Scoring My Brother Ch. 04


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"Yeah, sure." Jim said "upstairs, and to the right."

Once Levi was out of earshot Jon said "nice guy... great personality."

"Stop it... you're just mocking me" Jim frowned, turning away from Jon.

Jon could see by the way Jim was acting - restless, worrisome and defensive - that this was more than just having a friend over.

"Jimmy, I'm not mocking you... honestly... I'm not." Jon stood up, walking to Jim's chair, sitting on the cushion next to him. He wrapped his arm around his Brother. "What's going on?"

Jim looked down, away from Jon's gaze. He shifted his body so Jon couldn't see his face.

"Look, I know Levi is a very sensitive subject with you" Jon said quietly "tell me what's wrong - what am I doing wrong?"

Jim turned back around and stared into Jon's eyes "help me Jon, please" tears were forming in his eyes "I don't know what to do."

Jon pulled him in closer, giving him the deeper hug the Brothers had learned to share since they reconnected.

"What do you need help with?" Jon said earnestly "was this trip home an effort for YOU to learn more about him... or for ME to learn more about him?"

"I just hoped you'd pick up some kind of vibe from him, you know"

"So you hoped my gaydar would ping on him, correct?" Jon softly laughed

Jim smiled and nodded his head

"Tell you what. Let's see if he wants to stay for dinner" Jon was matter of fact "we'll go swimming and both talk to him."

Levi reappeared in the kitchen door frame, heading back out to the patio.

"So, what'd I miss?"

Jon nodded to Jim

"Well, we were both wondering if you wanted to stay for dinner and swimming?"

Levi looked at Jim, almost like Jon wasn't even there "Sounds sweet."


"What's everyone hungry for?" Jon asked "Mom went shopping so the house is fully stocked."

Levi looked at Jon, then at Jim "Hey, I'm the guest. I'll eat whatever you guys are serving."

Jon chuckled to himself. He'd eat anything Levi had too, but this meal belonged to his Brother. This guy was strictly off limits.

"I have hamburger out, how about burgers on the grill."

"Ummm.... Sorry... should have mentioned it sooner" Levi interrupted "I'm vegetarian... but I can get buy with just a salad."

Jon smiled back him "absolutely not. Jimmy's not big into veggies, but Mom and I have plenty."

Looking at his Brother, Jon said "Levi, how about showing Jim how to make something you'd like?"

Jim's face went slightly blank and pale. What was his brother doing? This wasn't what he had in mind.

"You up for a cooking lesson" Levi asked? I can make a pretty mean veggie kabob for the grill."

"Y.. y... yeah. I guess. I'm not really good in the kitchen though."

"That's ok - I bet you make up for it in other rooms." Levi smiled.

Jim blushed bright red, and before anyone could say anything else, ran into the kitchen.

Jon laughed. He was really liking Levi.

Levi walked Jim through prepping the vegetables - zucchini, squash, onions, tomatoes, green peppers, red peppers and mushrooms.

"Now for the best part... the marinade" Levi found some Italian salad dressing and some other herbs.

He looked at Jim "there, you made dinner."

"How about you guys clean up first. We can eat and then go swimming" Jon offered "I'll warm up the grill."

Jim and Levi looked at one another "I can really go for a shower" Jim admitted.

"Works for me" Levi replied.


While Jim and Levi were showering, Jon had time to reflect.

He had to tell Jim what he'd done on vacation. The fact is, he did feel like he had cheated on his boyfriend. Ok, granted, it wasn't that type of relationship - or was it? Jon really didn't know, and now he was the one feeling confused. What he did know is that his Brother deserved better. He deserved a full explanation and an apology.


Upstairs the bathroom shower water was running, slowly heating up. Jim stood in his old bedroom, next to the bathroom, getting ready to strip out of his uniform.

"I know you probably didn't bring anything to change in to" Jim said to Levi "so let me find you some shorts and a shirt."

"No, I brought extra clothes" Levi rustled through his duffle bag "unlike you I shower at the field sometimes. I don't care if people see my dick." He smiled at Jim as he reached over to grab him.

Jim flinched slightly. Yeah, they'd mess around at Levi's place, or discreet locations at the ball fields - or even the rarest of times at Jim's old apartment when Rayna was working - but never when others could be nearby. Now with Jon downstairs, things just seemed scary.

"You Ok?" Levi asked

Jim nodded his head "yeah, just a little nervous."

"Talk to me" Levi said reassuringly to Jim "what's wrong?"

"Oh my god... this is real! You're real! We're touching at my house, with my Brother downstairs, not sneaking around at the field" Jim could hardly breath, he felt like his chest was going to explode "It's always been just you and me! Us... our thing. What happens if it all changes!?"

Levi looked at Jim with confusion "I don't understand... what's going to change?"

Jim pointed down... downstairs - meaning Jon. He couldn't even say the words.

"Your Brother?" Levi was still puzzled "tell me what's got you so upset?"

Jim wrapped his arms around Levi's neck, pulling him closer for a hug. He sobbed quietly on his shoulder.

"I've got you Goalie" Levi's special name for Jim "everything will be fine, you'll see. Nothing is gonna happen... nothing will change."

Jim's heart was beating so fast, so loud, he was surprised Levi couldn't hear it. Sure, Levi assured him nothing would change - but suppose Jim wanted it to change? Suppose he wanted more? Jim stood there, staring at Levi for a brief moment, finally pulling him in tightly... gently kissing him.

"Wow! Ok, th.. th.. that's new" Levi stuttered.

Jim jumped back, all but pushing Levi aside. He burst into tears "I'm sorry! Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me." Jim had a look of absolute panic on his face "I promise I'll never do that again. Please... I promise."

Levi placed his index finger over Jim's lips, quieting him.

"Goalie, listen to me... Ok? Just breathe... breathe..." Levi placed his hand over Jim's heart and patted his chest "I want you to do it again, Ok? I've waited so long for this... I... I... I need to kiss you again."

Levi leaned in, kissing Jim with more passion than even he expected.

"We will always be us, Ok? Wether it's jerking off in the dugouts after work or kissing in your old bedroom. We'll always be us."

Levi stroked the side of Jim's face with his fingers... his breathing returning to normal.

"I told Jon about us. I know I shouldn't have. I know we promised never to tell anyone." Jim's breathing was increasing again "but I was so confused."

Levi sat down on the corner of Jim's old bed, now all but covered with assorted clothes and what-nots from his Mother's attempts at purging junk from the house. He grabbed Jim's hand and pulled him down too.

"It's ok you told your Brother" He rubbed Jim's thigh as he spoke quietly to him "if you were having a hard time, and you needed to talk, I'm glad you had someone. It was great your Brother was here for you."

"So you're not mad? You don't want to stop... you know... being us?" Jon whispered.

"We'll be us as long as you like."

Their moment was interrupted by Jon calling from downstairs "Are you guys gonna shower or what... I'd like to eat!"

"Sorry Jon, got caught up in talking about the game. We'll clean up and be right down."


Jim opened the door, the bathroom completely fogged over from the steam. He reached in he shower and adjusted the water stream and temperature.

"Do you want to go first or should I?" Jim asked

"Let's share... after all, we don't want to waste water." Levi smiled and winked at Jim.

They stripped off their clothes, leaving them in a heap on the bathroom floor. Looking at one another in a way they never had before, Jim and Levi just stood there naked. Staring.

"Oh, what the fuck!" Jim lunged at Levi, pushing him against the wall, landing with a thud.

He kissed him passionately... deeply. Neither had ever kissed another guy before, and yet this felt like something that always should have been.

They stood there kissing - strong, serious kisses - before Jim dropped to his knees in front of Levi. He looked up to him, his eyes a mixture of hope and fear.

"Goalie... are you sure you want to do this? I mean... I know I'm ready, but are you?"

Jim didn't answer, he just leaned forward and took Levi into his mouth. This was his second taste of Levi today, first his lips and now his dick - a body part of Levi he was very familiar with. Smaller than his, probably 7 inches, it's skin tone a little darker than the rest of Levi's olive complexion. It had a slight upward curve that Jim loved working over when he'd jerk him off... except now he'd get to feel it in his mouth.

Levi tilted his head back, resting it against the bathroom wall. His legs felt weak, so he slid down the wall a bit, bending his knees slightly. He could feel every hair on his body tingle as Jim sucked his cock. Sure, he'd gotten blow jobs in the past, but always from girls. This felt different... warmer... more intimate. This time it felt real.

"Oh my god, Jim! Fuck Jim! Your mouth... keep doing that... keep sucking me."

Jim had no intention of stopping, he was excited to see this through. He was inexperienced, but he knew what a real blowjob should be... what it should feel like. He remembered what Jon had done to him - how he made him feel. He wanted to please Levi and give him those feelings too.


Jim suddenly stopped

"I should forget this, right? I'm terrible at this" Jim shyly asked Levi "you deserve a better guy."

"Nope... you're not doing that. Don't assume I'm not happy... you're way to hard on yourself.... and for the record... you're doing great."

Jim smiled "so do you want me to continue?"

"No, not at all." he said seductively, winking down at Jim "it's my turn! I wanna suck you off so badly."

"Wait... wait..." Jim stammered "have.. have you been thinking about doing this before tonight?"

"All bullshit aside. Total truth. I have for a long time. Almost as long as we've been hooking up." Levi smiled back at Jim's confused face. "There's something about you that just sucked me in - no pun intended" Levi laughed "and made me dream of trying this."

Levi pulled Jon up to a standing position as he sank down to his knees himself.

"I'm gonna have to unhinge my jaw to get that python in" Levi chuckled "I haven't had any practice doing this."

Levi tentatively took Jim's cock in his mouth. Just the warmth of his breath made Jim's dick hard... springing it to life. Levi hesitantly slid Jim between his lips. Jim let out a long, guttural groan. Levi slowly sucked him, taking his time - guiding inch by girthy inch into his mouth.

Levi stopped, his own mind now full of self doubt.

"I just want this to be good. The kinda good we'll look back on and remember" Levi whispered

Jon ran his fingers through Levi's long, dark hair. "It will be, It's you, how could it not be?"

Levi went back to sucking Jim, sliding his hands up his chest - feeling his torso under his wandering fingertips.

"Can I make you cum? Do.. do.. do you want me to I mean" Jim had never seen Levi this insecure.

"Yes, please!! I want to cum for you."

Levi picked up his pace. He tried to suck Jim down his throat as far as he could... but it wasn't very far. Jim didn't complain.

"A little faster Vi, I'm getting close."

Levi didn't have to work hard to make him cum.

"I'm gonna... oh my god... Vi... I'm ready" Jim gripped his dick and started stroking himself off "where... where should I cum?"

'Shoot on my chest" Levi begged "aim for my chest."

Jim stroked himself until he couldn't turn back. He erupted like a geyser across Levi's chest... and up onto his chin... into his hair finally striking the wall.

"Wow, someone was horny" Levi laughed

"Not until you started it" Jim laughed back

Jim pulled Levi up to standing as he went back to his knees "you don't have to do this... I'm fine." Levi protested.

"Shhhh, I'll tell you when you're fine" Jim smiled as he sucked Levi, little by little, deep into his throat.

Levi moaned, more than satisfied with Jim's first attempt. Satisfied being an understatement.

"Jim, stop... we gotta clean up" he laughed "your Brother wants to eat." He smiled, patting Jim on the head.

"Excuse me, I was taught to not talk with my mouth full."

Levi pulled Jim back up... going in for more of his mouth... his soft lips. "We have all the time in the world to finish this, but I'm kinda hungry myself" he laughed.

Jim gave Levi a fake look of insult "oh, I see how it is. Fine. I'll just replace your cock with a kabob then."

The guys finally managed to separate themselves long enough to clean up, but they both had ideas for getting dirty again later.


Jon put dinner on the grill.

"So, Levi, I'm assuming you're not going anywhere tonight? Jon asked with a slight glint in his eyes

Jim jumped in to answer "Is... is that ok" he asked Jon.

"Why wouldn't it be. Just wanted to make sure he wasn't going out... in case he wanted a beer or two."

"I'd love it if I could stay... and take you up on the beer offer."

"Excellent. Check the grill and I'll get us some beers."

Levi looked at Jim "do you think he knows what we did?" a bit of hesitation in his voice.

"My Brother? Oh I'm sure he does. He probably had his ear pressed to the door."

Both burst into laughter.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

ThIs whole story is great. Looking forward to see how the 3 guys work things out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Worth the wait, oh yes it was. I'm kind of wondering where the night will go thought. Jim and Levy seem to have a genuine love connection, so are they open to a third person joining in. I know I'm getting hard thinking about a hot threesome. Hope that Mom is planning on staying over at Aunt June's house another night or two. Looking forward to chapter #5 of this ***** story to see where this goes. MLF

dnsontndnsontnover 1 year ago

Levi is a great addition to the brothers dynamic. The sleepover should be interesting!

EdeyEdeyover 1 year ago

Nice to read your story again! I'm glad you added Levi to the plot, I was kinda curious about him. Now the level of complications is going to be sky-high and good! I'm waiting for some dramas and emotions :D

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well, I must say I'm surprised you managed to recover the situation from last chapter in an unexpected way.

I wasn't happy about the Nick-hookup but you are making it even with Levi & Jim. It would be more balance if they both did something aside.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was a hot chapter and Levi sounds like a super sexy guy! On one hand, I love that he and Jim are both opening up to their true feelings and having more m2m sex. But on the other, I really hoped that Jim and Jon would continue to have the hot brother sex that they been enjoying. But if Jim really likes Levi, I don’t want Jim to cheat on him with Jon. Jon feels guilty about “cheating” on Jim - and he should. That was a slutty thing to do in the last chapter. Can’t wait to see which way this goes. Please keep the story going.

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