Seed Ch. 01


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"Arr she'll still be married to you. Don't worry, no sex." why does she keep telling me no sex? She's reassuring me, though I don't really believe it.

"Sentarse" the command is clear from Santos. Hope takes both of my hands and squeezes them as Emily's knees start to bend. She slowly lowers herself down to him, to his cock. Both of her hands are still held by him and Gracie. She's wobbly because of the leather that she's balancing on. She lowers herself slowly until at about half way down her dress is tight on her thighs and wont slide up, it's stuck on a garter? Gracie lets go of her hand and helps the dress slide up showing off her stocking top and garters. My wife finishes her descent until she is comfortable, their thighs locked tight against each other. Her pussy resting on his cock.

Gracie tells her "Relax Emily, my dear, you'll be here like this for some time. Get comfortable." Emily closes her eyes and doesn't move. Santos says something to Gracie that I can't catch. Gracie then leans across in front of Emily and puts a hand on each knee and pushes them apart. Emily visibly sinks another good inch or two and her eyes and mouth pop open and she looks straight ahead. She wasn't sitting on his cock but clearly is now. He smiles.

I shake Hope off, stand up and silently walk towards the grate. Taking it in my hands I press my body against it. For the first time I realise that my cock is hard, no it's as hard as steel, pushing against the bars. It's as if it's trying to get to her. From this angle I can see much better, I can actually see the head and a good 2 inches of his cock sticking out from my wife's tightly stretched skirt. He puts his hands on her hips and adjusts her slightly. Gracie helps with moving my wife, the cock disappears, then more appears. There's a clear loud, echo of an "Ugggmmm" from Emily. I can only imagine what this must feel like for her, and yet he's still soft.

"How is he not hard?" I ask no one out loud. Hope was next to me and I hadn't even noticed. She giggles but does not answer. A few more adjustments and they settle with his cock head still slightly visible.

The painters start to say something and Gracie starts to 'dress' the scene. That means fiddle with Emily. Santos keeps his hands on her hips, for the pose or to keep her still I don't know yet. Gracie, pulls Emily's dress hem up a little bit more and straightens a garter or two. Then plumps her hair a little. Then grabs her boobs and tugs and pulls at them through the dress to get them wherever she wants them. A few words said back and forth between the artists and Gracie steps back. "Well done Emily, you are doing very well. Good girl, we are very happy with you." This causes Emily to look over at her and smile.

"Your husband is still here, he is also very happy with you." and Gracie turns to me and smiles. Emily looks over also and smiles at me weekly. There's a 'really' in her face. I smile and nod back, replying a silent yes. However Hope knows what's needed here "Tell her, let her hear it."

I swallow and hear my voice, broken like I have a saw throat, "You look amazing love. I love you, well done." that makes her really beam. Knowing that I approve. Yup I approve of you sitting on that strange man's massive cock, but did I?

"Tell her what you approve of." Hope instructed me nice and loud. At this same time Santos looked over at us and smiled at me. Not a condescending smile but a smile and warmth and thanks. Hope then takes my hand. "Go on, let your wife know you can see what's happening."

I really don't know what to say "I ..." I stutter. Hope turns her head to me, stands on tiptoes and whispers to me "You look ... "

I repeat every word that she puts into my head as if I've been hypnotised "You look, so beautiful and sexy Emily." I panted my breathing, making direct eye contact with her. "Give yourself to Santos." I stuttered at that one. Emily's eyes opened wide as she took that message in. Hope continued and so did I "Sit proud astride him." Emily's chest heaved and she turned to look directly at Santos.

"You will take his seed soon." after I'd said it out loud, repeated it, my brain took over. What did I just say. Everyone else in the room chanted together, just once "Semilla". Emily had heard it as her eyes closed and there was an almost imperceptible slide of her hips. I don't know if that was her or him doing it, but her reaction was clear. She shuddered, did she just come on his cock?

Hope squeezed my hand and quickly continued before I came to my senses, again I repeated "Good bride, you will be his next puta." and then we finished with her telling me to tell her I love her. "I love you Emily."

And Hope shuffled me backwards slightly to sit on the pew behind us. The next few minutes were a blur. Emily and Santos were still while the artists were working. I watched the scene from being live in front of me to taking life on the canvas to the side of me. Slowly, really slowly.

Every now and then Gracie fussed with Emily and at some point spoke to Santos then to us and spoke to Hope, I was in a daze. Hope took my hand and helped me stand "We come back shortly." I think I nodded as I was led out of the church.

We made our way through the town and settled at a cafe a good 10 mins walk away from the church. That gave me time to breathe and calm down. I had so many questions.

"Chris, you should be so proud. She has performed so well." Hope trying to start the conversation after we've said nothing all the way here.

"Ummm" is about all I can manage. She pulls her chair closer to mine and lets our knees touch. Leaning forward she also rested her hand on mine. "What are you worried about?"

"Errr my wife is sitting on Santo's cock right now." raising my eyebrows as if to point out the obvious.

"So?" does she really not get it, she then continues "They both looked spectacular together, didn't they? Emily looked fantastic."

"Yes, but she's m" she cut me off "She's very lucky to have been chosen. I wasn't." and she huffed a little and looked sad. Genuinely sad. I had to be careful here, clearly this meant something in their culture. To be chosen. And by him in particular.

"But why is he naked?" surely a good question.

She looked at me as if she had one answer and then chose a different one "He is Santos, if he wants to be naked, he is naked." That was a good answer, I guess. But not the one I think she really wanted to give. Something related to seed I guess, god that made me shiver.

"What's with this puta and semilla thing? I know that means slut and seed, that doesn't sound good."

She smiled and laughed, "We use puta as a term for a sexy lady." then a lot louder "Emily is being Santo's puta." I'm sure everyone around us heard her, but no one reacted.

Our food and drink arrived and we nibbled whilst I continued to try to understand "And semilla?"

She looked down at her plate "I don't know about that." but I heard a hint of a giggle in her voice. What could I do now just keep asking until I got the right answer? Yup.

"So seed has nothing to do with this celebration and everyone chanting it means nothing?"

She raised her head and eyes to meet mine. Finished her mouthful. "Do you really want to know?"

"Of course I do, geezz."

"This celebration of seed is not about crops but about fertility. About babies." a little bomb went off in my head.

"Err what?" but she didn't answer, instead wanting to let me stew. "What do you mean babies? Tell me."

"Emily has been chosen to carry Santo's next baby."

I about spluttered my food all over her. "Eh?"

Again with the silence. I should have stood up and ran to the church. I should have taken out the guards and bashed down the railings. I should have beaten Santos to a pulp and taken my wife away from him. I should have done all that right this second, if not hours ago. But I sat there dumb founded.

And my cock throbbed.

Over the next 40 mins or so she explained that every year'ish someone in Santos' world would decide which of the possible women would carry his next baby. Santos would then help to short list it. They would then secretly find out the woman's viability and over the course of 6 months try to work out if they could sync a few of them to be at peak ovulation and book the festivities. Everyone in the village knew how it worked. Some even took fertility meds to sync up and increase their possibilities. Emily would have even helped some of them during her work at the clinic. People really took it as an honour to be picked. It had been happening for the last 12 years. Yes he had a lot of children.

We'd talked about having 3 or 4 children back when we were in our early 30s. It turned out I have sperm complications, sorted after a bout of IVF and she was pregnant on the first try. At that time one of the nurses joked, in a nice way, that Emily was built for babies. I've lived off that comment and it's soo correct. Emily wasn't so impressed, I remember 'Who does she think she is?' was her response to me later that day. Claire was born and has been the focus of our lives. She's now in the UK living her own life, a sibling for her has never been on the cards. After Claire was born we just got on with life and now that she is grown up we're enjoying the freedom it gave. Having another baby, well that's just bonkers. That's another 20 odd years of life going in an entirely different direction. However we both do love being parents and if I do say so myself are pretty good at it.

Also being a bit of a boob monster I've always loved the thought of what will happen to them on Emily if she was ever pregnant again. She went from an F to a H when Claire was born but they never went down. Emily full well knows my enjoyment of her natural heavy hangers as we like to call them, but does not want them any bigger. It would appear that plans have been made to make my dreams come true. No this isn't really part of my dreams, this was never part of anything.

However it turns out that today was part of the final picking process. Getting a few of them 'ready'. The tea or té cachondo or horny tea as they call it helps to get a woman horny and easy. They also believe that it has certain fertility properties for the woman. The portrait painting today is part of Santo's history and is real. There is a portrait for each year one of his children is conceived. Sometimes there are others out of this cycle, I guess when he naturally has the horn. Sometimes he marries the woman, sometimes the child lives with him, sometimes with the mother. There's a lot to learn of all this, clearly. Tomorrow was likely the 'big' event during a BBQ tomorrow morning and then more for the next few days.

I was taken back by all of this. We've been living in this community for nearly 2 years now. We work well with them, we fit in nicely but secretly there's this whole breeding thing going on? Well I don't know what else to call it and they're all ok with this? In fact they all revel and want this to happen each year. Man, some cultures are different. And then there's the thought that at some point in the past someone has looked at my wife and gone, yup she'd do nicely having Santo's baby. I feel my cock twitch at that exact thought. I guess having someone covet your wife is a term of endearment, flattery? But then they've checked that she can still have babies and have tracked her cycle, really, how the hell and what, seriously. But thinking about it, women talk, she works in a clinic, she's had one before, even I could probably start to work it out easily if I wanted to.

God so tomorrow there are plans afoot to get Santos to fuck her. And to come in her. And to knock her up. I know these things take time, but apparently they have plans for that also. Apparently she will receive a lot of his cum, many times over the next 3 days. Geezz, so they plan to have her ovaries drowning in his seed then. That really gets to me in the worst possible way.

"So you will help us, Chris?" Hope asks me, her hand resting on my shorts over my cock. She knows it's hard, rock hard as she's been explaining all this.

"You understand the privilege and are proud for Emily to be bred by Santos?" I twitch under her hand and she smirks at me to confirm she felt it.

"You will help her as she grows carrying his baby?" another twitch.

"You will be happy watching her feed from her big bosom?" I audibly groan and twitch a lot at that. She raises an eyebrow, picking up on something.

"You will sit next to her in church as she feeds Santo's baby?" I twitch a little.

She tries again, trying to learn something from me. "You are thankful that her big bosom will become even bigger?" I nearly shoot my load at that and throb hard. She smirks knowing that she's found something in me.

"Everyone here will know that your wife will be carrying Santo's seed baby and that he had her." and with that she gives my cock a squeeze.

"We mustn't tell Emily. The surprise is fun. She will enjoy it more." god if she knew I expect that we'd be running away tonight. There's me assuming she comes back to me tonight.

She continues, "Chris this is important." I look up at her, looking deep into her eyes. "You want Santos to breed your wife and make her boobies even bigger. You will help make this happen?"

I don't reply straight away, I can't and I don't understand. However I feel her hand starting to squeeze my cock through my shorts. If she carries on like that I'll make a mess, that will be very embarrassing. "You will help us?" and she strokes my cock. "Say Yes Chris."

"Yes" I quietly tell her as if in a trance and nod. I'm still taking it all in, letting it roll around in my head.

At some point we must have gotten up and walked back to the church. Though autopilot got me there, my mind was in a jumble.

When we enter the alcove to the church I'm greeted by a lot less people here now. In fact there's no one left in the alcove at all, even the guards have left. So now it's just Hope and me there. We walk right to the front and sit opposite the grate. The 3 canvases are all very full and very different. None quite look complete, but who am I to judge. I can however see that a great deal of skill has gone into getting them this far. The 3 artists are still in front of them quietly applying their skills. And the only other people I can see are Emily and Santos.

Emily's legs are still wide apart, sitting on his cock astride him, her eyes closed. She is slightly leaned forward resting her hands on his chest. Nothing else looks to have changed. Her breathing is steady, her chest is heaving in time between her arms. He has his arms crossed comfortably across his chest, his hands over hers, holding them, his eyes also currently closed. It's completely silent in here, you can actually hear the brush strokes. Then a whimper from Emily "Ugghh" almost just a stronger breath, but clearly an emotion. Looking at Santos's face he smiles at the sound his eyes still closed. Then I notice his arm and chest move slightly, followed by another "Ohohh" breath from Emily and another smirk from him. What are they doing?

I stand and take the step to the grate to get a better view. Even though I am silent, one of the artists turns and notices me. He quietly mumbles "Marido" to the room, there's a murmur of acknowledgement from the other two artists but no one breaks their stride. Hope is quickly by my side and whispers to me "Be careful not to disturb anyone." I want to snort loudly and shout "Oi Emily get off that cock you slapper." but I cannot disturb them. I think I'm starting to realise the beauty of this service, of what's to come. I'm certainly getting turned on looking at them again.

Emily is still fully dressed but every few moments, maybe for a few seconds every minute or two she seems to judder, just a tiny bit and moan at the same time. Looking closer I can see his cock head again. It now looks larger and angrier, maybe it's even shining. It scares me more knowing what the plan is for it. Then as I watch it slowly vanish backwards under my wife, between them both. This is what causes her to moan. How he's doing it without moving his body defies my understanding at the moment.

But I'm guessing his cock head is being drawn across her thong, for what protection it's offering. It is being drawn across her sensitive lips and her clit. No wonder she's juddering. He must be driving her insane. They've been like this for the last, checking my watch, nearly 2 hours.

I feel Hope squeeze my hard cock over my shorts. "She is lost to him right now, it's magical, yes?"

She's right, it's amazing watching him playing her body. He's as much an artist at this as the painters. A minute or so later, slowly his cock appears, and this time I notice he's slightly rotating his hips to do this. Still amazing. Emily possibly raises her hips slightly, she pants, catching her breath. Still in the same pose. His cock is definitely glistening, his juice or my wifes? Hope was right in saying that today wasn't about sex. It was about seducing my wife.

Emily pulled one of her hands away from his grasp and she grabbed her boob and massaged it, both their eyes still closed. At the same time, his cock started to vanish again. I put both my hands on the bars next to my head and at the same time Hope worked her hand inside my shorts and gripped my cock. It was my turn to moan quietly.

"Ugghh", Emily replied as the cock under her slowly vanished. I now noticed her push her hips down and she twisted them slightly. She was slowly rocking in time with him.

At the same time 5 things happened -

Emily squeezed her boob hard.

Emily's body shuddered as she was obviously having a subtle orgasm.

Hope made me cum in my pants all over her hand.

Emily and I both moaned in unison, like a harmony.

Santos chuckled, his eyes were open looking directly at me.

I couldn't believe what I was watching still. I staggered back and fell onto the pew. Hope came with me, her hand still holding my softening cock, still milking it slowly, trying to spread my seed around. "Chris, that was fantastic" she let me know. Though I don't really understand. "It is important that only Santos' seed is in Emily soon." God so they wanted me sated, not wanting to fuck my wife. Well little did they know that I certainly planned to put my seed in her later and screw with their plans, even if I was shooting near blanks. She slowly withdrew her hand, while I continued to watch Emily and Santos in their pose. Emily looked knackered, Santos looked like he could go all night.

I quickly looked down at my wet patch'ed shorts. I didn't care in the slightest about my shorts. Her hand though looked wet, it had come through my shorts? Really I'd produced that much cum? I did feel very wet down there. Hope then brought her hand to her mouth, locked eyes with me and started to lick her hand clean. She looked like she was really enjoying it, not just doing it as part of her job.

"No puta" Santo's voice brought my attention back to Emily just as his hands moved to her hips holding her still. What had just happened? Emily's eyes were still closed. But I couldn't tell what had happened. Had she tried to get off him?

Hope had an idea "I think she tried to get him inside her." Oh god, really. I could imagine that. We've been over 3 hours of her being horny, coming, but not getting a good fucking. I can only imagine what that must have felt like. Emily moaned quietly again, taking her hand off her chest, and reaching behind herself, stretching. She looked like a goddess. Opening her eyes she looked at Santos, thrusting her breasts out. She stared at his face, opened her mouth as if to say something to him. But he moved their hips just a little again and she felt it. And smirked at him, there was some sort of secret message delivered. She then mouthed to him, almost silently, "I'm not a puta" and they both smirked. He nodded and very clearly moved both of their hips in time, sliding his cock against my wifes no doubt soaking pussy lips. "Ugggg" she moaned and flung her head back. "Puta" he said. It was pretty clear she was his whore right now. She couldn't argue with that at all, no one could. Even Hope echoed "Puta", seemingly acknowledging a new whore was born.