Self-Realization - The Cabin


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Well currently I'm stopping some really awkward attempts to hack an account on a site I'm hired to protect. So I could ask the same thing, what have you been up to?

I sighed and decided to tell him most of Lisa's story, leaving some of the more private parts out of the retelling. I knew that Elliot valued privacy so I wasn't worried that he would be indiscreet with the information.

So that is why I'm trying to hack his account. I just want to erase all the pictures and maybe stop him from doing this shit again. I concluded.

Well...shit. Can't argue with that, but I still can't let you do it since I'm hired to protect this site. Besides, you're going about it the wrong way. What's stopping him from just making a new account and posting again? He still has the pictures saved somewhere you know. He explained.

In my rage I'd completely forgot about this and I felt incredibly stupid now.

Well fuck... feel kinda stupid now. Not thinking straight, I guess. Got any tips on how to burn him?

There was a long pause and then I received mail to my private email address and a new PM.

You could use the information that a concerned citizen sent you anonymously to report him to the police for sex crimes and a host of other disgusting crimes. You might even mention that there is a kidnap situation. Don't think there is, but that will get them to move on him faster than you can say "Worthless trash" =)

I took a quick look at the mail and it was filled with login information to a multitude of dark web sites as well as a login to a very secure cloud service. The logins were probably to some very nasty sites and I was definitely gonna check out the contents of the cloud service later to see if the pictures of Lisa were there.

Thanks Elliot, I mean it, I owe you one. I wrote back.

Nah, I just see it as repayment for giving me a chance and giving me the opportunity to do something with my life. Thank you.

We chatted some more and decided to get together and have a beer and play street fighter 2 sometime. It was fun to reconnect with Elliot and I couldn't help but wonder how many more of my old friends I could find and maybe reconnect with as well.

I checked the links just to be sure and then scrubbed my laptop. "Fucking animals," I cursed under my breath. I proceeded to check LordFucktard's cloud and was disgusted yet again. I finally found a folder named "Slave Lisa" as well as some other similarly named folders. Seemed like Mr Richard Bergström had been busy.

I made a point to save a couple of innocent pictures from each folder, so that I might be able to find the girls and tell them what happened. I then deleted Lisa's folder, changed the password and some relevant user information so that the password would be hard for him to reset. I composed a mail with all the information that Elliot gave me and sent it anonymously through a web service to the mail address that he had supplied. The address belonged to one of his many contacts and he assured me that the email would be read and acted upon promptly. He couldn't say any more about it and I didn't want to press him on the matter.

I leaned back, feeling good about myself and then felt my bladder screaming in protest. I took off my headphones and went to the door to see if the coast was clear. I didn't hear any moans of ecstatic bliss, so I guess they'd gone to bed. I snuck down to the basement to relieve myself and thoroughly wash away any proof of my earlier carnal adventure.

I noticed that all LordFucktard's passwords were variations of "I am the night" ... my god, even his password was pretentious. I figured that I might be able to fuck up some more things for him and had just sat down on my bed to do just that when i heard a discrete knock on my door. "Late night booty call again?" I thought to myself. I closed the laptop, turned on my bedside lamp and said:

"Come in."

Maria slipped in silently and closed the door. She was dressed in a pink nightshirt that reached down to mid-thigh, but what really caught my eye was her face. She looked pissed. She walked towards me, grabbed a nearby chair and sat down facing me with her arms and legs crossed. I didn't know what to make of the situation, so I just sat there and waited for her to say something, trying not to look at her long, perfect crossed legs.

"You had intercourse with my friends!" she hissed through clenched teeth finally.

I was a bit taken aback but then started thinking. How did she know? She didn't notice when I actually did fuck her friends and I'm pretty sure that they hadn't told her since they were so careful not to. Then I realized that she'd had sex with both Sofia and Lisa after they'd had sex with me, and I'd filled their pussies with my cum. Had Maria tasted me on them? I was a bit annoyed by the question and decided to be a bit difficult.

"How would you know and how would that be any of your business?" I asked, keeping my face neutral.

I watched her struggle to find an explanation, growing more and more frustrated by the second. Finally, she seemed to come to a decision. Her cheeks turned red with embarrassment and she averted her eyes as she whispered:

"I could taste your cum in them..."

I raised an eyebrow and just went "Huh." This seemed to anger her again and she snapped her eyes back to mine and stabbed an accusatory at me as she continued:

"...and they're my friends and you took advantage of them!"

"No I fucking didn't, they came onto me! You know your friends; do you think they'd let me take advantage of them?" I almost shouted back at her.

"SShhh!" she hissed and looked a bit panicked. I put away my laptop and calmed down a bit.

"Look, I'm sorry if you feel that I've ruined your "Special weekend", but Sofia and Lisa obviously really needed a good fucking and so did I. To be honest I think you do to," I said and leaned back again.

"But I'm married..."

"Yeah, your "Perfect marriage" that I've heard so many great things about. Didn't stop you from having sex with Sofia and Lisa now, did it?" I was hard on her, but she'd really pissed me off with her "Holier than thou" attitude and accusations.

"What I can't understand is how an intelligent, beautiful, sexy, talented, warm person, as yourself can be married to an asshole like him and neither can your friends."

I could see a multitude of emotions crossing her features as she clenched and unclenched her fists. Her breathing finally slowed down and she slumped down in her chair.

"You really think I'm beautiful?" she said with a vulnerable voice.

"Are you shitting me? You might be the most beautiful woman I've ever met in real life. Hasn't anyone ever told you so?"

"Well, my friends, but they're just being nice to me. My husband says that I'm too tall, too thick and too masculine." she explained.

"Wow, he really did a number on you didn't he? You need a fucking reality check Maria. He's been lying to you to demean you to lower your self-confidence to the point that you think you're lucky to have him. Sound about right? It's a cheap trick."

Maria just stared at me. Then she closed her eyes, her demeanour changed, and tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"I'm not stupid," she whispered, "I need to keep up the lie so that I can survive."

"What?" Had I completely misread the situation?

"Please don't tell the others, because I'm afraid they might get hurt if they knew everything."

"What do you mean you might die?"

She sighed, wiped her tears, took a deep breath to centre herself and then told me how she got to be married to Branko Horvat, a mafia middleman.

Maria, her brother, and her parents lived a normal life in Croatia. Her father had a trucking company, and her mother was a stay-at-home mom. When the Balkan war started, her older brother got drafted into the army and was one of the first casualties on the Croatian side. He had not turned Muslim, that was just a comfortable lie to justify things.

Her parents panicked and made a deal with the Croatian mafia to be able to finance a move to Sweden. Their price was that Maria's father had to start up his trucking company in Sweden and then let them use it for smuggling. There was one additional price and that was that Maria had to marry one of "The Family" when she turned 18, just to seal the alliance. Maria's parents figured that it wouldn't be such a bad thing to have their daughter marry a rich and powerful man, but that opinion changed when they met Branko Horvat.

Branko was the useless nephew of the boss. They'd tried to put him in controlling positions, but he was just too lazy and bad at his job. They finally sent him to Sweden to "Oversee their expansion to the north" and he wasn't too happy about it. When the opportunity with Maria's father arose, it seemed like the perfect solution to have Branko marry Maria so that he'd be good for something. He'd now set himself up as a go-between with the boss in Croatia and Maria's father. The smuggling business had grown rapidly and Branko's power with it, even though he didn't actually do anything.

"So wait," I interrupted, "Branko doesn't do anything, gets all the profit and your father gets nothing?"

"Pretty much, yeah. I think he even skims some off the top from what he sends back to Croatia."

"Why hasn't your father done anything about this?" I asked incredulously.

"He's afraid Branko will hurt me... or worse. He's done so in the past..." Maria admitted with a small voice as she looked away in shame.

Tears started rolling down her cheeks again and I couldn't take it anymore. I rose from my bed and motioned for a hug and Maria threw herself in my arms with a whimper. I held her tight and whispered words of comfort as her body wracked with sobs. After a while, the sobs subsided, and I could feel her relax and almost melt into me. I could hear her breathing deepen and I became acutely aware of her warm firm body against mine.

I don't know what started to stiffen first, her nipples or my cock, but we were suddenly slowly grinding against each other. My cock, unhindered by my roomy one-piece, rose between Maria's legs and finally rested against her sex. She moaned but the moan turned into a frustrated growl as she reluctantly pushed me away. I stumbled a bit and fell back down on my bed. Not sure what was happening, I paused a bit and just looked at her. She sat back down in her chair, her legs slightly spread and her nipples straining against her nightshirt as she leaned back.

"Damn you Peter!" she whispered as she slowly squeezed both her breasts and pinched her nipples through her nightshirt. Her eyes bored into mine and I could almost feel her burning need. I opened my one-piece all the way to the bottom and my rock-hard cock sprang out like an angry cobra. Her eyes widened and her hand travelled down her body as her legs spread further apart. I could see a large wet spot on her panties before her hand covered her pussy and started to slowly caress it. I grabbed my cock, and everything went black.

Luckily, the reason for the sudden darkness wasn't blindness or a stroke, but a blackout. The whole cabin was silent, even the faint background noise from the pellet furnace in the cellar was gone. The only thing you could hear were our heavy breathing and then a faint "What the fuck?!" from the other bunkroom. I saw a faint outline against the window as Maria darted towards the door.

"I wasn't here!" she whispered as she snuck out the door.

Figuring that I might have to get involved, I zipped up my one-piece and rummaged around for my flashlight. I'd stashed it close to my bead, predicting that something like this might happen, so it wasn't hard to find. I switched it on and cursed loudly as I blinded myself with the powerful 2000 lumen strobe effect. I had bought a tactical flashlight for self-defence, figuring that it might come in handy if I ever met a wolf, bear, or psycho in the woods, but I might have overdone it just slightly.

Partially blind, I switched settings on the flashlight and wrapped a T-shirt around it before I turned it on again. I was still a bit disoriented from the strobe, but I managed to get to the door and stumble out. Lisa and Sofia were also stumbling out from their bunkroom and Maria had snuck around somehow and looked like she was coming from the kitchen.

"Power is out," I concluded a bit superfluously.

"No shit, Sherlock?" Lisa shot back.

"Guess I better go check out the fuse box or something," I mumbled as I shuffled towards the cellar, still white spots dancing on my retina.

"Are you a licensed electrician?" Lisa asked me as she started following me towards the cellar.

"No, not really, but how hard can it be to check a fuse box?"

"Not that hard, but why don't you hand over the flashlight to the actual licensed electrician?"

Lisa said with a smile and held out her hand.

"Weren't you a painter?"

"Painter, electrician, plumber, carpenter..."

"Yeah, she got tired of everyone else's sloppy work not meeting her strict standards," Sofia chuckled.

"Hey, all I ask is perfection. Besides, I don't hear you complaining when I come around to fix your shit."

"Nah, it's pretty nice to have a handywoman to call when I need my pipes cleaned."

Lisa chuckled at that and turned back to me. I shrugged and gave her the wrapped flashlight.

"This won't work," she concluded and unwrapped the flashlight.

"Careful!" I warned, "It's on the lowest setting but it's still pretty bright."

She finished unwrapping it and the light wasn't that bad now that we'd accustomed our eyes a bit.

"Seems ok to me," Lisa said as she examined the settings.

"Whatever you do, do not double click the button!" I warned again.

"What? Like this?" she said with a mischievous smile and double clicked the button.

I was prepared this time and managed to cover my eyes, but the girls were not that lucky. They were woefully unprepared for the blinding light. They all screamed, and I heard the flashlight drop to the ground close to me. I fished around a bit, my eyes still covered, found it, and turned it down to the lowest setting again.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" Lisa screamed as she rubbed her eyes.

"Uhm... a self-defence flashlight?" I said a bit sheepishly.


"Uhm...bears and stuff?" I mumbled.

"Fucking bears?"

"Yeah, or a mugger, psycho, rapist or something," I continued.

The girls paused a bit.

"Huh...that's actually not a bad idea" Lisa admitted. "Follow that strobe up with a swift kick to the groin and you've completely incapacitated the enemy. He won't even have a chance to defend himself."

"Yeah, or just run away while they're blind. The best of all is that it's perfectly legal," I explained.

"Cool, I have to get me one of these," Lisa said as she descended the stairs, leaving us in the dark hallway.

"Guess we better light some candles again," I sighed and started fumbling around in the dark for the matches.

We lit all the candles, put some of the last firewood on the fire and entered the fort of fluff. The snow was still falling in heavy clumps, but the storm had abated some. We laid there close to each other, Sofia melting into my right side, but Maria stiff as a board on my left. Was she still mad at me? Ashamed? I was confused. My thoughts were interrupted when a cold and shivering Lisa jumped down under the covers between me and Maria.

"Nothing wrong with the fuse box and the phone doesn't work, so it's probably a much bigger power outage," she said through clenched teeth while gluing herself to my left side.

I could feel her cold, hard nipples against my chest and I felt my dick reacting to the two bodies pressed against me. We all laid there in silence thinking about the implications of a blackout in a snowstorm.

"We need wood." Maria said and got up.

"Ask Peter if he has some in his one-piece," Lisa snickered.

Maria rolled her eyes as she stomped away towards the drying cabinet.

"Come on Maria, that was solid comedy right there!" Maria didn't seem to think so as she dressed in silence and went out into the night.

"What the fuck crawled up her ass?" Lisa exclaimed as she laid back down.

I thought back to my earlier thoughts about letting the girls sort things out themselves, but now I realized that it might be a bad idea after all.

"I think you guys should cut her some slack," I said softly.

As soon as the words left my mouth, I could feel Sofia and Lisa stiffen and look up at me. They didn't look very happy. I didn't want to betray Maria by telling them about her visit to my room, so I tried to find another way to explain myself.

"Listen, I told myself that I wouldn't get involved and that you were old enough to take responsibility for your own actions, but I feel kinda guilty here. I figure that you three have some kind of relationship and I really shouldn't have gotten involved."

"We haven't told Maria, have you?" Sofia asked, still looking none too happy.

Thinking fast I thought of Marias explanation.

"Did any of you have sex with Maria after you were with me? Cause you know I ...uhm... left some of me in you both and Maria is pretty smart." I trailed off as I saw the dawning realization in their faces.

"Shit!" They exclaimed in unison. Since I had their attention, I figured that I might as well bury myself deeper.

"I don't know you, hell, I just met you, but it seems like Maria is a bit too smart to get stuck in a crappy marriage without reason. There might be something more to it and I think you should give her some support instead of constant badgering about what could have been."

"Hey! Who the fuck gave you the right to..." Lisa started, but Sofia cut her off.

"Lisa, wait!" She paused a bit, closed her eyes, and sighed. "He's right Lisa."

"What?" Lisa asked incredulously.

"You know how smart and disciplined she is, do you really think that she couldn't leave that sack of shit if she wanted to? Damn... why didn't I think of this earlier, fuck!"

"What, is she being blackmailed or something?" Lisa asked? She was probably drawing conclusions based on her own experience.

"I don't know," Sofia admitted. "It must be something really bad."

"And that's probably why she didn't want to tell you guys," I explained.

"You know what she's hiding?" Lisa asked me with suspicion in her eyes.

"How?" I lied quickly, "I just met you guys."

"Yeah, true," Lisa admitted.

"Look, whatever it is, I think she'll tell you when she's ready. Just support her and cut her some slack and I think an explanation will come with time." I said softly and stroked their backs.

Lisa laid down again and snuggled up to me. Sofia Looked me deep into my eyes for a moment, before giving me an enigmatic smile and cuddling up to me as well. We laid there for a while watching the fire and the snow, lost in our thoughts and speculations.

I guess we fell asleep, because next thing I know I woke up to the sound of "My" armchair being turned towards the fire again. Maria had somehow managed to sneak in with several loads of firewood which was neatly stacked beside the fireplace. She´d also made herself a cup of tea and was now making herself comfortable in the armchair. I couldn't see her directly since she was facing the roaring fire, but like before, I could see her reflection fine in the large panoramic window.

She was sitting up straight, a large cup of tea in her hands and her long legs stretched out towards the fire. Her hair was wet, and she was only wearing her pink nightgown again, so she'd probably had time to take a shower as well. Wait, how had she managed to take a shower and make tea with the power out? I couldn't hear the furnace in the cellar, so the power was still out. I didn't want to disturb her to get an answer, so I just relaxed again and kept watching her reflection.
