Scoring My Brother Ch. 05

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Brothers Jon & Jim find romance together with friend Levi.
15.6k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/10/2022
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Hiya! This is the last chapter (for now) in my story of Brothers Jon & Jim

I apologize if this seems to long, I didn't want to break the story flow.

As always, I appreciate every bit of feedback.

Everyone chipped in to do dishes, knocking them out quickly.

"Ok, dinner and dishes done" Jon started "you both still interested in some swimming?"

"Yes!" Jim shouted, a little louder and more enthusiastic than he intended "Sorry, that sounded overly eager."

Truth was, Jim couldn't wait to see Levi wet in the pool. He also wondered about his Brother. Was it alright that he brought Levi home to meet Jon? Was Jon going to be angry he was intruding in Brother bonding time. Jim had to find a way to talk to them both.

"Do you have an extra suit I could wear? Levi asked "or should I just use the shorts I'm wearing now?"

"Those are fine" Jon said "Actually" looking at Jim "We really don't wear swimsuits except when Mom is home."

Levi's eyes suddenly went vacant. He had the classic deer in the headlight look. Now that Jon knew about them, he felt uncomfortable.

Jon dropped his shorts, standing naked in front of Jim and Levi.

Levi couldn't help but sneak a look - strictly out of curiosity. Apparently big cocks ran in Jim's family.

Jon wasn't looking as Levi dropped his shorts. He wanted to check out the new guy, but needed to be discreet.

"Is it ok if I turn around or would you rather get in the pool first? Jon asked "I don't need to see anything you're uncomfortable showing me." He was looking out for Levi's modesty, not quite sure where he stood with this guy he just met.

"No, you're fine." Levi replied - a tone of appreciation "nothing here I'm embarrassed about showing."

"Well then" Jon said in a voice that sounded like an announcement "everybody into the pool!"

The three ran to the in-ground pool and leapt into the water. Even though freshly showered, after the hot day, the cool water felt nice. Refreshing. They splashed around, playing the games the Brothers would do alone, except there was a new member to their group. Nothing felt odd or uncomfortable.

It was dark now and the guys had been swimming for over an hour. The moon shown brightly, illuminating the pool and the backyard.

"So, is anyone up for a little dessert" Jon asked "apple pie in the fridge... just begging to be devoured."

"Shit... are you guys trying to fatten me up for slaughter?" Levi laughed "dinner and pie? I don't normally eat like this."

Jon pointed to Jim and Levi. "You guys stay here... I'll go serve up."

Jon disappeared into the house. Yeah, he was ducking in to get dessert, but he was also trying to give Jim and Levi a little alone time. He was pretty sure they had made out in the shower, but still... just in case.

"Is it ok if I kiss you?" Levi smiled to Jim "I don't want to make things weird with your Brother."

Jim smiled and swam over to Levi "look, my Brother's gay and he knows I'm attracted to you. I'm not looking to put on a show, but I think he'd understand if we kissed."

Levi pulled Jim closer and they both came in for a kiss. Still, Jim wondered what was going on. When he was trying to figure out his sexuality while he was with Rayna, Levi apparently knew what he wanted from the beginning. Was Levi gay? Bisexual? Curious? He knew it shouldn't really matter if Levi really had feelings for him.

Jim looked at Levi "Can I ask you a serious question?"

"Uh Oh... that doesn't sound promising" Levi paused, his face becoming stoic. "no good conversation follows those words."

"Do you like me? Seriously like me... or am I just some sort of test? Are you trying to figure yourself out and I just happed to be there? I'd totally understand... I just need to know..." he trailed off.

Levi tucked his long, wet hair behind his ears. He stood in front of Jim, staring into his eyes. "You're not a test! Honestly, I'm a little insulted that you'd think after everything we've done, I'd just use you like that. Do you think I'm that shitty?"

Jim hung his head. The last thing he wanted to do was to make him feel bad, he just needed some answers... maybe a little reassurance.


"Vi, no! I'm sorry! I'm not saying you're that type of person, I just honestly don't know why you'd choose me for this."

"Choose you?" Levi replied, laughing "you're not a watermelon at the grocery store. I didn't pick you because you're firm, ripe and fruity - although now that we've made out a few times you ARE a bit fruity." Levi couldn't help but smile.

"You know what I mean" Jim huffed "I'm being serious."

"I'm serious too. When we met I didn't have any intention of you just being someone I made out with. Fuck... I didn't even make out with guys before you. But suddenly, the more I got to know you, the more attraction I had towards you. Without you, I honestly don't know if I'd ever have explored anything sexual with another guy."

Levi reached to Jim, deeply embracing him.

"You make me feel safe... loved. I know we don't talk about things like this, but I just have to let you know. My feelings for you are real, at least as real as I've ever felt for anyone before."

Jim sniffed, trying to hold back tears.

"So, what about you?" Levi asked "what am I to you? You've had a girlfriend before... I assume you were in love? Am I a rebound for you?"

Jim looked shocked, hurt even. Now he knew how Levi felt when he accused him of just using him.

"Ummm... well, to be honest - with both you and myself - I never loved Rayna. She was convenient. Mom wanted me to settle down with a girl and give her grandkids... which is what i planned to do" Levi nodded understandingly "then you came along. I was terrified of you."

"Of me? Why?"

"You made me question myself... what I had and what I wanted. I finally faced facts that Rayna was just there - I felt like I was stringing her along... cuz all I thought about was you."

Levi and Jim kissed again. They were so close against one another that Levi could feel Jim's cock poking against his leg. He reached down and gripped it in his hand... tugging it. Drawing his hand back and forth over the long, thick meat.

"Vi, stop!" Jim laughed, burring his face into Levi's shoulder "Jon will be right back."

"You're such a tease Jim Wolfe."

They kissed once more, and for the first time in what they now established was a relationship, both felt a weight had been lifted. They understood they were more than just jerk off buddies.


"I've got pie" Jon yelled as he emerged from the Kitchen "Come and get it."

Jim and Levi emerged from the pool, Jim's shaggy hair drooped down over his forehead and into his eyes. Levi's hair pushed back off his face, hanging down his back.

Jon didn't turn his face this time. He grinned when he saw his Brother's hard cock bouncing as he walked, Levi's cock not quite as hard but very impressive - his large balls swinging as he walked.

The group sat there an additional hour or two eating dessert, talking about the day - the soccer game from earlier - as each guy could feel sleep wanting to take over.

"So, I feel like I could turn in for the night" Jon said "how about you guys?"

Levi stretched, his hands reaching far above is head

"Where do you want me?" He asked "I can easily take the sofa."

"Naw, poor Jim has been on the sofa since he got here. I'll take the sofa, you guys take my bed."

Jim and Levi exchanged an uneasy glance.

"Thanks for the offer, but I really don't want to put out. I mean... I mean put anyone out!!" Levi blushed.

"I'll go down and make up the sofa for myself, you both go upstairs and get ready for bed."

The naked Brothers, along with their friend in tow, walked through the Kitchen and into the Living room.

"I'll lock up down here then turn in. See you both in the morning."

"Now's probably a bad time to bring it up, but I just thought of it. Could I impose for a ride back to my place tomorrow? I'd call a ride share but I really don't have the cash for that right now."

"Yeah, not a problem" Jim volunteered "I have to be up early for work tomorrow anyway. My crew is working at those condos on Union St. I'll drop you off and then head back over this way."

Jon looked at both guys "Why drive across town to turn around and drive back? I don't have anything going on, I can take you home. No problem for me."

"That's great! My shift at the diner isn't until the afternoon."

"Excellent" Jon snapped his fingers "problem solved."

Jon headed downstairs while Jim and Levi went up to Jon's room.


"How do you feel about sharing a bed?" Jim asked nervously "Is this going to be weird?"

Levi sat down on the edge of the bed and laughed "it'll only be weird if you make it weird. We're naked. I've sucked you off. I think we can get through a night sharing a bed."

Jim sighed "you're right... you're right. I'm just overthinking."

"Do you have a preference in bed?" Levi asked

Jim blushed, a dark red hue across his cheeks "Levi, don't make me answer that.... I'm not even sure what to do."

"Left side or right side of the bed, you asshole." Levi laughed

Jim had to turn his back, he felt embarrassed "Sorry... sorry.... left side please."

"Perfect, I'm a right side guy myself"

They climbed into bed, laying next to each other. Levi rolled over and kissed Jim "goodnight Goalie, see you in the morning."

Jim felt his heart skip a beat "night Vi."

Almost an hour passed, Jim tossed restlessly. He rolled over, now facing Levi's back, leaned in and whispered "I think I'd prefer to be on top."

Levi chuckled, smiling at Jim "nice to know, now go to sleep."

"Ok, sorry. Just thought I should tell you. In case, you know..." his voice trailed off.

Jim rolled over, laying on his half of the bed, facing away from Levi. After a few minutes, Jim felt the bed shift and Levi's breath on his neck "for what it's worth, I wouldn't mind being under you."

Jim left out a long, heavy sigh... his breath shaking and sputtering. The bed squeaked as Levi returned to his spot.

Moments later Jim felt Levi roll his way again "how... umm... how would you feel about... umm... being on top of me now?"

"I told you before, I wouldn't know what I'm doing. I'm super embarrassed."

"That's ok" Levi said, kissing Jim's neck "we'll figure it out together."

Jim's cock sprung to life immediately... as if someone plugged his body into an outlet and the current charged to his dick.

Laying side by side, they turned to face each other... Levi smiling, Jim a bit fearful. They leaned in and awkwardly kissed. What started as just a few slow tentative kisses on Jim's part quickly accelerated to a full on make out session. Mouths open, tongues wandering... the room disappearing except for the two of them.

Levi took hold of Jim's cock and stroked it to life... eliciting moans of pleasure. He reached under the sheets with his other hand and took hold of his own dick too, stroking himself in unison. As Jim tilted his head back, Levi continued stroking - but lowered his mouth down to Jim's firm, muscled pecs. He flicked Jim's nipples with his tongue, hardening them - bringing them to brown, penny size points. He sucked them gently at first, slowly applying more pressure. Jim reached around behind Levi's neck and pulled him back up to his mouth. As if all his other worries drifted away, Jim kissed Levi with a lustful intensity.

"I want to suck your dick now... okay?" Jim meekly asked, looking for permission from Levi.

"I'm yours, Goalie, do whatever you want."

Jim kissed down Levi's chest, briefly stopping at his nipples as well - working them the same way he had just done to him.

He took his tongue and licked Levi's torso down to his waist and back up again. Levi sank back into the mattress - alive and relaxed at the same time. Jim lifted Levi's arms back over his head, pinning them against the mattress. He nuzzled his nose into his arm pits, inhaling his scent. His head felt dizzy - buzzing with exhilaration. Jim almost didn't want to move from there, but he had something else he was eager to explore.

Jim moved his mouth to Levi's cock - hard and fully engorged.

"Let me know if you don't like this, OK? Promise?"

Levi slid his hand across Jim's head, slowly running his finger through his hair.

"I like you - I'll like anything you do... but make sure to enjoy it yourself, too."

Jim rolled Levi completely onto his back.. running his hands across his body. He couldn't believe this was real... Levi was real. He was going to suck this gorgeous man's dick for the first time.

He kneeled next to him, bending down to gently take the long, upward curved, cock into his mouth. He tasted the tip, running his tongue through the slit. He inched his way down the shaft, trying to take him all - but from the brief time they played around earlier, knew he couldn't. Jim gagged, pulling off, feeling embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. I'll try to get better."

Levi reached down and took Jim's face in his hand, kissing his forehead as well.

"Goalie, you're doing great. I don't expect you to be perfect your first time... I wasn't this afternoon. Remember?" Levi kissed his lips.

Jim went back to sucking Levi. He tried to remember the things he liked when Rayna gave him head - which wasn't very often - and incorporate them into pleasing Levi. Jim couldn't believe Rayna found sucking him so unappealing... he was loving the opportunity to show Levi what his mouth could do.

He massaged Levi's balls as he slicked up his cock with his spit. Rapidly combining sucking with slowly jerking him off - wrapping his hand around the meaty thickness and circling it with his fingers - desperate to make him cum. Levi started rocking his body, his hips moving up and down trying to work his cock into Jim's throat. As each slow thrust worked into his mouth, Jim would back off a little trying not to gag again. Levi patiently waited for Jim to relax his throat - offering him a little more dick with each pass - until he was able to take a considerable amount. Sure, Jim couldn't deep throat him, but he knew Levi couldn't do that to him either. Together they'd get there.

Levi's breaths grew shorter... his chest heaving quicker with an anticipation of release.

"I'm gonna cum soon. Oh my god... I'm gonna cum." Levi whispered "wh.. where do you want it. Where do you want me to cum?"

Jim increased his pace. Sucking, jerking and twisting. Jim slipped a finger down towards Levi's hole, thumbing at his entrance.

"Jim.... stop... please don't." Jim feared he crossed a line, so went back to what he knew Levi liked.

"I'm ready" Levi panted "here it comes."

He pushed Jim's mouth away and jerked his own cock feverishly... on the brink of orgasm.

"Where, Goalie, Where?" Levi all but yelled

Levi wrapped his arms around Jim's waist, pulling himself to his knees, straddling Jim's body.

"My chest" Jim begged "like you did to me... shoot on..."

Jim couldn't finish the sentence. Levi was already blowing his load... only the intensity over-shot Jim's chest and covered his face. Cum slashed across his nose and mouth, load after load, running down on his cheeks as well.

Levi was shaking as he milked every remaining drop from his cock. He leaned down, on all fours, hovering above Jim's body.

"Don't open your mouth" he said quickly "you'll get my load in your mouth."

Jim did just the opposite. He opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue, and licked his lips clean. His face lit up like a bulb on a string of Christmas lights.

"Why?! Why'd you do that?! I said don't" Levi sounded irritated.

"Sorry!, Sorry! I didn't hear the don't part! I thought you wanted me to taste it. Sorry!"

Jim lied... he knew what he was doing, but Levi didn't need to know that. The experience flipped everything he thought he knew about himself. He loved sucking dick and he loved cum. Being with Levi would probably never be the same. No longer needing to find a place to jerk off together, they'd now need a place to blow each other... and maybe someday... do more.

"How was it?" Jim asked "was it ok?

"Ok?" Levi was still panting... still shaking "that was far, far past Ok. Holy fuck, that was amazing! Fucking amazing!"

The brightness and excitement that had been in Levi's eyes suddenly dimmed.

"I'm sorry I couldn't go all the way. I guess I'm not as ready as I thought I was. Are you disappointed?" Levi asked, sounding dejected.

Jim gripped Levi's face. "Don't feel you have to do anything you're not ready for. We'll do things as we're both comfortable."

Jim smiled. He was happy Levi enjoyed it because he was on cloud nine himself. He couldn't wait for their bodies to recharge for another round.


Jim got out of bed, taking his phone from the nightstand. He walked to the Bathroom and closed the door behind him.

Ding, ding. Ding, ding

Jon's phone chimed with an incoming text. He picked up the phone and read the message.

*Levi & I made out. So excited.

Jon smiled. If a text could talk this one would be screaming.

**How was it?

*I just blew him. Couldn't go further yet

He wanted to congratulate his Brother on such a big step, but not in a text.

**So happy. BTW you're washing my sheets tomorrow LOL

Jim came back to bed. He knew he was walking, but it didn't feel like he feet were touching the ground.

"Is everything Ok?" Levi asked.

"Great, everything is great."

Levi was laying on his back... Jim rested his head on his chest.

"So, what did your Brother say?" Levi craned his neck to look at Jim's face.

"I didn't talk to him" Jim said defensively "Why would I talk to my Brother?"

"Ok Goalie... if you say so." Levi kissed Jim's shoulder. "Let's get some sleep now." Levi smiled and made an air kiss in Jim's direction.


The next morning Jim and Levi came down from the third floor early, Jim had to get ready for work. Jon was still sleeping downstairs so they tried to be quiet.

"I can make you a silent breakfast" Jim laughed, handing him a coffee pod "I don't want to wake Jon."

Levi leaned in and kissed Jim "That's Ok, I don't work until this afternoon, I've got plenty of time to grab something."

"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you off at your apartment? It's not a problem."

"Nah, it only makes sense for Jon to drive me."

"It's a sunny day" Levi gestured to outside "is it ok if I spend some time at the pool?"

Jim turned around and glanced through the window "yeah, it's beautiful. Feel free. My Mom might come home before you leave. If she does just tell her who you are, that we play soccer together. Let her know I've already left. You could tell her you're friend of Jon's too for that matter. She really won't care. Just make sure you're wearing a swimsuit." Jim laughed, making a move to grab Levi's dick

"Gee, aren't we a little bit bolder since yesterday" Levi smiled "you're willing to touch now."

"Please don't be mad... I was just nervous."

Levi pulled Jim back for another hug "you know I'm just messing with you, right? I was feeling nervous too."

"I'm gonna clean up, I'll say goodbye before I leave."

Levi went out to the pool. He sat with his legs dangling in the water, body bent back, face looking up at the sun. He stretched his arms above his head... his back, arms and neck all cracking... shaking off the nights sleep.

He quietly slipped into the water - not wanting to make a noise to wake up Jon. Swimming lightly, he made his way from one end of the pool to the other. He dipped beneath the break, his long hair floating around his face. Eventually Levi burst through the surface with a splash. He did a quick scan of the pool deck and patio to see if anyone was around. Nothing. Jon was apparently still in bed.

Pulling a lounge chair out of the shade, Levi spread a towel over it and laid in the morning sun. He was just getting comfortable when he heard footsteps approaching through the Kitchen... must be Jim coming to say goodbye. Levi sat up to face the door only to find Jon putting a coffee pod in the brewer.