didn't sense anything wrong at all. Certainly we didn't talk about it over Dawn's dinner of reheated pierogis and mashed potatoes.

April came to my room after dinner. She was wearing a businesslike blue blouse and white blazer, which of course looked great on her. "So? Did my advice work?"

The thought of it made me blush. "Uh, yeah. Super well."

My new housemate sat down on the bed beside me. "Do go on."

After a moment's hesitation, I explained how my morning with Nina and Jen had been. At first I tried to be discrete, but April kept pressing me for more detail. It wasn't long before I was talking about how beautiful Jen looked as her girlfriend ate her out.

"See what happens when you're honest about your feelings?" said April.

"You get threesomes?"

"Well, not every time," she said with a sly smile. "But hey, just once is enough to take the chance, right?"

"I guess so." On the other hand, my luck with stumbling ass-backwards into group sex was probably not normal to begin with.

"So," said April. "I want to show you how I feel too." She took my hand and pressed it between her legs. I could feel the bulge of her erection through her skirt. Her hardness still felt shocking and exciting.

Not needing further invitation, I leaned forward and kissed April. We tumbled down onto the bed, her weight on top of mine. We spent a long time just kissing. Our hardened cocks rubbed together as we took time to explore every inch of each others' mouths.

"Oooh, I want you to fuck me," April said, her breath hot against my ear.

I was intruiged, but remembered her words about intercourse being "a bit elaborate." "How do you want it?" I said, trying to add the same amount of sizzle to my voice.

"Go outside for a couple of minutes," she said. "I'll call you when I'm ready."

What followed was the weirdest five minutes of my life. I stood in the hallway just outside her door, my erection raging. I could help but wonder what was going on in there. Simon passed by and saw the tent in my pants. "Do you, uh, need help with that?"

"Just waiting," I said. He nodded sagely, and went off to Josh's room, presumably for some video games.

I kept expecting my cock to deflate with the pause, but it was even more insistenly hard. The anticipation sent goosebumps up my arm and that funny tingling nervousness through my brain. Finally, I heard April's voice through the door. "Come on in, hon."

She was a vision. April lay on the bed on her hands and knees, ass invitingly in the air. Her scarlet hair cascaded down her back, parting only at her shapely hips. She wore lacy black stockings, hooked to a garter belt, and a matching bra which encased her massive, partially artificial, cleavage. She wasn't wearing anything else. Maybe it was the clothes, or just me becoming more accustomed to April's gender identity, but she seemed a lot more like a woman than the first time I had seen her naked. A woman with a gorgeous cock hanging just below her plump ass.

I walked to her and kissed her on the back of the neck. April giggled. I quickly shed my clothes and knelt behind her. Her lower body was covered with some sort of slippery oil that added an alluring shine to her pale skin. It also acted as an efficient lubricant. I slid one finger into her ass, and it went so smoothly it was like dunking it in a cup of water.

April groaned as I curled my finger and began to rub her insides. Soon I added a second finger, and began pistoning my digits in and out. She began to rock back on my hand, and cry out in her deep, velvety voice. With my other hand, I massaged that strange third area concealed beneath her scrotum. I was just getting to know this part of her body - this part of any body - but it seemed to drive her wild.

"Fuck me, baby," April muttered. She was obviously impatient to get to the main event, and I didn't need any more encouragement. I shifted forward and lined up my cock with her gleaming ass. Spreading April's cheeks apart with my hands, I entered her. No matter how many times I did it, the feeling of anal sex was always a shock. Having those muscles press down so tightly and angrily on your cock, stuck between trying to push you out and pull you in - well, it was incredibly intense. I felt like I was doing something absolutely filthy and taboo, with a person who was absolutely filthy and taboo, and that just made it all the more exciting.

The head of my cock pushed through April's rosebud and into her bowels. She let out a gasp as I fully penetrated her. I could feel the thin skin of her scrotum against mine and the tight squeeze of her ass around the base of my cock. I could feel her body heat coursing through the slick lube that now coated my member. I could feel her body trembling beneath me. I took it all in, and then began to really fuck her.

April twisted her head to look back at me, desire in her eyes. I slowly pumped in and out of her ass. She guided my hand to her hair, and I took a firm hold of it and pulled her head up so that I could fuck her at a better angle. She mewled, totally subservient to the force of my thrusts.

As I began to thrust faster and faster, my other hand found its way to her cock. It was fully hard and waiting for my touch. I began stroking April's member as I fucked her ass. That brought her moans into a whole new octave. I could feel her inner heat as she pressed her back to my chest. It felt like she was about to burn up completely.

The sex was too intense for either of us to last long. April's little prick jumped in my hand, and then spurted cum across the sheets. I groaned and buried myself in her bowels. The moment between when I felt my orgasm coming on and when I started ejaculating was the longest, and perhaps the most pleasant, second of my life. But quickly enough I was shooting ropes of my own cum inside of her as her asscheeks clamped down around my cock.

It felt completely different from our oral explorations the past night, and yet equally new and thrilling. I stayed lodged inside April, kissing the back of her neck as my cock slowly softened. She giggled and gave me a playful swat. Even after I slipped out of her, we stayed in the same position, just turned on our sides, enjoying the rhythm of each others' breathing. It was tough to spoon a woman who was slightly taller than I was, but we made it work.

I gently held April's chin and nudged her head up to look at me. The whole time we had been fucking, she had been staring face down, her scarlet hair splayed across her pillow. I hadn't looked her in the eyes since I had come back into the room. And when I did look her in the eyes, that confident, seductive woman I had known was gone. Her expression was happy and tender, but also nervous and vulnerable. Perhaps she had been let down so often in moments like this that she expected me to feel regret. But I just kissed her on the forehead, and we went back to spooning.

After a while, I began to notice the oil which had April had used was growing dry and sticky. And of course, the sheets were still damp with our sweat and cum. "We should get cleaned up," said April.

"I guess so." I still didn't want to move.

"Julia said there's some wet naps in the downstairs washroom. Could you be a dear and go get them for me?"

I reluctantly got to my feet and slid on a pair of underpants. I opened the door, expecting to make a quick trip to the bathroom and back, hopefully without anyone else seeing me.

Instead, I found Dawn sitting in a heap across the narrow hall from April's room. Her hand was in her pants, which didn't surprise me. Her cheeks were streaked with tears, which did.

"Dawn?" I had no idea what to say. "Are... are you okay?"

She looked up at me, panicked. "Mike, I- forget I was ever hear." And she scurried back upstairs.

As I watched Dawn go, I realized that I was once again bound up in the angry tendrils of emotions that pass between people against their will.

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