Schools and the Second Ch. 01


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Teresa had played with Officer Jeremy Hatch like a cat plays with a mouse until it dies, and she'd left the inept Officer battered, bruised, and in pain before finishing him off ten seconds before the second round ended.

Then the gym filled up as if it was the final round when the Police Commander took to the ring to face the Police Chief. And Chief Moynahan did well with basic Police tactics and a few extra moves he'd learned from the Airborne Cavalry, and possibly from Commander Ross and Lt. Rudistan. But every time he made a mistake, he was 'rewarded' with a stout blow to his plastic body armor, and he began wearing down and making mistakes. I took him down with an Aikido move midway through the second round, and he landed harder than I'd intended. He wisely yielded, rather than face more punishment.

"With respect, Sheriff," I said, "I didn't take it easy on him at all. The Chief's got some sneaky moves, and I had to be on guard for them."

"One thing's for damn sure, Crowbar." growled the Sheriff. "You've learned how to kiss ass." My Angels were laughing hard at that.

"You won fair and square, Commander." said the Chief. "And I lose no face in being defeated by the legendary Iron Crowbar. Soooooo, Captain Croyle... how much is this Deputy A.G.'s visit going to cost us?"

Teresa replied "I don't know, sir. No one has contacted me about the TCPD providing security or closing any road routes to get him to the University, nor his itinerary at all."

"That's strange." said Cindy. "I know they haven't contacted our Public Relations Office, either."

Tanya was texting on her iPhone, and a text came back. She said "I just texted Jack. He replied 'We've heard nothing. TTYL.' I guess you should call him, Don."

"I'll do that." I said. "I'll say one other thing, too. Usually trips for high-level people, like the U.S. Deputy A.G. would be, are planned in advance, days to weeks in advance. The Chairman of the Joint Chief's trip here was classified, but was planned, and by that I mean planned in detail, for over two weeks. A few of us were notified at the last minute, but we were notified."

"Compare and contrast to what we're seeing now." I said. "The Media is openly discussing the Deputy A.G.'s plans to come here, but we the Police have not been given so much as a heads-up, not to mention any requests for security help."

"Well, the University is considered a separate jurisdiction, under State control." said Cindy. "If he were to fly in by chopper, land at the Stadium or one of the quads, and his transportation not leaving the Campus, I guess I could see it..."

"But he supposedly wants to talk to Town & County civil rights leaders, whoever those people are." said Teresa. "Are they going to meet him on Campus, too?"

"We have enough mysteries to worry about." I said as I stood up. "Commander Ross, can you arrange some whirlpool time for the Chief at your gym? And while you're at it, make an appointment for yourself for the day after I take you down."

"Vee shall see whoo needs that appointment, mein Oberst!" Cindy replied.

"Whoooaaaaaa..." said my other Angels at Cindy dropping that German on me...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Fox Eight Sunrise show did not mention the A.G.'s potential visit at all. So after the Angels meeting, I called Jack Muscone.

"No," he said, "we have not heard a word here in the City, except for the KSB broadcast, that the Deputy A.G. was coming to the University. And before you ask: yes, they would put all of us Feds on notice, if not on alert, for such a high level visit. We were notified when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs came to TCPD Headquarters the day before he came in."

"That's strange." I said. "The Media is all over it, but no one is talking to this region's Feds?"

"I'm going to check with Washington." said Muscone. "I'll call you back if I find out anything."

"Thanks." I said. As I disconnected the call, I looked up to see the Green Crowbar coming into my office.

"I talked to Priya." Cindy said. "KFXU is scrambling to find out how KXTC had that scoop on the Deputy AG's visit. They, meaning KFXU, had no warning, no heads-up, and they're trying to confirm just exactly what the Deputy AG's plans are... Don?... Don?"

I was in a reverie, a full-blown one. When I came out of it, Cindy was sitting down in a hot chair, drinking a cup of coffee she'd poured from my coffeepot. "Anything from the Universe on this?" she asked.

I shook my head slowly. "It's all bass-ackwards. Telling the Press he's coming but no security arrangements? Even if his plans aren't solid, why is the Media announcing it as if it's a fait accompli?..."

"My guess," said Cindy, "is that may not be coming here, to the University, but somewhere else. Maybe the City. Maybe Midtown, to be seen with Democrat State Legislators trying to impeach Governor Jared?"

"Sure, but the same questions hold." I murmured. I finally took a few breaths to clear my head, and said "Whatever it is, I can't shake the feeling this is big. I need to call Laura."

I got out my personal iPhone and called my wife. "I've got a class to teach in five minutes, so can it wait?" she asked.

"No." I said. "Did you see the newscast about the Deputy A.G. coming to the University?"

"Yes." Laura said.

"Muscone's unit doesn't know a thing about it, nor does KFXU." I said. "Maybe after your class you can contact someone you know in Washington and see what's going on?"

"Sure." Laura said. She disconnected rather quickly after we said our goodbyes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As lunchtime neared, Laura called me back. "Sorry I couldn't talk earlier, Darling." she said. "I had Callie make some calls while I was teaching my class. She couldn't find out anything about the Deputy AG coming to this area, so I called a few contacts. They told me that he's planning on coming to the University, but the plans aren't set yet. They were not sure why the Media was announcing the visit, since it's not yet official."

"Okay." I said, disappointed by the scantness of the information.

Laura said "There is more, though. I was called by a colleague at City University, who also was in the Company at one time. She told me that something is going on under the surface, that there are communications going on between the City and Washington, D.C., and it looks a lot like standard planning for a secret visit by a high-level Washington figure. That would be standard for the Deputy A.G.'s visit... if it were secret. But with Bettina blabbing about it, it starts becoming... unusual..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

An hour later, Jack Muscone called. On a burner phone.

"Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, Don." he said. "Officially, we still have been told nothing about the Deputy A.G.'s alleged visit; it's as if it hasn't happened yet."

"Like they don't know exactly where they're going yet?" I asked.

"More like they haven't decided whether or not to make the trip at all." said Jack. "However, I have a couple of contacts that I trust that work in the D.C. FBI offices. We have some methods of communications that aren't standard, which I won't discuss on the phone. They both told me that the Deputy A.G. is already on the way to the City, and to your University...."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After hanging up the phone with Jack, I called Cindy and Teresa into my office. "Any new news?" I asked them, having asked them to find out what they could.

"No sir." said Teresa. "Todd's network is telling him that there's a strange lack of communications at the Federal level. It's like a schoolroom of kids talking then all of a sudden being quiet at the same exact time. It's... eerie." I nodded.

Cindy said "Priya said that KFXU found out that the Deputy A.G.'s plans aren't set; ergo, no official information. They said that KXTC took Dr. Carmela's invitation and twisted it into a full-fledged visit already happening."

"Yeah, right." I said, halfway to myself, not believe that for a second. I settled into my comfortable Command Chair and began thinking. A moment later, I looked up.

"Teresa," I said, "put County Jail on lockdown, on the highest level of security it has. Put a group of Officers with Peter Blassingame and Susan Dougherty, and they are not to leave their posts until relieved... no matter what happens!"

"Yes sir." Teresa said.

"Also," I said, "increase patrols around the schools and public buildings, like the Library. Any particular soft targets you and the Precinct leadership has come up with, as I know you have."

"Yes sir." said Teresa. "If you'll excuse me, I'll go get that done now." I excused her and she left my office.

"You think something's going on?" Cindy asked.

"Yes." I said. "Something's not right. Damned if I know what it is, though."

"How can I help?" asked Cindy.

"I'm not joking when I say this." I said. "You can clear your mind and meditate on it, and see what comes to you. You might call your father and ask him to do the same."

Cindy knew I wasn't kidding. She excused herself and went to her office, leaving me sitting along, trying to clear my mind and let the Universe tell me what to think...

Part 8 - Swamp Frogs In Schools

2:00pm, Monday, May 6th. Tom Usagi and some of his friends were walking down the hall towards the gym, where the JROTC unit would be doing some marching drills. Tom was in his JROTC uniform, as second-in-command of the unit.

As they approached the open double-door fire doors, which would close and lock to force evacuations to the sides, Jill, a hot girl with dirty blond hair, asked Tom "You taking Patty to the prom?"

"You should take me to the prom." said Veronica, a lovely woman with brown skin, black hair and mesmerizing eyes. "I'll rock your world afterwards..." She leaned over and whispered to Tom: "... and I'll drain your balls until you scream for mercy."

"You do that anyway." said Tom, remembering the several times he'd copulated with the beautiful Veronica. The other guys with them laughed.

*POP!* *POP!* *POP!*

"What was that?" Jill asked as they turned to look behind them.

"Sounded like gunshots." Tom said. "Let's get to the gym."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Shots fired, shots fired!" came the call on Police radio. "Nextdoor County High School. Unknown number of gunmen on the grounds!"

"This is Chief Evans!" said Molly Evans into her radio. "I'm on my way to the School. Everyone get armor on and meet me there. Engage any suspects at the first opportunity!" She hit the siren of her Police cruiser and raced to the High School...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

They heard screams coming from somewhere. As they got to the double doors, Tom looked back down the hallway and saw a chilling sight: a punk kid with orange hair and his face made up with 'Joker' makeup was running up towards them... carrying two powerful handguns!

"Run!" yelled Tom. Thinking fast, he pushed the others down the hall and went for the fire alarm on the wall next to the doors, and pulled it. The double doors released, and Tom pushed them shut.


"Uhhh!" Tom gasped. It felt like he'd been punched in the back as the double doors locked, protecting the others from the gunman. Holes suddenly appeared in the doors next to his head. Tom felt his legs going out as he turned to face his Destiny...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Molly Evans came up to the high school, seeing many kids running away from the buildings, and others walking out as if a fire drill was going on. She heard the fire alarm blaring.

Detective German came up to her. "Ma'am," he said, "someone pulled the fire alarm, which got a lot of kids moving out. Some others encountered a guy with orange hair with a couple of handguns, going towards the gym."

Molly looked around, and saw two Deputies cowering behind the brick 'Nextdoor County High School' sign. She came up to them. "What's going on?"

"Shooter was seen going towards the gym." said a Deputy.

"Why aren't you going after him?" Chief Evans asked... harshly.

"We're not sure what we're up against." said the Deputy. "We don't know what weapons he has, or if there are other shooters."

"And how hell are you going to find out, hiding behind this wall?" Chief Evans all but yelled. "Why aren't you going in after him?"

"Sheriff said to stay in place." said the Deputy. "Our job is to go home to our families, not chase weirdos shooting at us."

"Why, you cowards..." Molly started. Then she said "Come on, German, we'll take the perp down ourselves."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Coming down the hallway, Chief Evans and Detective German saw a young man lying prone on the floor. Behind him was another student-age person, his hair dyed orange, trying and failing to open the double doors.

"Police!" yelled Molly. "Raise your hands!"

The young man raised his hands, but as he turned around he squatted to one knee as his hands went for his powerful handguns. Pulling them out he began firing.

*POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!*

"Ahh! I'm hit!" gasped Molly as bullets found her thigh an her chest through her armor near her neck. She was falling as Detective German and the gunman exchanged fire.

*POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!*

"Augh!" gasped German as he was hit by the Enemy's gunfire in his chest armor and his leg. Lying on her belly, Molly extended her arms along the floor and fired her service weapon.


"Arrrgh!" screamed the perp. Molly had hit him in the ankle, shattering it, and the perp went down. She thought of her two sons as she tried to stay awake, but her consciousness left her...

To be continued.

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chytownchytown7 months ago

*****Very exciting open chapter. Thanks for sharing.

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

Another excellent start. Got to find out about Molly.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
To anon not bad

WW has a loyal group of readers. Sometimes, most of the time, we agree with his plots. He is just calling it like he sees it, and he is giving his take on current events. Most liberals, which it appears you are, want him to stop writing 'political stuff'. Which follows your pattern in real life. If it doesnt fit your narrative, it should be done away with. Conservatives have a different viewpoint. If you dont like it, dont read it. Because WW is gonna write what he feels is happening. So sorry not sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Not bad except for

All the political, pro-trump blah blah....other than all that nonsense, these aren’t bad stories. I just skip all those paragraphs and then it’s not a bad read. Thanks for all the efforts.

NewnotsureNewnotsureover 4 years ago
Like it

First time reading any of your stories, I liked this one, after I read the next chapter I will go back and read more now

john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooterover 4 years ago
Once again, a puzzling masterpiece.

Intrigue, convolutions, nuances, subterfuge, you've masterfully woven it into this story.

The shooter is down, not out. He will yield rare insight into the plot.

I can't help but believe it's a deception, perhaps a synchronized attack on Town and County to demonstrate a need for gun control. The NEA is involved...

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
A bit of info from the past

As someone who grew up in the 60's and 70's and actually read the federal investigation report of the DNC riots in Chicago in '68, a bit of factual history. The name given to those events in Chicago after the federal investigation was police riots. It was found that the most radical incitement in the planning of events actually was instigated and coordinated by under cover Chicago PD and FBI agents. Daley would have gone after pacifist leaning Dems. Just a Historical footnote from an old coot who reads and remembers. Not an attack on your story or plot, just some fact checking for historical purposes. Have read them all, keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Distraction ploy

This orange-haired kid, by his response and quickness' is a trained shooter. Possibly a ex-Navy seal (Trent/Quint). It could be a distraction to pull the police to the school for the rogue FBI team to attack the jail.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Iron Crowbar

The Iron Crowbar is gonna be sooooooo pissed....may God have mercy on the souls responsible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Talk about all of the "rights" that people have -

First is the right to life and the pursuit of happiness. SECOND comes the right to defend yourself from ANYONE - be it a "person" or a "government"! I was raised to protect all of OUR rights, from whomever! When you take away the weapons of the people, the weapons will still be in the hands of the IDIOTS and LAWBREAKERS!

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 4 years agoAuthor
Next chapter submitted, and comments

The next chapter has been submitted, and hopefully will be published soon. With the Christmas holidays coming up, I am not sure of the Literotica checkers's schedules, so we'll see how that goes.

hpinghpingover 4 years ago
Oh, the press

The press will of course have a blast to accuse the IC with not protecting the schools after the shooting, and the visit of the D.A.G. (announced or not announced) will fuel the situation even more.

The Second Amendment is a nice one to create a lot of flack: The anti-gun people will state that the criminal who shot in a school should not have been able to enter the school, but also demand that police should be in the school to defend the pupils and claim that schools should be weapon-free. Well, you can not have a cake and eat it.

The pro-gun people will state that teachers should be armed and that there is enough protection for school areas. But they are not willing to pay for it because that means that hiring "private" security. So they will complain why the police does not "protect" their schools better.

The IC is caught between a rock and a hard place. And of course the politicians will fuel the situation even more. A three pronged attack for IC and his crew. I wonder what will happen in the courts about this case. I hope Molly will be saved and that Tom get a good escort to his final resting place.

acupacupover 4 years ago
Changing the names...

to protect the guilty. You have a wonderful talent for getting your message across. You may be glad to hear that Lit has apparently decided to stop censoring political references. SW_MO_Hermit posted a story around the first of the month, Pioneer Village, they let two blatant Trump bashing comments through no problem.

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