Seduction Ch. 04: Wingman


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"The light turned green, and I moved his hand away from my leg. As we drove on, I told him how you found out, that I was trying to save my marriage, and that nothing he could do for me was worth risking it. I also warned him not to make you uncomfortable about what happened or he would regret it. He said if you hit him, he would have you arrested, but I told him you would never do that. I didn't tell him what you do, of course."

"So, do you think he's given up on you?"

"Oh no, honey, he's definitely going to keep trying. Even after all that, he still tried to get me to go into his house 'for a few minutes' so he could help me take care of my sexual frustration. But I saw him for what he is, a selfish womanizer who would gladly ruin my life for a momentary pleasure. You really have nothing to worry about. Oh, I'll still keep my guard up around him, and anyone like him.

"Thank you for talking to me like this. This is the first time you've been able to lie in bed with me. Let's do this more often."

"I'll have to think about what you said tonight. I don't like that you let him kiss you and feel you up like that."

"I had to, honey. If a kiss and a grope could make me spread my legs, I needed to know that. My body responded, but my brain didn't. He was right, you know -- I could have gone inside for a quickie, or just gotten in the back seat and given him a blowjob while he fingered me, and you would have never known. But then he would have owned me. I walked to the edge and turned back. I know he has no hold on me, but I promise I'll never let anyone get that close again."

"I guess I can see that. By the way, are you really naked?"

"Of course, honey. I told you I would never lie to you again. You can check, if you like."

He smiled and reached out and touched my hip, then ran his hand along my side up to my shoulders. I shivered at his touch, then said, "Thank you, honey. Tonight convinced me that I will never risk losing you again. I hope I can convince you too. I'm looking forward to the wedding tomorrow. Promise me you'll dance with me at least once."

He chuckled. "I can do that." I watched sadly as he got up to go back to his room.

The wedding went well. Marcie had let me pick my own dress, and I wore a long red skirt with a skin-tight top, but I covered it up with a very demure white jacket. I did my duty by walking down the aisle in front of her and standing by her side. Alex gave me a big smile as he stood by Jason, so I knew he was up to something. Well, so was I.

We had the reception at a small venue. There was a DJ, with a computerized setup that he had boasted could play just about any song we wanted. Tables were set up around a dance floor. We had a nice dinner, and then came the set dances. Jason and Marcie danced their first dance to Elvis singing Can't Help Falling in Love, and Marcie danced with her father and Jason with his mother as the DJ played The Anniversary Waltz.

Then Alex grabbed the mic and announced, "Now the maid of honor and I want to give you a treat. This is a dance we did the night Jason and Marcie fell in love. I hope it gives us great memories and puts us all in the mood!"

I smiled at his little ploy, leaned over to Tom and said, "Don't worry, hon. I've got this."

I gave Alex a big smile as he took me in his arms and In the Mood started to play. I pulled out all the stops, and I think we did it better than at the club. When it ended Alex gave me a kiss, and held my hand as we bowed to the applause. I winked at Tom, and went to the DJ. I took a thumb drive out of my jacket pocket and asked him to cue it up.

I took the mic and said, "Thank you, Alex, I think that definitely put everyone in the mood, not that the happy couple needed it! But now I want to do the dance that made me fall in love with my husband. We met at a dance class in college, and we performed it when the students put on a show at the end of the term. Tom and I must have practiced this dance a hundred times, and sometimes it was all we could do to finish it! Not that we always did... (laughter) I was cleaning out my closet recently and found my old costume, and decided to give myself, my husband and everyone else a thrill. Everybody hold your partner's hand while you watch us, and I guarantee you will fall in love all over again. But first, I need a little alteration to my attire."

I took off my jacket, revealing that my top was actually a red leotard that showed a generous amount of cleavage. I reached down and undid snaps on the side of my skirt -- it now had a slit that ran all the way up to the waistband. I went up to Tom and said, "I'm sure you still remember the dance, honey. Let's remind everyone what being in the mood is all about."

Tom smiled and joined me on the floor. I nodded to the DJ, and the sensuous sounds of the tango La cumparsita filled the air. Our dancing was slow and sensuous, with exaggerated steps interspersed with rapid leg movements. Then it was fast and energetic, as I tried to dazzle with my footwork, all the while being held close. A slit skirt is very sexy for this; my long legs played peek-a-boo as I would lift my leg to wrap it around Tom's leg or his waist, all the while holding him close. There were murmurs of appreciation when I lifted my leg and Tom held it to his side as he pulled me across the floor, my other leg straight behind me. When he took a long step back my leg would follow his, almost touching, my skirt would fall back and everybody could see all the way up. Towards the end, Tom grabbed my waistband, pulled my skirt off and threw it across the floor. Everyone gasped as they saw that the back of the leotard was a tanga which left my ass almost totally bare. This made my hip movements incredibly sexy. As the music approached the end, I stretched my leg straight out behind me and he pulled me even closer, our faces inches apart as we gazed into each other's eyes. The last notes sounded as his hand slowly dropped to my naked ass. When it was over, I hugged him and gave him a passionate kiss and he gave my ass a squeeze.

The applause thundered as Tom bowed and I curtsied (If I bowed, I would be shoving my ass at the DJ!). I said, "Honey, could you get me my skirt, please," and half the men shouted "NO!" He laughed, got the skirt and knelt down in front of me, his face inches from my crotch, as he snapped the waistband closed but left the side undone.

Marcie ran over with tears in her eyes and hugged me, saying, "Thank you" over and over again, and even Jason came and gave me a hug.

As I sat down next to Tom, he said, "Now, that just wasn't fair!"

"All's fair in love and war, honey," I laughed, "and that was both. There's more than one way to claim a woman. There's not one person in this room that doesn't know that I'm yours. Even Alex." We looked up to see that Alex had turned his chair so that his back was toward us while he talked to his date. I looked back at Tom, and whispered, "And even me."

Tom squeezed my hand and said, "I can't believe how well you danced. My part was easy, but you nailed yours after seven years!"

I blushed. "I've been practicing it for months, with earbuds so you wouldn't hear. I've also been exercising. I had to get back to my college shape. Flabby legs and a jiggly ass wouldn't cut it. This was my best chance to get you to love me again."

He put his hand on my bare leg, and I shivered. "I never stopped loving you, honey," he said. "Maybe this was the sign I needed. And let me say that you were never flabby or jiggly, and you've never looked more beautiful."

I threw my arms around him. It was all I could do to keep from sobbing. I mean, you're allowed to cry at a wedding, but I think sobbing would be frowned upon!

There were more dances, but except for one dance that I danced with Jason while Tom danced with Marcie, I danced every dance with Tom. When the time came to throw the bouquet, I stood with Tom to the side while Marcie tossed the flowers over her shoulder toward all the single women. But she tossed it too high, and it was caught in an overhead fan. The fan flung it to the side and it rocketed straight at my face! I caught it, laughed and tossed it to the waiting girls. I whispered to Tom, "That was an omen, honey."

Soon the newlyweds left in a shower of rice, and we left soon after.

We were quiet on the way home. When we got in, I turned to Tom and said, "We need a shower. Then I'm going to be naked in my bed. I always said you were welcome in my room. Tonight, I want you to see just how very welcome you are. I'm yours, honey. Yours forever. I love you. Please don't make me wait any longer. Come claim me again."

I took a long shower, nervously wondering if Tom would show up. It had been almost four months, and I felt things would be coming to a head soon, one way or another. I put on a robe and walked to the bed. He was there, under the covers. I seductively dropped my robe and got into the bed. We lay there facing each other. I reached out and took his hand and kissed it. "Honey," I said. "From now on, whenever we have sex, I'm going to do everything I can to show you how much I love you. But tonight, I need you to just love me."

Tom smiled and said, "Well, I could have sex with you now, I suppose, but if I'm going to love you, I need to do something first." He took my left hand, and I gasped as he pulled off my grandmother's ring. Then he rolled me over to my back and lay on top of me, kissing me. I could feel the tip of his cock touching my pussy. I squirmed and rubbed it against my lips. I was practically gushing.

"Please, honey, I need you inside me right now!"

He pushed, and once it was all the way in, I hugged him tightly and sobbed. "Oh, honey. I thought I'd never feel you inside me again! I love you so much, Tom. Please love me!"

He started to move and I just luxuriated in the feel of his body on mine. The sex was almost secondary. I was taking in all the things I had been missing, the things I had forgotten I cherished -- the feel of his skin on mine, his scent, his hard abs pressing down on me. When he started to pick up the pace, instinct took over and I soon came in an ecstatic release. He came just after I had come down from my orgasm, and it felt so nice just to feel him coming inside me while I was so relaxed.

I held him and cried softly. Finally, I said, "Thank you for this, honey. I'm your woman again. Yours forever. Please don't leave me. I couldn't take it. I swear no one will ever come between us again." My emotions overwhelmed me, and I fell asleep in his loving arms.

When we got up in the morning, he led me to our bedroom and said, "Welcome home." Then he kissed me and slipped my wedding rings on my finger. He took me to his bed, our bed once more, and we stayed there all morning.

Our married life became better than ever. At least once a week, we would go to bed right after Jimmy did. We would have sex and spend an hour caressing each other, sharing our feelings, reminiscing, talking about our future, making plans for romantic getaways and then maybe go for another round. We would be making love.

Epilog -- 5 years later: We're still going strong. Jimmy is now eight, and has a four-year-old sister, Marcella. I have taken a more active role in our marriage, and find I enjoy it, especially dealing with the children. Looking back, I blame everything I did on my feelings of entitlement. It let me step back from my responsibilities, and when Alex came along, I felt that every pleasure I got from his company was just my due. With the help of the psychologist, I have tried to root it out completely. I set up a mental balance sheet, and resolved to never be in debt to any relationship -- to always give more than I take. Most importantly, I make sure Tom and I still spend time bonding after sex.

We haven't seen Alex in almost three years. He and Jason had a falling out when Jason caught Alex with Marcie. He had her pinned against the wall, was kissing her and had his hand down the front of her pants. She was trying to scream and push him away. Jason let out a roar and Alex took one look at his face and ran away. Marcie collapsed to the floor, and Jason comforted her, thankful that the conference ended early so he had gotten there in time to prevent Marcie from being raped. Marcie was so upset by her ordeal that she could barely function. After a day of watching her cry, Jason asked me to talk to her.

I took an afternoon off work and spent it alone with her. She told me the whole story - it was never rape. Alex had been flirting with her behind Jason's back since before they were married. She complained about it a few times to Jason, but he had just laughed it off as Alex's natural behavior. He told her it was just in fun, and that his friend would never really betray him. She stopped mentioning it, even when the flirting became more intense. She knew Jason wouldn't believe it was serious. She figured, hell, maybe Jason was right, and it was all in fun. Well, she could have fun too. So, if he came up to her in the kitchen when Jason was in the other room and kissed her, she just stopped resisting and started enjoying it. Eventually she started to cooperate. If he came up behind her and grabbed her breasts, she would push her ass into his crotch, then laugh, slap his hand and say, "Naughty boy!" It escalated; Alex got more daring, and even shy Marcie got into the act. On his birthday, she came into a room where he was alone, and opened her blouse to show him her bare tits. She giggled and said "Happy birthday!" and ran away. Of course, for Alex it was always more than just fun.

Jason had to go out of town on a three-day conference, and Alex made his move. He came over the first evening and kissed her, and that was that. He slept with her on the two nights Jason was away. Jason was due back late at night on the third day, and Alex walked in right after Marcie got home from work. Marcie told him that she wanted to break it off. Alex stepped toward her and she backed away until she was against the wall. Then he kissed her, and, after resisting for a few seconds, she just melted and threw her arms around his neck. She let him put his hand down her pants, and he started fingering her. She was just about to orgasm when she heard Jason come in the door. That's when she tried to push Alex away, and it looked to Jason like Alex was forcing her. If Jason had come in fifteen minutes later, he would have probably found them in his bed, with Marcie riding him cowgirl style. If he had come back when he was expected, she probably would have spent a couple of hours fucking Alex and then continued the affair. She wasn't so much traumatized by the attack as overcome with guilt.

That's when I told her about my own affair with Alex, and how close it came to causing our divorce. It helped her put her guilt into perspective, and shift most of the blame to Alex. I told her that my guilt was much greater than hers. I succumbed to him the second time I saw him, and then lied to Tom so I could see him again. She had had to put up with years of his flirting, and had even warned Jason about it. She tried to break it off right away, and I wasn't sure if I ever would have if I hadn't gotten caught.

I let Tom loose on Alex. Tom works in cybersecurity, so it was easy for him to hack into Alex's not-very-secure office network. Tom was able to find evidence about many of the women Alex was having affairs with. While seducing married women is not illegal, screwing your clients' wives is a very poor business decision. So, Alex received an email with a list of the names of those wives and a warning that if he ever saw or talked about Marcie again, he could expect to lose half his business. He stayed away after that.

Marcie is pregnant, and I expect great things from my soon-to-be godchild. My marriage is stronger than before. I never told Tom any details of my evenings with Alex, but I learned a lot that night. Our sex life is now better than ever. And every year, on our anniversary, Tom and I take off all our clothes and dance a tango.

The incident with the bridal bouquet actually happened at a wedding I attended, except the fan flung the flowers straight back so that the bride caught her own bouquet! Glenn Miller's "In the Mood" is perhaps the best-known standard of the Swing Era. "The Anniversary Waltz" is sometimes known in the US as "The Anniversary Song." They danced to the beautiful instrumental version by the Johann Strauss Orchestra. My description of the tango that Tom and Kathy danced is based on several videos, especially one of Iara and Jesus dancing to "La Cumparsita." They're all available on the internet. Watch the tango if you're in the mood. And if you're not, watch it and you will be.

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RuttweilerRuttweiler8 months ago
I didn’t believe the wife’s complete turnaround.

How could a woman go from sneaking off to guiltlessly fuck some guy a couple of times to becoming contrite, compliant and deciding to be jus’ the best li’l ol’ wifey a feller could have?

If I were hubby I wouldn’t believe her. I don’t see her having the depth of feeling for him that she claims. Too performative.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Excellent story and very well written! Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"Our married life became better than ever." Of course it did, how could it not? Alex taught her how to fuck, including in the ass. And of course her dufus husband would think she just learned it from a book, right? "My marriage is stronger than before. " Yeah, just like when a soldier looses his leg to a land mine, and is given a bright shiny stainless steel leg; stronger than the original. What a lucky break.

And Alex is still out there, Mr. Pretty Boy, fucking over women and ruining their marriages. He should have been reduced to living in a wheel chair and shitting and pissing into a plastic bag. But that would take violence, revenge, retribution. No, its much better that Alex just keep ruining people's lives, while all the sheep just take his fucking over and bleat along. Alex should run for political office: he might as well shear the sheep he's fucking over, they're obviously too stupid to resist. Well, maybe not anymore; we'll see. Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

God GOD what a slut! And what a RAAC. Taking off her rings was a DEAD giveaway.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 1 year ago

Both of these women were selfish and weak. They didn't deserve the happy endings they got.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well you did provide a warning but Im not a BTB fan and much prefer reconciliation endings but not here. This was just horrible. You made me dislike the husband with his actions after finding out she cheated and I just hated the wife. Self absorbed asshole.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good but a 4 instead of a 5. Reasons, the below quote from cheating wife to Alex was totally disrespectul to Tom, her husband:

"He gently massaged my thigh as I started driving again. "Yes, Alex," I sighed. "It was truly spectacular for me, too. That was the best evening of sex I've had; possibly the best I will ever have. I must admit that you got into my head, too."

No loving wife should tell her former lover that he is better than her husband.

Second, there was absolutely no repercussion for Alex. The email of the list of cheating as a warning benefitted and not punished Alex, who deserved punishment. After all the pain he has caused and was causing to other women and their husbands, why was the list not sent to the cheating women and/or their husbands. With those changes it would be a 5.


alvinjfrazieralvinjfrazieralmost 2 years ago

3 stars and yuch! The moment she took off her rings, she was up to no good. Every adult knows, if you have to hide what you're doing, you shouldn't be doing it. Explanations are bullshit. Explain to my lawyer. The husband is clearly a fool. Her ONLY regret was getting caught. The rest of the story was heavily contrived bullshit to force an RAAC ending where none was deserved.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The idiot paste and post guy is back giving instruction on how to delete comments. You can delete the comments but score stays, unless of course you don't allow scoring, which is a good sign you write garbage stories. I reported this comment to the moderators for malware postings. Nope, trolls will not get weary of posting comments, you actually encourage more by your stupid comment.

BSreaderBSreaderabout 2 years ago

Had no real remorse or guilt. Just a modern day slut. It's a shame the husband didn't do more to the predator.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good story. The BTB fans seem to be OK with men going after hot, ladies but feel the women should be beaten down, submissive property rather than real human beings with faults

ike everyone else.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

To the author, thank you kindly for taking the time and making the effort to write this story. I read it and enjoyed it.

I note, as per usual, that group of “readers” have decided to rubbish your work. This is unfortunately common in the “Loving Wives” section of this website.

I’m not sure if you are aware of it, but you have a great deal of power when it comes to comments. I encourage you to delete the comments which are rude and useless. You do have that power, author.

Below is the process you need to follow to delete all of the rude comments.

1. Log-in to Literotica

2. Click on Works on the left hand side in the Literotica control panel

3. Locate the story in question

4. Click on the “word bubble” icon on the left, on the far right hand side of the story you have located

5. Locate the comment you wish to delete and then click on the rubbish bin on the far right hand side of the comment in question

6. Click on delete comment, and you’re done.

Trust me and believe me when I say that these trolls will soon grow weary of posting nasty comments on your work if you just delete all their comments quickly, consistently, and without any mercy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

why does the wife just melt into the arms of a whore monger? BS, she wanted it and would have continued on forever with the husband knowing, BS

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Pure bull sh-t

TwentysevenTwentysevenabout 2 years ago

Good to read a story that focuses on the thing that really hurts a spouse, that is the tender intimacies that accompany all good sex. The phrase "it was just sex" is nonsense. It might be just sex to the guilty party but it is soul-destroying betrayal to the spouse.

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