Sementing Love


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My crotch got cold after a few minutes, so we got up and I got buttoned up to leave again, dressed, and went downstairs to the front door.

I was nervous about kissing her, since I didn't know if this would put me in a trance. There was no way to avoid it, so I accepted my fate and kissed her.

I couldn't taste myself, but then again, I didn't know how much of the cum really needed to be there to be effective. A drop on the chocolate piece had been small... But more probably it was that I couldn't do it to myself. This was a huge relief!

The cold air was bracing but fall weather smellingvand beautiful and I'd just had a BJ and a kiss from a gorgeous girl and she liked me.

Life was good!

I waved goodbye from the driveway and headed home, slightly spent but with more questions than ever about what was really going on.

After hitting the grocery store and getting home, mom wanted to know how my 'study session' had gone, and I had to report (after some cajoling from my sisters) that it was with a girl, and yes, we had a fun time.

My sisters could be a pain, but they were less into teasing me than they had been. Sibling dynamics with them was mostly teasing, but sometimes they'd accidentally show they cared, so it balanced out.

== Chapter: Monday Morning ==

At school the next day, I found a note in my locker from Dane saying, "Had a great time", a couple of hearts, and her name, stylized in the kind of loopy girl-handwriting I'd seen elsewhere but never before received myself.

The number of times I'd gotten a note in my locker that had hearts was... unprecedented? Maybe when I was in elementary school? I had a smile on my face as I walked down the hallway to my first class, and I didn't care who saw me.

Dane met up with me on the way into chorus, but all we had time to do was say hello. The fact that we'd said that much was noticed by the busybodies in the room. Our high school was kind of big and not everyone knew everyone else, but there were people who kept track of things, I knew, and could see conversations starting.

Dane and I were both seniors, though, so maybe it wasn't about us. I wasn't worried. I had a strong voice, so in chorus I got some respect for my musicality, at least.

It was hard to know about other stuff with the gossips in the room, I wasn't in on their topics. That said, I did see them talking about stuff constantly and I'd overheard enough to know some of what was discussed.

After Chorus, I had to run to a class in an adjoining building ("Wood Arts II"), so Dane and I couldn't even hang out between classes. I did text her after I got there that maybe we could get together on Wednesday night since cross-country practice was usually lighter on the days after meets. I was in cross-country running and we had meets on most Tuesdays after-school and Saturday mornings in the fall, so there wasn't much to be done about timing.

At home that night, Dane and I talked on the phone a little, and Tina overheard me because she was watching TV near me. That led to being teased by both my sisters (Tina and Gina). I really wanted them to get off my back.

I should describe my family.

Tina and Gina were fraternal twins, 2 years older than me. Both were pretty athletic, like me, only more towards organized sports while I was into running track and cross country.

Tina's 5'4" medium-height frame sported decent C- or D-cup boobs (things a brother notices), but the rest of her was definitely in the thick category -- not that overweight, but definitely not thin. It wasn't by all that much -- but it was there, and I knew she was self-conscious about it. I never teased her about it; I knew that was a Bad Idea and mostly off-limits as a subject. I wasn't mean, and I had the feeling it would cause lasting injury to say almost anything.

Even when she was a pain in the ass sometimes, she wasn't over-the-top hurtful.

So, yeah, Tina was smart, but never very confident. She got okay grades but liked to play games online and hang out with her boyfriend a lot. I didn't like him very much, I thought he was kind of arrogant, but it wasn't up to me.

Gina was always taller than Tina, almost as tall as me at 5'9" or so. She was also mostly trim, but very lazy and had this entitled attitude that was unmatched with any specific cause.

I couldn't ever tell why she felt she deserved more stuff than the other two of us, but she acted that way. Mom clamped down on it, but it was still there. Gina was also going to U Winnipeg to be a physical therapist, but most of the people she hung out with were much more athletic than she was and I got the feeling she wasn't "in" with them, she just hung around with them. It's hard to describe, just a vibe I felt.

Plus, I didn't get her interest in doing something like physical therapy, when she wasn't really that into either sports or caring about people besides herself.

Mom (Shelly to her friends) was about 5'6", very buxom and reasonably trim for a middle-aged woman (I think she'd been super-hot when she was in high school but everything has its time). She worked as a manager at a paint store, so she came home smelling like paint because the smell pervaded her clothes; we were all used to it but sometimes when friends came over they'd medium-rarely mention it - probably the smell was in her hair, too, I didn't know.

Dad left when I was very, very little, and I didn't know where he went. Mom never talked about him, except that he didn't pay child support and had disappeared.

My sisters teasing me was getting on my nerves. As I lay in bed that night, I thought, hey, I can fix this! I have the ability now! Trouble is, they use a different bathroom than me, and I'd have to trick them just like I tricked Mrs. Jergins.

Whatever it was, I'd have to have instructions ready.

Getting out of bed, I brought my laptop back and started typing, and revising, and typing, and revising. I was going to have some changes in my family!

It got to be late, and towards the end, I thought about how I didn't really hate my sisters (or my mom!) at all, just that I didn't like how they were mean. I figured I could fix that, so I made some great instructions about eating right and exercising and studying and all that stuff, just like I'd done for Dane and her mom.

That'd work, probably... Maybe? I didn't like myself much when I thought about what'd happen if I handicapped them somehow. They were family, I should at least be nice. But, I might like some better than normal treatment, as a first step.

I'd been so horny all day, I had to do something about it. I got a little lube, and when I finished, I got up and coated 3 more chocolates with the result, doing up the wrappers nicely and putting them in the mini-fridge near my bed (someone had left it at the curb and it still worked. Yay for dumpster diving!).

== Chapter: Tuesday ==

The next day I got up and grabbed my pre-made dinner (sandwiches and stuff) from my fridge. I had a cross-country "away" meet (at another school) and it sometimes took forever to get home. This was one of those far-away meets, but on a Tuesday. Ug.

School was fine, just like normal, but then we had the meet - the drive there, the meet, and then the long drive home. I did okay at the meet, for me, and in cross country, the only person you're really racing is yourself. It's great to win, maybe, but it's not the goal.

The real goal in running is - run faster. It's not about comparatives, for me. It's just, can I beat my PR (personal record) or not, measure up to my own standards.

I should mention, if you aren't from here, Manitoba is Really Really Big. If you're not in Winnipeg, you're... in a small town. I think our coach was forced sometimes to go to away meets that had some travel just so that town got any chance at all to have a meet on their turf from a big school.

After the meet, I sat near the back of the bus since I liked to read novels and it was slightly less loud there. Still, there was a division on the bus between the guys' team and the girls' -- the guys sat in front, the girls sat at the back, it was Definitely a Thing, long tradition or something. The girls still talked a lot, but they were a lot quieter than the guys so it kind of blended into white noise and I could read in peace.

I mostly ignored the girls' team, with some exceptions for extreme eye candy when we were stretching together. But, they knew I was watching and I knew they knew, and they knew I knew... etc.

Don't get me wrong, I cheered them on and everything, and sometimes we ran workouts together. But the truth was that we weren't in the same class, ability-wise. I was either best or second-best on my team, and there's a lot of difference in cross-country between any normal guy's time and the fastest girl. The guys are way faster. Add to that my being near the best of the guys' team.

Any of my races during my Junior or Senior year, I would have won the Girl's Provincial Meet, and that's a lot of people. I think my times might even beat the Ontario's Girls' Provincials (Ontario is WAY bigger than Manitoba, population-wise).

I'm only mentioning this because we were running different races, functionally, so comparisons aren't logical; we were in the same sport, but we weren't in the same league. They had their things, we had ours, and mostly we just rode around together and we didn't interact that much. Sometimes, I guessed, but not much.

(We couldn't even work out together, the mismatch wouldn't make sense. I'm not saying there's something inherently better or worse about being a girl or a guy, it's just that abilities have something to do with biology.)

So, there I was, about halfway through the ride, reading away, when I noticed my bag was shifting near my feet... My stash was being broken into! My head was down, reading my book with a small light, but I suspect they thought I was asleep and decided to break in. I'd had my dinner stolen before, so I waited for them to get it out and to almost start eating, so I could catch them in the act. Then, I could turn the guilt to max and maybe get something out of the deal. I didn't know what, but I didn't have a lot of time to think.

Some strategies are born from having had older sisters - catching someone in the act paid better dividends.

When I turned around though, what greeted me was a very odd sight. Three senior girls, Jessica, Jan, and Jamie ("The Jays", their self-name), were staring straight ahead, the colored/silver chocolate wrappers in their hands.

Oh, wow.

I had to think fast. There were other girls right there across the aisle, and in the row in back of them. We were being ignored for now, but that might change fast, and if anyone said anything besides me it might ... be dangerous. "Go jump in a lake" might be fatal. It all flashed in front of my eyes. Bad Karma, for sure!

Winging it, I said, quick and low but enough for them to hear me, "Just listen to me and do what I say. Uh... You all are now... deeply in love with me. But, you have no jealousy at all. You want to give me blowjobs whenever I ask. You completely trust me, and will always be completely honest with me, and will never hurt me. You ..." I looked around, we were still isolated in the crowd, but ... what should I say!??!

I had to think!

"If I ask 'pretty please', you'll want to do whatever I ask, presuming it's safe. You... want to have sex with me and think I'm hot, but ... you don't tell other people since it's our secret. You don't mind being naked around me, you want it. You... are, as of now, really excellent students. For the rest of your life, almost every day, you'll work out.... " I kept it up, reciting mostly verbatim from memory the phrases I'd come up with about eating right, having an easy time studying, brushing teeth, stuff like that, and how I was now their secret boyfriend. Then, I decided, it'd been too risky to go this long, so I finished it up with, "Wake up now."

They looked, increasingly clear-eyed, at me, the chocolate in their mouths now melted and swallowed.

My panic level was still near its peak. I wasn't sure what had just happened, if it was good or bad or had I handled it right? Was I screwed? Would they remember everything? Was there a downside I'd missed?

Mostly what was flying through my head at that moment was that I had a problem, I'd handled it (sorta), and I just had to get through the crucial moments of 'reawakening' in a way that wouldn't make it seem odd.

Maybe I should come up with an instruction for that?

On 'returning', they were just realizing they'd stolen my chocolate, and I was looking at them. They were definitely still holding my lunch/dinner bag. I broke the silence (even though we were in a busy and noisy bus), "So, are stolen fruits that much sweeter than ones you brought?"

I got some guilty looks. Jan said, "You were asleep, and so you probably wouldn't finish before you got home..."

I laughed, "Nice try."

Jessica asked me, "What are you doing tomorrow night?"

Pretending to be confused, I said, "Probably intervals, if coach has anything to say about it."

They laughed. But, it wasn't the normal laugh. It was a kind of laugh that was slightly too much for the 'joke', and I knew something was up. I wondered if my phrases were in their brains or if this was just a random question.

I needn't have wondered.

Jess said, "I'd... I mean, we'd like to..." She looked left and right at her friends, "... invite you over, uh... after practice. Dinner. For dinner." She looked to her sides, "Uh.. All 3 of us."

This was interesting. I played dumb and said, "Whose house? You don't live together." I thought for a second, "Jan, you live on the west side, right?"

Jess interrupted and said, "Dinner. Tomorrow... uh, 6 pm? Okay?"

I didn't need to make her feel more uncomfortable - she didn't know why she was inviting me -- so I just said, "Okay, sounds good. Before then, can I have tonight's dinner back?" My eyes motioned to my bag they'd opened up.

Jan said, "Oh! Uh... under?"

Seeing me nod, she pushed the lunch bag back into my gym bag, then pushed the mess back under my seat. I pulled it back and brought it up to the empty seat next to me, then got out my sandwich to start eating.

There was some significant discussion in the backseat behind me, but I couldn't hear it too well. A long time before, sometime around 6th grade, I had noticed that girls are really good at nearly-silent whispering, much to my consternation on wanting to be 'in on it'. This reminded me of being left-out like that. Still, I'd told them to be truthful with me, so it occurred to me I could just ask them later.

Eventually we pulled into the school lot. There was a small line of parent cars for pick-ups, but I had to get into the locker room for my school backpack.

Coming out of the school, I walked up to my car and found I had a committee waiting. It wasn't a stretch, there weren't that many cars left and I was pretty sure they knew what car I drove anyway. Our high school wasn't that big.

Jessica again spoke for the group, "Hey."

I finished walking up and stood in front of their semicircle; their leaning on my trunk made it obvious I wouldn't be leaving before something got talked out. I got very nervous, but all I could answer was, "Hey?"

She looked at the other two, who were sort-of determined and worried, by facial expression. "We ... know you did something to us."

I didn't say anything. I had no response to that, at all.

"You ... We know that we stole your dinner, or... started to. Bad on us, we get that. We only stole the three chocolates, but when we ate them... we lost... time? Like, we know we faded out there for a minute, all 3 of us. After, then, we started talking, and... we all, like, suddenly, it's like we're in love with you? It was a really strange feeling! Did you spike us with ecstasy or something? Molly? We looked it up, that's what molly does. It takes a half-hour to work, and ... it wasn't that long!"

I shook my head, but kind of wiggled it and said, "No. No drugs. I'd never do that."

"What then?"

Sighing and looking worried (easy, because I was), I invented what I hoped was a good-enough story that was close to the truth. "Those chocolates weren't FOR you. They were for my mom and my sisters. They... I found this... thing. It was a long shot, a kind of magic thing. It's... kind of like a love spell, but..."

They looked at me, waiting for the rest of the explanation.

I dropped my bag. "I wish I could sit down on something... Ug..."

Though I was mostly looking down, when they stepped towards me a little, I saw the flash in their eyes. There was empathy there. They wanted to help me.

I continued, "Okay. Here's the deal. My sisters, mostly, and a little bit my mom, were picking on me, mostly because I was embarrassed about having a new girlfriend, Dane, right?"

They nodded.

"We -- Dane and I -- went out, and ... they thought it was funny that I came back from my date all excited. So... They were teasing me."

They nodded.

"So, I looked up online about how to fix problems with people teasing you, both science and supernatural, and all that. Most places said, it's bad to do revenge spells because they, like, Always Backfire, seven times over is the thing. The only way to prevent problems is positive, good magic, white magic, where you give something good and everyone shares in it, any feedback is good stuff."

Jan was smiling at this, but Jess said, "So, you hit us with 'Good Stuff'? How is it good for us?"

"It wasn't intended for you! My sisters and mom? They already loved me. This was just supposed to reinforce that love enough to get them to stop teasing me. I didn't want you to get any of this."

Jess was almost accepting this, but not quite. "So... How do we fix it? And... what is this thing about 'secret girlfriend?' and blowjobs?"

"Ah." I sighed. "When you ate those, it's like, it was obvious, you were, like, suggestible? Like, hypnotized? I was super-surprised it worked, even though the website said it might work out that way... So, it's like hypnosis, you can't tell someone to do something they don't already want to do. I couldn't tell you to do bad things, it had to be related to, like, love?"

They nodded slightly, they were eating it up. It was sort of true, in a way, that I couldn't ethically do something that'd be bad, I couldn't live with myself if I did.

"So, I could only encourage love, be positive, be happy-lucky, all that kind of thing? I just suggested the secret girlfriend part, so, like, you wouldn't rat me out to Dane, that you'd, like, LIKE me, if not love me, and... the secret part? Also - it was so you wouldn't gossip, like, to the other girls on the team?"


I pretended to be confused, "The, uh... you say, uh... blowjobs?" (I pretended to have an inspiration but it was really just a lie) "Some girl behind you, while I was quickly saying the secret girlfriend thing, said something about blowjobs? Maybe? You must have overheard that part."

Jess relaxed, I could see, as did Jan and Jamie. I'd included that they should completely trust me, so as soon as they had a plausible explanation, apparently that was enough.

I asked, "So, do you still need me over for dinner tomorrow? Or... do you hate me forever and want to do me harm? I'm so sorry you got caught up in this." I genuinely didn't want to have hurt them, or made them mad at me. I'd known them for a long time.

Jess rolled her eyes, "Of course, silly! We're your secret girlfriends!" She was laughing, but continued, "Seriously, though, yeah, we have to talk this out. Like, how to get out from under this spell. I don't like being controlled by you."

"Understandable." I got out my phone, "What's your address, then?"

"You've been there. Freshman year, cross-country halloween party."