Seduced By The Woman Next Door Ch. 10


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They agreed to act on my behalf. We agreed on a fee, they were convinced that John had not taken any legal advice otherwise he would know that he was trapped. Simon suggested, "I think once your husband sees the documentation, he will understand."

It was then I said, "I don't want to screw him over, I just want it to be fair."

He nodded, "Well let's see what happens when he receives our demands."

"I don't want his super." I squeaked."

Greg who was still listening interjected, "You are entitled to it."

Simon added, "Charlotte, if you are serious, we can use it as a bargaining tool. We can suggest if he plays fair then he can keep it."

That made sense. The drive home was quiet, deep in thought I again wondered how we ended up here, our marriage gone up in smoke, and all this acrimony, the arguing and fighting was horrible.

It took a couple of days for John to receive the official letter from the solicitors. I was expecting him to be angry but his reaction was explosive. My phone rang and when I checked the number, I realised it was John.

As I answered all I could hear was screaming. It was that loud it was painful. I held the phone away from my ear as Brianna watched on with interest. After several minutes I tried to say something but he just kept ranting like a wild man.

I waited, but Brianna walked over, grabbed my phone from my clasping fingers and disconnected the call.

Before I could complain it rang again, this time Brianna answered, again even although it wasn't on loudspeaker, I could hear his screaming. Brianna disconnected without even talking to him.

That scene replayed over and over until on the fifth ring when Brianna answered, "Hello John, let me explain this to you, so even you can understand. That rude obnoxious behaviour will not be tolerated. If you cannot be polite then don't call again. I will pass the phone to Charlotte, but I warn you, at the first sign of any bad language or raised voices, I will disconnect the call."

She handed me the phone, "Hello John." I mumbled, embarrassed.

He was still angry, I could sense him barely holding on, "What the hells with the solicitors letter Charlotte. Fuck do you hate me that much, Jesus I never realised what a gold digger you were."

"John, don't start. I went to a solicitor because of your belligerent attitude the other day. I didn't want to; I just want to be treated fairly."

"Fairly my arse." He snapped, Jesus, you even want my super. Well fuck you Charlotte."

"John, if you will sit down with me and work out a fair settlement, we won't need solicitors, we can do it ourselves and save the money."

The phone hung silently in my fingers, all I could hear was his breathing, "Alright Charlotte, Saturday at the house, how about ten?"

"Yes, that's fine. See you then."

After disconnecting Brianna hugged me, "God what an arsehole. He is an idiot."

Her words stung, I wanted to defend him but she was right, he was behaving like a crazy man.

The week disappeared in editing, writing with Briana and driving lessons with Debbie. She preferred Brianna to drive with her. Apparently, I'm a fuss pot and keep yelling at her to watch out, she follows to close, or she takes her eyes off the road, goes to fast, brakes too late.

Brianna just lets her do her thing, I tried to explain that the examiner was going to be more like me than Brianna.

The arguments over driving aside. Debbie and I had found a more relaxed place. We managed to discuss most things and she listened a little. Now when we spoke, I noticed she listened.

The weekend rolled around and it was time to face John. Again, Brianna offered to come along for support, but I decided, free of any other personalities he and I might actually find a way to get past the anger.

Pulling up in the driveway I noticed the for-sale sign. Unlocking the door and walking in, the house was staged, it didn't resemble out old home at all. OK the furniture was the same but it was completely rearranged and prepared for sale.

I finally found the kettle and cups and saucers. I made a pot of tea and wandered out onto the deck.

As I sat in the old swing chair rocking slowly, I heard John's car pull up. God, I hoped he was alone. Listening intently there was only one door closing, so I guessed he was alone.

He wandered in calling out, "Charlotte... are you here?"

"There's a cup of tea for you on the bench." I replied with a hoarse yell.

Moments later he appeared on the deck, cup of tea in hand. "How have you been?" He asked sitting on the step facing me.

"Fine, although Debbie is going to be the death of me, her driving is still terrible."

He chuckled, "Yeah that I understand, hopefully she's getting better."

"Yes, Brianna has more patience than me." Damn it, the words spilled out without thinking. I saw him cringe at the mention of her name. "Sorry." I mumbled.

"No, it's OK, I'm getting used to hearing her name. Every second word out of Debbies mouth is Brianna... Brianna did this, or that, drives me crazy."

I chuckled with him, "Yes they seem to have got past the bitterness and are now friends at least."

He gave me a strange glare, his face looked tight and drawn, his eyes, cold. "No sense beating around the bush Charlotte. How are we going to do this?"

"John honey all I want is a fair settlement. I know I did the wrong thing and this is all my fault, but I worked just as hard as you did to buy this house. I helped paint it, I did all the gardens. This house is as much a part of me as it is you."

He nodded, "That might be true, but I feel like I am being screwed, and not in a nice way."

Grabbing his hand, I gazed into his eyes, "I am truly sorry John my love. I never wanted to hurt you."

"Then why, god Charlotte tell me why?"

Trying to fight back the overwhelming guilt I moaned, "I can't explain this to you. Nothing I say will make sense, but the moment I met Brianna there was a connection and I couldn't fight it."

Shaking his head in bewilderment he was close to tears, "Have you always felt this way? Were you hiding this from me all these years?"

"No! God no. I didn't know myself. I am telling the truth; this was as much a shock to me as it was to you."

"Christ, I don't think so Charlotte. I feel betrayed, cheated, let down."

Nodding, I squeezed his hand tighter. I let him lift it to his mouth and kiss my fingers. We sat like that for minutes before he muttered, "OK, so what do you want?"

"Honey all I want is for us to sell the house and anything neither of us want and split everything fifty fifty. Debt's money, everything."

He frowned, "I have a real problem with you taking half my super, that seems pretty callous."

I snorted, "I don't want your super, that was the solicitor's idea, not mine."

He mulled it over, I could almost see the wheels turning, "Charlotte, I don't want any of the furniture, you can have it all."

I sighed, "I don't want it either. I want some of our personal stuff, photo's, pots, pans, cutlery. But the furniture, if you don't want it sell it."

"I'll contact an auction house to come and give us a valuation." He groaned.

Giving him a quick glance, I whispered, "Shall I get my solicitor to write it up?"

He nodded, wiped his hand through his hair, "I guess that's it then."

Nodding I moved into his arms taking him by surprise, "Thank you Love, I'm glad we could talk." His rough face felt strange against my cheek as we kissed.

We walked out into the driveway and he spluttered, "I would like us to be able to get along for Debbie's sake."

"I want the same thing John, I don't hate you, I still have feelings for you."

He turned quickly and stared straight into my eyes, "What would have happened if I had accepted your affair with Brianna?"

Shocked I stuttered, "I don't know, I didn't plan any of this, maybe it would have remained just a brief affair and we could have gone on with our lives, I don't know."

He looked confused, frowning, tense, he mumbled, "I'm sorry, we should have had this talk earlier."

We drove off in separate directions.

Thankfully the house sold quickly, the divorce was finalised without contest.

Debbie to my surprise got her licence and it was like pow, she was gone. Well most days she was off with her friends doing whatever it is teenagers do these days.

It left Brianna and I to find out if we could live together.

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Torsini71Torsini71about 1 month ago

Feminist drivel, brianna is a sexual preditor that ran through so many " no stops" if a man did that he would be in jail for rape.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Well, Kees in this cyber space what's real? I believe your kin are known for being honest so don't take this personal. I don't know if respect and accepting are in reference to John having to meet these qualities...Yes?

If that's the case then you are incorrect. *All is fair in love and war* until it's you with a broken heart or with a bullet in the heart. Brianna and Charlotte destroyed a man under the name of love. That is not love nor lust it is narcissism. To the myopic Brianna and Charlotte's love is grandiose when in reality it is the lowest form of human expression.

From Respctononymous...

P.S. Shout out to Cagivagurl for allowing discourse in her comments. Too many "NEO-AUTHORS" that view honesty as harm ruin the experience of this site.

kees10kees103 months ago


Wrong button.

There were 2 thing in life that wer themost, if not the only pillars

Respect and accepting an other as being complete.

Without the first, you cannot do the second.

Any relationship has to be built on these 2 pillars.


This story makes this once again christal clear.

Well written, great plot twist, andof course a happy end. 🫢

Keep it up, keep breaking a lance for the world.

If anyone wants to comment ont this 2part comment respect me, and don't do it anonymous.

And yes, my name is really Kees.

kees10kees103 months ago

Start : English is not my native language. Pleas forgive the incorrect spelling or buildings of sentences.

Coming from a childhood with 'straight' parents I have to admit that after reading this, I wonder if my father really was 'straight'.

He is long gone by now, being born way before WW2, being in hidings during that war, and afterwards being drafted by the government to go to war in Indonesia.

What I try to say with this introduction is that your uprising is a major part of the adult life.

Looking back, which this story mafe me do, I know that he was either gay, but at least 'Bi'.

He, not my mother, tought us that there was only

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

To Anonymous,

No. You don't need to experience pain to empathize nor do you need to experience hurt to see the truth. Not everything is gray. In this case it's as clear as black and white. Brianna and Charlotte are the "bad guys" - This insistence on viewing everything through a "social justice" lens blurs the lines of good and bad. In this particular case it's hard to support Brianna and Charlotte in their journey because they trampled John to get to the end of their rainbow. Dramatic story? More like treacherous journey.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Something that recently clicked for me reading the comments on stories like this, is that I think other readers have vastly different expectations of the fiction they read than I do. I grew up in an imperfect but loving family. My dad struggled, but he was a cheater, plain and simple. He had deep seated insecurities from childhood abuse, and instead of getting real help for it, he used sex as a way to get validation. And he then hated himself for cheating on my mom, who he truly loved. It was never a reflection on her, he was just deeply flawed.

All that to say, is that I read of the people in these stories, and they seem realistic to me. They have poor coping mechanisms, or have selfish wants that they get hung up. They're flawed, and they make mistakes. Brianna and Charlotte love each other, but they've got backlogs of issues they really need to work out with a professional.

People tearing into Brianna for being a terrible partner aren't wrong, she is a terrible partner when looked at through her worst choices and actions. But somehow they have a connection, and they're building a relationship despite all their many flaws, just like everyone else on the planet. Our flaws may not be as dramatic as theirs, but we all have them. Theirs just make for a more dramatic story than ours. :)

OzeminotaurOzeminotaur5 months ago

I really enjoyed reading this one

As it's a story of discovery of one's self

But it is also a story of aggression Brianna as she sees what she wants and takes it then discovers she has feelings she never had before

John has to much pent up rage that will end up hurting himself or someone close to him

So I think there's more to this story it doesn't have to be a happy ending but maybe acceptance

I don't know I'm a poor writer compared to you but I think there's more in this story

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

OK, this is dark but, really how would Charlotte really feel ...Psychologically if John was so distraught, I mean, he lost everything he loved, so he committed suicide, would she feel guilt, she was the cause

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I really think Brianna is an instigator wh pours fuel on a fire. She basically rapes the wife until she orgasms (yes rape victims do orgasm) and wants to have the husband arrested if the husband acts aggrieved. This reader has no problem being either lesbian or Bi, but Brianna is a dominant who treats the wife as her submissive little toy. I don’t think the real dilemma in the story is the wife’s sexual orientation (although it is “a” factor). The real issue is that even if Brianna were a guy, the wife cheated and Carrie’s on an affair where Brianna takes control of the wife’s decisions even with the children and demands a divorce rather than the wife. If Brianna were named Ben, Ben’s actions would still lead to the same outcome destroying a marriage by denying the wife to make the decisions or own her decisions. This is not a seduction by a woman but abusive behavior. Briana wants the husband out of the picture, out of the house, out of the marriage and she wants to use to the husbands role as father of his children making decisions about gift giving to his child and transportation for he and his wife’s child. She wants this over luckily split and never mentions couples therapy for the spouses.

I simply think that this is not a story about seduction , but instead a story about dominance and abuse

ComeDancingComeDancing11 months ago

I really liked the emotional roller-coaster in this story and the finding of love between Brianna and Charlotte, also their deep passionate sessions. Great writing by Cagivagurl.

Surprised that Charlotte did not discuss with Brianna, the pass made by Lyndsey. Poor girl was left frustrated and could have been invited up to the woodland retreat. Likewise, there must be few characters in stories on this site who had as much character development as Debbie and hardly got kissed, let alone kept her pants on. Part 11 with Lyndsey visiting the Debbie being adventurous? pretty please xxxx

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Putting aside the whole "not all marriages work" "discovering your sexuality later in life" "everyone deserves to be happy" arguments aside, because let's face it they are all valid and I can totally understand each one, I have to save Ive come to hate both the main characters. Charlotte, I admit is a bit of a tragic figure, seduced in breaking her vows, but the seduction and her discovering her sexuality doesnt excuse the fact she cheated on her husband. A flawed husband there is no doubt, but the honorable thing would have been to sit him down as soon as she started falling for Brianna to discuss what was happening. People fall out of love, and back into it with others, but if you're married you should get divorced, or at least on the same page, before diving head first into bed with another. But while I can find some sympathy for Charlotte, shes a cheater but clearly she was in an unhappy marriage, I have no sympathy for Brianna. She's a sociopath, willingingly seducing women, including married women, for kicks, and we are somehow supposed to be sympathetic because shes now in love with her latest conquest... No. She's a sociopath clearly doesnt care about anyone except for herself given how whenever she doesnt get her way she has a temper tantrum and fucks Charlotte into submission until she gets whats she wants... Can't wait for the moment Charlotte broke up her family and her albeit unhappy marriage and replaced it with a toxic relationship... Not saying she should go baxk to John, even if they were capatiblr, that ship has sailed, but Brianna is not a good person and Charlotte would be much better off alone than under the thumb of such an untrustworthy, manipulative woman... This isn't a romance, its a cautionary tale.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

"As the story progressed I gained understanding that complacency is not happiness"

Based on what? People aren't phones that can be replaced and upgraded. By that logic all women are hoes just waiting to be purchased for the right price. Keep in mind Charlotte mentioned that Brianna was financially better than John. Is Charlotte a gold digger? Does that make Brianna a pimp? I know the man haters on this site can't bring themselves to admit that Charlotte and Brianna are the "Bad Guys" but they most certainly are BAD!

vlavallevlavalleover 1 year ago

I agree totally with anonymous. There was so much effort on describing the marriage breakup and family breakup, it was as if the writer wanted us to forget that Charlotte caused this whole mess, and never told her husband what was going on from the beginning. This whole part of the story forces me to down rate it from what could have been about an 8 or even 8.5 (out of 10), but the marriage factor took a lot of the sexual appeal out of the story, and I would out at best at 5.0. I have read many other wife-going-lesbian stories, and when they do no vilify the husband, they are much, much better. In one of my favorite stories, the wife tells the husband all about her lesbian affairs, and comes home hornier than ever, and he gets some of the 'fruits of her labor'. Since he is not threatened, and gets a real benefit from his wife's exploring and loving women, he wants to hear all about their sessions, and even gets his wife to record on video her lesbian encounters, which he watches with her, and alone as well. This story is close to a 10, but this one here has way to much of the marriage breakup, and it becomes depressing!

paulsubpaulsubover 1 year ago

I enjoyed the whole story. The first part had me feeling that Briana was ruining a happy marriage. As the story progressed I gained understanding that complacency is not happiness, and finding sexual happiness can and should lead to love and full happiness.

Rapier875Rapier875over 1 year ago

Overall another very good story, but once again the ending was far too clipped and rushed, as though you'd got bored with it and just needed to finish it as fast as you could.

But from a readers perspective it's insulting, after reading 10 chapters to be fobbed off with a very unsatisfactory ending is not what a decent author does.


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