Secret Smiles and Three Little Words Pt. 43


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"Well, actually," Alex smiled. "We have a couple of stops to make anyway, so no, we aren't going home."

"Ok," Nora smiled. Alex looked to Gavin who smiled. They knew why she didn't want to go to the condo. There wasn't anyone or anything to play with.

Pulling back up in front of the house they just left, Gavin let Nora out of the backseat before walking around to let Alex out. They came around holding hands.

"Uncle Gavin, there is a car just like yours!" She pointed out.

"That's because it is mine," he teased. "We left it here to come get you."

Nora looked around and saw several kids already outside playing and Nora watched them. She turned back to Alex.

"What are we doing here?" she asked.

"Well, we wanted your opinion on this house," Alex nodded with her head. Nora turned and looked at it.

"This house? Why?" the little girl asked looking at the small girl next door looking at her.

"We are thinking of buying it...if you like it," Gavin told her.

"We are?" Nora smiled.

"Well, there are no kids to play with where we are now, that's because it is set up for single people. We are a family now, so we need a family home," Gavin explained.

Nora smiled at the idea of playing with kids. They walked up to the house and Gavin unlocked the door. They let Nora go in first.

"Wow, look at the lights!" she said craning her head to look up at the chandelier as she stood under it. She ran from one room to the next before sprinting up the stairs to the rooms upstairs.

"Which one is mine?" she yelled as she ran from room to room.

"Well you can have any room on the top floor," Gavin told her as he and Alex waited for her to sprint the entire top floor.

She flew by them and back downstairs.

"Did you see that?" Gavin joked.

"Nope, too fast!" Alex laughed as she put her arm around his waist and they went back down the stairs.

"OH MY GOSH THEY HAVE A TREEHOUSE!" Nora's voice echoed out in the empty home.

"Guess we know her vote," he said as they turned towards the back where the patio door was that led to the back yard.

"This place is huge!" Alex told him. "Do we need a house this big?"

"Well," Gavin shrugged. "We need a place to put six kids."

"Six?" Alex gasped.

"Well seven if you count Nora," he laughed.

"You want six more kids?" Alex stopped him. The look on his face told her he was joking.

"Thank God!" Alex huffed. "I love kids and all but being pregnant six times does not sound all that appealing!"

"Well, let's start off with one," Gavin told her pulling her into him. "Go from there."

"Two," she smiled. "Three kids sounds good, then they can each have their own room with a guest room."

"Two? How far apart?" he asked kissing her neck.

"Your choice," she whispered as she shivered with the soft manipulations.

Stepping outside they found Nora talking with another girl who was peering through the slats on the fence separating the two yards. They looked over to see a mother standing on her back porch watching as well. She gave a soft wave and they waved back.

The mother walked towards the fence and they went as well.

"Hello," she greeted them. "I'm Reese."

"I'm Alex and this is my fiancé Gavin," Alex said shaking her hand.

"Thinking of buying?" Reese asked them. They both nodded as a short scream from the girls caught their attention. They were engrossed with something on the fence.

"Kari would love that!" Reese told them. "The last family that lived here had a little boy and they didn't get along."

"No?" Alex asked.

"No, he was always into trouble, breaking windows with rocks, stealing mail...he even killed the Moscaro's cat!" Reese whispered after looking to see if the girls could hear them.

"How did he do that?" Alex gasped.

"Ran the poor thing over with his go cart," Reese shrugged.

"Mom!" Kari called out as she ran up. "Can I go over and see the tree house with Nora?"

Reese looked to Alex and Gavin.

"The front door is open honey, come on back," Gavin told her.

"Be there in a second Nora!" Kari called out. She ran to the back gate and ran around the house. Within a few seconds she was flying off the back deck and running with Nora towards the tree house.

"She will be thrilled!" Reese told them. "She was never allowed to see the tree house with the boy, he wouldn't let her, because he thought girls were a pain," Reese mimicked. "And we wouldn't let her go over there with him afraid he would tie her to the go kart in some sort of Mad Max: Beyond Thuderdome stunt!"

"Don't blame you!" Gavin chuckled.

"So you said fiancé?" Reese asked.

"Yes," Alex nodded. "We are getting married. No firm date set yet as Nora was just placed with us."

The look on Reese's face told Alex she didn't understand.

"My sister passed away," Alex explained. "We got custody."

"I'm sorry," Reese said softly.

"Thank you," Alex nodded.

"Mom!" Kari called out as the girls waved from the window of the tree house. The three adults waved back. "Can I spend the night here with Nora?"

"First off, it's a school night. Second, the temperature is supposed to be in the mid-forties," Reese told her shaking her head.

"It would probably be helpful if we actually owned the house," Alex called out.

"Aunt Alex!" Nora called out. "We have to buy this house!"

Gavin started chuckling and walked away pulling his phone out.

"What do you guys do for a living?" Reese laughed and shook her head.

"I'm an artist, Gavin is a doctor," Alex told her. "You?"

"I'm a lawyer," Reese told her. "The soon to be ex-husband is a professor at the University of Chicago. He has an affinity for college co-eds!" Alex tried to control her surprise.

"Note the amount of venom I spew anytime I talk about the two timing bastard and you can tell it is fairly recent," Reese laughed at herself.

"Didn't notice," Alex laughed with her.

"Uncle Gavin!" Nora called out. "Can we stay here tonight? Kari and I want to sleep up here! It's really warm!"

"There is about a thousand pieces of paper to sign, then we have to come up with the money to buy much money do you have?" Gavin teased.

"Uncle Gavin! I can't afford a place like this!" Nora told him.

"Well, what makes you think I can?" Gavin continued his teasing.

"You could sell your car!" Nora suggested.

"I'm not selling my car! I'd sell you before I sold my car!" Gavin deadpanned as he rolled his eyes.

"Uncle Gavin! Puulleeese?" Nora begged putting on her most desperate plea face.

"Good God," Gavin smiled shaking his head. "Do you think that is actually going to work with me?" He asked her in disbelief she would try such a ploy.

"Yes," Nora and Alex said at the same time.

"I'm that easy?" Gavin asked her. Nora laughed as she ducked back into the tree house. He looked to Alex and shrugged.


Chapter 60

Alex directed the moving men as they brought the furniture in from the condo. It was an unseasonably warm spring day, the winter passed slowly as they waited for the paperwork to make its way through the channels to officially put the house in their name. They would sometimes take night drives out to it to keep Nora happy. She would play with Kari and Alex and Reese would enjoy the company of each other.

Now with the movers Alex was swamped with work. Directing traffic, trying to keep Nora from being underfoot and unpacking boxes as they came in. Gavin showed up by mid-afternoon and saw Alex stuffing her hair back in her bandana.

"I'm just going to run out to the treehouse and play with Nora," Gavin suggested. "I would just be in the way here!"

"You make one move towards that treehouse, and that will be your permanent address!" Alex threatened with a smile.

"Is that a fact?" Gavin laughed as he set his bag down and came into the living room where she was putting things up. "Can I change my clothes or should I just ruin a couple thousand dollar suit?"

"Only if I can come up with you!" Alex teased as he kissed her.

"If you come up, you will be tied up for some time," Gavin winked with his innuendo.

"Can't think of a better way to be!" Alex told him.

"I'm going to change," Gavin told her. "But hold that thought!"

"Yes, Sir," Alex smiled.

Gavin and Alex spent hours unpacking, taking time out only to direct the movers or to check on Nora who was playing in the backyard with Kari. Taking a couple cans of soda out back for the girls he found them sitting on the bottom step of the tree house engrossed in a magazine.

As he got closer he realized what they were looking at.

"Whoa!" he called out with a laugh snatching it from Nora's hands. "Where did you get that?" Gavin asked them.

"It was in the cabinet in the tree house," Nora told him.

"Dr. Gavin," Kari said to him. "Why were all those men and women naked?"

"Uh," Gavin's brain scrambled as he put the adult magazine behind his back. "It's a medical magazine that helps doctors learn about bodies!" Gavin struggled with his laugh. "It's for doctors only!" Gavin scolded. "Do either of you have a medical degree?" He asked them. They shook their heads as one.

"Then, you have no business looking at this," Gavin told them. "This is for an advanced class, first you have to do four years of college before you even get to look at these!"

"College?" Nora gasped. "I'm hoping to pass fourth grade!"

"Are there any more of these up there?" Gavin asked them.

The two girls looked to each other and smiled.

"Go inside, pizza is here," Gavin said with a shake of his head. "I'll get the rest of the medical journals and put them with my old college books."

"Do you know all that stuff in there?" Kari asked.

"I'm pretty sure I do," Gavin laughed with some embarrassment. "Go. Eat."

The girls ran towards the house and disappeared inside. Gavin went into the treehouse and gathered the rest of the magazines. Most were hard core porn with men and women in various scenes of sex. Gavin shook his head in disbelief.

"The boy must have been the anti-Christ!" Gavin laughed. "Killing cats, breaking windows and into hardcore porn!"

"The girls said there was some medical books out here?" Alex's voice called up to him. He stuck his head out the window and saw Reese with her. Gavin rolled his eyes and tossed her one of the magazines. Both women gasped and looked up at him.

"What kind of kid was this?" he asked Reese. "I mean for the love of God! I didn't see my first Playboy until Jr. High! These are so hard core I probably didn't see anything like them until college!"

"How many are up there?" Alex asked him.

"Uh, ten or twelve?" Gavin said ducking back inside.

"Medical journals?" Reese asked with a laugh as he came out stooped over to get out the small door.

"It was the best I could come up with!" Gavin explained. "Let me tell you, the last thing I expected was to find our girls looking at a porno mag when I came out here!"

Reese was flipping through the pages. Alex looked to Gavin then to Reese.

"Want to take it home?" Alex teased.

"I don't think that position is even possible!" Reese complained showing Alex. "Why do these slut magazines show women as some sort of bendy 'I take it in all holes like a pro' fashion?" She asked closing the magazine.

"You mean there are women out there that actually do that?" Gavin asked snatching the magazine back.

"No," Reese and Alex laughed.

"Bummer," Gavin laughed as he walked towards the trash can and found an open bag to dump the magazines in and tied it off again.

The five of them ate pizza and laughed at all the work still needed to be done.

"Hey," Gavin began as his smiled tipped at the corners. "I gotta patient I just remembered I needed to see tomorrow!" he teased after Alex listed all the things left to do.

"Again, try that and the treehouse will become your permanent home!" Alex laughed with the other girls.

"Well, I better get my medical journals out of the can then!" Gavin shrugged as he took a drink of his beer.

Alex and Reese threw pieces of pizza crust at him that he had to fend off with his hands.


Lying in bed that night in the safe position they listened to the silence in the house. There were no sirens of the city going off. It was eerily quiet.

"That will take some getting used to," Gavin told her in the dark.

"The quiet?"

"Yeah," Gavin nodded in the dark. "I mean the condo was quiet but you could still hear the sirens from time to time!"

"This reminds me of back home," Alex admitted. "Small town quiet."

She felt his cock twitch slightly in his shorts.

"How tired are you?" she smiled in the dark.

"I'm not that tired!" he replied.


He moved to push her up to where she was lying on the pillows. He kissed her gently and began to kiss his way down. Soon she arched her back involuntarily as he found her sacred space between her legs. She bit her lip to keep from crying out.

Gavin slowly used the tip of his tongue to trace the outside of her lips, the soft feel of his hot tongue caused her to lift her hips slightly as he moved his mouth over her. He suckled her sex into his mouth and let it go, only to bring it back in again. With each flick of his tongue across her clit she convulsed slightly. Her hands took hold of his hair and pulled him in tighter and she smiled.

"What am I going to say?" he asked her from within the folds of her sex.

"Fuck!" Alex coughed out as she let go and wrapped her fingers in the sheets to keep from making the same mistake again.

"Better," he laughed as his voice reverberated off her soft, sensitive flesh.

Her body began to twist under his manipulations, she began to turn so much he finally had to run one of his hands up her body to push her flat again. She came with a soft cry that had her body flopping back on the bed.

He moved his body to where they were laying side by side, in a sideways '69' position. Alex wasted no time in taking his cock out and devouring it. He continued to work her with his tongue, sometimes matching her ferocity on her sex making her cum. When Alex came she couldn't continue sucking, she would just hold his cock in her mouth and moan around the sides of it.

He pulled his cock out after her third orgasm making her protest with a soft whimper. He flipped her over and pulled her hips up. He moved between her legs and guided his cock into her heat easily, causing her to toss her head back and her eyes to close as she moaned out her pleasure.

Gavin smiled as he took hold of her hair and held her there, her neck craned as he started to thrust into her from behind. Fucking her with long slow thrusts making her body shake with his force. With his weight he pushed her flat after a while and then brought his legs up on either side of her hips, diving his cock deeper into her.

He pulled her hair to the side and kissed her mouth hard, letting their tongues dance as he continued to thrust his cock into her, making her grunt with every forward thrust due to its depth. In this position he always seemed to be hitting spots never before touched. It sometimes brought a small wisp of pain as he bottomed out in her, but it was always fleeting.

His hips increased their speed and soon he was deep within her, his mouth suckling on the back of neck as he shot pulsating streams of hot cum deep within her causing her to sigh blissfully as he laid on top of her, covering her body with his. Leaving his cock within her.

"I love this," she whispered. "And I adore you."

Gavin said nothing as he continued to kiss her neck and cheek gently. Nuzzling her ear and nibbling from time to time.


She woke the next morning alone in bed, she hadn't heard his phone go off and she hoped he wasn't on a call. Walking out of her new bedroom she was a bit disoriented at first as the new home was not as open as the condo.

She found Nora already at the breakfast table eating cereal.

"Morning baby," Alex said hugging the child from behind and kissing her head.

"Morning," Nora laughed as Alex gave her a quick tickle.

"Have you seen Uncle Gavin?" Alex asked as she put a cup in the Keurig and pushed the button to start a brew.

"He's in the basement," Nora told her pointing towards the door.

"What's he doing down there?" Alex asked her going to the door and looking down the stairs. Nora shrugged and Alex went down the stairs. She found Gavin standing in the middle of the basement just staring at the rafters.

"Morning," she called out.

"Morning Beautiful," he said still deep in thought. He reached up and hung on the wood rafter above his head.

"What's up?" she asked him when he let go.

"Just wondering how much weight the rafters will hold," Gavin said giving them a shake.

"Thinking of hanging a punching bag up or something?" Alex asked him.

He had mentioned making the basement a workout room. Now that they were out of the condo they wouldn't be able to use the building's gym. They would either have to join a gym or make their own.

"No," Gavin smiled. "I was thinking of hanging you from the ceiling!" He smiled.

"I have always wanted a 'red room'," he teased referencing a popular BDSM book. Alex shook her head.

"That man was not a Dom," Alex told him. "You are a Dom, he was a joke."

"Still," Gavin shrugged. "I think I will stop by the hardware store and pick a few things. This basement may give us a chance to expand our playground a bit!"

"Are you serious?" Alex blushed.

"Can't you see yourself in one of those sex swings you have been wanting to try?" Gavin asked her. Alex covered her mouth in disbelief then nodded when he looked at her.

"I am up for anything you want!" Alex said when his eyes closed slightly. She looked around and then shrugged as she started to go back upstairs leaving Gavin to his planning.

"And to think I used to be scared of basements!" Alex laughed.


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Cindy1001Cindy1001over 8 years ago
First night

First night sex in their new home. That could make Alex pregnant! Further, filled with joy on the care Alex and Gavin provide Nora. Reese could be an interesting development.

Lady_Jade_HawkLady_Jade_Hawkover 8 years ago
Welcome Chapter

I know I have been critical and I can't say I'd go back on my critiques but I want to thank you for this chapter. The characters are moving in the directions that myself and I think most readers would want to see them go. I'm glad Elisabeth is getting her shit together and also glad, in a sadistic way, to see that her envy may be coming to a head and we might see the resolution to that. Of course, I am curious as to what will become of the Minister and Alexs' parents relationship. However, I still keep wishing things were different there concerning Livy. I will wait with baited breath for the next installment and hope that despite all criticisms, including my own, that you are very proud of your work and know that it is appreciated.

Missy10256Missy10256over 8 years ago

P.S. I have nominated you for the Literotica Readers Choice Awards in as many categories as I could. I Hope you sweep them all!

Missy10256Missy10256over 8 years ago

Brilliant always. Never ever let this story end! Love excitment, realism, eroticism, drama and peace. It's all there and it's all perfect. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Thank you!

Thank you for the two updates in such a short time, looking forward to next week as you have promised and update. Maybe they can go to a party soon? I am sure they miss them as much as we do ;) love the story, you are a great author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I agree telling Nora that boys who are mean like her is not socially acceptable but considering you have shown the loving and abusive side of BSDM I'm going to withhold judgement in hopes that Gavin's words will factor in to be a learning experience in future chapters. Nice to have the story back!!

JudyLeeJudyLeeover 8 years ago
New house.

I'm glad Gavin took the initiative to get a home near kids. I agree with some of the other comments that the stereotype of mean boys is a problem. I am sure that Gavin and Alex will fix that misconception when they actually think about it.

I chuckled at your nod to 50 Shades. The basement could be a fun place to play.

Elizabeth is hedging her bets. I hope she doesn't plan to cause problems for Gavin and Alex. I love that you are writing more soon. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. JudyLee

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I was so afraid Nora was going to be left at school because they forgot her. Like the twist with Liz, I know Royce is going to get his kind-of-can't-wait and we now have a soon to be single mom next door. Hows Alex's father doing and what about all her siblings...have you tallied up how many charters you have going here....good job with this.

CJTCJTover 8 years agoAuthor

So out of all of that, some have taken the whole little boy picking on girls as odd? Interesting, very interesting! For the record, I do not "condone" such behavior. I merely put forth a popular sterotype about little boys. Please keep in mind that Gavin and Alex have been parents for all of thirty seconds basically and are running to catch up! So I think it would be plausible for them to run to a sterotype to cover for their lack of parenting skills. BTW, Nora solves this little problem in later chapters that will be posted next week. As always, thank you so much for sticking with me this long and keep the comments coming.

Your humble author


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

The boy who used to live in that house just liked everyone in the neighborhood, obviously. Being mean is how you show you like someone, right? Sheesh. THAT is the first true perversion you have included in this story. Little (and big) boys might not always know how to show affection, but to laughingly teach Nora that being MEAN is acceptable is NOT acceptable. Inside jokes about bdsm are one thing, misinformation to a child is another. Twenty firm swats to you, CJT.

Oh, the tangled clusterfuck of Elizabeth's life. It makes quite the contrast to Alex's fairytale come true.

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