Scandal & Political Scorn.


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Of course, their vanities found a certain reprieve from some lustful glances which pursued them. This was to the point that sporadically, the sound of a camera would burst in with the aim of capturing that unrepeatable instant for posterity.

Hypatia unintentionally stood up so that the tight, upturned cheeks of her ass, gloriously boast a certain pride at being so revered, it was as if her body suddenly responded to some unconscious impulse to grab the limelight.

Minerva found the whole sudden boastfulness of the mayoress, who was suddenly beginning to look very proud of her attractiveness, somewhat hilarious. When just before she was showing deep distress at the wavering of her political future, which seemed to have been ruined by the degrading condition in which they were both being forced to show off, wearing nothing at all. As if they were a pair of shameless cynics, performing a deliberate act of provocation.

She was also terrified by the uncertainty of her fate, by now she had acquired a certain addiction to power, which made it easier to satiate her main sexual addiction, and it was obvious that she was increasingly afraid of losing the lifestyle she had become so easily accustomed to, because of the scandal that was already being stirred up by this walk.

And on top of it all, as if they hadn't been embarrassed enough already, as they were condemned to present themselves, just as they stood! With nothing to hide from the citizens who were watching them.

Now they would also be naked and vulnerable in front of the pedantic and puritanical members of parliament.

The moment of truth had finally arrived for them, all their nervousness exacerbated as they watched a legion of press representatives outside the parliament, ready to cover the forthcoming changes to the controversial medieval laws that had affected so many people, or else they would decide to retain them in a long-awaited vote, due to begin at any moment.

Now it was up to them to change the fate of all those women who had been unjustly tried and sentenced to prison. An icy feeling enveloped them as they realised the inevitable proximity of the cameras and a horde of voracious reporters rushing towards them.

They were all eager to question them about the unusual and defiant manner they had chosen to present themselves in parliament that very day. Hypatia and Minerva had to use all their temperance and other political skills to declare that this was an overt show of solidarity with all those women who were unjustly condemned by a government that failed to understand the situation in time.

The mayoress and the governor expressed their remorse for the bad treatment that the government headed by them gave to all the victims of Jack the stripper, who instead of condemning them as criminals, should have given them all the understanding and support, after the humiliation to which they were subjected.

And for that reason, they themselves decided to make a difference on that important day, voluntarily renouncing all the formality and protection that their clothes provided them, with the full intention of making amends for that unforgivable mistake committed by the government, there, in front of public opinion. And if they were showing themselves like that; in all their glory!

They did not do it to be lewd or exhibitionist, but to vindicate the fact that all women are equal, once all superfluous adornments have been removed from their bodies, which is something that does not deserve to be judged or condemned, on the contrary; female nudity should be appreciated! Whether in public or in private.

The television cameras captured every word of those statements made by the mayor and the lady governor, who were now entering the parliament, after having offered to the people of the city, what can be understood as the demure and all that had once dressed their public image as rulers, only to gain vain social approval.

Meanwhile, in the parliamentary chamber, which was in full session and whose dignified members were preparing to vote on the possible change or preservation of the moral laws that currently reign over the country, they had to suspend their activity as soon as the doors opened and an angry shout demanded that they listen to a last citizen's argument before the vote began.

Immediately, an uproar of immense proportions arose as soon as the pair of women entered the door and walked barefoot through the chamber, their heads held high as they made their way to the podium. The members of the conservative party were obviously scandalised by this defiant and shameless display of skin that attempted, with total insolence, to desecrate the solemnity of this sacrosanct legislative chamber.

"Look at the impudence of these women! How dare they present themselves like that? With such a display of immorality and impudence in this dignified precinct. They are shameless!" -exclaimed one of the Tories.

"They are not shameless! Gentlemen, that is the appearance of a woman who has been stripped of her adornments!" -replied one of the women who made up the parliament instantly and with much indignation.

The indignation of one end of the chamber shot up into the stratosphere, as they recognised the presence of Minerva Olson between these two impudent women, whose intrusion proved to be; a blatant provocation to morality and propriety! None of them could understand what had led such a dignified and respectable woman as she? To present herself thus, without any clothes at all, before the parliament.

For an instant, the thought arose in some minds that they had been attacked by the terrible serial stripper, though that was no excuse for setting aside all the modesty expected of an honest and morally upright lady.

Things were not something that should be taken so lightly for them. This was a prominent and prominent lady of unimpeachable reputation, belonging to the ranks of the conservative party, and who, moreover, served as the very worthy lady governor!

All of them, therefore, had to silence the vilification of her exacerbated cries, hoping to hear a logical and satisfactory explanation for the unusual behaviour of such a dignified and unimpeachable lady at the head of the government.

As for the members of the Liberal Labour Party, they were astonished, their eyes wanting to pop out of their sockets and their jaws dropping as soon as they saw these women pass by, they immediately recognised the mayoress, and were alarmed that she was also completely in the buff!

It was surprising that, in spite of this, the beautiful Hypatia acted as if nothing was wrong, she glided along in the most natural way in the world wearing the overwhelming charm of her Eve dress. She was walking very self-possessed and confident in the company of that stunning mature beauty, who, to everyone's surprise, was the lady governor!

Behind her back, they were being haunted by all sorts of comments about the last time the city had seen such a display of exuberant feminine freedom!

Many were questioning what had led these two prominent women? To decide to leave behind those formalities that an honest lady must observe in order to conduct herself in society, and then to go out with such carefree abandon to reveal to the world all the splendour of their bodies.

"What scandal is this? Ladies, this is unheard of! Would you kindly explain to us what happened to your clothes?" said the man presiding over the session.

"Is that relevant now? We don't need it for what we have come here to do". -replied Hypatia.

"Of course it's relevant! There is a dress code in this country. It's so inappropriate and immoral to be unclad in public. Aren't you ashamed to come and present yourselves like this in parliament?

"Of course we are, we are very mortified about it! You know, it's not easy for us to go out on the streets, just the way God gave us to the world! It takes a great deal of courage and self-confidence to face the world without having anything to hide from it, and on top of it all, to attract a certain kind of attention, which may well turn out to be not very pleasing to an honest lady." -Minerva replied.

"Yes! that kind of morbid attention with which we are now being watched. Don't think I didn't notice the way a lot of you; you've got eyes like saucers! We've barely entered this place... You think it's so beautiful here... come on, fill your eyes! It looks like you've never seen a naked woman in your whole life, check that we all have exactly the same thing under our clothes". -said Hypatia.

There was an uncomfortable silence for a couple of minutes, for Minerva and Hypatia that time lapse could have felt unbearably close to an eternity, of being forced to eat their own shame as they descended another rung on the ladder of their personal degradation, waiting for the morbid curiosity to dissipate among all those people, who wouldn't take their eyes off them.

"Have they finished watching us? Maybe they should take a picture of us as a souvenir of this shameful moment for us, so they can do God knows what with their hands, as soon as they are alone. Stop playing the fool and hiding behind those puritanical and ridiculously hypocritical false morals. Do you do the same when you go to those places where a beautiful girl offers you a lap dance. And she undresses for you!" -Minerva exclaimed.

"It is precisely this morbidity that has been dumped on us that we have had to endure from the beginning. And if that is the price of fighting injustice and serving the people, it is something we are both willing to pay." -Added Hypatia.

"Ladies, please keep your composure! Then tell me; if it has caused you so much mortification to be observed with all the morbidity you have mentioned, then why did you undress before attending this parliamentary session?

I must remind both of you that you are breaking the law by committing this indecent display of moral and family values violations. A law that you yourselves proposed and supported in this parliament, despite all the controversy it has caused since then." -Said the man who was presiding over the session.

"And it is precisely today, as parliament has met to either ratify that unjust law or to reject it, that we understand our mistake in having each helped to do a great injustice to all those women who are now in prison, and to whom, I! In my capacity as governor, I allow myself to pardon them so that they can be released immediately, and I also allow myself to ask these martyrs to apologise to me for all the hours of anguish that bad governmental management has caused them". -Minerva said.

"Therefore we come to ask that those laws be repealed, since the city, does not need that kind of tyrannical prohibitions issued in this chamber, but a parliament sensitive to the needs of the people who have elected them and for whom; We work!" -Hippatia added.

"But madam, that which you demand; it could be fatal! Think of all the shamelessness and indecent behaviour that would ensue, if we repeal a law that looks after the interests of morality and good manners, we cannot go against our family values!" -Claimed a Conservative party MP.

"Look at me very well, sir, and take the time to do it in detail. -Said Hypatia.

There was a silence as the governor and the mayoress stood in front of all those people who watched them maintaining a very dignified posture, which in the end was a desperate attempt to conceal the shame that was eating away at them to the core, having to repeat the embarrassing act of posing for those people, now that the session was open and the media was allowed in.

Both were unaware of where their strength came from to endure all this, since the press was making sure that no one was exempt from finding out and being able to witness this event that, in a matter of hours, was already going around the world.

"Do you think I enjoy their stares? When all my common sense and instincts implore me to get something to wear. Mortification is killing me! And I must remain so, au naturel. Why both the governor and myself are experiencing exactly the same kind of sensations that each and every one of the victims for whom we have come to advocate today has had to suffer.

Immediately, a woman approached them to offer them her coat and the jacket of the suit she was wearing, with the intention that they could at least cover their private parts in front of the cameras, and thus lessen their embarrassment. This was something that both Minerva and Hypatia reluctantly had to refuse to accept, but not before thanking the woman warmly for her goodwill towards them.

"We refuse to dress again! Until you change the legislation, and if necessary, we will stand guard here until that happens! We will stand in solidarity with all those who have also had to go through this bitter experience, in addition to the dishonour done to them, as they are now in prison. Know that they never showed themselves naked in public because they liked to do so". -Minerva declared.

"And if they did? Think of those people who find pleasure in displaying themselves." -Said someone in the press.

"There must be respect for those who choose to go out in the street like that, it's their body! It's up to them to decide what they want to do with it. And we must also be consistent for those who suffer from some anomaly in their attire, it is enough of a tragedy to be left without clothes and on top of that, to go to prison on criminal charges." -Hippatia replied.

The members of parliament were then asked to cast their votes, it took only a few minutes for the count to be taken and it was thanks to the Liberal Labour party having a majority among the representatives, that the repeal of these laws was passed.

Now that they had done their commission, the only thing they wished to do was to get out of there as soon as possible! They both wished to regain a little of the dignity they had been forced to leave behind, and thought only of looking for that pious woman who a few minutes before had offered them those garments with which they could cover themselves, but who seemed to have vanished amidst the sea of reporters who besieged them.

In their minds it was being made manifest, Angela's macabre will! ordering them to stay as they were until further notice. It gave them goose bumps to visualise the torment that still lay ahead of them, starting with the statements they would have to give to the legion of reporters, eager to get an exclusive and who were already in front of them, once they left the parliament with the intention of withdrawing.

They hated every moment they had to spend naked in front of the cameras, mainly because they could feel a strong disturbance in their emotions, naturally caused by the perception that people would begin to have of them now that all this had happened, and they had to use all their strength to hide the anxiety that was invading them at all times, and which was intimately related to an overflowing lust that was eating them from the inside.

It seemed that Angela had done one last devilish deed in order to even the score between Hipatia and Minerva, having unleashed an exacerbated change in their behaviour, something that, according to her, was already there from the beginning in human nature.

Now they could only think of the party that was unleashed with total exuberance in the trousers of those reporters and cameramen in front of them, they were being able to perceive and read with total clarity, every lustful thought that they were awakening among the people; whether they were men or women! Suddenly they didn't care.

Anyone could be appetizing to them from that moment when they heard the macabre laughter of that demoniac woman, who was watching them closely, without them being able to see her.

They abhorred the continuous need to restrain themselves to the command of their instincts, mainly because, during that improvised press conference, the inescapable subject of the re-election they wanted to continue being part of the government was mentioned.

Resigned to the inevitability of their fates, they had to restrain themselves and seek to take advantage of all the publicity that was presented to them for free. They declared that they were there to show the people that their government was sensitive to the needs of the electorate, even to retract a self-inflicted injustice against all those women who were now being released.

Both promised that if re-elected, they would have a transparent administration, one where there would be nothing to hide! Just as they were doing at that moment, feeling free from the shame of showing themselves, au naturel.

It was tiring to be continually questioned by a certain journalist about being naked in public, something that was becoming more and more incisive. Both assured that there is nothing wrong in showing yourself as you are.

Minerva and Hypatia were very skilful in responding to the insistent reporter, wrapping up their arguments in such a way that she was willing to know first hand about this liberating experience. Only they know how they got her to strip naked as she interviewed them exclusively about the coming changes in the government.


The news of the abolition of laws governing morality was talked about for weeks. Hypatia and Minerva gained nationwide popular approval as soon as the peculiar naked talk they had with some female reporters in the Great Central Park was televised.

That same week, the two shared the headlines only with what happened at a charity auction, which was held just a few days later.

The event took on great significance after a pair of distinguished society ladies, Lavinia and Hillary, showed that their generosity went beyond the bounds of possibility by donating their entire wardrobe! To benefit the fight against childhood cancer.

It all started when they had entered the auditorium completely naked, after taking off all the clothes they were wearing, which they handed over to the lady commissioner of the collections, to put them up for auction as well as their luxurious new car and the contents of their handbags, arguing that charity is something that should be done in earnest, giving what you have, rather than what you have left over.

To a standing ovation, the ladies immediately announced the large donation, making them the most generous women in the country. Hillary also announced her intentions to run for mayor of the city.

Now that she no longer had anything to wear, she promised to remain as she was, in order to guarantee total transparency in her administration, as long as the people wanted to vote for her.

So, dear reader, we have seen that politics is almost as exciting as war, but no less dangerous for that. In war we can only die once; in politics we can die as many times as it takes.

As these fine ladies of politics have shown us, no matter whether they are from the left or the right, they were and will continue to be capable of anything to maintain their position, even humiliating themselves, after they have sold their souls to the devil. And it is perhaps this distinctive trait of politicians that makes us despise them so much.

The end.

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