Sex and the Ex-Wife's Sister


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"I'll look forward to it," I said, already detecting that something was wrong.

She came for that Friday night, with the strangest look in her eye and couldn't wait to get into bed with me, I guessed that she was just post-period horny.

"Make love to me Tom," she said and I could see that she was really emotional; we made love in the classic missionary and she clung to me and was passionate, desperate almost and for the first time I saw that she cried after her orgasm, hanging on to me, with some real tears that I hoped were just the emotion of the moment.

"Cassie..." I said, "Baby... what is it?"

"She smiled and shook her head,

"Nothing Tom!" she said with a little too much emphasis, "Nothing at all."

She reversed into me and pulled my arms around her and we slept, summer equinox or not, the wine and sandwiches still in the fridge.

She had already said that she was going to a mutual friend's wedding with Rachel the next day and I didn't ask if she had told her sister about our arrangement.

She was very quiet the next morning and got straight into the shower while I was arranging morning tea, and as I was about to come up with it she appeared at the top of the stairs wearing a bright blue strappy dress that must have been elasticated because it clung to her every curve with the most wonderful cleavage.

Almost like she knew, she stood at the top of the stairs for a few moments then stepped down, like a catwalk model looking so fucking amazing I was lost for words.

"Wow... Cassie!" I said, "you look..."

"Got to go Tom," she said, "going to a wedding with Rachel."

"Ooh... kay," I said stunned hating the fact that she was walking away from me looking so fucking devastating, "Are you coming ba..."

"Probably not," she said, still looking at me looking at her, I was just about to ask if she could bring a 'plus one plus one' to the evening celebration when she cut me short, "I'll... call you..." she walked down the last few steps, "soon."

She kissed me goodbye and as she drove so slowly out of my little lane hastily pulling on her sunglasses, I was sure I could see her shoulders heave.

The farm visits stopped and there never seemed to be a weekend that she was free. OK, she did actually work quite a few of them, and with the others there were weekends away with her Dad, with Rachel, Watch events and as the summer passed uncelebrated and the autumn drew in I had started to get that sinking feeling again.

She only responded to text messages to tell when she couldn't make it, ignoring the more telling ones and her mobile always seemed to be off. So after nearly three months of only emails and texts I rang the fire station and got through to the crew manager of a different shift who told me that she had been in that day but was now off duty until the next Monday. It was a Thursday so I took a bottle of wine and headed for her place. This was my final go, if I got fucked off from this one that was it; suck it up Thomas and move on, it was nice while it lasted - that was a lie, it hadn't been nice, it had been fucking amazing.

I nervously knocked the door and her friend the very pretty Charlotte, or Charlie, came to the door.

"Hi Tom!" she said with a big smile and a hug, "I haven't seen you in ages, come in!" she stepped back and allowed me in, "Cassie's in the bath, I'll tell..."

"No!" I said as lightly as possible, I waved the wine bottle, "Let me surprise her..."

"Aaaawwww Tom!" she crooned her head to one side, "That's soooo sweet - I'll get you a couple of glasses," she whispered, "I'm earlies tomorrow so I'm off to bed anyway. You two have fun!" She stopped, turned back to me and looked a bit sheepish, "she really hasn't been the same since she... well, stopped coming to see you."

She duly got the two wine glasses, blew me a kiss and went into her bedroom.

I sat rather nervously, waiting for her to arrive. After another half an hour when I began to suspect she was hiding in the bathroom from me, she appeared at the door, naked but for a towel around her wet hair. She looked gorgeous.

"T... Tom!" she said in some surprise. There was a hint of pleasure, hastily hidden though.

"Hey Cassie!" I said standing up, "Great to see you, great to see so much of you in fact!"

She folded an arm across her great boobs and stood so the tiny hint of recently shaved pubis was mostly hidden. I got the message from just that and while I desperately wanted to open the wine, I was rather too busy reading the writing on the wall.

"Sorry Cass..." I said with a hint of a stutter, "I... I can see that I'm..." I stopped myself from saying 'not welcome' instead going with the lighter, "I'm intruding," I stood up, "err... perhaps I can come back another evening..." She looked just as shocked, "or you could come to my place," I said throwing in trying to hide the hint of desperation in my voice, "I know it's your weekend off..." Her demeanour changed at that - shit.

"How... how did you know?"

"I rang the station," I said turning and putting the bottle on the kitchen worktop, her expression told me I wouldn't be drinking it tonight that was for sure. As her face started to turn a bit cross, I added, "you stopped returning my calls Cassie."

She pulled the towel from her hair and wrapped what there was of it around herself and it covered almost everything. We just stared at each other, both with questions of our own but perhaps neither wanting to give our own answers.

"I'm sorry Tom," she said looking down, "I'm really sorry."

"Your sister said that too me Cassandra," I smiled a rather sad smile, "OK mate, I'll leave you to it," feeling that tidal wave in my chest that I'd felt when Rachel had dumped me, "It's been fantastic honey, really it has and I err... I hope that everything works out great for you."

"I didn't..."

"It's alright Cass," I said, "we never made any promises to each other, far from it, and I just had completely the best time with you."

"We were only ever friends Tom," she said, trying to control some particular emotion.

"I know Cass, but... but I fell in love with you," I said simply adding, "Sorry."

"I know Tom, but..."

"You... you knew?!"

"I can't be in love with you Tom, I can't do all of those things I so want to do with you!"

That threw me for a moment,

"What... things?" OK, I had been a week short of asking her to move in permanently, but I hadn't got to the 'things' stage - not yet at least.

"I can't do it Tom, I can't fall in love with you." Her eyes were streaming tears by now.

"But why Cassie?" I said, "we've had such a great time, why..."

"WHY!?" she screamed, "What do you mean fucking why!" She moved closer to me and hit my shoulder, but not with any real violence.

"Cassie please,"

"She was my little sister!" she hit me again.

"But you're twins..." I said stupidly; I mean it's unlikely she would have forgotten.

She hit me one more time, and let's be honest I did deserve that one.

"Look," she said putting both hands to her face and covering her eyes, "Rachel is back on the scene again, why don't you two just... Oh I don't know, just get back..."

I pulled her hands away from her face,

"But I don't love her anymore," I said, "I love you!"

She looked back up at me again, and I could see she was really crying now, and there was some real look of misery in her face as if she finally realised something.

"You were married to my twin sister!" she shouted back through her tears, "how can I ever face her again if I... settle down and m... and live with her ex-husband huh?" She put a hand across her mouth, she almost said 'marry'; she HAD been thinking about this. "How Tom," she whispered, then reached into the pocket of a black quilted gillet hanging by the front door I had been retreating towards and pulled out a battered square of printed paper in black and white waving it at me, "I'm already having his fucking child when she couldn't have one with him... how do I tell her Tom? FUCKING HOW!?"

"You're pregnant?" I said in some shock.

"Yep, just on three months according to this scan," she waved the piece of paper in my face, then her bottom lip started to tremble.

She couldn't make eye contact so I did. I picked her up and swung her around in my arms,

"Pregnant! Oh Cassie that's wonderful!"

She squeaked out her shock and I lowered her back down and hugged her.

She got her breath back, still slightly stunned.


"Of course really!" I said pushing her away a bit to look her up and down, "is that what this is all about?"

"Yeah," she hissed nodding and trying to hold back her tears, she all but jumped back into my arms, "OH TOM!" she cried kissing me, "I've missed you sooooooo much!" and I held her until she had cried it out of her system. I could see Charlie's door creep open a fraction, her head appearing and she mouthed 'OK?' to me. I gave a thumbs up and a relieved smile back to her. She smiled, clasped her hands and making a hugging gesture swivelling on her hips, obviously happy that her roomie was on the mend.

With minor nagging from me and Charlie, Cassie dressed and packed a bag and I took her back to my place and that great easing of tension came over her and the further we got from the town and nearer to the farmhouse the more relaxed she became, even putting a gentle hand on the flat of her tummy where our embryonic child was growing.

She looked across at my face that was actually starting to ache from the constant grin I'd had since she told me.

"It was that last Friday that I came over, before Caren's wedding," she said with a hint of embarrassment, "I had convinced myself that I had to break it off, to stop seeing you, so to make it certain I had the IUD removed but that evening... you rang me and you were so lovely and romantic, and I missed you so much I decided that I was going to see you one last time, one final visit to your wonderful home, one last... to make love to you one final time. I thought I hadn't ovulated and hoped that the effects of the coil would still be there... but not so it seems," she rubbed her belly.

"I don't care when it happened, I just care that it happened!" I took a breath, "earlier on you said you knew I loved you, what gave it away?"

She closed her eyes and hugged herself, then looked to me,

"Well I had that feeling you know? It was stronger and stronger after each visit. Then that look you gave me when I came down the stairs in my blue stretchy dress - no one has EVER looked at me like that before, I could almost taste it." She reached out and rubbed my hand on the gear stick, "I cried all the way home, played havoc with my make-up."

We spent a couple of weeks living at the farm while she told the Fire and Rescue Service that she was pregnant and would need to be taken off operational duties in a few months. With a further scan the bulge in her belly was unmistakable and we would have to tell people, her father Joe was first of course then my parents. That meant we would also need to tell Rachel.

We went to his house and he saw her face with its hint of pride, joy and some trepidation.

Joe being Joe, took one look at his eldest daughter's gorgeous radiant face.

"Go on then Baby," he said not doing so badly with the big smile himself, "Tell me the news I think I can pretty much read in your face."

She looked at me, then back to him.

"Daddy... I'm pregnant!"

"Oh how wonderful!" his huge grin was almost as fantastic as the news of the baby itself and I knew that he'd been kind of waiting for the announcement from one of his two daughters, and he grabbed Cassie into a big hug, kissing her cheek radiating parental pride, "and I suppose congratulations is in order for the father as well!" he held out a hand to me and I took it and shook it.

Cassie looked at him and folded her arms,

"Did Tom tell you?" She looked from Joe to me then back again.

"Nah," said Joe, "the fact that you're here with him is bit of a giveaway, but it was just the way that you talked about him this last year Cassie, just the corner of your mouth creeping into a smile even though you did your best to hide it, just like your Mum."

"I'm not sure how I'm going to tell Rachel," said Cassie.

"I wouldn't worry too much about it Baby; first of all, although she's your sister it's absolutely none of her bloody business, secondly she's all loved up with her new boy, you remember Josh her first boyfriend?"

"Josh Marsden, the IT nerd from college?" said Cassie.

"That's him, he's not just a nerd, he owns two of the top one hundred on-line investment companies and bumped into his ex-girlfriend Rachel over lunch at a banking conference he was speaking at and they are currently between Guernsey and the Cayman Islands 'reviewing some investments', only she's been there three weeks and every picture she sends me is of them both on a beach or in a bar," he grinned, "I reeeeeally don't think she's going to lose a lot of sleep about you and young Tom here moving in together."

Joe was the next visitor for a weekend in the country and he loved my place and it had the same calming and relaxing effect it had on everyone else that visited there giving us the occasional update on Rachel and her new love.

Rachel reappeared about five weeks later having resigned her job with the investment company she worked for and started working for 'Josh', at a time when Cassie's Baby bump was very evident and could be nothing else.

Having not spoken to each other except for texts in almost two months and with 'so much to talk about' they met for lunch in their favourite restaurant and they hugged. Cassie held onto the edges of her Barbour, as nervous as hell. As Rachel took her seat, she finally undid it.

Rachel's eyes lit up when she saw the gentle but unmistakable swell.

"Why Cassandra Sweeney, what HAVE you been up to?!" the statement was as gleeful as it was curious.

"Five months," said Cassie sitting down and picking up her glass of water for a restorative sip.

"And err... can I ask about Daddy? You've never mentioned anyone."

"Yes," said Cassie, "it's... Tom..."

"M..." Cassie saw Rachel's hesitancy with the word 'my' but she was straight back in with "my ex Tom?"

Cassie paused,

"Yes..." she looked at Rachel waiting for the explosion or the storming out, "that Tom."

Rachel grinned and wrinkled her nose in that classic Sweeney twin look and leaned closer, "isn't he just FANTASTIC in bed!?"

And that was that; soon-to-be Auntie Rachel heard how we had bumped into each other on a night out and had ended up pissed and sharing a bed, and what a great lover I had been.

They ate their pregnancy friendly non-alcoholic lunch and talked about my skills in the sack and how it had come as such a great surprise to Cassie that lovemaking could be so spectacular, when she had never really had that from Martin.

They both apparently agreed that sex for Martin was a bit rude and dirty, very quick and that was just the way he liked it, much as Rachel had tried to educate him. Whereas I, another man they had both shared a bed with, was the gold standard and now Rachel was educating her millionaire boyfriend in how she liked it, quoting an ex-lover that had taught her and he was an extremely quick learner and almost ready to take his final exams.

"And Josh's happy with that?" said Cassie.

"Yeah, not half," said Rachel with a rude giggle, reaching to move something on her left hand, "he gave me this a week ago."

She brought her hand back above the table with the diamond solitaire with rubies gleaming against her tanned skin previously hidden under her finger in her palm.

"Rachel!" cried Cassie, "Oh that's wonderful, I'm so pleased for you!"

Rachel looked just as happy, and laid her still extended hand on her sister's,

"...and I promise I won't fuck it up this time!"

They hugged and cried some more, and their discussion about my new house was added to my skill between the sheets, while they assassinated what was left of Martin's character.

The next lunchtime Cassie was at the kitchen table eating my good Stilton cheese and sweet digestive biscuits and looked like she had drunk two entire cartons of cranberry juice. I smiled,

"How was lunch?" I said hoping that it had gone well and she wasn't at war with her sister again.

"Great!" she said, "Rach has offered to be my birthing partner if you don't want to."

"I know she's your twin and everything but she can fuck off, that's my job!" I moved closer and kissed her cheek.

She smiled back at me, still munching,

"I did tell her," she said slicing another piece of the strong cheese, "but you know Rachel." She lay the chunk on another biscuit, "AND!" she called out prior to munching again, "you never told me that you had done her..." she mouthed the words 'up the bum' even though I knew that at this time of day there was not another human being within three country miles of the kitchen table.

"Pardon?" I said obviously.

"You and Rachel, you did..." she paused, "anal..." she hissed.

"It's hardly polite conversation Cass is it, I mean you won't even say it. Was I supposed to tell you that kind of thing?" I tried desperately not to grin. "Anyway, I thought you wouldn't want to know what we did before?" I folded my arms and moved closer, "And how exactly did you find out hmmm?"

Cassie coughed and spluttered a tiny bit, then poured some more cranberry juice.

"Well perhaps we were discussing how great you are in bed," she looked down and made a 'cute' face at me.

"And you'd BOTH be right!" I said polishing my fingernails on my shirt.

She leapt to her feet,

"Why you big-headed..."

I grabbed her and bent her back, kissing her,

"Now Cassie," I said, looking at her with a deep meaningful glare, "who am I to argue with two such beautiful women who OBVIOUSLY know their sexy stuff?"

"Good save there Thomas," she said kissing me, "a very good save."

"And now you think you might want to try anal," I said.

"Wh... what!?" she spluttered again as I raised her back to her feet.

"Since you lost your virginity and got into a few serious relationships, you've occasionally thought what it would be like; you've spoken with a couple of mates who were dismissive about it when sober and probably raved about it when pissed, who go eeeeewwwwwww when it gets mentioned outside of a hen night, but now your sister and best mate has told you she quite liked it, you're A-curious..."

Cassie perched on the side of the kitchen table and smirked,

"She didn't say she 'quite liked it'," she folded her arms defensively, then paused and her face broke into a huge slightly red-faced smile, "She ACTUALLY said she fucking loved it!"

I grinned, I knew that Rachel loved it, she had told me quite often and prior to our trying for a baby it was a bit of a 'pissed and horny' favourite.

"But you're still a bit... concerned?" I used the word 'concerned' instead of 'scared' - waaaaay too obvious!

She looked at me,

"Like you said Thomas, I now consider myself 'A-curious'!"

"Well when you consider yourself 'A-ready', buy some lube and leave it on the bedside table." I already had condoms after all.

"I've got to buy the lube?"

"That way you'll know that you're ready, simples."

She nodded,

"Fair enough!"

I guessed that she would discuss it with Rachel beforehand, like she had done with virtually every significant decision since they shared a bedroom.

She was staying at her flat in town as she was working a night shift and called me at a bit after seven in the morning knowing that I would be up for my working day.

"Tooooooom?" she asked with a girlish draw.

"Yeeeeeees?" I asked adding some questioning inflection.

"Can I invite Rachel and Josh to the farmhouse, just for the day," she paused and I could hear the concern in her voice, "or the weekend; you can put them in the bikini girls' room!" she added with cheer in her voice.
